"If We ~aveEnouah weaDons to destrov the earth manv times over: Why Do We Build More?" by Andreas Toupadakis, Ph. D. unleashed power of the atom: "This ba- Science, which ought always to be Former Employee of both Los Alamos sic force of the universe cannot be fitted aiming at the good of humanity, is assist- National Laboratory and Lawrence into the outmoded concept of narrow ing in the work of destruction, and is con- Livermore National Laboratory nationalisms." The Lawrence Livermore stantly inventing new means for killing the This is an appeal to every secretary, National Laboratory's logo is: Science greatest number of people in the short- technician, custodian, scientist, engineer, in the National Interest. I believe that if est amount of time. This twentieth cen- and any other person whose participa- Albert Einstein were alive today, not only tury proved to be a century of inhuman tion supports the world war machine to would he not be working at LLNL, but slaughter. In the 1914 war, 15% of ca- withhold their skills fiom weapons work he would also be strongly condemning sualties were civilian; in 1939: 50%; in and from activities that support or en- its mission. And what is the logo of Los the wars fought in the 1950s: 75%; in able weapons work. Alamos National Laboratory? Science the 1990s: 90% of war casualties were "The unleashed power of the atom has Serving Society. Do the national labs civilian. Science that is used to terrorize changed evewngexcept our thinking. believe that they are serving society by people, kill them, or make them invalids Thus, we are drifting toward catastro- endangering its very existence through the is immoral science. It must be abolished phe beyond conception. We shall re- ongoing maintenance and development immediately. If we do not act now, we quire a substantiallynew manner of think- of nuclear weapons? I cannot forget what may very well see our own children be- ing if mankind is to survive." -Albert my ancient Greek teachers taught me, come victims in ways we have never Einstein (1 879-1955) which I now see being practiced world- dreamed of. We spend the majority of We have a moral obligation and duty wide: "Science without virtue is immoral our lives tirelessly working to ensure our to think, speak, and act first as citizens science." -Plat0 I (see Toupadakis, next page) for a peaceful world, and next as scien- tists. The higher our education is, the higher our responsibilities are for a hu- mane world. Should we talk about sci- ence before we even think about what our science is for? That is precisely what we are doing. And that is why I resigned from my position as a scientist in the nuclear weapons program at the Lawrence Liverrnore National Labora- tory (LLNL) as of January 3 1,2000. Albert Einstein warned us about the July 4 event in Washington, D.C. (see poster) Holy Week Walkers (& friends) finish their 65 mile wallk from Las Vegas to the Nevada (Nuclear Weapon) Test Site. Photo byjoan Monastero The following is fiunr cm anonymous poet in M'ashington, handed out during the Battle WIL L in Serrttle opposing the Hbrld Trade Organization last Autumn, and at the A-16 events opposing the lMF tmd R/orld Bank in M'clshmngton D. C. this Spring: Why We Are Here Because the world we had imagined, (Toupadakis, from front page) college and high school students about the one we had always counted on is disappearing. own personal security, whi!e at thc same what has been prepared for thcm in their Because the sun has become cancerous time we are blindly putting it at risk by our future. and the planet is getting hotter-. own thoughtless actions. The contradic- I hope that my resignation from Because children are starving tion between what we love to do and what Lawrence 1,ivermore National Laboratory in the shadows of yachts we are forced to do by our fears has and my letter of appeal and activities from and economic summits. brought us into a state of despair. When now will help to start this campaign and Because there are already tou many planes we make our work the centerpiece of our that individuals from every nation n 111 of- in the sky. cxistencc, then we will find happiness. fer their support. 'This is a wake up call to Let's not comfort ourselves that some- all those who can hear the call of their This is the manufactured world one else, [humanl or God. is watching out conscicncc. And fur thosc of us who try you seek to codify and expedite. We are here to tell you for humanity. The train is now on the bridge to cornfblt outselves while daring to call there is something else we want to buy and is going very fast. The first compart- ourselves Christians, let it be known that ment is full of scientists and educated Christianity is not compatible with war, What we want, money no longer recognizes people who profess that they know what with preparation for war. even for prepa- like the vitality of nature, they are doing. The middle compartments ration to deter war. Jt never was. the integrity of work. are full of people, nearly six billion people! I wonder where the words on the dol- We don't want cheaper wood. The last compartment is loaded with am- lar bill "IN GOD WE TRUST" came we want living trees. munition, violence and death. The com- from? Until our warriors are d~sarniedand We don't want engineered fru~t, partments are being held together very our armies disbanded, how can we say we want to see and srnell the food growing tightly. I am appealing to all who read that we trust in God? in our own neighborhoods. these words to come out of the train now. Ilaving contc~nplatetlon these matters, We are here because a voice inside us, You will hear this appeal again and again, and having recognized the real and mis- a memory in our blood, tells us cvery time you look in the mirror of your represented mission of the U.S. National you are not just a bank, or a fund; soul, every time you look in the eyes of I.,aboratories, I decided to resign. I could you have become the blind tip your children and in the eyes of the people not live my Irk in a way that goes against of a dark wave you love, and yes, every time you look at my conscicnce. which has forgotten its source. a flower or a bird. Come out. I wonder These arc come of the issues that con- We are here to defend and honor how many scientists and world citizens cerned scientists and engineers should what is real, natural, human and basic have ever read the Russell-Einstein Mani- immediately star1 working on worldwide: against these rising tides of greed. festo? The general public; and even many 1) Establish informed consent hiring prac- We are here by the insistence of spirit and men in positions ofauthority, has not real- tices at national weapons laboratories and by the authority of nature. ized what would be involved in a war with all otlw scientific/nilita establishments If you doubt for one minute nuclear bombs. The general public still 2) Stop bringing high school and college the power of truth thinks in terms of the obliteration of cit- students into the weapons labs. or the primacy of naturc ics. I'eoplc can scarcely bring thcmsclves 3) Stop accepting rcserlrch programs that try not breathing for that length oftimc. to grasp that they, individually, and thosc fuel the war machlnc. whom they love are in imminent danger 4) Encourage and help scientists to with- Now you know the pressure of our desire. of perishing agonizingly. hold thcir skills from weapons work. We are not here to tinker with your laws. We urgently need an international cam- 5) Bring awareness to collcgt: and high We are here to change you, and ourselves, paign to help scientists and engineers see school students. !?om the inside out. This is not a political protest. that they must withhold their skills from - Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D., It is an uprising of the soul. wm-science. We also nced desperately a March 24,2000 world campaign to bring awareness tc N DE Peace Walkers utilize Tabernacle of the Desert by I\~UI'C'ZISPage Idaho to ever join an NDE walk. His pil- Shundahai). The delegation of two dozen For the sixth consecutive year the Holy grimage is actually a long trek across the Japanese folks arrived a few minutes be- Week Peace Walk began on Pahi Sun- U.S. in order to create a play about fore our walk arrived. After words from day. But this was the first year the walh Anlmon IIen~;acy.(Arnmon was one of Corbin and one of the Hibakusha (survi- was blessed by college students finishing the first protesters who came to Las Ve- vors of nuclear warfare), we processed their weekend retreat (organized by the gas in 1957 to pray and fast and picket to the north side of the freeway. The Japa- Weslcy Foundation of Berkeley, CA and against the hydrogen bombs being tested nese watched our Nuclear Stations of the NDE). After the students wished us well above-ground at the Test Site those Cross, and then supported us as we on our pilgrimage, we walked away from years.) Although Lluyd wanted to join our crossed the line at the Test Site gate.
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