St. Louise de Marillac Church Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities. “He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.” Psalm 15 Fr. Robert P. Fulton Pastor Fr. Emmanuel Francis Associate Pastor Peter Brause Deacon Alan Holderness Deacon Omar Uriarte Deacon Al Valles Deacon Mass Schedule Monday –Friday 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am & 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday 6:30 am, 8:00 am 9:30 am, 11:00 am Confession Schedule Wednesday 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm Saturday 2:30 pm to 4 pm Parish Office 626.915.7873 Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd. Covina, CA 91724 www.stlouisedm.org St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement Page 2 SPIRITUALITY AND ENRICHMENT We are People of Hope! “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” (Zephaniah 3:17) Prophets throughout Judaic history prepared us for the coming of Christ. And he came. That is what we just finished celebrang with Christmas! Jesus was born. Jesus grew up in a loving family. He learned a trade. And then, one day, he began his public ministry, fulfilling his mission. He preached, he cured the sick and he taught; both with words and by example. He also le us a person to use, since he knew he would be leaving us, the Holy Spirit! He promised us that there were many rooms in his Father’s house and that he had made a place for us. These are words of hope! There are mes when we look at the world we live in and feel despair. We just went through the most contenous polical campaign in any of our memories. We are sll baling a worldwide pandemic. We sll are told to stay home, and our children have not been with their peers in school for almost a year. However, I suggest we look at the virtue of hope. There is a new administraon in Washington. We need to double down on our prayers that our legislators start to cooperate with each other so they can get policies that benefit the common good. In fact, I encourage you to contact your representaves and tell them just that. We want to see acon. The me for squabbling needs to end. There is a vaccine for this virus that has been a plague on the world. It is taking us me to figure out how we will get it to everyone, but we know the task will get done. This country has faced many big challenges, and we always seem to step up and meet them. We have hope. I think about today’s Gospel. It opens with, “Aer John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God.” Let’s stop right there. John was arrested. This is Jesus’ cousin, the man who bapzed him and launched his public ministry. Don’t you think that would give Jesus pause? But Jesus connued his mission. Since he was a man, I presume he had to tamp down his feelings to connue his work. He goes on to say, “This is the me of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand…” Jesus had hope. He believed that the kingdom of God was at hand. We connue the mission of Jesus and that includes spreading hope. Pope Francis, in an address he pronounced in 2013, said, “This is how Chrisan hope is: having the certainty that I am walking toward something that is, not something that I hope may be. This is Chrisan hope. Chrisan hope is the expectaon of something that has already been fulfilled and which will certainly be fulfilled for each one of us.” He connues, “Thus, to hope means to learn how to live in expectaon. Learn how to live in expectaon and find life.” An example of living in expectaon is the pregnant woman. For nine months, she lives with the expectaon of a baby being born. She learns how to live with what will be, not what might be. We know we have been saved by the birth, death, and resurrecon of Jesus Christ. Even though Lent is sll a month away, maybe we have felt living in these mes has felt like an awfully long Lenten period. But I believe that we should be able to contemplate and to foretaste, in ourselves and in what surrounds us, the signs of the Resurrecon, of Easter. Once again, there will be a new creaon, as there is each year’s Easter morning. I pray that each of us can keep that Easter hope alive as each day goes by. Pastor ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bullen online at www.StLouiseDM.org ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC HAPPENINGS Page 3 FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES Feast Day: January 24th Saint Francis de Sales was born on August 21, 1567. As a young man, Francis was sent to study in Paris. While there, he consecrated himself to the Blessed Virgin Mary and made a vow of chasty. Aer Paris, Francis went on to study law in Padua. Once he finished his studies, he told his parents he wished to become a priest. His father strongly objected, but aer much gentle persuasion, he finally relented. Aer his ordinaon, Francis was appointed Provost (archdeacon) of the Diocese of Geneva where he preached, heard confessions, gave advice, and ministered to the people. The archdeacon was the bishop’s assistant and, in some cases, such as caring for the sick, vising prisoners, and training priests, the archdeacon served as the bishop’s representave. In 1602, Francis became the Bishop of Geneva. Francis reformed religious communies and lived simply so that he could provide beer for the poor and needy and whom he loved greatly. He was well known for his paence, goodness, and mild nature. Francis wrote many leers and several books including, “An Introducon to the Devout Life,” “Trease on the Love of God,” and several more! Founder and Patron Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane Frances de Chantal founded together, in 1607, The Instute of the Visitaon of the Blessed Virgin. This community was founded for young girls and widows who felt called to religious life but lacked the strength for the rigors of other communies. These Sisters, through works of mercy, pracced the virtues Mary exemplified when she visited her cousin, Elizabeth – humility, piety, and charity. Today, some Visitaon Communies teach, while others are cloistered contemplaves. Saint Therese of Lisieux’s sister, Leonie, was a Visitaon Sister and is now a Servant of God. In addion to the Visitaon Order which was specifically founded by Saint Francis de Sales, many other orders have been founded under his patronage, such as Fransalians – Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, MSFS (founded by Servant of God, Fr. Peter Marie Mermier), the Salesians (founded by Saint John Bosco) and the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales (founded by Father Louis Brisson). A Path for Everyone The teachings of Saint Francis de Sales focus on the realizaon that holiness and sainthood are for all people. He wanted everyone, no maer what their state in life, to know that they could become Saints! Sayings Saint Francis de Sales has le us with a treasury of sayings that speak in simple ways about what maers most. Here are just a few of his quotes. There are many more! “Be who you are and be that well to give glory to your Creator.” “Have paence with all things, but first of all with yourself.” “Nothing is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength.” “Doing lile things with a strong desire to please God makes them really great.” “What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of paence.” The Last Days of Saint Francis de Sales Francis de Sales died on December 28, 1622 at the age of fiy-six. His final words were, “God’s will be done! Jesus, my God and my all!” Francis was beafied by Pope Alexander VII in 1661. He was then canonized by Pope Alexander VII four years later in 1665. In 1877, Pope Pius IX declared Saint Francis de Sales a Doctor of the Church, the “Doctor of Love.” Because of his meek and cheerful personality, he is known as “The Gentleman Saint.” He strove to aract people through goodness and gentleness. He used to say, “A spoonful of honey aracts more flies than a barrel of vinegar!” Saint Francis de Sales’ feast day is celebrated on January 24. He is the patron saint of authors, writers, the Catholic Press, journalists, and the deaf. Saint Francis de Sales, pray for us! January 24, 2021 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 4 ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC HAPPENINGS SEPARATED, DIVORCED, AND WIDOWED MINISTRY There is a free Zoom presentaon on Saturday, January 30th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, about “The Forgoen Steps to Achieving Your Dreams.” It will be presented by Joe Sikorra, LMFT. Many saints achieved great things, beyond what they imagined they ever could. They accomplished them, not with natural abilies, but by faith, trust, and a willingness to dare and act. This Zoom presentaon will explore the psychological and spir- itual principles that will enable you to live boldly and achieve your dreams! Registraons are on first come basis so please register immediately via Zoom: hps://lacatholics.org/event/the- forgoen-steps-to-achieving-your-dreams/ For any quesons, please contact, Julie Monell-Auzenne; [email protected] CANDLEMAS Candlemas is on Tuesday, February 2nd at the 8 AM Mass.
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