4. Eucharist is ONENESS: (THE ECCLESIAL DIMENSION) “Because Archbishop Speaks.... there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” (1Corinthians 10:17) Partaking of the One bread is Christ’s reminder of the radical truth that we are one body. The Oneness EUCHARISTIC RICHNESS IN BIBLICAL LIGHT of the Holy Eucharist is not a monotonous uniformity rather a lasting unity in plurality. The Eucharist enables us to celebrate our healthy Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, differences and challenges us to shed our unhealthy discriminations. As we enter the third month of our Archdiocesan Eucharistic 5. Eucharist is MARK OF ETERNAL LIFE: (THE ESCHATOLOGICAL congress, we dedicate this month of February to the reflection on the DIMENSION) “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has theme: Eucharist in the Bible. The Catholic Church has also been firm eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” (John 6:54) In in affirming that her teachings and celebration of the Holy Eucharist celebration the Holy Eucharist, we proclaim that eternal life is not just are strongly founded on the Biblical revelation. Pope Benedict XVI a distant reality that we enter after our death but that the rightly observed in his 2017 encyclical Sacramentum Caritatis that eschatological hope is already a reality here and now. In the fullness “the knowledge and study of the word of God enable us better to of life, offered in Eucharistic communion, we already have eternal life appreciate, celebrate and live the Eucharist” (No.45). and we are assured of the eternal communion with Christ, beyond the barrier of death. In the light of this observation, I invite you to turn to some of the 6. Eucharist is PARTICIPATION IN THE CROSS: (THE MISSIONARY Eucharistic passages of the New Testament, and discover how the Holy DIMENSION) “The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation Scripture inspires a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Holy in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation Eucharist. The New Testament is understandably rich in references to in the body of Christ?” (1 Corinthians 10:16) Eucharist is the most the Holy Eucharist but for our purpose of reflection, I would like to efficient way of our continued participation in the Cross of Christ in highlight six crucial dimensions of the Eucharist in the light of biblical our context. More than just an historical fact of the past, the cross revelation. continues as a redeeming mystery through our active participation in Christ’s mission of liberating the poor and the marginalized. 1. Eucharist is PROCLAMATION: (THE EVANGELICAL DIMENSION) “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the In our brief evaluation of just a few biblical verses, we discover the Lord’s death until he comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:26) In celebrating the varied dimensions of the Holy Eucharist and its relevance to our Holy Eucharist, the Church proclaims the salvific event of Christ’s death discipleship today. Rooted in the word of God, we realize the richness and resurrection. Therefore celebration of the Holy Eucharist is that the Holy Eucharist contains in its meaning, significance and essentially an act of evangelization. effects. It is therefore that the Second Vatican Council document Dei Verbum asserts beautifully, “The Church has always venerated the 2. Eucharist is FORGIVENESS: (THE SACRAMENTAL DIMENSION) divine Scriptures just as she venerates the body of the Lord, since, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is especially in the sacred liturgy, she unceasingly receives and offers to poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28) As the faithful the bread of life from the table both of God’s word and of stated by the council of Trent, in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, Christ’s body. She has always maintained them, and continues to do the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the so, together with sacred tradition, as the supreme rule of faith…” (No. altar of the cross is contained and is offered sacramentally in an 21) unbloody manner for the continued effect of cleansing of sins and our sanctification by the sacrifice of Christ. As we continue our reflections and services on the theme, ‘Eucharist in the Bible’ I invite you to discern the richness of the Eucharist by 3. Eucharist is RE-MEMBERING: (THE MYSTICAL DIMENSION) Do this meditating on the Eucharistic passages and metaphors rich in the in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Eucharist is not just a memorial bible. May the Lord inspire us to become Eucharistic people by the service of a dead God! In celebrating the Holy Eucharist, we unite power of his Word. May the Blessed Mother who conceived the ourselves time and again with the Pascal mystery. Eating Christ’s body Eucharistic Lord in her womb by saying YES to God’s word intercede and drinking His blood is the most concrete form of re-membering for us too. ourselves into the mystical body of Christ. + Most Rev Dr George Antonysamy fEBRUARY fEBRUARY ¨û\YôrÜ 1 Archbishop¨û\YôrÜ of Madras-Mylapore 2 2019 2019 tptpypa ghhitapy;;;;; ;;;;; ewfUizapd;;;;; ;;;;; nkdik;;;;; ew;fUiz> khwhf jpt;tpa ew;fUiziaf; nfhz;lhLk; xt;nthU KiwAk; ehk; kPz;Lk; kPz;Lkhf gh];fhtpd; kiwg;nghUspy; ek;ik ,iw ,NaRtpy; md;ghHe;j rNfhju rNfhjhpfNs! xd;wpj;J nfhs;fpd;Nwhk;. ,NaRtpd; cliy cz;gjhYk;> ,uj;jj;ij Fbg;gjhYk; fpwp];Jtpd; kiwAlypy; ehk; kPz;Lk; ekJ caHkiwkhtl;lj;jpd; ew;fUiz khehl;bd; %d;whtJ xd;wpf;fg;gLfpNwhk;. khjj;jpy; EioAk; ,t;Ntisapy;> ‘tptpypaj;jpy; ew;fUiz’ vd;Dk; jiyg;gpy; ,g;gpg;uthp khjk; ehk; rpe;jpf;f miof;fg;gl;L ,Uf;fpNwhk;. 4. ew;fUizNa xw;Wik - jpUmit tho;T ghpkhzk;: ‘mg;gk; fj;Njhypf;f jpUmit ew;fUizia gw;wpa jdJ gbg;gpidfspYk;> xd;Nw. Mjyhy; ehk; gyuhapDk; xNu clyha; ,Uf;fpNwhk;. Vnddpy; nfhz;lhl;lq;fspYk; ,iwthHj;ijapd; ikaj;ijAk; rhHG ehk; midtUk; me;j xNu mg;gj;jpy;jhd; gq;F nfhs;fpNwhk;’. jd;ikiaAk; E}w;whz;Lfshf typAWj;jp te;jpUf;fpd;wJ. (1nfhhp.10:17) ew;fUiziag; gw;wp 2017-k; Mz;L ekJ Kd;dhs; jpUj;je;ij ehk; xd;wpj;J nfhz;lhLk; ew;fUiz ehk; xNu cly; vd;Dk; 16-k; MrPHthjg;gH tpthpj;J $Wifapy;> tptpypaj;jpd; Ma;Tk;> mwpTk; cz;ikia ekf;F czHj;Jfpd;wJ. ew;fUiz tpistpf;Fk; ew;fUizia Ghpe;J nfhs;tjpYk;> nfhz;lhLtjpYk;> xw;Wik vd;gJ tpj;jpahrq;fs; ,y;yhj xUikay;y> khwhf tho;thf;FtjpYk; ekf;F cjTfpd;wJ vd;gij tpthpf;fpd;whH. gd;ikapYk; Gyg;gLk; xUkpj;j tho;T. ek;kpy; Ngzg;gl Ntz;ba jpUj;je;ijapd; ,r;rpe;jidia kdjpy; nfhz;ltHfshf gd;Kfj; jd;ikia nfhz;lhlTk; ekf;F jPik tpistpf;Fk; ew;fUizapd; kiwAz;ikapy; Gije;Js;s ew;fUiz Ntw;Wikfisf; fisaTk; ew;fUiz ekf;F rf;jp jUfpd;wJ. trdq;fisf; nfhz;L jpahdpf;f cq;fis miof;fpd;Nwd;. 5. ew;fUizNa epiytho;tpd; Kj;jpiu - ,Wjp ,ay; ghpkhzk;: tptpypak; KOtjpYk; ew;fUiziag; gw;wpa ,iwtrdq;fs; ‘vdJ rijia cz;L vd; ,uj;jj;ijf; Fbg;gtH epiytho;itf; epiwe;J ,Ug;gpDk; tptpypa ghHitapy; ew;fUizapd; Nkd;ik nfhz;Ls;shH. ehDk; mtiu ,Wjp ehspy; capHj;njor; nra;Ntd;’. vd;w ek;Kila rpe;jidf;F VJthf ew;fUiziag; gw;wpa MW (Nahth.6:54) Kf;fpakhd ghpkhzq;fisf; Fwpj;J xU rpy tptpypa rpe;jidfis ew;fUizapd; nfhz;lhl;lj;jpy; ehk; mwpf;ifapLk; epiytho;T cq;fNshL gfpHe;J nfhs;s tpUk;Gfpd;Nwd;. vd;gJ VNjh kuzj;jpw;F gpwF njhlq;Fk; tho;it Fwpg;gJ kl;Lky;y> khwhf ehk; mila ,Uf;Fk; ,Wjp kiw epiyia 1. ew;fUizNa kiwNghjid - kiwg;gzp ghpkhzk;: ‘Mjyhy; ,d;W ek;Kila fhyr;#o;epiyapy; ehk; Vw;fdNt njhlq;fp tpl;Nlhk; ePq;fs; ,e;j mg;gj;ij cz;L fpz;zj;jpypUe;J gUFk; Nghnjy;yhk; vd;gij czHj;JtjhFk;. ew;fUizapy; ,NaRNthL ehk; nfhs;Sk; Mz;ltUila rhit mtH tUk; tiu mwptpf;fpwPHfs;’. KOikahd cwT ,d;W ek;kpy; epiytho;it tpijf;fpwJ. ,e;j (1nfhhp.11:26) tpij kuzj;ij jhz;ba epiytho;tpy; KOik ngWk;. ew;fUizapd; nfhz;lhl;lj;jpy; jpUmit fpwp];Jtpd; ,wg;G kw;Wk; capHg;G czHj;Jk; kPl;gpd; kiwg;nghUis mwpf;ifapLfpd;wJ. 6. ew;fUizNa rpYitapd; gq;nfLg;G - kiwg;gzp ghpkhzk;: vdNt ew;fUiz nfhz;lhl;lk; vd;gJ mbg;gilapy; ‘flTisg; Nghw;wpj; jpUtpUe;Jf; fpz;zj;jpypUe;J gUFfpNwhNk> kiwNghjidahfTk; khWfpd;wJ. mJ fpwp];Jtpd; ,uj;jj;jpy; gq;F nfhs;Sjy; my;yth! mg;gj;ijg; gpl;L cz;ZfpNwhNk> mJ fpwp];Jtpd; clypy; gq;F nfhs;Sjy; 2. ew;fUizNa kd;dpg;G - jpUtUl;rhjd ghpkhzk;: ‘Vnddpy; my;yth’. (1nfhhp.10:16) ,J vdJ cld;gbf;ifapd; ,uj;jk;> gyUila ght kd;dpg;Gf;fhfr; ew;fUizapd; topahf ehk; fpwp];Jtpy; njhlUk; rpYit gypapy; rpe;jg;gLk; ,uj;jk;’. (kj;;.26:28) gq;F vLf;fpd;Nwhk;. rpYit vd;gJ VNjh goq;fhyj;jpy; epiwNtwpa gjpdhwhk; E}w;whz;by; jpnud;W (Trent) nghJ rq;fk; tpthpj;jJ tuyhw;W epfo;T kl;Lky;y> ,d;iwf;F Viofspd; tpLjiyf;fhfTk;> Nghy rpYitg; gPlj;jpy; ,NaR jd;id gypahf;fpa ,uj;j gypia jho;j;jg;gl;Nlhhpd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhfTk; jpUr;rig VnwLf;Fk; ,uj;jkw;w Kiwapy; ,d;W ehk; ew;fUiz vd;Dk; kiwg;gzpapy; fpwp];Jtpd; rpYit rhT njhlHfpd;wJ.
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