!M — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thuraday. Dec. 5, 1M5 LOOK FOR THE STARS ... ^ ^ CONNECTICUT FOCUS U.S./WORLD Moffett backers Town glittering Nevada executes Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get ^ j, feeUng the heat at yule tree fest Carroll Cole, 47 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ... page 5 ... page 13 ... page 22 -k difference it makes. Telephone 643 271 1, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4- 4- /9 Krr W CAIILYU! ®lnr Uwry tiW iM APARTMENTS n r i STORE AND FOR RENT l l U OFFICE SPACE /ManchMtar — Avollabl* Manchester — Down­ RUSMESS & Mmulmtn HrralJt Immediately. One, two town location, second ) M;in(;hf;,ster A Cily ol VillaqB Chanii and three bedroom floor, over 3,500 sq. ft. apartments. $425, $495, carpeted. Reasonable $525, heat and hot water rent. 646-1316, Mrs. Jack- Included. J.D. Real Est­ ston, after 5pm, 525-5818. Friday, Dec. 6,1985 Single copy; 25C ate, 640-1980.. Name yoor own price — Like Private Home— 3'/^ MISCELLANEOUS Fother end son. , Pesfir room apartment. Base­ FOR RENT ^Moiw M R iooR liMMng you oeidd IbNl • hoMM dependable serwtee. •' ment, appliances. Work- R i» ROW where eioia le eoeieatie who hoe Wiiw Pointing, PapertieniORB Inp single adult, married lesiw er e i the a why net RiHwaeMf a Nemovol. Cbtl 646-S7jH. Snowstorm Garage and Office Space Service jobs couple. No children, pets. 'B iiM ieaOmeonO wtw WIN show a oMld how- 643-2880. for rent — 104 Hilliard Street, Manchester. 643- Thewnj&meene who thinks n Is Important to llston- Painting end PogenidiHF Tph 7516 or 643-7707. •fhem » sbmepne whe bellevee leernlnle can be fun- Ing — Exterior and inte­ For Rent — JOnuory 1st. TKRw «r1iemiiene who understands that parents are rior, oeillngk' repaired. Five-room duplex. Fire­ ‘ vary Important people- References, fdllV tn- leaves cars place, large kitchen, Manchester — 2 car gar­ prompt dip in ifsepiaaseoaii-' sured. ' OOelltv work. •r| stove, yard, basement, age for storage, $35 each side. 649-4003. Mortfn Mdttsson washer-dryer hookups, •TRAWBERRY HELDS ings, 6494431. convenient location to HOME DAY CARE -V 'Tl bus stops, parking for one with dents 0 4 9 4 M 7 S Jock Inkol Pointing ind i t f cor only. No pets. $625 Interior • Eittorlor polnh unempioyment monthly plus utilities, se­ For Sale iwSiqSMa&eSwSe^^ Ing, custom poporhong- curity deposit, lease. Call ing. Froo Estlmotot - O t8Mbyt«A.> 647-1004 after 5pm Fully Insurod. N o b o r t B . AH Thirty-four accidents weekdays. ddd lobe. Trucking. Hondyman for Services, HOUDAY/ Home regotrs. You name E sta b lish e d 1976. 649- Buiidli^tEor THE NUTCRACKER by The Joe Kubert School recovery, and Joblessness re­ odd lobs around your Sp o cfd U st: reported in Manchester WASHINGTON (U PI) - Seven Four Room Apartment — SEASONAL It. we de It. Pret estl- house. Carpentry, roof­ A A /i/T - NOW U P 1 0 9B P, percent of America's workers mained at about the October fikrtiw . insured. 64341304. ing,. otc. Coll Tim of ........... ' ... " ' " 'i... tA 9QnRNRp.fR cjuaretK. CLAOA .,. >tXJ level,” said Janet L. Norwood, Heat, appliances, one car TMAT LOOKS Pftirz were unemployed in November, a only. No pets. Security, M7-l659aftor6pm. Custom Pdlntlhg and L IK 6 A , slight improvement over the pre­ commissioner of the Labor De­ OlRCOL,-.;.^, AWAfCet By George Loyng lease, references. $435. Hewkes 'Tree Service Wflllpaporlng. Quollty vious month, the Labor Depart­ partment’s Bureau of Labor workmanship. Colt ovsn- /doors. S4l^« Herald Reporter Call 649-3340. UVING Bucket 1 ruck atr 1^1 ip p e r . McKtebnIo Eloctric ~ ment reported today. Statistics. l.Prt inpt, Gary McHOph, 643- Stump Removal. Pree Bs- Por that extra outlot, or The unemployment rate dropped In her monthly appearance CHRISTMAS timetiss. Special consid- to updoto your txlstlnp 9321. Quality Buildliltr-tt The snow that fell Thursday night and today wasn't Four Room Apartment— 0.1 percent from October to No­ before the congressional Joint erotiori for Elderly and sorvice. 24 hour omer- enough to close schools or roads, but it slowed first floor, adults, no pets, TREES 'klr'Rdi vember. But 8.1 million Americans Economic Committee, Norwood no appliances. Security, l^ndieapped, 647-7SS3. poney sorvico. Prtt ostl- Rioming commuters and resulted in numerous said, "Job gains in the service- ...... ..................... motos. Mostor liconso are still out of work. References, one cor. 649- automobile accidents. The October unemployment rate producing sector continued to 1265. 19 Lewis Street Oellvertng rich loam — S ond insurod. 646-3117. A yards, SOSpius tax. Sand, port of L.A. Converse, Thirty-four accidents — most of them "fender- stood at 7.1 percent, identical to the mount, factory employment held Manchester benders” — had occurred on Manchester roads by 10 rate in September. In August, the its own over the month and Deluxe Four Room, two sre v e i,'a stone. 643-9504, the. to Cloislflod hSpfc (behind barn) Carpentry and rtmodtl- a.m., according to police spokesman Gary Wood. Jobless rate was 7 percent. For the increased over the past two bedroom apartment — soorching ter .•gin|h^„, months, and the unemployment fully appllanced kitchen. Loving Mother will core Ino servlets — Complete tteuior itom. Most happened between 7 and 8; 30 a.m., when there second half of 1985, the Jobless rate Includes heat and hot $18 Any Tree for your child In our home repoirt ond romo- bo thoret 6430711.^^^' were 25 accidents. None of them were serious, though has remained essentially stable. rate remained below the levels in FAINTINQ/ the first half of this year.” water. $525 monthly. 649- home. C oll 64648W. dollnp. Quality work.. WHY C tiC S MiNure^ LArep, CLAPA \s three resulted in motorists being sent to Manchester Teenage unemployment PAPBNNO Reforoncot, llconstdond c iA P A e e r TCACPULLV^ --- TKINKINd OP- — dropped to 15.6 percent in No­ A companion index, reflecting 4003. Open Dec. 7 & 8 m ANOrHC-fC Memorial Hospital with minor injuries, Wood said Handyman for Carpen­ Insured. C oll 646.S16S. vember from 18.8 percent in men and women in the Armed 9 am - 4 pm ANPX - -- this morning. Coventry Lake Water­ try, electrlcbl, plumbing A/orx October. Forces, showed a Jobless rate of 6.9 and deaning. Neat, rello-, Interior polnMno from $75 Dumas EtOctrIc—- Hov- "It’s Just slick out there, very stick" Wood said. He percent in November — a slight front — Newly reno­ 6 4 6 - 4 1 2 6 There was a slight decline in vated, furnished one Me. Pree quotes, Man­ por room, Includino coll- Inp Electrical FroblotnsT Fogorty arethors said most of the accidents occurred in hilly areas and unemployment among whites — drop over October's figure of 7 bedroom apartment for chester home owner. 649- inet. Wall covorinos Need A lorpo or p small ttiroom roitiedotiMirl on streets with sharp curves. One area where wrecks from 6.1 percent in October to 5.9 percent. maximum 2 persons. 1158, Steve Olarretana. hunp ot oftordoblt rotes. Repair? Wo SoocMltio In stdilotldn water h8 were common was around Manchester High School, percent in November — while For the fourth month in a row, Available to June 15. $550 Flexible Flyer Sled — 5 Dotoli work puarontood. 'Rtsldontiol work. Jo-, gorbado dispdi the unemployment rate for adult feet long. Like new. Used Professional Pointer -- he said. joblessness among blacks rose a month Includes heat inturod, rtferonces. B.D. soph Dumos. Fully Ll- faucet ripalrs- slightly, from 15 percent to 15.9 men was 6 percent. The jobless twice. Asking $40. 646- Spedollxlng lii Interior. ctnsod. Froo Estimates. "It's the first snowstorm syndrome,” said Patrol and electricity. Lease, Polntlne Compony.07i- V I $ d / Master' percent. For Hispanics, No­ rate for adult women also was the 2218.C 9 ^ estimates. 047-8730. 646-5253. occoptod. C:apt. Henry Minor. "Historically, the first $1,100 deposit and refer­ 1721. vember's unemployment rate same as the October figure — 6.4 u snowstorm is the worst one because motorists aren’t ences required. 742-3022. dropped slightly — from 11.3 percent. Arlens 5HP snow blower acclimated to driving in snow.” — Electric starter, good percent to 10.7 percent. The civilian labor force re­ Manchester — Available Wood said the police department’s midnight-to-6 mained steady in November. Dur­ Imedlately. Nice modern condition. $65. 643-0018. Payroll Jobs continued to in­ a.m. patrols were kept on duty through the morning to crease in November, as the econ­ ing the past year, the labor force four room apartment help-Arect traffle and respond to accidents. with appliances. $400 HOUSEHOLD IMISCELLANEDUS I^RECREATIDNAL CARS/TRUCKS r T I CARS/TRUCKS omy completed its third year of has grown by 2 million people. 'The highway department had 15 sand trucks on the monthly plus utilities. J HOUSEHOLD GOODS I FDR SALE ITEMS TAG SALES I FDR SALE L ilra R SALE 647-1113 after 6pm. 109 roads this morning — all it had available, spokesman ID ^ Ie o o O S Used Refrigerators, Vernistein Snow Tires, Golf Clubs — Spoutdlne 1978 Chevrolet Camaro — 77 Chevy 10 Van — 6 George Ringstone said. He said crews began work Manchester — North Washers, Ranges — 205/70 SR14, like new. 27" executive woods. 1-3 81,000 miles. Excellent cylinder, standard, around 7 a.m. End, one bedroom apart­ Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ clean, guaranteed, ports Shogun 400 Touring bike. Spaulding too-fllte Irons, condition. Metallic $2,100. 649-8926 after 5pm. Ringstone said crews concentrated on the main Union plans legal Htrald photo by Tarquinlo ment, In quiet residential trial freezer.
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