Congressional Record 1922: Vol 63 Index

Congressional Record 1922: Vol 63 Index

NAMES AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESSES or SENATORS IN THE THIRD SESSION OF THE SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Carvin Cooxiwer, Vice President, Northampton, Mass. Ausert B. Cummins, President pro tempore, Des Moines, Iowa. Name. Home post office. Name. Home post office. rea a i | Ashuret; Heary F............. Prescott, Ariz. |McKellar, Kenneth___-_______ Memphis, Tenn. Ball. L. Heisler__._c.c-.--_--__._-| Marshallton, Del. | McKinley, William B-------~--. Champaign, IIl. Bayard, Thonias Fann cnn | Wilmington, Del. | McLean, George P_............ -- Simsbury, Conn. Borah, Wiliam. 3i...........-<<« Boise, Idaho. McNary, Charles L......_----. Salem, Oreg. Brandegee, Frank B_--------- New London, Conn. Moses, George H_.........-.. Concord, N. H. Brookhart, Smith W__-------- Washington, Iowa. i. ft Hamilton, Mont. Broussard, Edwin S___-_----_. New Iberia, La. RC Tai i ecsiccstsictnse Alexandria, Minn. Berects; Melts O...-...... Socorro, N. Mex. NOW, WROtTY~ Goo es Indianapolis, Ind. Calder, Wiliam M5. Brooklyn, N. Y. | Newberry, Truman Wisse Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Cameron, Ralph H_-------~---- Flagstaff, Ariz. | Nicholson, Samuel D_----_~--- Leadville, Colo, Cape? AVUNGP. = nnn st cmaden Topeka, Kans. F PUORMIOCEE Oli a eesti Pierre, S. Dak. Crmwee Fe Bee ec Jonesboro, Ark. | Norris, Geerie W..nnicnnn McCook, Nebr. Colt, LeBaron B............. Bristol, R. I. | Oddie, Tasker E+. Reno, Nev. Culberson, Charles A__----~--- Dallas, Tex. Overman, Lee Slater__.___~-_- Salisbury, N. C. Cummins, Albert B__--.------ Des Moines, Iowa. ie are Muskogee, Okla, Curtis, ‘Charies.... 2... Topeka, Kans. Pad: Carrell Ginn cccncns | Hyde Park, Vt. Dial, Nathaniel B__.._____-__ Laurens, 8S. C. | Pepper, George Wharton_-_-_. Philadelphia, Pa. Dillingham, William P___--_-. Montpelier, Vt. Phipps, Lawrence C__--__--~- Denver, Colo. muse Wenet Ww Atlantic City, N. J. PUR, TE iil cries Tonopah, Nev. CRIN, "MUN cece Morgantown, W. Va. | Poindexter, Miles__._..___-__~-. Spokane, Wash. met, Tener Po... ae Covington, Ky. Pomerene, Atlee___.-.----.-_ Canton, Ohio. Felton, Rebecca Latimer__ ~~~. Cartersville, Ga. | Ransdell, Joseph B__--------~ Lake Providence, La, Fernald, Bert M___.----.---_ | West Poland, Me. Df Seer Pittsburgh, Pa. Fletcher, Duncan U___-----_ _| Jacksonville, Fla. | Reed. datetime. Kansas City, Mo. France, Joseph Irwin_____--_- | Port Deposit, Md. | Robinson, Joseph T_.-.--_-~-- Little Rock, Ark. Frelinghuysen, Joseph S__---- Raritan, N. J. | Sheppard, Morris__.__._.___-_~~- Texarkana, Tex. George, Walter Fw. Vienna, Ga. + SSCS FON ae iirc Knoxville, Tenn. GIvy. Pete Giessccccicncns | Warwick, R. I. | Shortridge, Samuel M__------- San Francisco, Calif, Chat, Ca sn co ccnaiasen | Lynchburg, Va. | Simmons, Furnifold M__---~- New Bern, N. C, Gooding, Frank R.-.....-.---. | Gooding, Idaho. ; Smith,’ Biliedn D-ne Florence, S. C. Binle, Frail iis etc | Portland, Me. STOO | TRO ss cscs Provo, Utah. Fearreld, Jonn Wo. nnc | Oklahoma City, Okla. Spencer, Selden P_......._._..__ St. Louis, Mo. Barris, William J... - | Cedartown, Ga. Stanfield, Robert N-__-.-----~~ | Portland, Oreg. REBLGINGS BOb ainsi ccd Gulfport, Miss. Stanley, A. Owsley..........- Henderson, Ky. SICH G, THOMAS eck Lafayette, Ala, Sterling, Thomas.............- Vermilion, S. Dak. Hitcheock, Gilbert M_-.---_-_ Omaha, Nebr. Sutherland, Howard__-.--~--_-_ Elkins, W. Va. Johnson, Hiram W.......<.-.-. San Francisco, Calif. Swanson, Claude A__------_-- Chatham, Va. genes: Auperiess bana ance East Las Vegas, N. Mex. Townsend, Charles E__---.--- Jackson, Mich. Jones; Wemey ba 3 Seattle, Wash. Tyraminett, PO. .s- Lakeland, Fla. Beees, Prank B.c.cnnn St. Paul, Minn. Underwood, Oscar W___---~--- | Birmingham, Ala, Kendrick, John Bi... 2.c5..- Sheridan, Wyo. Wadsworth, James W., Seiad Groveland, N. Y. Keyes,’ Heary W ...ncecccas. Haverhill, N. H. Walsh, David I_............. Fitchburg, Mass. King, William H-............. Salt Lake City, Utah, Walsh, Thomas J._.--..-.___ Helena, Mont. MO, TI Wc. Sissi ciciietcrnens Fargo, N. Dak. Warren, Francis B_-...__-_-- Cheyenne, Wyo. La Follette, Robert M_------_ Madison, Wis. Watson, James E__ ~~... Rushville, Ind. Lenroot, Irvine L._.-------___ Superior, Wis. | Watson, Thomas E.*__-___--~- Thomson, Ga. Lodge, Henry Cabot. --.-~--- Nahant, Mass. Weller, Ovington E_...-.-_-~- Baltimore, Md. McCormick, Medill_____-.---__ Chicago, Ill. Wittent;: JON Baciciniiincs Yazoo City (star route), Misa ¢ McCumber, Porter J---------- Wahpeton, N. Dak. i ky. | G . eee Ada, Ohio. 1 Resigned November 18, 1922, 2 Died. September 26, 1922. PE Ni OTE AE EE TE EER rere rprenrregerer co pga, 2 Cr NAMES AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESSES or REPRESENTATIVES AND DELEGATES IN THE THIRD SESSION OF THE SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Frevertcx H. Guttett, Speaker, Springfield, Mass. Name. hiome post office. Name. Home post office. Abernethy, Charles L_--------- | New Bern, N. C. Rigen Dee We ninemsn Nashville, Tenn. Ackerman, Brnest R-_.------- Plainfield, N. J. F Cie See Been n rpetitessreneqeain Lima, Ohio. Almon, Edward B_--~-.------- Tuscumbia, Ala. | Campbell, Guy Bi... -....) Crafton, Pa. Anderson, Sydney__..---..---- Lanesboro, Minn. | Campbell, Philip P...........- Pittsburg, Kans, Andrew, A. Piatt............. Gloucester, Mass. Cannon, Joseph G_.......-...- Danville, Il. Andrews, William EB ..--. ___..| Hastings, Nebr. | Cantril, James Vt. Georgetown, Ky. Ansorge, Martin C_._._-~------ New York City. CORE, | I Eh oc eeceeeticccnatememons New York City. Anthony, Daniel R., jr__------- Leavenworth, Kans. Bs a Uk Re Ardmore, Okla. Appleby, T. Frank__.._-.----- Asbury Park, N. J. Chalmers, William W__----~-_- Toledo, Ohio. Arentz, Samuel S__...--------- Simpson, Nev. Chandler, Thomas A__---~---~- | Vinita, Okla. Aswell, James Boiiiiiiuculecs Natchitoches, La. Chandler, Walter M_______-._-. New York City. Atkeson, William O__________-- | Butler, Mo. Chindblom, Carl R Chicago, Ill. Bacharach, Isaac______-_-~__.. | Atiantic City, N. J. Christopherson, Charles A_____ Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Bankhead, William B__..___-.. | Jasper, Ala. CONN TI oc censterenereryetinteel Redwood Falls, Minn. Barbour, Henry E_____--____.. | Fresno, Calif. 3 eee: ale Oe: 2 | Gainesville, Fla. Barkley, Alben W............ | Paducah, Ky. CG FE Tio desde nemae | Fraser, N. Y. WR Be iidiceiarcdbbmalésh catieiaks Biroqua, Wis. Clanton, Thawid:.On cect | Oconto, Wis. Béedy,; Carroll Ei. ooo. Portland, Me. Clouse, Wynme F’___.______.___ | Cookeville, Tenn. Bees, Janes. Tod Sandusky, Ohio. Cockran, W. Bourke..___...__~ | New York City. Well, Themes Wee i Gainesville, Ga. Coad) Cee rere | Detroit, Mich. Benham, Jolin S203. sot Benham, Ind. Cia Gara cctapiencccentecteeniee | Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Bird, Richard. Bowie Wichita, Kans, gi Fa eee s Findlay, Ohie. Bixier,;. Harris Joc Johnsonburg, Pa. Collier, James Wee, Vicksburg, Miss. Iimek... emmeve. Clarksville, Tex. CN ek enetinreetes Meridian, Miss. Blakeney, Albert A_____-______ Catonsville, Md. CI, Rete cseeenteennds | Vernal, Utah. Bland, Oscar Bioe sl Linton, Ind. Cm TG ie ncetcrcatpreigitnnpci Marlin, Tex. Bland, Schuyler Otis Newport News, Va, Yonnolly, James J__...........— | Philadelphia, Pa. Blanton, Thomas L Abilene, Tex. Cooper, Henry Allen____._.-___ | Racine, Wis. Boies, William DB...... _____.: Sheldon, Iowa. Cinna. POM le cceticipeeinnsie Youngstown, Ohio. Bond, Charles G__.-.2...._ 4 Brooklyn, N. Y. PE acsearle | Aurora, Til. Bowers, George M Martinsburg, W. Va. | Coughlin, Clarence D___--.__- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Bowling, William B___..______. Lafayette, Ala. | Crago, Thomas S_~-~---....-. Waynesburg, Pa. Wom: Some Oo ies gt eee is Jacksonville, Tex. | Cramton, Lotis C.._._--....._| Lapeer, Mich. Brand, Chaftles H___.__..____.! Athens, Ga. Origp, Chaties Tran nccceceene— | Americus, Ga. Brennan, Vincent M___________! Detroit, Mich. Crowther, Prank... sens! Schenectady, N. ¥. Briggs, Clay Stome_._.___..____ Galveston, Tex. Cullen, Thomas H___._______-; | Brooklyn, N. Y. Bettie, Dee me as Chicago, Til. Curry, CRN Pecnscincpns | Sacramento, Calif, Brooks, Bdward S____________ York, Pa. Dale, Porter H__.__...__..___| Island Pond, Vt. Brooks, Edwin B__.-..________ Newton, fil. Dallinger, Frederick W_---~~ __| Cambridge, Mass. een, 1004. 6 en Chattanooga, Tenn. | Darrow, George P_._......_-. Philadelphia, Pa, Browne, Edward B____--______ Waupaca, Wis. 5 Davids I Tite ntanes St. Peter, Minn. Buchanan, James P___________! Brenham, Tex. Davis, Edwin Lo ........- Tullahoma, Tenn, Bulwinkle, Alfred L__._______ _| Gastonia, N.C. Deal; Jedewt: F.. ccgene~ setaiiadel | Norfolk, Va. waridiek. Chpame oo os Newport, R. I. Dempsey, S. Wallace_...__.-__ | Lockport, N. Y. puree, Wise F200 Pittsburgh, Pa. Denison, Edward E_........__| Marion, Til. Burroughs, Sherman E__-_____ Manchester, N. H. Totetk tema, Tos San cptpiceernatatncntes | Algona, Iowa. Burtness, Olger B.S Grand Forks, N. Dak. Dominick, Fred H-~~.----_-~__. | Newberry, S. C. Burton, Theodore B___..______ Cleveland, Ohio. Doughton, Robert L___--_--_-_ a | Laurel Springs, N. C. Betiee, Themes So West Chester, Pa. Dowell, Cassius C____-________ r Des Moines, lowa. Byrnes, comes -F an ed Aiken, 8. C. Drane, Herbert J... | Lakeland, Fla. 6 LIST OF MEMBERS. Names and post-office addresses of Members and Delegates of the House of Representatives—Continued. ~~ Name. | Home post office. Name. Home post office. — aS a Drewry, Patrick H__....__...- Petersburg, Va. | Huck, Winnefred Mason__-_---- Chicago, Ill. Driver, William J..........=.. Osceola, Ark. || Huddleston, George___________ | Birmingham, Ala.. Dunbar, James W..__--....-- New Albany,

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