A STUDY 01\ gRIVATE RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTiVITIES 11\ DHAKA AND THEIR COMPATIBILTY WITH DMDP STRUCTURE PLAN 1995-2015 , by SHL'VRA ROY MASn<:RS OF URBAN AND REGIOi •••.ALPLANNING , , -~- ----"'="""-~~"1 , . II__!mll~~!I!l~I!!~i.Jl - - --....---,.--..::;._-., ;' • DEI'ARTME,\'T OF uRBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF Ei\CINlmRING AND TECHNOI.OGY JANUARY, 2007 , • 1 " A STUDY ON I~RIVATF: RESIDENTIAL LAI\'1l IlEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES I)'; DllAK.A AND TIIEIR COl\lI'ATIUlLTY WITIl D,\llll' STRUCTURE PLAN 1995-' 2015 Submitted by Shuvn< Roy Roll no: 100115022 S""LOJI'. Ckl. 200 I '[ lJesis apP,o,cd a~ 10 the Slyk ,JIld COl1\~1llby Chmrl1lan lshrat Islam A,siswnl Profcs,or [)eparlrnent of lJrban and Rq;ional Planning (JUCT, Dh~ka ~ Dr, San\'ar Jailan Profeswr Dcpamncll1 of Urb~n ~nd Reg; Ollal Plalln illg HUET, Dhaka '. Member, Dr RQ),una Hafiz (E.~-OjTICio) Professor a~d Head Dep~rtmcnl of Urban and Regional Planning BUET. Dhaka L-.c. r IJ' tJ Member Dr. .lahurul Haque (E.,tcrnal) ChicfTown planner R~jdhani Unnayan Kartripakha (RAJUK). Dh"ku Departmel1l 0 f U rbun Jnd Region:11 l' IULln;Ilg Bangladesh U IIIvers; ly of Ellg; L1ccringand T e~h l1olot\y January, ~007 ••• CANDIDATE'S DlOCij,RATIO;-,j his herehy declared tilat this th~sis (lr an;' l"lrt ,)1 it has not been submitted elo~",her~ ror (ile awmd 01'any degree Or Dipi(lmJ, Shuvra Roy • t\CKl\"OWI F:llGEMFNT I'ir<t of all [ would like to thank Mr.,. [,hrat [slam. i\s<;istant Prnfcs<;or. Dept. of Urban and Regional planning, who has super\'i5~d Ihis research, Her continnou> Md spontancou,; support. valuahle advice and strict guideline have enabled me to complete this heelic w;k, I am also grateful Dr, Ro~ana HafLz. Prof~ssor and Head of the Depart of Urban regional planning to provide me GP'; for field survey. I wuu[d [ike to thank Me. Jillm Rahman. LLhranan C~ntral Pub]i~ Library, Dhaka who has given me speci~1 pertni~,i()n to us~ the ]ibr~ry exl~n,ively. I a["o want 10 thank my friend l\aZtnul Habih nn(l younger brother Nasim to help mc for preparing maps. I WMt to L'~melllhel IllY late El1h~,--ill-la", "Iln tntouraget! mt n lot to compklt th~ course. My parems hilve h~en, ~, ahvily-l. Sllpporliv~ ~nd en~Ollr~ging. I am prout! 01" bcing their issue, My husband Radhagoninda Roy has given me hugc assistance during the research period, J \'iOllld like to thank his lot for Ili, heartiest co-<)pet'ati<)n, Shurva Roy. • ABS'll:'ACT As a capital of a developing coltlJ(ry. me~a cily Dhaka 15 cxpniencing ()ll!stunding growth (!\'~r the last one dL~ade_Dha~" hdS~~p,,[)ded 17.88 times frOlll its inillal ,ii~ (}Ver the period 1951-2001. in the Same lime S;}J[] population h"d increased 25,09 fold" Acc()rding 1ll200 [ Cen,m. Dhaka Mega ellY ac~omm(}dates 10,7 million people. a JnojOI' share of37.45% of the total urban p"puiacicll1 of the countIY (BBS. 2003), In rc,pon;c; (c the growing demand of housing Jnd other urban uses, private land dcveiopillenl companies have emerged as a dominnnt f(l'Ce ill the land market and posing ,lgnilicanl impact on lnncl dc,~luPlll~ot and planning. In orckr jll regulate and guide u,-bal1 development, Dhaka Melmpolilan Oe\'clOplltClll Plan (DMI)I») has stated polLeLes 1m-lhe penod 1995-1015. Like many other third "'orld cOllotnes Dhi1ka also growLng • pr~dominuntly in an unplanned l1l,mner. eHn allLl' t~e enJctm~tH of several acls ,1I1d planning documenl,. Thi; L'es~arch attempts to ldenLLI:\ the locations aud (rend of1esidentiailand developmell1 projects by Private Llild Developmenl Companies (I'LDC). List of private lund development pl'ojects within th~ Dh3k:i M<:tlo (DMDP) at'~n hns heen ~ollecled Ii'om various ,ources like R.AIUK. REH/\l3 Vail'. lleW~ papel" 3dveltisemenb and li'OIn internel'. A CPS sut'vey "as cOl1ducted alld 14} L'c,id~llll,,1 lal1d development projeCIS were found within the DMDP area. In additJUn to lield survey. aboul 20 developers w~r~ il1t~rvicwed to gd idea UbOUIthc factors r~'pons;ble fo!' exist Lng trem! of dewlQpl11elll, Tbi~ rcsearch focuses on thrcc ubiecti\'~" (i) 10 identity till: trenu and loeationalaspC'Ct'; Qf private res,dent d bnd dCl'cll1PlllCLlI'lcl i\ iIieo in Dhaka M ct,o A r~a sincc I 995. (i i) 'I"() el'"IU;l(e the land developmenl ilctil'itlC, a",i,L< ,ompJtibi!i:v "Llh the stJted policic.\ (,,' DMDP (1995-2015) (iJi) Ta fLnd the ,iluses af deviallon from D[l,1DI' and tccommendation for strcLlgtheL1iI1gen forCCIl1Cnlor Slrtld ure plan, Findings from the study depict Ihe li,e( that a sLgnilicanl share of oogomg land dcvclopmenl project, docs not have any kind of ~ppro\, al 1''''111l'elevant authuntie,. l\!any of (he projects have vlOlat~cl (h~ policies swtccl in DMDP and are encroachmS areas demJrcatcd as l'e~lri~leJ zones, i.s a rc.,,,11 high ,aluc agriclIIllLl'JI land and t100d now zonc,; of Dlwka are ill CQn.,tant thr~ill. ThiS rc"eJrch pOItrays lh~ currcnt trend 01 land comersion by I'Rl.DI', which h:lv~ ,eve,e cnvllOl1nJtll1al impact On the ,ily. " - Page Acknowledgement i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii-\.i List of Tables vii List of Figures Abbreviation Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background and Present State ufthe Problem 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Oulline ufthe Methodology ] 1.4.1) Selection ufthe Study Area ] 1.4.2) Data Collection Litenlture Survey ] Collection of Map 5 Process of preparing the list of private residential land development project (PRLDP) since 1995 5 1.4.5) RecoIlIlllissance Survey 7 ).4.6) Field Survey 7 • 1.4. T) Questionnaire Survey 7 1.4.3) Data Processing and Analysis 7 1.5) Limitation Dfthe Study 8 J .6) Organization of the Chapters 8 Chllpte •.Two: Dhaka City and Its Urban Development 2.1) Introduction 9 2.2) Concept of Town Planning 9 2.3 Structure Plan as a Technique of Town Planning 10 2.4) Town Planning: Asian Context 2.4.1 Planning Practice in Malaysia 11 2.4.1,1) Putmjaya: A planned city 13 2.4.2) Jakarta, lndoncsia I' Page ". r 2.4.3) Kolka!!! (Calcutta), India 16 , 2.5) Review of Development Plan ror Dhaka 17 2.5,1) Legislative Basis for development of Dhaka 17 2.5.2) Plans for Dhaka Daua (Dhaka) City Master Plan, 19592 19. Dhaka MetmJXllitan Area Integrated Urban D<:velopmeffi Plan (DMAlUDP), 1981 20 Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (1995-20]5) 21 Chapter Three: Dhaka City: Physiclll, Demographic aod Urb.n Development Characteristics 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2) Dhaka: Historical and Political Background 24 3.3) Physical Characteristics of Dhaka 3.3.1.) wcation and topological characteristics 26 3.3.2.) River system 27 3.3.3) DrainageSystem 27 3.4) Population Gruv>th 32 3-5) Land Development Activities for Residential Use in Dhaka 33 3.5.1) Public Sector Residential Land Development Activities 34 Present rcsidentialland development a.;tivities ofRAJUK 34 3.5.2) Private Residential Land Development Activities 35 Process of private land development for residential use 36 Present activities of private residential land development companies 39 3.5.3) Proeess of Planning Permissi(m orthe Development of Residential Projects a<.:eordingto DMDP 42 3.5.4) Legal Basis ror Private residential Land development 43 , rhe Private Land Development Projects Rules, 2004 43 Water Body Conservation Act, 2000 47 3.5.6) Legal Status of the Priv;lte Residential La'1d Development Companies according to RAJUK 47 Approved private residential land development project 47 Illegal private residential land development project 47 Chapter Four: Location and Growth Pattern of Private Residential Land Development Activities 4.l)lntroduetion 49 4.2) LoC<ltionof the PRLDPs in DMDP Area 49 4.2,1) Location of Private Residential Land Development Project in the DMDP Area 50 4.2.2) Location of Residential Land Development Projects in Spatial Planning: Zone 52 4.2.3)Topography of Private Residential Land Development Projects 55 4.3) Trend of Private Residential umd Development Activities 57 4.4) Legal Status of Private Residential Land De~elopmcnt Projects 62 , Chapter Five: Evaluation of Private Residential Land Development Activities with the DMDP Policics 5.1) Introduction 63 5.2) EvalUlltion of I,and Development Aetivities aceording \0 DMDP Policies 63 5.2.1) Urban Area Policies for Future Expansion 63 5.2.2) Private Re~idential Land Development Project in Different Expansion Areas 65 5.2.3) Policies Regarding Flood- Flow Zone and 67 Water Retention Ponds 5.2.4) Localion ofPriv<lte Residential Land Development Projects on Flood r low Zone and Water Retention Pond 68 5.2.5) Policy Regarding Areas of High Agricultural Value 71 5.2.6) Location of Residential Land Development Projects in the High Value Agrieultural Area 71 5.3) Distrihution of Residential Land Development Projects in different Restricted Area 74 5.4) Possible Environmental Impact ofPriv<lte Residential Land Development Activities 74 5.4.1) Loss of Agrieultural Land 74 5.4.2) LossofWel Land 75 SA.3) Drainage and Waterlogging 76 5.4.4) Loss or Fi~hcries 76 5.4.5) Loss of Trees 76 5.4.6) ChangingofSoi! Quality 77 5.5) Supply and Demand Aspect of Land within the DMDP Area 77 5.6) Case Study of Private Residential Land Development Activities 82 Chapter SI);: Faelors Involved on the Land Development Activities 6.1Introduction 88 6.2) Fadars Associated with the Deviation ofDMDP Policies 88 6.2.1) Physical Aspect ofDcvclopment 88 Roadnetwork 88 Closeto cilycenter 88 90 6.2.2) Economic Factors land price 91 6.3) Political Power and
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