October 17, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 10093 Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I yield sylvania [Mr. GOODLING] that the Mr. Speaker, I urge our colleagues to such time as he may consume to the House suspend the rules and pass the support H.R. 1606, a bill which would gentleman from California [Mr. BER- bill, H.R. 1715, as amended. name a Post Office after the postal em- MAN]. The question was taken; and (two- ployee who served as Postmaster at the (Mr. BERMAN asked and was given thirds having voted in favor thereof) facility for 25 years. permission to revise and extend his re- the rules were suspended and the bill, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of marks.) as amended, was passed. my time. Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to A motion to reconsider was laid on Miss COLLINS of Michigan. Mr. thank the chairman of the committee the table. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I and my colleagues, the gentleman from f may consume. New York, Mr. OWENS, and the gen- Mr. Speaker, I again join my col- tleman from Missouri, BILL CLAY, for GENERAL LEAVE league and chairman of the Sub- all of their help in bringing us to this Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I ask committee on the Postal Service in point. I want to make a few comments. unanimous consent that all Members support of H.R. 1606, legislation naming This bill is a very different bill than may have 5 legislative days in which to the U.S. Post Office, located at 24 the bill that was originally introduced revise and extend their remarks on Corliss Street in Providence, RI as the, or the bill that came out of the Com- H.R. 1715, a bill to reverse the Supreme ``Harry Kizirian Post Office Building.'' It gives me great pleasure to ac- mittee on Economic and Educational Court's decision on Adams Fruit versus knowledge Mr. Kizirian. He retired Opportunity, or whatever that commit- Barrett. tee is now called. There are a couple of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there from the Post Office as the Postmaster points to make. objection to the request of the gen- of the facility being named after him First of all, Mr. Speaker, my col- tleman from Pennsylvania? and is the most decorated World War II league from Virginia kept talking There was no objection. veteran in Providence. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he about the Adams Fruit decision as if it f may consume to my colleague, the gen- was wrong, because State law somehow tleman from Rhode Island, Mr. JACK would, because State law somehow HARRY KIZIRIAN POST OFFICE BUILDING REED, sponsor of the bill. would preempt Federal law; that is the Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I would first Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. Speaker, I move to like to thank Chairman MCHUGH and Worker Protection Act. The court deci- suspend the rules and pass the bill the ranking member, Representative sion was the recognition, everyone (H.R. 1606) to designate the United COLLINS of the Subcommittee on Post- knows, that Federal law preempts States Post Office building located at al Service and Chairman CLINGER of State law. 24 Corliss Street, Providence, RI, as the the Government Reform and Oversight On the other hand, Mr. Speaker, ``Harry Kizirian Post Office Building.'' Committee for helping me bring this there were many weaknesses in that The Clerk read as follows: bill to the floor. I would also like to Federal law and some of which we have H.R. 1606 thank my colleague from Rhode Island, addressed. This is no longer a bill that Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. KENNEDY, who cosponsored this bill allows a grower in a State which has resentatives of the United States of America in with me, and Senators CHAFEE and Congress assembled, no coverage for farm workers or only PELL, who have introduced an identical partial coverage for farm workers or SECTION 1. DESIGNATION. bill in the Senate. only voluntary coverage for farm work- The United States Post Office building lo- This bill would designate the main cated at 24 Corliss Street, Providence, Rhode ers to avoid workers compensation and U.S. Post Office in Providence, RI, as also to immunize himself from any Island, shall be known and designated as the ``Harry Kizirian Post Office Building''. the ``Harry Kizirian Post Office.'' Be- lawsuit. That particular issue has been SEC. 2. REFERENCES. cause some of you may not know affected and dealt with through the Any reference in a law, map, regulation, Harry, I would like to tell you a little amendments. document, paper, or other record of the Unit- about this outstanding Rhode Island It is also no longer a bill which ed States to the United States Post Office citizen. leaves the inadequate penalty struc- building referred to in section 1 shall be Harry Kizirian is the most decorated tures of the existing Migrant and Sea- deemed to be a reference to the ``Harry living veteran in Rhode Island. On Oki- sonal Agricultural Worker Protection Kizirian Post Office Building''. nawa, he was severely wounded while Act, because, in the context of this par- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- leading an infantry assault. For his ex- ticular Congress, and in this situation, ant to the rule, the gentleman from traordinary heroism, Harry was award- this seemed to me like, and others, like New York [Mr. MCHUGH] and the gen- ed the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star the best possible arrangement that we tlewoman from Michigan [Miss COL- with V Device for Valor, the Purple could get in terms of the two different LINS] each will be recognized for 20 Heart with a Gold Star, and the Rhode needs. minutes. Island Cross. Mr. Speaker, I support this com- The Chair recognizes the gentleman When Harry returned to the United promise and urge its adoption. from New York [Mr. MCHUGH]. States, he immediately went to work Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, will Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. Speaker, I yield at the main post office in Providence the gentleman yield? myself such time as I may consume. where he had worked during high Mr. BERMAN. I yield to the gen- Mr. Speaker, the Committee on Gov- school to support his widowed mother. tleman from Pennsylvania. ernment Reform and Oversight voted Displaying the same commitment and Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, we are favorably on the measure before us. teamwork he showed on the frontlines called the Golden Opportunity Com- Congressman REED of Rhode Island in- at Okinawa, he worked his way up to mittee. troduced H.R. 1606 and was joined by an appointment as the Postmaster. He Mr. BERMAN. I assume golden not his State delegation in cosponsoring was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in having any reference to age? his bill, as required by committee pol- 1961, and held the position of Post- Mr. GOODLING. Grimes Golden, icy. This legislation designates the master for 25 years. Golden Delicious. main U.S. Post Office in Providence, Throughout his career with the Post- Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank RI, be named the ``Harry Kizirian Post al Service, Harry also devoted much of the gentleman for his correction of my Office.'' his time to the community, serving on earlier remarks and yield back the bal- The measure before us honors Mr. numerous boards and committees. ance of my time. Kizirian, a World War II marine vet- Harry served on the board of directors Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I have no eran and former Providence Post- for Butler Hospital, Big Brothers of further requests for time, and I yield master. Mr. Kizirian is Rhode Island's Rhode Island, Rhode Island Blue Cross, back the balance of my time. most decorated living veteran and was the Rhode Island Heart and Lung Asso- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. a career postal worker who held the po- ciations, and numerous others. RIGGS). The question is on the motion sition of Providence Postmaster for 25 Harry and his wife, Hazel, also suc- offered by the gentleman from Penn- years until his retirement. cessfully raised a wonderful family. H 10094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 17, 1995 They have five children: JoAnne, Harry humbly responded: ``I'm just an The Chair recognizes the gentleman Thomas, Janice, Shakay, and Richard; ordinary American boy who loves deal- from New York [Mr. MCHUGH]. four grandchildren: Rebecca, Thomas, ing with people from all walks of life.'' Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. Speaker, I yield Joseph, and Janice; and three step- In my opinion, Harry Kizirian is any- myself such time as I may consume. grandsons: Dylan, Collin, and Matthew. thing but ordinary. Raised with a Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report Harry has served his country in every strong Armenian heritage, Harry is a that the legislation before us, H.R. capacity: in the military, as a civil living tribute to his family, his friends, 1026, was approved unanimously by the servant, as a devoted husband and fa- and his country. Committee on Government Reform and ther, and as a loyal American. Harry Mr. Speaker, I am honored to stand Oversight. This legislation, designating Kizirian is a source of inspiration for with my colleague, JACK REED, to offer the U.S. Post Office located at 201 East the young and old, and he is a particu- this bill which will honor Harry Pikes Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, larly cherished member of Rhode Is- Kizirian's commitment and generosity CO, be named the ``Winfield Scott land's proud and vibrant Armenian for generations to come.
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