$0. IlJSTOBICAi »»»»•• t . tt.J. • I jgg--Hi- J (X)VERDVG This Week TOWNSBtPtOr Two Sections HOLHDEL, MADISON MARLBORO, MaTAWAM AND 22 Pages HATAWAN BOBOUOB 90th YEAR — 44 th WEEK Mmbtu MATAWAN, W; J., THURSDAY, APRIL SO, 1959 Mtmbtr Editorial Nn Jantr Putts AuocUuoa Single Copy Tea Centi CHttwood Round-Up Pleads Guilty To Madison Township School Officials Inspect Model Of Planned High School Referendum On Full-Acre Minimum; Iho CHIfw»ed Elementary gckwl will told Iti uuul •priag t*B*d*a> Taesday 1st an chit Embezzling Count Rezoning For Bendix, Holmdel Issues dna whe tan reached their Bilk Mrthasf «• or hefnrc Seat, Former Collector Electronic* Firm Buying Crosi Property * INI The rounds «U be To Be Sentenced beta a* Use CBttweed Memorial In Holmdel yillocj* At Site For Plant SetMl fnm t to 11:» a-m. tar Charles J. Kelly, former Matst- H«fmd«l Tewnshlp Ptaanlna : •I iaa1llis«_»lliiii iut nun* be- wen, Township Collector and Trea- Not Too late To Help BoaM stirted consideration Tues fka with A to M and from 1:11 surer, Thursday entered a plea ol day of the ipnlng ordinance pre •• 1 p.m. for eUMic* whose but The Matawan Township cancer guilty in MonmoMth County Court smtsd to conform with the Master . •ames begta with N to Z. driv* chairman, John Trabechino Plan developed by Morrow As- - " - ' He following Information U r»- to charges Of embezzling' $720.11. requests th» businessmen In the sodates, Pair Lawn, lor tha town- aolred for admlssiea to the Mat- A five-month audit by the firm of area who have not mad* their con- ship over the past two years. Two awaa Township Public School; Joseph J, Seaman Co., Perth Am- trlbuttoo, do so by miking checks proposals wers pretentM lor con Birth certificate,' "proel of vac-. boy, completed Dec. 10, 1958, show- psyible to the American Cancer slderatlofl dlrsctly which were al elaatioa, against smallpox, D.P.T.' ioclety, c/o Box (7, Cllftwood, variance with tha ordinance. aad poll* shots, borne,, address, ed shortage L In the collector- District captain, Mrs. Frank Bernard Goldsmith, plannlntt mailing address, phono number treasurer's account totalling $33,- Bradach has appointed Mrs. Frank 0* emergency number to be vsed board chairman, proposed a rtf- 3J1.3S. Shaw to assist her. Anyone- still srenaum on adhering to lh» full- la too event of Illness or Occident wishing to help with the cancer sad year of all childhood dls- Mr. Kelly, SI, who had served acre minimum tot sliei The new as Township Collector since 1M5, Irlva Is asked to call LO4-17J7. toning ordlnanCt would do*agrao> ' resigned his post July 3, 195S. when krts In Haslet, Centorvllle tad he was charged formally with em Holmdel Village from thtfull-acrt bezzlement after1 shortages were Ban On Gravel minimum $2,400,(KH) Bonds discovered in the collector-trea- Bendix Aviation Corp. made sr> ' surer's account when records of plication by latter for retonlng ol cash on hand were brought up to Mining Stands [he west lit seres of the l7Mcre Power For Board date as of June 30. William Cross farm In Holmdel Forbes Beach P>o|ect Village, bordering both Holmdol- Under Engelhardt Mr. Kelly had been released In $5000 ball by Matawan Township Lacks State Permit Llncroft Rd. and South St., so Figure For New MHS Magistrate Luther A. Foster tor they may locale an electronics re-. action of the grand jury. In plead- Called In Monday by ths Midi- search and manufacturing plant In State Department of Education ing Thursday to an accusation ion Township Zoning Board of Ad- the tenter ot the tract, The re- officiali conferred Monday with the drafted by Prosecutor Vincent P. ustment to show cause why he toning si variance with the new Matawan Township Board of Edu-> keuper, however, Mr. Kelly waiv- ihould not be enjoined permanently toning ordinance In this ares, would . cation on the ways and rneans ot ed grand jury action. rom gravel mining at Forbes be a change frfrom residential tn building a 13,000,000 junior-senior leach, Mtnchoilor Hooper, Me- light( industrialinduttrW,. Only Four Acts listed high school u recently recommend- luchon, told tho board that he still To Sign Contract Ol Sale ed for the district by Or. N. L. The accusation prepared by Mr, wanted to build s 1000-penon cap Tho Ucndlx letter notified the Engelhardt jr.. New York, school Keuper listed only four acts of aclty swimming pool at the bench. beard -that tho eorpersilon had survey specialist retained by the embezzlement committed in June FaMffjj (HIT lie will turn his in- come to terms with Iho Cross own •IBH-totalmg-ffM.Jl. Ifle prose, lorest to a marina for busts or aort on Iho purchase of tho 118 Dr. Edward W. Kilpatrlck III. cutor said the complete probation bdlvlslon of the 49 ocres he con acres and a contract o( salt would director of Dullness services, State department report of the shortage Shown above la the scale model of the a,l7S,»MMadUo. Shopping Conlen Richard Pine, . ,t of «ht Maalsen Township roll at the beach, Mr. Hooper be tlgnod "by May 1." The plan Department of Education, disclosed will be submitted to the court be- Township High School, Construction will begin la July. SIM of to* Board of Education) Miss Carol u. UWI»K»Dslbasco,, «a «u«rboardu memberimmnr,, an••«d• iverrod. nlng board members wore of the in'Trenton yesterday he had in- fore Mr. Kelly Is sentenced. The school will be the intersection of Routes I and 18, In the BrOwntowa Dr. Eugene W. Shrank, superintendent ol Madison Township Schools. opinion this was a conditional con- sentencing will be May 14. Maxi- section. Studying the model are, (left to flght)t Patrick Marotl* Th. model Is on display at ths 1. C. Penney Store, Henry Delbasco, chairman ol the formed the board the building .of board, explained to Mr. Hooper tract of tale, based on the pro- a $3,000,000 high school only could mum sentence on each of the four and Chartas R. Jackson of the J. C. Penney Store al the Sayre Woods viso thai Bendix obtains the re. counts is seven years In Jail or a thai up until the tlmo he obtains a be accomplished If an annual tax- wilding psrmlt to construct the wnlng sought. The letter pledged financed cash appropriation were 12000 fine or both. Although Town- erection of a "one-story; air-eon- put in the budget each year for ship Attorney Ezra W. Karkus was In Hospital Plan looking Ahead swimming pool, he Mil bs gravel Black Ends Term Reject Lone Bid mining, a prohibited activity at the dltloned" plant "harmonious" with the first yean of financing such Instructed by the township com- Seme division of opuUesi ap- Hamy V. J4aliMid?»arMlde»t the countryside in which II It lo a school to make up the balance mittee to take whatever action It1 beachfront for the use ptrmlt he peared te exist Thursday at the el the Marlboro Itwashlp Board was granted last Tune. Tho chair- be located, over Uw present limitation of S2,- necessary against the collector- On Health Board Marlboro Township Committee For School Bonds el Education, cMflrmed Uul 400,000 borrowing power available treasurer or surety firms holding men explained that the permit mt In miking his proposal tor • meetutg as te the township's night John MaeWllllan, restricted to the removal of travel to the board. - • •• ' bonds on the posts for the collect Resignation U participation la the preaoaed Madlion Turn* Down Matuchea, the beard architect, referendum on continuing with the lion snd payment" of the shortages from a hill at the entrance to the Uill-sxrt minimum tot elte. Mr. Dr. Kilpatrlck further revealed Freehold hospital. Tho hospital was drawing pUss lor aodWonS area for use In filling In the mead- 1 no payment has been received un- Effective Today 4.6 Per Cent Rate Goldsmith recalled that whan a that be had cautioned the board at the 'county -seat would be con- to Central Schftrt but Mr. Itollaad owland for a 1000-csr parking lot. til now. , nected with Fltkln and have* did im think they wouW be ap- show Qt hands was taken at a that for district* tuch at Mattwan, Citing business pressures and In- Sale of a $1,173,000 bond lame It did not Include digging gravsl public hearing when the lull-acre when the borrowing power already Mayor John Marx Jr., had noted creased responsibilities as a mem- M-bed capacity at ths atari; It to provide funds to construct the plied In ths lmm»dlsta futurs. at the beachfront and selling limit would cost an estimated tMMW. He polaltd out Uu board wIshsA ordinance -tint was adopted, there. is exceeded, amortization of a new the township was "fully protect- ber of the Board ol Education, first, htj^ school in MAdlson Town- of U\e township. An arts 400 leel wero 200 voting for the tall-acre debt would have to be completed ed" under bonds it holds in the Mayor Charles T. McCar n-i t* be frapatedba taas nsw hous- Duncaa P. Black, 10 Taylor Rd., ing oa a svbatantial M»l» should wldo by IM foot across li atftcled minimum and only II agtlntt Mr, on a 20-year basis to 4 pqint where two positions. Mr. Kelly was bond* ported that he had ' " " to » depth ol It feet at tho bear*. Goldsmith believed it the board would ibe returned to ad bV the American Surety OK1, MataVan, Tuesday night raatgaad MMstiLasttaVJek ~~ ~ * .theMadiaoo ;tn» We WM township wlthl* SfUraB the legal limit* of il» bor- New York, for SftQOO as collector at' * member .of ,|fl*li#captcity at the end ol that and by the " " mm eetw added lo tna wkoo p/nco as more (in water table a ing dntlnaiiae call/nji Mr downgra rS* iS SofkSt 1/ ed to ptli issu».
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