L1: Basic 2/1 GF TWiB L2: Intermediate 2/1 GF TWiB L3: Modern 2/1 GF TWiB L4: Advanced 2/1 GF TWiB L5: Complex 2/1 GF TWiB L6: Expert 2/1 GF TWiB GENERAL 2/1 GF 0,9,11 2/1 GF 2/1 GF 2/1 GF 2/1 GF 2/1 GF 2M waiting 10, 2M waiting 2M waiting 2M waiting 2M = 5cM; 2N = 6+cM 3-Level Extra Values 10, 3-Level Extra Values 3-Level Extra Values 3-Level Extra Values 3-Level Extra Values 3/1 Invitational 12, 3/1 Invitational 3/1 Invitational 3/1 Invitational 3/1 Invitational 13, 83-87 NOTRUMP 15-17 Total Points 0, 15-17 15-17 15-17 14-16 Total Points 46, 14-16 OPENING 5-c Major common 0, 5-c Major common 5-c Major common 5-c Major common 5-c Major common 5-c Major common System on over X, 2C 6, System on over X, 2C System on over X, 2C System on over X, 2C System on over X, 2C System on over X, 2C Stayman 0, Stayman Stayman Stayman Stayman Stayman Jacoby transfers 0, Jacoby Transfers Jacoby Transfers Jacoby transfers Jacoby transfers Jacoby transfers Texas transfers 0, Texas transfers Texas transfer Texas transfer Texas transfer Texas transfers 2S = transfer to minors 0, 4-suit transfers (+1 SA for m) 8, 4-suit transfers (+1 SA for m) 2S = Size Ask/C (+2 SA) 47, 2S = Size Ask/C (+2 SA) 2S = Size Ask/C (+2 SA) 2NT invitational 0, 2NT = D (+2 SA) 2NT = D (+2 SA) 2NT = D (+2 SA) 3m = 6+c, invitational 0, 3C = 5/5m weak 79, 3C = 5/5m weak 3C = 5/5m invit Modern Puppet Stayman Modern Puppet Stayman 3D = 5/5m GF 79, 3D = 5/5m GF 3D = 5/5m GF 3D = 5/5m GF 3D = 5/5m GF 3H = 31(45), GF 79, 3H = 31(45), GF 3H = 31(45), GF 3H = 31(45), GF 3S = 13(45), GF 79, 3S = 13(45), GF 3S = 13(45), GF 3S = 13(45), GF 4S = Minor Suit Stayman 80, 4S = MSS 4S = MSS 4S = MSS Smolen/1NT 5, Smolen/1NT Smolen/1NT Smolen/1NT Smolen/1NT Splinters/1NT 25, Splinters/1NT Splinters/1NT Splinters/1NT Splinters/1NT Simplesohl 6, Lebensohl (Fast denies) 23, Lebensohl (Fast denies) Transfer Leb (Fast denies) 48, Mod Transfer Leb (F denies) Delayed Leb 82, Delayed Leb Delayed Leb 2-level X = cards 6, 2L X = cards, 3L X = Negative 2L X = cards; 3L X = negative 2L X = cards; 3L X = negative 2L X = cards; 3L X = negative 2H = Drop Dead Stayman 5, 2H = DDS 2H = DDS 2H = DDS 2H = DDS Stayman then 2S = invit 5, Stayman then 2S = invit Stayman then 2S = invit Stayman then 2S = invit 3M Max Superaccepts 7, 3M Max, 3Z dblton SA 7, 3M Max, 3Z dblton SA 3M Max, 3Z dblton SA Step Based Super-Accepts oM GF Raise (1NT, 2NT) 49, Rev Baze 49, Carmichael Baze Transfers over Transfers X of Transfer X of Transfer X of Transfer X of Transfer Modern X of Transfer 2NT = 20-21; Jacoby and TX 0, 2NT = 19+ to 21; Jac, TX 160, 2NT = 19+ to 21; Jac, TX 2NT = 19+ to 21; Jac, TX 2NT = 19+ to 21; Jac, TX 2NT = 19+ to 21; Jac, TX Smolen/2NT Smolen/2NT Smolen/2NT Smolen/2NT Smolen/2NT Bathurst Slam Tries/2NT Bathurst Slam Tries/2NT 3NT = Gambling 1st/2nd 27, 3NT = Gambling 1st/2nd 3NT = Gambling 1st/2nd 3NT = Gambling 1st/2nd 3NT = Gambling 1st/2nd 235-236 24-26, MAJOR Expected min length = 5 0, min length = 5 (1/2); 4 (3/4) 106, min length = 5 (1/2); 4 (3/4) min length = 5 (1/2); 4 (3/4) min length = 5 (1/2); 4 (3/4) min length = 5 (1/2); 4 (3/4) OPENING Double Raise Invit. 0, Double Raise Invit. Double Raise Invit. Double Raise Invit. Double Raise Invit. Double Raise Weak After Overcall Weak 0, After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak Jumps Weak, 3M-1 Mixed Jacoby 2NT Jacoby 2NT Jacoby 2NT Jacoby 2NT Jacoby 2NT 2NT LR+ w/ Structure 134, Splinters Splinters Splinters Splinters Splinters 1NT Forcing (or Semiforcing) 12, 1NT Semiforcing 12, 1NT Semiforcing 1NT Semiforcing 1NT Semiforcing 1NT Semiforcing Q=LR+ 0, Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ 2-way Reverse Drury 92, 114 2-way Reverse Drury 2-way Rev Drury 2-way Rev Drury Comp 117, Mod 2-way Drury 3NT = 12-15, 2c support 3NT = 12-15, 2c support 3NT = Good 1-4 Raise 136, Over Splinters Const Raise / Limp Raise Const Raise / Limp Raise Const Raise / Limp Raise Const Raise / Limp Raise Const Raise / Limp Raise Const Raise / Limp Raise 142, 115, L1: Basic 2/1 GF TWiB L2: Intermediate 2/1 GF TWiB L3: Modern 2/1 GF TWiB L4: Advanced 2/1 GF TWiB L5: Complex 2/1 GF TWiB L6: Expert 2/1 GF TWiB MINOR Expected min length = 3 0, Expected min length = 3 Expected min length = 3 Expected min length = 3 Expected min length = 3 Expected min length = 3 OPENING Double Raise Invit. 0, Double Raise Weak 32, Double Raise Weak Double Raise Weak Double Raise Weak Double Raise Weak After Overcall Weak 0, After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak After Overcall Weak Freq bypass 4+D (Walsh) Freq bypass 4+D (Walsh) Freq bypass 4+D (Walsh) Freq bypass 4+D (Walsh) Extended Walsh w/ 2-Way 95, Extended Walsh w/ 2-Way 1NT = 6 to 10- 0, 1NT = 6 to 10- 1NT = 6 to 10- 1NT = 6 to 10- 1NT = 6 to 10- 1NT = 6 to 10- 2NT = 10+ to 12- 0, 2NT = 10+ to 12- 2NT = 10+ to 12- 2NT = 10+ to 12- 2NT = 10+ to 12- 2NT = 12+ to 15 or 18+ 3NT = 12+ to 15 0, 3NT = 12+ to 15 3NT = 12+ to 15 3NT = 12+ to 15 3NT = 12+ to 15 3NT = 16 to 17 Q=LR+ 0, Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Q=LR+ Inverted minors 32, Inverted minors Inverted minors Inverted minors Inverted minors w/ Structure Reverse Flannery (on /X) 2H Bal 10+ to 12- 2S Mixed Raise 2-LEVEL 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust 34, 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust 2C = SAF; 2D = GF, 2H = bust Kokish 70, Kokish Mod Kokish 2D/H/S = 5-10 36, 2D/H/S = 5-10 2D/H/S = 5-10 2D/H/S = 5-10 2D/H/S = 5-10 2D/H/S = 5-10 2NT = Feature 36, 2NT = Feature 2NT = Ogust 88, 2NT = Ogust 2NT = M. Ogust 2NT = G Ogust vs Interference, P=+, X=bust vs Interference, P=+, X=bust vs Interference, P=+, X=bust McCabe 155, Transfer McCabe 158, 4C = 01122 Preempt KC 4C = 01122 Preempt KC OTHER Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp 159, Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp Weak Jump Shifts w/ Comp CONV Weak Jump Shifts w/o Comp 159, WJS 2L w/o Comp WJS 2L w/o Comp WJS 2L w/o Comp 1C - 2D WJS 1C - 2D WJS CALLS Western Cuebids 159, Western Cuebids Western Cuebids Western Cuebids Western Cuebids Western Cuebids New Minor Forcing 104, New Minor Forcing, Ext NMF 2-Way NMF (UPH/PH) 94, 2-Way NMF (UPH/PH) 2-Way NMF w/ XYZ 144, 4th Suit GF (1R BPH) 105, 4th Suit GF (1R BPH) 4th Suit GF (1R BPH) 4th Suit GF (1R BPH) 5th Suit Forcing Help Suit Game Tries 22, 74, HSGT HSGT Kokish Game Tries 108, Kokish Game Tries Scrambling 2NT 53, Scrambling 2NT Scrambling 2NT Scrambling 2NT 2NT = 3344 109, 2NT = 3344 2NT = 3344 Lebensohl over Reverses 93, Leb/4th over Reverses Leb/4th over Reverses Un v. Un/Michaels 40, Un v. Un Safety/Michaels Kansas City Stayman 137, Kansas City Stayman Kansas City Stayman Good/Bad 2NT 149, NT in Comp for Longer D 150, Transfer Resp vs Overcall Transfer Leb vs WJO Modified Wolff Signoff Modified Wolff Signoff Transfer Resp / 2NT Rebid Gazilli Spear 18, SPECIAL Negative through 4H 14, 112 Negative through 4H Negative through 4H Negative through 4H Negative through 4H Negative through 4H DOUBLES Responsive through 4H 14, Responsive through 4H Responsive through 4H Responsive through 4H Responsive through 4H Support through 2-suit, XX 52, Support through 2-suit, XX Support through 2-suit, XX Support through 3-suit, XX Support through 3-suit, XX Maximal Doubles Maximal Doubles Maximal Doubles Maximal Doubles Snapdragon Doubles Rosenkrantz X, XX Anti-Lead Directing Doubles 15, 19, L1: Basic 2/1 GF TWiB L2: Intermediate 2/1 GF TWiB L3: Modern 2/1 GF TWiB L4: Advanced 2/1 GF TWiB L5: Complex 2/1 GF TWiB L6: Expert 2/1 GF TWiB NOTRUMP Direct: 15-18, Systems ON Direct: 15-18, Systems ON Direct: 15-18, Systems ON Direct: 15-18, Systems ON Direct: 15-18, Systems ON Direct: 15-18, Systems ON OVERCALLS Balancing: 11-14, Systems ON 151, Balancing: 11-14, Systems ON Balancing: 11-14, Systems ON Balancing: 11-15, Systems ON Balancing: 11-16, Systems ON Balancing: 11-16, Systems ON 2NT = 2 lowest unbid 38, 2NT = 2 lowest unbid 2NT = 2 lowest unbid 2NT = 2 lowest unbid 2NT = 2 lowest unbid 2NT = 2 lowest unbid Sandwich NT by PH Sandwich NT by PH Sandwich NT by PH Sandwich NT by PH Range Stayman 153, Range Stayman SIMPLE 7 to 18 28, 7 to 18 7 to 18 7 to 18 7 to 18 7 to 18 OVERCALLS NSF (by unpassed hand) NSF (by unpassed hand) NSF (by unpassed hand) NSF (by unpassed hand) NSF (by unpassed hand) NSF (by unpassed hand) Jump Raise = weak 30, Jump Raise = weak Jump Raise = weak Jump Raise = weak JR = weak JR = weak Jump Q = mixed raise 30, Jump Q = mixed raised Jump Q = mixed raised Jump S = fit 96, Jump S = fit 31, 107, DEFENSE Natural DONT DONT Meckwell Meckwell Woolsey VS NT M.
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