Event Permit lilLee County Event Name: ~ .Southwest ~forida Fort Marathon Permit Number Applicant: 14-110914CP Eident Racing Contact: Larry Baldwin 941.416.1838 Permit Type Location: D Special Event Downtown Ft. Myers - N. Ft. Myers; Crossing the Caloosahatchee (gJ Use of County Property Bridges with lane closures. Specific street listings and site plans 0 Sell & consume Alcohol Valid only for the Following date(s): 0 Consume Alcohol only November 9, 2014 D Film Permit Valid only for the Following Time(s): 6:30 am to 1:00 pm Permit Conditions: • Applicant must meet all event application requirements, including ·~•-up;:;u, ... of the sign-off agencies. • The premises is to be left in the same condition as it was prior to the • This permit is to be readily available for inspection during the entire • County-issued alcohol permits: Alcoholic beverages must not be 1~ hours prior to the conclusion of the event & vacating the facility. Board of County Commissioners Lee nty, Florid Date APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT Name of Applicant: £ \ d a. tJT :JS, A<:.t ~ l Address of Applicant: <::] f.;J.. cg :ST1?. # J> 14 ?L , -:#:. I tJ /1 S /VA-Pl-£S ~'- 3410 9 Phone Number of Applicant: .:2 .3 9 - 3 I LJ - I fo 7 l ' ".. Name of Contact Person: LA ~ tt '1 L3 14 '-0 w ,·,v .. ' Phone Number of Contact Person: Cj '-f I - <-/ 1 (p - ( ~ 3 & c . Date/Dates ofEvent: •·· Q Cl L{ SoNcl't-1, No u. : 1 I Hours of Operation: Estimated/Anticipated Number of Person Per Day: I) 5 0 ~ - ~ 1 S 0 0 Type ofEvent Planned: • (Detailed Description, Including Each Activity, When Each Activity Takes Place, etc.): T"T- f'bt i"Jt:!:i Vfll'l-A14flla,... , HALF V'h41l147HDt0 14NU S:ts; KAC.~<:., ~u~T w~LL S.Tit-ltT-t=il-l·~·t... 11-T :;?~H,e~s fh4tl,~G..J 6t0 OJ. (S"' Sttu.+. ~~c~ Ob£s;~ o..-f ] ; O'S" ~ ANU 7 : t'S 1/y?~.. ' Location ofEvent: FT. (h..'1 fi It s 0 0~ ~0 w ~ J -;::1- r"'-.~ H' ~ J... N.Jlt ')" to. I. _,j, 1/, Ft. /Jt. 7~ Strap Number of the Parcel: Coc;~7y /ff\cf. G"l'7 <S7/t'-e.L'T.S Owner of the Premises where the Event is to be Held: • (Please Submit a Written Notarized Statement from Owner Indicating Consent to Have the Event on the Premises) Lee County Special Event Permit Application Page 3 of17 . What is the Zoning Classification ofthe Premises? j~.A.A- C"1oo"' /7 / ~ /7 tJ- P 'PI- IAyKnS Please Submit a Sketch Plan of the Site with All Proposed Facilities and Activities Identified, Including All Parking Areas. Type of Structure(s) at Site of Event: Are Any Temporary Structures to be Installed for Event? DYes ~ No Do You Have Appropriate Permits for Temporary Structure/Structures? D Yes D No YOU MUST MEET WITH THE LEE COUNTY RISK MANAGER TO ESTABLISH THE AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE REQUIRED FOR YOUR EVENT. A· CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IN THESE AMOUNTS, NAMING LEE COUNTY AS ADDITIONAL INSURED, SHALL BE ATTACHED TO YOUR APPLICATION. Insurance Company Insuring the Event: Policy Amounts of Liability Insurance: Policy Amounts ofProperty Insurance: ---------------------------------------- Bonding Company Bonding this Event (Name and Address): Will Vehicles be Used as Part of This Event? p( Yes D No + (If Yes, Automobile Coverage Shall be Included on the Certificate of Insurance) Is Food Going to be Available at this Event? ~ Yes D No + (If Yes, Products Liability Coverage Shall be Included on the Certificate oflnsurance) Name and Address of Organization Providing Food: 'E ~ ~~c fh~ n. '::> ?f{ gu ~1\.~1 ~ tJ fiZ..Fr r7t 1 S I[_ Lee County Special Eve111 Permit Application Page 4 of 17 Type of Food to be Served: tt ,.j G {t-l f<.J 7fl.Sfo 14-JI A ,;-j Alcoholic Beverages at Event: t& Yes 0 No NOTE: ANY SIGNS AND MARKINGS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EVENT SHALL BE TEMPORARY AND REMOVABLE. PAINTINGS ON ROADWAYS, TREES OR ANY OTHER FIXED OBJECT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. he applicant does acknowledge and hereby affirms that any and all information is accurate to the best of his knowledge. The applicant/permittee agrees to assume full responsibility and liability for !ind indemnify and save the County harmless from and against all liability, claims for damages, and suits for or by reason of any injury to any person or damages to any property of the parties hereto or of the third persons for any and all cause or causes whatsoever or in any way connected with the holding of said event or any act or omission or thing in any manner related to said event and its operation irrespective of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the County, their agents or employees. ,..--. ~ t,_f. {)_,.;\ A_J ._) .L/}/ I WITNESS DATE Lee County Special Event Permit Application PageS of 17 liJ 000 5/0007 10/22/2014 8 . 2SA M FAX 2382G2B563 HAPLE SFLOO RCOY ERIHOS EIDENT ~liii1 RACINGC.~ Fort Myets Marathon Overview Race Oatc: Sllnday, November 9, 2014 I • Race will begin and finish on West 1'1 Street in Downtown Port Myers In front of the Pinchcrs Marina Resmnratrt. Marathon and H&lf Marathon will ~off at approximately 7:05am and Sk Race at 7:1 Saen. Marathon and Half will proooed pver Caloosabatehoc Brldse, run through North Fo1t Myet•s and back t~cross .Edison Br dJo. ln.Ner EeiN81T BJ'idge up to Mnriana Ave~ue and baok llCross Edison Bridge. \ • Bodt !'aecs will go nol'th on Edwaa'ds Orlve ~o West 111 to Johnso1 Srreot. There, runnea·s eross ovea· McOn:gor down4t· South to Edison. Fnt~rttt~tnelrs"'irot'liOUtfr1D'trfii'I'II'Vl!ttimltl c f 1 tne, • 5k will proceed East on West Ju to Edwftt'ds to Bdlson B•·lct&c: o.n pa·occcd up bridge approxlnuttety 500 yards au:ad will tum around and head back sam route to finish line. • Volunteers at water stlllion:approximatety every 2 miles • Course to remain open for six hours to I ptn for tinting, hyda·atlontatd •ncdical - · transpol'tatlon for all runneJ:S. At thi6 peiltl all fYI'IIlcra-will he'le tred lhcs McOrcao• _.'.<?" .... ""' 6~ ~ 1 ~T. neighborhood areo and can -easily walk/jog lho remainder ofthe c utsc.A L• .a"> w · ~'"~A l. r <3 HIE,c • • Bob'~ B~trrlcadcs will coue.two Janes on Edi5on Bridge and one la eon Clcnland Ave Bridge o - Right tane-wil~lcvelana to JUdO; and Mimi ----rns son Bndge on botft sides ofUS-4l:.Business o Ulne coned on 2~~<~ street~Scabotml~ 1'1 Street Loop o Pondclla right lane Qc:tween Bus-41 and Piney Ave l•e. e~ o ~ CLtc IC.. (,.,..,ci, r:lv..t. (b ?e,,.. h:L~.lJt~ -t~ Cll~j n.:.:l-l _ ~ (Ac. ct.. ~·d I A l.s <~ 0~ fi"~ .s;dl'i. I) r- ~'-'·· c.J( --(1 /4 , ,~, 1. If/ U I :,U ,< I'}JJ £. 0 ~ ~U2ll6i .l K cf­ I /}?Jf-/Z, ~ 4.J Pv ~ . 10/ 22/ 14 WED 00:31 [TX/ RX NO 59961 !l]OOS FIRE DEPARTMENT (The Fire Department Serving Tbe Area Whe~ The Event Is To Be Held) AFTER REVIEWING THE APPLICATION. PLEASE INDICA1E BELOW WHAT ARRANGEMENTS YOUR ORGANIZATION WILL RE_QUIRE THE APPLICANT TO COMPLY WITH FOR TimiREVENT. Fire Guards (How Many?}: Fee: Flammable Vegetation: First Aid Equipment: Fire Extinguishing: z N~ofPERSON SIG~ING 9 (~~ 2- ?- 1'-f DATE Page 1 of11 flj 0007/0007 10/22/2014 8 :30AM FAX 239 2S2S5S3 NAPLESFLOORCOYERI HBS j I PUBLIC SAFETY I 14752 SIX MlLE CYPRESS PARKWAY FORT MYERS, FL 33912 i (239) 533-3911 . tt "'~./''"{/ ..,· . >· _.,._ ·:· .) ( ,. ' ·. ... : . ..,,. : ·;\ .;:'.. -~ ::. Commenu: _tf~1±~----------------·~~~·: ___· ~ ~_ '·_.:_~-~-~-~~:~:~~~-·-~ ._:~_;·,·----------------- .. ~-. '\~. '·' \ .. Sl f4i-' !;: /) '\ f:i !o/;;;7/ fLL I ~ l)ATE Page 10 of 17 10/221 14 WED 09 : 31 [TX/RX NO 5998) ~0 07 HAPLESFLOORCOVERIHBS llJ0008/0007 10/22/2014 8:29AM FAX 2392628583 i EMERGENCY MEDlCAL SERVICE~ 14752 SIX MILE CYPRESS PARKWAY FORT MYER~, FL 33912 I (239) 533 ..3911 AFTER REVIEWING THE APPLJCA TION, PJ ,EA\SR INDlCATl! BELOW WHAT ARRANGEMENTS YOUR ORGANlZATION WILL REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO COMPLY WITH FOR '1\HEIR BVENT. I 1 Treatment Facilities: ----------~----..;..---~\\\;,:;,~< ·___ _ ,, .: '\~:;, ,1!: , : Medical SuppliesiEtJuipment: :{. / . \.:~~t~ --.. .;· ----------~--~~~ ~~ --~~~~~------------- ···.,_., . :~~ "~;\.;h. ~\,, ..' 1.' , f.' , •,; '~\; .e 'l,~: ';: \ :~i( (:'\ <., , • ! FeeForSe'rvices: 1//f;;f);'O.rJ ~ ·;:. ·· · ·fwvv- g '-rovt -f J..6& .. otJ f. ;:t~. is I h,'--:"J~J -~~.:. ~r~:... h-l,_ ""+· f ~. fflf ~ ""'t....e__ \"=.::: '_ f \~ .. =-- /1-~ I "''\ ... ~~'l. I( AMB_ofPERSON SIGNING I I L~" Cm111ty :."pplc/ol Bve11t Pe•MIIIlpplicollon Page 8 of 17 10/22/14 WED 09:31 [TX/RX NO 5996] @006 LEE COUNTY RISK MANAGEMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING -4TH FLOOR 2115 SECOND STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 (239) 533-2221 AFTER REVIEWING THE APPLICATION, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW WHAT ARRANGEMENTS YOUR ORGANIZATION WILL REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO COMPLY WITH FOR THEIR EVENT. Insurance Requirements: -------------------------------------------------- Commercial genemlliability insumnce with minimum limits of One 1\'Iillion Dollat·s $1,000,000 per occurrence to protect against bodily injury and/ot· pt·operty damage relative to applicants use of aforementioned event within Lee County. Special Arrangements: A cet·tificate of insurance shall be submitted as evidence of the t•equired covet·age listing Lee County Hoard of County Commissioners, P.O. Box 398, Fort Myers, Fl33902 as the certificate holdet· and as an additional insured. Subject to proofofinsut·ance. Nike Figueroa RINT NAME o PERSON SIGNING SIGNATURE TITLE July 2, 2014 DATE L<•e Cowl(\' Special El'elll Permil Applicmion Page 12 of 17 Lee County Parks & Recreation Terry Park Administrative Office 3410 Palm Beach Blvd.
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