Bibliography of British Columbia1 Compiled by MelvaJ. Dwyer, Librarian Emerita, University of British Columbia. Books ALLEN, Phillip. One Came Late, Over the Gold Trails of '98 to the Klondike. Edmonton: Quality Press Inc., 1992. 349 p. many ill. $49.95. ANDERSON, Barry and Hilda. Short Trips in the Pacific Northwest. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1992. 290 p. $17.50. , Dix. Trails I Have Travelled. Windermere, B.C.: Dix Anderson, 1992. 110 p. ill. $13.95. (Box 92, Windermere VOB 2L0) BASQUE, Garnet. Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of the Boundary Country. Langley, B.C.: Sunfire Publishers Ltd., 1992. 152 p. many ill. $18.95. BELL, Sarah. The B.C. Bed & Breakfast Guide. West Vancouver: Gordon Soûles Book Publishers Ltd., 1992. 120 p. $11.95. BENNETT, Guy. Guy's Guide to the Flipside, the Other Vancouver. Rev. ed. Vancouver: Arsenal/Pulp Press, 1992. 110 p. $10.95. BIRNIE, Lisa Hobbs. Such a Good Boy. Toronto: Macmillan, 1992. 268 p. $27-95- BISHOP, Arthur. Courage in the Air. v.i. Canada's Military Heritage. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1992. ill. 307 p. $35.00. (an alphabetical listing of short biographies including B.C. personalities) BLACKMAN, Margaret B. During My Time, Florence Edenshaw Davidson a Haida Woman. Rev. ed. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 202 p. $14.95. CASSIDY, Frank, ed. Aboriginal Title in British Columbia: Delqamuukw v. The Queen. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1992. 330 p. $15.95. (Box 10, Lantzville VOR 2tïo) Children's Rights and the Municipal Role: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography. Vancouver: Social Planning and Research Council, 1992. $12.00. (SPARC of B.C., 106-2182 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver V6K 2N4) COATES, Ken and William Morrison. The Forgotten North, a History of Can­ ada's Provincial Norths. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company Ltd., 1992. 142 p. $16.95. 1 31 October 1992 BG STUDIES, no. 96, Winter 1992-93 130 BG STUDIES CREESE, Gillian and Veronica Strong-Boag. British Columbia Reconsidered, Essays on Women. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. 451 p. $29.95. (21 essays) (603 Powell St., Vancouver V6A 1H2) CRITTENDEN, Mabel. Trees of the West. Surrey, B.C.: Hancock House, 1992. 220 p. ill. $14.95. DELGADO, James P. Dauntless St. Roch, the Mounties ' Arctic Schooner. Victoria: Horsdal & Schubart Publishers Ltd., 1992. 53 p. ill. $10.95. DOWNTOWN INTER-AGENCY MEETING. The Hard to House' in Victoria, the Downtown Inter-Agency Meeting October 1988. Victoria: The Agency, 199? 12 p. plus appendices. (1291 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria V8T 1G5) DREW, Dick. The Canadian A chievers: How They Did It. How You Can Do It. Why You Should Do It. Stories from the Radio Series. Vancouver: Drew Publishers, 1991. 200 p. $17.95. (B.C. content) DUGAN, Mark and John Boessenecker. The Grey Fox: The True Story of Bill Miner — Last of the Old-Time Bandits. Norman, OK: University of Okla­ homa Press, 1992. ill. 260 p. $29.95. EMERY, Maud. River of Tears. Surrey: Hancock House, 1992. 96 p. $9.95. (fiction based on massacre at Bute Inlet) EVANS, Carol. West Coast, Homeland of Mist, the Art of CarolEvans. Vancouver: Summer Wild Production/Raincoast, 1992. 63 p. col. ill. $19.95. Feasting on Hornby. Hornby Island: Rabbitmoon Press, 1992. $13.95 plus $1.50 post. (Hornby Island Preschool, R.R.1, Hornby Island VOR IZO) FINLAY, Joy & Cam. Ocean to Alpine, a British Columbia Nature Guide. Edmon­ ton: Lone Pine Publishers, 1992. col. ill. 253 p. $14.95. GARBER, Anne and Lorraine Gannon. The Serious Shopper's Guide to Van­ couver and Beyond. Burnaby, B.C.: Serious Publishing, 1992. 244 p. $9.95. (7249 Waverley Avenue, Burnaby V5J 4A7) GILBERT, Paul. West Coast Impressions, the Dynamic British Columbia Land­ scape. Richmond, B.C.: Wild Light Press, 1992. 80 p. col. photos $20.00. (135-4800 no.3 Road, Suite 125, Richmond v6x 3A6) HANEY, David. Captain James Cook and the Explorers of the Pacific. World Explorers. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992. 111 p. many ill. $15-95- (Juvenile) HAYDEN, Brian, ed. A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau. Tradi­ tional StVatVimx Resource Use. Vancouver: University of B.C. Press, 1992. 568 p. $75.00. HAYMOUR, Eddy. From Nut House to Castle: The Eddy Haymour Story. Peach- land: Stone Publishers, 1992. 114p. ill. $10.95? (Box 798, 6239 High­ way 97 South, Peachland VOH 1x0) HOWARD, Irene. The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia: Helena Gut- teridge the Unknown Reformer. Vancouver: University of B.C. Press, 1992. 319 p. ill. $29.95. Bibliography 131 HUME, Mark. The Run of the River. Portraits of Eleven British Columbia Rivers. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1992. 215 p. $14.95. JENSEN, Vickie. Where the People Gather, Carving a Totem Pole. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 175 p. ill. $29.95. JONES, Elaine. The Little Gift Book of the Rockies. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992. 88 p. many col. ill. $12.95. KEAY, Bill. The Wild Life of Bill Keay. Vancouver: Summer Wild Productions/ Raincoast Books, 1992. 156 p. many col. ill. $45.00. (many west coast birds and animal photographs) KENNEDY, Des. Living Things We Love to Hate. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992. 216 p. $14.95. , Ian. Sunny Sandy Savory, a History ofSavary Island 1J92-1992. Van­ couver: Kennell Publishing, 1992. 188p. ill. $14.95. (2177 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver V6K 2S2) KEYSER, James D. Indian Rock Art of the Columbia Plateau. Seatde/ Vancouver: University of Washington Press/Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 138 p. ill. $24.95. (a chapter on B.C.) LEADEM, Tim, ed. The West Coast Trail and Nitinat Lakes. 7th Rev. ed. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 96 p. ill. maps $12.95. LEE, Bennett and Jim Wong-Chu. Many-Mouthed Birds. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 182 p. $24.95. (contemporary writing by Chinese Canadians, 12 from B.C.) LILLARD, Charles, ed. The Call of the Coast. Victoria: Horsdal & Schubart, 1992. 165 p. $15-95- LITMAN, Todd and Suzanne Kort. The Best Bike Rides in the Pacific Northwest. Chester, Conn.: The Globe Pequot Press, 1992. 273 p. maps $17.95. (includes B.C.) MCCALL, Karen and Jim Dutcher. Cougar, Ghost of the Rockies. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntrye, 1992. 146 p. col. ill. $35.00. MACDONALD, Bruce. Vancouver: A Visual History. Vancouver: Talon Books, 1992. 84 p. many ill. maps $45.00. MACDOUGALL, Sandy. Pitt Polder Legends & Dreams, no publisher, 199? 54 p. $9.95. (seen at Haney Mall, Black Bond Books) MCGRAW, Oren. Moyie River Gold: Rainbow's End in the East Kootenay. Moyie, B.C.: Oren McGraw, 1992. 47 p. ill. $13.95. MCLEAN, Celia. Hiking the Rockies with Kids. Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, x992. 215 p. ill. $16.95. , Stuart. Welcome Home, Travels in Smalltown Canada. Toronto: Vi­ king, 1992. 463 p. $27.99. (includes Nakusp) MEGGS, Geoff and Duncan Stacey. Cork Line and Canning Lines, the Glory Years of Fishing on the West Coast. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 166 p. many ill. $35.00. 132 BC STUDIES MOLYNEUX, Geoffrey. British Columbia an Illustrated History. Vancouver: Polestar Books/Raincoast, 1992. 135 p. $14.95. MORAN, Bridget. A Little Rebellion. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1992.148 p. $12.95. (100-1062 Homer St., Vancouver V6B 2W9 MORAVA, Lillian B. Camper's Guide to British Columbia Parks, Lakes, and Forests, Where to Go and How to Get There, v.i. Vancouver, Lower Mainland, Cariboo-Shuswap-Okanagan. v. 2. Kootenay and Northern British Columbia. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Co., 1992. 146 p.; 154 p. ill. maps $22.95 each volume. MURALT, Darryl E. V.àf S. The Victoria and Sidney Railway 1892-1919. Victo­ ria: B.C. Railway Historical Association, 1992. 236 p. ill. $24.95. (Box 8114, V.C. P.O. Victoria v8w 3R8) NEEL, David. Our Chiefs and Elders, Words and Photographs of Native Leaders. Vancouver: University of B.C. Press, 1992. 191 p. ill. $35.95. NEMETZ, Peter N., ed. Emerging Issues in Forest Policy. Vancouver: University of B.C. Press, 1992. 573 p. $29-95/$49.95. (individual essays) OMATSU, Maryka. Bittersweet Passage, Redress and the Japanese Canadian Expe­ rience. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1992. 188 p. $16.95. ORTON, Michael. Once Upon an Island. Images of Vancouver Island. Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 1992. 86 p. col. ill. $29.95. PETERSON, Jan. The Albernis 1860-1922. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Book Publishers, 1992. 352 p. $i9-95/$34.95. REKSTEN, Terry. A Century of Sailing 1892-1992. A History of the Oldest Yacht Club on Canada's Pacific Coast. Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 1992. 242 p. ill. $16.95. ROGERS, Fred. More Shipwrecks of British Columbia. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1992. 241 p. ill. map $19.95. ROSE, Alex, ed. A Cultural and Scientific Reconnaissance of the Greater Kitlope Ecosystem, an Executive Summary. Toronto: Conservation International — Canada, 1991. 20 p. $1.00. (174 Spadina, suite 508, Toronto M5T 2C2) SHEWCHUK, Murphy. Okanagan Country, an Outdoor Recreation Guide. Mer- ritt, B.C.: Sonoteck Press, 1992. 196 p. col. ill. maps $14.95. TIPPETT, Maria. By a Lady, Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women. Toronto: Penguin/Viking, 1992. 226 p. ill. $60.00. (includes Emily Carr) TRENDELL-WHITTAKER, Peggy. In Our Backyard. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992.120 p. $8.95. (a Greater Vancouver environmental guide) TROLL, Roy. Roy Troll's Shocking Fish Tales: Fish Romance and Death in Pictures. Bothell, WA: Alaska Northwest Books, 1991. 101 p. col. ill. $19.95. (available Vancouver Maritime Museum) TWICHELL, Heath. Northwest Epic, the Building of the Alaska Highway. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. 368 p. $32.99. Bibliography 133 TWIGG, Alan. Twigg's Directory ofiooi BC Writers. Victoria: Crown Publica­ tions Inc., 1992. 194 p. ill. $24.95. (an alphabetical listing which includes titles of works) (546 Yates, St., Victoria v8w IK8) VICTORIA ASSOCIATION FOR STREET KIDS.
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