Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1960 The aG zette March 1960 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1960" (1960). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 17. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969/17 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette V O L U M E TEN LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MAKCH, I960 Number 3 SeAaUmiAipA Etta Moton Barnet To Speak May 2nd At Lanfsion University The lollowing students .ire recipi­ ents of scholarships: Mrs. Ktta Moton iKirmtt will uivc Oscar Robinson, freshman, tnajor- tlic keynote address, on careers, ein- ing in .\griculture from Okmulgee, plovnient and job opiiortuiiilies Mav Oklahoma, receives a scholarship 2. Five liundred liiuli schcoi seni(>rs from the ('ommunity (diamber of and prinieipals are expected to at- (^immerce, Okmulgee, Oklahoma. '^’>id the meeting. The student body. Lillian M. Williams, freshman, ma ;>”d administration will also have a joring in Business Kducation from chance to hear tite well known con- Haskell, Oklahoma, receives a scliol- singer as a speaker, arship trom the Helping Hand ('lub Mrs. I'tta .Moton Harnett, wile of ot Haskell, Oklahoma, (iloria \\’il f^kuide Harnett, director of the As- son, freshman, majoring in Business sfniated N'egro I’ress, is well known I'.ducation trom .\rdmore, ()klaho- throughout the L nitcd States and ma, receives a scholarship t’rotn the many Atrican and I'.uropean Delta I'riendship Boarti of .\rdmore. countries. Rosemary Lewij Oklahoma. For a number of vears, she was Ida y. .Moore, treshman, a pre- ‘T concert singer .ind sa il” in ni.uu L U YWCA President medical student from Beggs. Okla- ‘ >1 'h<-‘ major uni\ersities in this homa, receives a v ' ' ip from country. She also starred in the inov- Arthur Stevens Billie Jo Daniels Attends Conference the Beta Omicron _ i uf .\lpha ‘'Mving Down to Rio." Editor of I960 Lion Editor of Gaiettc Kappa .Mpha Soi i itv in Okmulgee. •‘'he was honored by the L.’niver- Miss Rosemary Leuis, President ■\rthur Stevens, senior from Bolev. Oklahoma. Evelyn Hathorne. Sopho- ‘‘>ty <>f Kansas as being one of its P)illie Daniels, F,ditor-in-Chief of ot the I.anjjston Uni\ersit\ Okl.ihoma. l-.ditor-iivCliiet of the more, majoring in Biologv from outstanding graduates. the (iazette. is to be graduated from recently attended the Sout Invest u/)o LH )N. urges the stuilents of (luthrie, Oklahoma, receives schol- P>'^t several ye.irs. she l.angston L’niversity, .May 29. There- Kej;ional YM(!A-V\V('A Student Langston L'niviTsity to place their arships from the Decagviiian ('lub lived in Chicago and for a num- tore, there will be a vacancy of the ('onterence held at Mount W’esle\' orders tor the yearbook early. "In o! Guthrie, Oklahoma and the i.ang- I'’*-’’' years, she has conducted a l'.ditor-in-(diicf position on t h e in Kerrville. Texas. this book." says .Mr. Stevens. "wi ston .Mumni C'hapter of Langston, program on radio station \V1-,\R. Langston Ca/ette staff for the year The purpose of the Southwest have tried to capture the scenes and ( )klahoma. Chicago. Reuional Conference, part of the activities uhich will remind vou ot .Miss Daniels enjoyed working lames Walker, freshman, major- When (^hana celebrated its in­ N’ational Student ('ouncil VM('.\- ‘sweet days ot olil' in later years." with the staff, and has gained ad- ing in .Music from ('hoctaw, Okla­ dependence. she was in the partv 't’W’CW. was to provide oppportun- There will be a limitetl sujiply of tlitional exf'crience in college news- homa. receives scholarships from with ^’ice President Nixon as an of tities tor the tree, open search tor hooks arriving. .Mav 14. Ik' sure pa[K-r work. Omeg.t Psi Phi Fraternity of Law­ ticial delegate tor the L’. S. She serv. truth, the ch.illeni:c of new ideas, th at you get \ours' Her major is Business Education, ton. Okla.: Omega Psi Phi Fratern ed as an ofticial delegate for the U.S. the clarilication and renewal of one's -\mon_L, .Mr. Stevens' m.my other and she plans to teach in the state itv of Houston, Tex., the X'ogetters *o ILaiti. in she represents taith. a deeper underst.indini; of the activties on campus are: 'Futor. lab in Israel, and in lanuary, of \ew .Mexico in September. student ^’\V{'.\. and the re­ (lu b of Lawton. Oklahoma. Margie ^ ''■> Israe' -------------------- i()6o. she represented NBC at the oratory assist.mt of the Chemistrv sponsibilities of (Christian lendershiji N. \\'orley, freshman, maionng in Department, member of the Student ^ inauguration of President Tubman on the campus anti in the worl<l. F.nglish trom Tulsa, Oklahoma re­ and in sever.il other .\frican conn ('ouncil, and a member of the Al- Vv 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 S ^ O U n C l l Servinu as Co-Chairmen of the ceives scholarships from the V.M('.\ tries. pha Phi .\lpha Fraternity. He has -p ■ . J conference were Scott W'esthrook of of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Sigma (iam also been awarded an assistantship | Q HOnOr StUd^lltS She has a very large collection of Prairie \ ’iew .\5<M. anti Paul.i Kim ma Rho Sorority of Tulsa. Oklaho­ to Iowa Slate L’niversity begmnin; • \trican art and is consitlereii an au- hro. f^klahoma State L’niversity. The ma. and the Elite i.adics ('.lub of The students who have maintain­ ihority in the field. Sejitember i. iqfio. Reverend John I.ee Smith, a student Tulsa. Oklahoma. ed an average of "IV and above She has ser\ed as one of the spon- at '\'ale Divinity School, [iresented \\’ilma L McJ'all, freshman, maj- through the first semester, 1959-60 -sors of Rtxisevelt College and has the plattorm for discussion each orini: in Home Economics from Ok­ will he honored by the U’omen's served a number of times as guest Pre-Student morning. mulgee. Okla.. receives a scholarship ('ouncil .\{iril 24 They are: lecturer at career conferences for Reverend Smith’s morning plat­ from the Beta Omicron Omega Teachers Conference Freshmen— Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha So- high school and college students. ('lara Anderson, Mc.Alester, Ok­ forms were focuscd on res[->onsibility ■Miss .Moton once lived in the town in person to person relationshiph roritv in Okmulgee, Okla. luanita Held at Langston II. lahoma; Everett J^aucom, Pawhus- Brown, freshman, majoring in Bi­ of Langston. and in the social structure viewed The Pre-Student Teachers Coiifer ka, Oklahoma; Florence Brooks, ology from .Mc.-Mester, Oklahoma, from within the context of the Hib ence held at Langston University Tulsa, Oklahoma: /uanita Brown, receives a scholarship from the Ok­ lical faith. was sponsored by the members ot .\fc.\lester, (,)klahoma: Xorma Cole, lahoma .\uxiliary of the .Medical, University to Hold Miss Lewis, of Los .\ngcles. ('ali- K.ppa Delta Pi. The topic for dis­ Slick, Oklahoma; .Anetha Cullers, Dental and Pharmaceutical .Associa­ I'ornia. expressed her confcrence ex­ cussion was “Facing our Respon- Sapulpa. Oklahoma; .Margaret Den­ tion in Tulsa. Oklahoma. Parent's Day perience as deeply inspiring and en­ sibilitier. in our Student Teaching ton, Bristow. Oklahoma: Barbara Rosaliiui King, a student in the Sumlay. April 24. h/ hj. Langston lightening upon the ('hristian's role Program." Empie, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; L’niversitv will observe its annual in our modern society. Trade and Industrial Eihication De­ Dr. A. Shropshire, Director ot Reuben Fumlerburk, .Mc.Alester, Parent’s Day, honoring parents of partment in the t'ieKi of Cosmetology I'.ducation, (xiinted out the follow­ Oklahoma: Herese (lardner, Tulsa, students attending the university, from Lawton, Oklahoma, receives ing needs of Student Teachers: The Oklahoma: .Martha Harris, .Mc.Ale­ scholarships trom the (iay Ladies (ruest speaker tor the 10:00 wor­ need to feel imixirtant and to be ster, Oklahoma; Beaul Havnes. Club of Lawton. Oklahoma and the ship service, in the I. W. '^’oung recognized: the need to be accepted Cuthrie, Okl.ihoma; W illiam Hen- Three administrative ofticers rep­ Mistletoe Lodge No. of Lawton. •Auditorium, will be Rev. D. C. bv the Supervising Teacher and Ok ahotna; Ever- resented Langston University at the Oklahoma. Wheatie L. Baldridge, C'ooksey, pastor of the Greater Principal: the need to be accepted O^l-'homa: L.>is higher education meeting in Chica­ freshman, majoring in Home Eco- Union Baptist ('hurch. Tulsa, (^k- in the total school environment: the Hubbard. Seminole, Ok ahoma; go. They arc: Dr. G. L. Harrison, nomics from Muskogee, Oklahoma.! lahoma. need to understand personal (irob Doris jc.nes, .\Ic.\lester. ()k ahoma: Dr. A. C. Shropshire, and Dean Le- receives a scholar'^hip trom the Mus- j Parent s Day is sponsored by the l-.ms the need to maintain self-con- I^^'^hella Lawson. Tulsa, Oklahoma; rov ( t. Moore. kogee City F--.ier.ition of .Muskogee. Personnel Department in cooper..- j-.j^ncrainVreci'atio'n. ’and an'atmos- I-O'ig.Sand Springs, Oklaho- Dr. Harrison will attend the Okl.homa. tion with the .Administratu.n FacuL phere conducive to teaching: a: Patricia .McCIoskey, Sapulpa, loyce treshman, pre- ty. Stall and the State ami Local ;...., Oklahoma. meeting on financial aid to educa­ (lassaway, a neeil to put learning into practice: .•\lumni Association of Langston tion in Kansas City: and the meet­ medical student trom Spencer, Ok­ the need for association of protes- Samuel .Mingo.
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