! HISTORIC CAPTIVA '*~?^i%fi£&' GEORGE CAMPBELL HOUSE TO BE RAZED SHr LOOKS AT AN r - PAGE4A « 2P ANCIENT SURVIVOR, JT THE HORSE FOOT CRAB . "* , S - - PAGE 1B APRIL 30, 19B7 VOLUME IS island NUMBER ?5 2 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES. REPORTER ^ND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA Sanibel man presumed Prospective bidders dead in boating accident tour 2,2-acre Tarpon Body of Dr. Kenneth Preston not found yet Bay Marina, property By Mary Coleman Black wreath on shop earch hii hi* n suspended lor tn it Dr Pr<"=t<m wav in a fo-ward symbolizes end of era the body of Dr Kenmth S r cibm i! >si"-i; windows wHn he I'ristnnofF.shCrow Honl In inu fiti^uu) Ihr\ siid the - By Steve'Cason •'" — ., . '" Sintbi'lS , following a wnVipd 7"i \t \r old nir wis u neon ••rums boating accident in Alt emarlo whtntVi ib'ndonrt <hip for a ;. orthe p^st month, a hlark wri'ath has h;i.ij!,' - Sound VA nei~ Cdp< IhttLrus lift nfi ^in'N it that point wire : on,the front of Elinor Ham'by's Red Peli^r, from the iorthi i*t at i'Ho 40 Gift Shop. A aitept protest to U.S. Fish and r _ Dr and Mrs Prison bid 1 F rcportedl) bten "raveling up knot * and <ti« wm four to dve Wildlift- Service plans to raze the agin? landmark, (tit Sc imar Smith said i| p ir< ntlj thp wrea'.h symbolizes a loss ot sorts'for I#th rV through the intircoistal viterwa\ : from Florida aboard ififc the hitch tn thr inrhnr rhim Hatnhy arid the thtmsa'nds hi pink-skinnod tourists pocket hail b< < n It ft opt ri 2"»d the who flock to Tarpon Bay Marina each year. ' x pi easu redraft Royal Stranger for 1 ibout a week Thev were traveling 3? font vr«c! ^uirklv tnoV »n mm For, after today, the gift shop; nearby sh*A\ -'•'. with owners of the Philadelphia thin 2(10 FII|(M>» of *»'*r shop, marina and seafood deli will ciosc their doors registered jacht Mr, and Mrs Ed [)I\IT° wrrr oft th' *crn< with to thr public fo? good. Most of the 75-mM boats."1., win T Tajlor cf Buchannhan PA the initnl rr«rup tt im hut hid thai hav<» rforked there are already gone, as art '_ Accordtrg to Seaman Dill Smith rt it r* ilioni ahout d \iriK dnt t<i *m»ny of Ihe familiar faces. j-.y of the United States Coist Guard ouy*iwiait-«r Snitln.iiil Mr*, ° When the area opens again, it w^i]! only be n v. i'reston (old the rra*t ^i ird fraction <if its old <elf. '0 '~: fciatlon,at Portsmouth \ \ a call 1 came m at 12 12 p in Siturdav ' Dtn ! r,*fc ir* r^Mi Irvrti On Monday, the {.'.S. Kish and WiMlJfe SfTvicc. ^ from a friendly vissel tht honla, find hm in lit M fn i nl Aiiet thf&^evtfrnmcnl jigency that owns the 2.2-acre pro ^. that the RoyaLStrangir was taking She sin) ihf h.tif,"! hr h«»hirrt pcrty. h*>ld an itpcn houst: lor .ibout three Adieu > u^water through 'he chain locker hifi -uffi retl a h- irt -tln.k pros'ierttve new operators. The hour-long tour was A helicopter wis dispatched from Thr roast (ward *i»f vtsltr-ii* " an opportunity for tot- niostly iocai crowd to ask , r thi Coast Guard Air Mition at thit divtrt had Rom in Tiitsthy ^ ()iie"»tions. /Vthnugh there were relatively few cut Eli?abeth City, NC and arrived on from H £,m until 2 p m and found and dried answers, one thing came acrois perfect the scene at 12 45 p m A utility no bod) aboard A(tordinp tn ly clear: whoever takes over'Will le stocked with a ;••_• boat was also sent from the station Seamin itan ( h'liKnmdn in 10-year supply of government issued red tape. L at Coinjoik, VA. but the ship hid vpstigattons of casualtin a' *ei 1re; ""It cmild bt taken over and you could make : alrcad) sunk conducted by the Marine Pnfcty Of quite a bitof money, but when you go tooling - ^ IICP m Washington IX Three survivors who abandoned around with the government there's nothing but ship, Mrs Preston and Mr and Mrs Tajlor wii resLhtd at hrr trouhle,'* said !<ouis Hraggert, one of the prosStc-"' Mrs Taylor, told the Cmsl duard • please see page 26A live bidders: n 9 please sec; page 20A-- Cohen says CEPD Postal problems 'dragging feet',Jorms peculiar to Sanibel political action group No new ZIP code for island By Mary Coleman •_ ; By Steve Cason IP code -ISOn** h.i5 been rest'rf?'i, but is A no'hi in hv jiot iH'iftg instttaied^Ju'rinjt the cirrrnt ;jp • ' lY Captiva th «prt tn ('o h tUft With fejradirig^ot the system in southern Fiorida, 1 Z tht intisai d pu i pini; n hers 'ft .Sanibc' Postmasif-f.-Paul Adams sai't the inland is- , Cdpt,\a lro=. m Prc\ifttinn P probably "OK fo.r fiv*1 »r t<-n year*,, vviihyul it " : . Calico SOS C ipt ^^ [frSa\ tit WAdams only wi^hf.s hi« pn-blems were so shnpitf ijroup is led *J\ heT-'i rL-.lor itmn i<K»< T t \Ue that they could br soiveii with a new *•}? ru(i(;/lli? Cohen I-im ronc*.rm*i thil thi C r PD mitstur mbt-r'on^ problem, like thai of private ipi-md' nnt mtnbtr'ih'i1 n ikt jp dt t^ i"l mti mi to Q Siressc*, is seasonably.'-'Ml'* a liiiciiuna I"VP '. hmor tht resolution it pa^sf(l^No\ II 1 "D Rii fighting for.-M years," he-said. ", _ -/:=._- Cohen "I'd Moniav As Adams explain* it. hv has"a certain nuinh..^ Tht resolution whuh lists -i Mirctabli for the of.work-hours to>io the job. I! he hires too many d£\ilopment of i ir»mprrhp-is!\e In ich ind shftD people., there will be somf in Lhn summer "walking' prtstrvatioT p! in cills for a rt ftr( ndum in around making twelve dollars an hour with- November so Ciptivuns cin votr on the issue nothing to do." He has to cope by hiring part-; Pirsomlh ! don t Ihink thc> re ^nnj; lo do timers in the winter season to keep ovVrtimc : / r what they *-\v they re i^oine to do said Cohtn, down. -••• •" v •• - " = ""•"- . ' ".--.,- who accused the lioud .if' dra^RinR its ftet' "We're trying t;j run a tight ship, make it fiscal- Cohen plans *o rpg»li r SOS Cipliva w th the ly acceptable, ancl'^et the mail-nut in the winter." state as a Political Action Committee 'to do all the There are tw;o groups ol part limOrs. The [n-rma things a PAC cm do like lobbing the CEPD nent part -time "riexihles are.career employees, who ; stall, law ankers and svipporunK specific fin Time to share get full henefits. Then thrrearc openings for .Iidues in th? cpromms flection he «iid ,'oe 0 linen an I tu u yrnr old *on Pntr-ck enjoy casual employees at the fat rate of $5 per hpur Coht n sud OIL | roup> firs* priori* v is »o con tht ddmviii hid unkr the shwte of a fnf it with no brnefits. Adams.said he has thn-e casuals vina th'-CFI'Dtopiforw tril with the rtsoldtian the fastP t1/tht Islands /fadm' Sum/ny 'i'ory boxing mail tht? past winlsr. These people clearly to bnni^ this thinj; In i refcrt ndum in at J phot WpRjihi i>aq* '> t hav^!(-s5 committncnl to the postal service and NovcnKr fihi i nd outride fora s would he make more'mistakes, Adams admits. ' • brought in fti'^sri to *n;:k< thi-> hippen Coher SW pri SH'I it and hn>, i thnn in th( : With 4.200 registered voters on th« island, the l> : In effect tht P,iC will go over (the Cf PD s) rF D* sidt* r-n bun kniwn t^fls h Iittm h ; .population shells in winter to l*tt00d - 20.0(W \w- he ds tu thtir oo-s, M d t ohf n w ho liter i Icn f & Uf i and Ifi h% \ j'lts tn ihe hoi-d during C! 1*41 pie. arfortfing to.P'^tmaMer Adams. "Otir work" ti [ei tbtir hes is irt ucdonli toad quadruplesin ashert time," he said." V SOS l.sts as it* b)irl ofdirHicrs '.l" ( onte 1 '••'-.." ; •: please see page 22A ' Cods Hislop Jiirlruinn ii d WUon Morin • pleas* 23A' •T ,G \«fc\:>:^ %.,.•• •ft the island eye Late buyer; fast wirf j •Lion's Cliibr;iff!c:a f < Jeff Heidi, of Cap-1 . tiva, won the si'iioml prize; an':iH-expenw paid svvrn-rfay Carib- bean crtiisr abward Norwegian Carih•': - bean Lines. :' ; Third priz^went = • (o Sanibel resident Peter A. Hurt ram- Hi won a fniirday, \\ three ni^ht vack'liCn: Hoick was the only Club members. winner pn^er.t alv- The raffle is e,v ;. Becky liasil uf •Saturday s drawing pt'Ctcd to raise ap- . Children*,Center of . - in front of Bailey's f jiOOfl • Me Islands (center? tic-- • General Store. "li? Tickets sold for $2* . cepts donations frum . bought his tickets each, or-three for $5. '•'police Sgt. Donald about five rainutps .'. Srhornly said this' \ Case ami Bill Brott .l» before the drawing," .
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