2020-07 KEMPSTON RURAL PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of Kempston Rural Parish Council held on Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.30pm Present: Chairman Mr P Foster, Ms L Payne, Mr J Barbour, Mr I Farrow, Ms D Ash, Ms L Hutton, Borough Councillor J Weir, one member of the public and the Clerk (Mrs Sue Bottoms). Absent: Ms C Johnson. 1. Apologies for Absence: Ms C Johnson. 2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda: None. 3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2020: The minutes were signed as a true record of the meeting. 4. To consider co-option onto the parish council and agree action: Mr Foster proposed, Ms Hutton seconded and it was agreed to co-opt Nicole Kenny onto the parish council. The Clerk agreed to forward the necessary paperwork. Action: the Clerk. 5. Public Open Session (15 mins): None. 6. To receive a report by the Borough Councillor: Borough Cllr Weir had sent in a report which the Clerk had circulated and agreed to put on the website. Some highlights are contained here. Coronavirus in Bedford Borough: The Borough has now been taken off the Government’s “Area of Concern” list, but the advice to follow the guidance on handwashing, face masks and social distancing remains in place. There is a new walk-in testing centre in Bedford for residents showing symptoms of Coronavirus. The testing site is located at Prebend Street Car Park, Bedford. While you can just walk in and queue for a test, it is preferable to book an appointment. The drive through testing centre at Borough Hall remains open seven days a week. Waste collections: Green waste collections have now returned to normal, with fortnightly collections resuming from 17th August. Borough leisure services facilities – Fusion: Other than Mowsbury Golf Course, Fusion Lifestyle has still not opened any of the swimming pools or leisure centres that it operates on behalf of the Borough Council, despite permission being given nationally from 25 July for leisure centres to re-open. The situation remains unclear, with the Borough Council and Fusion saying talks will continue, but regular users of the facilities still not knowing when they can expect classes to resume. Government Consultation on verge parking: The Government is currently undertaking a public consultation on verge parking, with one option being a nationwide ban. He was thanked for his report. Action: the Clerk. 7. Playspace: The Clerk reported that she had that day installed the newly manufactured COVID sign on the gate and has a spare in her possession should anyone feel that an additional sign needs installing elsewhere in the area. She has recently had an e-mail from CPM to say that its representative was going to visit the site on the 10th September and will arrange a quotation for the work. He suggested that it was currently difficult getting spare parts from playground manufacturers. The Clerk has asked both Playsafety and CPM to quote for the resistance penetration testing for sections of the equipment. A quotation has been received from Playsafety for £595 plus VAT. She was still awaiting a quotation from CPM. The grass cutting contractor has cleared the area around the gate of vegetation and although the Clerk has written to the neighbouring properties to get the hedges along the entance path cut back, that does not seem to have happened. As vegetation growth is now slowing down for Autumn/Winter she will contact them again in the Spring. Action: the Clerk. 1 KRPC Minutes 17th September 2020 2020-07 KEMPSTON RURAL PARISH COUNCIL 8. Financial Matters: i) Bank Balances at 26th August 2020: £124,381.02 ii) Monies Received: Nil. iii) To agree accounts for payment: 241 P Huckle - 5 Defibrillators £ 10,000.00 DD BBC -Salaries (August) £ 610.52 DD BBC - Salaries (July) £ 610.52 DD E.on - Energy (August) £ 310.20 DD E.on - Energy (Sept) £ 310.20 901 S Young - Churchyard July and Aug £ 800.00* 902 Signs Express – COVID Play £ 104.59 903 S Young – Churchyard £ 400.00 904 MJ Nicholson - Playspace £ 244.50 905 Rosetta – Newsletter £ 62.40 906 S Bottoms – Expenses £ 48.79 907 Wrighton @ Barker – Tomb £ 600.00 *Replaced missing cheque 898 iv) To note the National Salary Award 2020-21 and agree action: This was noted and action will be taken by the salaries department at the borough council. 9. Planning: New Applications: i) 20/01803/AGR Land Adjacent to Glenbrook Farm, Tithe Road. Erection of Agricultural Building. The parish council had no objection. ii) 20/01773/FUL Old Groom’s Cottage, Green End Road, MK43 8RL. Re-build Chimney. The parish council had no objection. iii) 20/01770/LBC Old Groom’s Cottage, Green End Road, MK43 8RL. Re-thatch roof, rebuild chimney and installation of register plate through historic fireplace so hearth is decommissioned. Insertion of new door position in stud partition with lean-to to allow for W.C. fitting. The parish council had no objection. iv) 20/01766/LDE Land at West End Road. Certificate to confirm the lawful existing stationing and occupation of a caravan as a dwellinghouse. It was not clear if the deadline had passed for comment. It was noted that the application had not yet been decided. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the planning department objecting to this application on the basis that the caravan has not been continually occupied for twelve years and is currently not there. Action: the Clerk. v) 20/01722/FUL 12 Ibbett Close, MK43 9BT. Single storey side/rear extension and rear dormer. The parish council had no objection. vi) 20/01362/FUL Shoulder of Mutton, 38 Green End Road, MK43 8RJ. One and two storey rear/side extension. The parish council had no objection. vii) 20/01762/ADV Unit 3 Bell Farm Way MK43 9SS. Installation of 2 externally illuminated fascia signs. The parish council had no objection. viii) 20/01476/ADV Unit 3 Bell Farm Way MK43 9SS. Installation of two non- illuminated fasia signs. The parish council had no objection. 2 KRPC Minutes 17th September 2020 2020-07 KEMPSTON RURAL PARISH COUNCIL Applications decided by Bedford Borough Council: i) 20/00338/FUL Land to rear of 12 Ridge Road, MK43 9BP. Erection of Dwelling. Refused. ii) 20/01017/TPO 28 Ibbett Close, MK43 9BU. T1 Ash – Reduce lateral branches by 2.5-3m. Permitted. iii) 20/01174/CPNQ Glenbrook Farm Tithe Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8TH. Prior notification for change of use from an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse(s) use Class C3. This is not a planning application because it relates to development that is permitted by consideration by officers under delegated powers. Permitted PN CIL Liable. iv) 20/01188/FUL 16 Baldwin Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7GU. Single storey rear extension. Permitted. Other Matters: i) Notification of three MHCLG consultation regarding proposed future changes to the planning system. Noted. ii) Bedford Borough Local Plan Review Issues and Options Consultation and Call for Sites. Noted. iii) Pegasus Group (Planning Consultants for Renewable Connections Development Limited (Renewable Connections)). Re: proposed planning application for a renewable energy scheme to be situated on land near Astwood, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK43 8SU. The proposed solar farm is named, Cranfield Road Solar Farm. Mr Foster reported that a number of residents had expressed concerns. Borough Cllr Weir noted that Stagsden Parish Council were concerned and it was on its next agenda. 10. Police Matters: Mr Foster reported that there had been twelve crimes reported in the recent police statistics. Mr Barbour reported that there had been a major theft at Vicarage Farm (approximately £50,000 of equipment) as well as a theft from the old laundry site. Mr Foster would be attending the rural policing meeting via Zoom once a date has been agreed. Borough Cllr Weir will be shortly joining the Police and Crime Panel. 11. Highway Matters: i) Public Notice and plan detailing proposed 7.5 tonne weight restrictions in Kempston Rural and Wootton. Noted. ii) Proposed Speed Limit Change – Tithe Road: The borough council confirmed that it had received no objections. It will take approximately 2-3 months to implement. The Clerk will put this on the website. The Clerk will contact Andrew Prigmore at the borough council to find out what is happening with the proposed revision to the limits in West End. Action: the Clerk. iii) Adoption of Street Lights: Following discussion, it was agreed not to pursue the adoption by the Borough Council as it potentially would be costly. The Clerk agreed to contact Andy Muskett to get a quote for a contract to regularly check the lights. She would also get a price to do the 5 yearly inspection. Action: the Clerk. 12. The Cross Keys Liaison: A number of e-mails had been received from local residents regarding loud music, parking and traffic issues. Borough Cllr Weir had visited the venue and had taken part in a productive discussion with the son of the owner and he and the local parish councillors would continue to monitor the situation. Action: Borough Cllr Weir, Mr Farrow and Ms Hutton. 3 KRPC Minutes 17th September 2020 2020-07 KEMPSTON RURAL PARISH COUNCIL 13. To receive an update re: defibrillators: Mr Farrow reported that these were now in stock and would be fitted in the next few weeks. 14. Review of Outstanding Matters: this was reviewed. i) Damaged tomb in Churchyard: This work has now been completed. The payment is listed under 8iii. 15. Correspondence: i) Future use of the Church Hall by the Parish Council for meetings: It was agreed to continue meeting on Zoom for the foreseeable future.
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