EvolutionEvolution ofof OilOil ProductionProduction inin thethe BakkenBakken FormationFormation JulieJulie A.A. LeFeverLeFever NorthNorth DakotaDakota GeologicalGeological SurveySurvey PlaysPlays ofof thethe BakkenBakken FormationFormation ¾¾ ConventionalConventional BakkenBakken (pre(pre--1987)1987) ¾¾ CycleCycle 11 –– AntelopeAntelope StructureStructure (1950s(1950s –– 60s)60s) ¾¾ CycleCycle 22 –– DepositionalDepositional EdgeEdge (1970s(1970s –– 80s)80s) ¾¾ HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe BakkenBakken ShaleShale (post(post--1987)1987) ¾¾ HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe BakkenBakken MiddleMiddle MemberMember (2001(2001 toto present)present) ConventionalConventional BakkenBakken CycleCycle 11 –– AntelopeAntelope FieldField ¾¾DiscoveryDiscovery WellWell ¾¾ StanolindStanolind -- #1#1 WoodrowWoodrow StarrStarr ¾¾ InitialInitial PotentialPotential (536(536 BO;BO; 0.10.1 BW)BW) ¾¾ AntelopeAntelope FieldField ¾¾ 5252 wells;wells; 12.512.5 millionmillion BO;BO; 1010 BCFBCF GasGas ¾¾ ““SanishSanish SandSand”” ¾¾ CompletionCompletion MethodMethod Conventional Bakken Exploration between Cycles ¾¾ElkhornElkhorn RanchRanch ¾¾ ShellShell OilOil Co.Co. -- #41X#41X--55--11 GovernmentGovernment ¾¾NessonNesson AnticlineAnticline ¾¾ #1#1 B.E.B.E. HoveHove ¾¾ IPIP -- 756756 BOPD,BOPD, 33 BWPDBWPD ¾¾ CompletionCompletion MethodMethod ConventionalConventional BakkenBakken CycleCycle 22 –– DepositionalDepositional LimitLimit ¾¾StratigraphyStratigraphy && StructureStructure ¾¾ ThinThin BakkenBakken ¾¾ MultipleMultiple PaysPays ¾¾ Folds,Folds, FaultsFaults oror BothBoth ¾¾ CompletionCompletion MethodsMethods HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe UpperUpper BakkenBakken ShaleShale ¾¾MeridianMeridian -- #33#33--1111 MOIMOI ¾¾DrilledDrilled verticalvertical ¾¾Cored,Cored, Logged,Logged, DrillDrill StemStem TestedTested ¾¾DrilledDrilled HorizontallyHorizontally -- 26032603 ftft ¾¾88 ftft -- upperupper BakkenBakken ShaleShale ¾¾IP:IP: 258258 BOPDBOPD && 299299 MCFMCF gasgas ¾¾Cost:Cost: $2$2 millionmillion LearningLearning CurveCurve z MeridianMeridian --#33#33--1111 MOIMOI 5757 daysdays toto drilldrill 27 days to drill vertical borehole 12 days to drill horizontal section $2$2 millionmillion z 33 setset ofof 1010 wellswells 3535 daysdays toto drilldrill atat aa costcost $1.08$1.08 millionmillion z EndEnd ofof PlayPlay $900,000$900,000 (same(same asas aa verticalvertical well)well) HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe UpperUpper BakkenBakken ShaleShale ¾¾ DrillingDrilling MethodsMethods ¾¾ GeneralGeneral ProblemsProblems ¾¾SuccessfulSuccessful wellwell == highhigh volumesvolumes ofof oiloil HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe BakkenBakken MiddleMiddle MemberMember zz RichlandRichland County,County, MontanaMontana zz NorthNorth DakotaDakota MB ND SD SK AB WY MT StudyStudy AreaArea WillistonWilliston BasinBasin ND McKMcKeennziziee CCoo.. RRiicchhllaanndd CCoo.. MT South South Three Forks Devonian Three Forks Devonian Mississippian Mississippian Upper ShaleMember Upper ShaleMember Richland County, MT Richland County, MT Transitional Transitional Transitional Transitional Stratigraphy Stratigraphy Upper (Productive) Upper (Productive) Lodgepole Lodgepole Facies Facies Lower Lower – – L7 L7 Transitional Transitional Transitional Transitional Formation Formation Lower ShaleMember Lower Shale Member L L i i t t h h o o f f a a c Facies c Facies i i e e s s 2 2 - - L1 L1 North MMiissssiissssiippppiiaann North BaBakkkkeenn FFoorrmmaattiioonn BalcronBalcron OilOil -- #44#44--2424 VairaVaira SESESESE Sec.Sec. 24,24, T.24N.,T.24N., R.54E.R.54E. GR Density Porosity Lodgepole Fm. 0 0 upper 0 1 0 Fm. Fm. middle Bakken Bakken Three Forks Fm. Neutron Porosity 10604.5 ft. SESWSESW Sec.Sec. 13,13, T.23N.,R.56E.T.23N.,R.56E. AHELAHEL #1#1 H8H8 NevinsNevins RichlandRichland County,County, MTMT BakkenBakken/Three/Three ForksForks ContactContact SESWSESW Sec.Sec. 13,13, T.23N.,R.56E.T.23N.,R.56E. AHELAHEL #1#1 H8H8 NevinsNevins RichlandRichland County,County, MTMT MiddleMiddle MemberMember LithofaciesLithofacies 22 SESWSESW Sec.Sec. 13,13, T.23N.,R.56E.T.23N.,R.56E. AHELAHEL #1#1 H8H8 NevinsNevins RichlandRichland County,County, MTMT MiddleMiddle MemberMember LithofaciesLithofacies 22 (producing(producing faciesfacies)) 10582 ft SESWSESW Sec.Sec. 13,13, T.23N.,R.56E.T.23N.,R.56E. AHELAHEL #1#1 H8H8 NevinsNevins RichlandRichland County,County, MTMT UpperUpper Shale/MiddleShale/Middle MbrMbr ContactContact Montana Montana BLCS StructureMap BLCS StructureMap North Dakota North Dakota Contour Interval -7500 -7400 -7300 -7200 -7100 -7000 -6900 -6800 -6700 -6600 -6500 -6400 -6300 -6200 -6100 -6000 -5900 -5800 -5700 ft ft FormationFormation LimitsLimits Bakken Formation Upper Middle Lower Prairie Salt Edge ? Montana North Dakota Montana Montana Isopach Isopach of the of the North Dakota North Dakota Bakken Bakken Formation Formation Contour Interval 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 ft Montana Montana Isopach Isopach Bakken Bakken of theUpperMember of theUpperMember North Dakota North Dakota Formation Formation Contour Interval 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 ft Montana Montana Isopach Isopach Bakken Bakken of theMiddleMember of theMiddleMember North Dakota North Dakota Formation Formation Contour Interval 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ft % 12 10 l l a a v v 8 r r e e t t n n I I r r 6 u u o o t t n n o o C C 4 2 0 MiddleMiddlePorosityPorosity MemberMember ZoneZone McMcKKeennzziiee CCoo.. RRiicchhllaanndd CCoo.. Contour Interval: 2 ft. Montana Montana Bakken Bakken Prairie Salt Prairie Salt Middle Member Middle Member North Dakota North Dakota Prairie Salt Prairie Salt Contour Interval Edge Edge 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ft Montana Montana Bakken Bakken Prairie Salt Prairie Salt Middle Member Middle Member North North Dakota Dakota Prairie Salt Prairie Salt Contour Interval 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ft RichlandRichland CountyCounty 8080 ProducingProducing FieldsFields 1.1. RedRed RiverRiver FmFm 2.2. MadisonMadison FmFm 3.3. BakkenBakken FmFm 4.4. DuperowDuperow FmFm 5.5. InterlakeInterlake FmFm 2020 FieldsFields produce(d)produce(d) fromfrom thethe BakkenBakken FormationFormation 08/2004 BakkenBakken FormationFormation RichlandRichland County,County, MTMT ¾ HistoricallyHistorically –– ¾ 4242 BakkenBakken wellswells ++ 88 commingledcommingled wellswells ¾ CurrentlyCurrently –– ¾ 127127 BakkenBakken ProducersProducers ¾ Horizontals – 92 producers, 1 PNA, 1 Dry ¾ TotalTotal productionproduction ¾ 2000 – 2,618,982 BO ¾ 2003 – 5,284,378 BO ¾ 2004 – 3,275,061 BO (thru August, 2004) ¾ 8686 ProducingProducing Fields,Fields, 2323 -- BakkenBakken ProductionProduction 08/2004 DrillingDrilling && CompletionCompletion BakkenBakken HorizontalsHorizontals ¾¾ TwoTwo lateralslaterals toto aa 12801280 spacingspacing unitunit ¾¾ WellWell isis stimulatedstimulated withwith largelarge fracturefracture treatmenttreatment (~920,000#,(~920,000#, gelledgelled water/sandwater/sand fracfrac)) ¾¾ CostCost $2.2$2.2 millionmillion ¾¾500500--700700 BOPDBOPD initiallyinitially ¾¾VirtuallyVirtually nono waterwater HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling ofof thethe BakkenBakken MiddleMiddle MemberMember zz RichlandRichland County,County, MontanaMontana zz NorthNorth DakotaDakota LithofaciesLithofacies ofof thethe MiddleMiddle MemberMember Upper Shale Lithofacies 5 - Siltstone Lithofacies 4 – Interbedded Dark Grey Shale and Buff Silty Sandstone Lithofacies 3 - Sandstone Productive Lithofacies 2 – Interbedded Dark Grey Shale and Buff Silty Sandstone Productive in MT Lithofacies 1 - Siltstone Lower Shale (From LeFever and others, 1991) LithofaciesLithofacies 33 SENWSENW Sec.Sec. 11,11, T160N,T160N, R95WR95W ConocoConoco,, Inc.Inc. -- #17#17 WatterudWatterud ““AA”” GR Res Producing Zone Upper L2 Facies JoiletteJoilette OilOil (USA),(USA), LLC.LLC. #1#1--17R17R RobertRobert HeuerHeuer ¾¾ SadlerSadler FieldField ¾¾ ReRe--entryentry ofof aa MadisonMadison TestTest (02/13/1981) ¾¾ BakkenBakken CompletionCompletion ¾¾03/05/200403/05/2004 ¾¾IPIP –– 8787 BOPD,BOPD, 150150 MCF,MCF, 142142 BWPDBWPD ¾¾FractureFracture StimulatedStimulated ¾¾ ProducingProducing ZoneZone –– LithofaciesLithofacies 33 WhatWhat DoDo WeWe Know?Know? ¾¾ RocksRocks TypesTypes (Montana=North(Montana=North Dakota)Dakota) ¾¾AdditionalAdditional ProductiveProductive SectionSection ¾Lithofacies 3, “Sanish”, lower Lodgepole Limestone ¾¾ SaltSalt CollapseCollapse ¾¾ CompletionCompletion MethodsMethods ¾¾ HighHigh ProductionProduction RatesRates ConclusionsConclusions ¾¾ HorizontalHorizontal DrillingDrilling MiddleMiddle MemberMember == SuccessSuccess.
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