AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES Published by Number 1074 THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY June 27, 1940 New York City RESULTS OF THE ARCHBOLD EXPEDITIONS. NO. 27 TEN NEW BIRDS FROM NEW GUINEA BY A. L. RAND This paper contains descriptions of ten Stanley Range); 4 e ad., 2 e imm., 4 9 new races that I have prepared in the course ad., 1 9 imm., 3 sex? of working out the Archbold collections of DISTRIBUTION.-Known only from the birds which I made in New Guinea. vicinity of Mt. Wilhelmina in the Snow Mountains, at altitudes of about 2800 and Amalocichla sclateriana occidentalis, 2365 meters. new subspecies REMARKS.-This species was known only TYPE.-NO. 305660, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; from southeast New Guinea until Junge e ad.; Lake Habbema, 9 km. northeast, altitude 2800 meters, Snow Mountains, Nether- recorded it from the Snow Mountains land New Guinea; October 16, 1938; Richard (1939, Nova Guinea, III, p. 11). Junge Archbold, A. L. Rand and W. B. Richardson. had already noted that the single immature DIAGNOSIS.-This subspecies differs from bird he had was more rufous-tinged on the typical 8dlateriana in the darker and more rufous olive-brown of the upperparts; and in the upperparts than southeast New Guinea longer bill. birds. In the American Museum collec- tions are three old skins collected in 1896 occidentalis and 1898 in southeast New Guinea which a" ad. a imm. much more Wing 112 110 are very "foxed." They are Tail 75 71 rufous than fresh skins (collected in 1933) Bill 32 35 from the same area, but are much paler Tarsus 47 50 than Snow Mountains specimens. sdateriana Wing 106,106,107,109 102,107 Drymodes superciliaris nigriceps, Tail 72,75 70,- new subspecies 9n Qn Bill 29,31 49'50 TYPEm.-No. 305661, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; Tarsus 46,47 49,50 e~ad.; altitude 850 meters, 4 km. southwest occidentalis Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Netherland ad. 9 imm. Sex? ad. New Guinea; March 16, 1939; Richard Arch- 9 bold, A. L. Rand and W. B. Richardson. Wing 99 102 Bill 65 66 DIAGNOSIS.-Differs from beccarii in the Tail 30 29 darker back and the blackish crown, instead Tarsus 46 48 of a brownish crown little darker than the back. This difference is more pronounced in sclateriana the males. Wing 98,99,102,107 96 14 33,105,108 WING.-cP ad. 93, 97; 9 84, 85, 85. Tail -,65,67,73 -,74,76 Bill 28,29,29,29 28.5 30,30,30 RANGE.-Probably north New Guinea Tarsus 45,46,46,48 45,48,45 from sea level to 1200 meters; known from ieHab- the Idenburg slopes, 850-1200 meters, MATERIAL.-occidentalis: Lalmem Hab and the Cyclops Mountains. bema, 9 km. NE.; 1 e ad., 1 'iinIM., 1 9 imm. Bele River, 18 km. N. Liake Hab- REMARKS.-The Cyclops Mountains the crown not bema; 1 9 ad. birds (1 e, 2 9 ) have quite sclateriana: Southeast New Guinea as dark as the Idenburg slope birds (2 c, (Wharton Range, Kotoi district a nd Owen 3 9 ) but are definitely this form. 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES[[No. 1074 Cinclosoma ajax muscalis, cher) the males lack this spotting, the fe- new subspecies males have it; in southeast New Guinea TYPE.-NO. 426484, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; (pulcher) of 6 c, 10 9, the males lack the [= e] ad.; altitude 80 meters, upper Fly 5 9, lacking River, 5 miles below Palmer Junction; May 27, spotting, and it is present in 1936; Richard Archbold, A. L. Rand and G. in 5. H. H. Tate. DIAGNOSIs.-In the male similar to ajax in Orthonyx temminckii dorsalis, the color of the upperparts, but with much new subspecies paler, less vividly colored flanks and sides of TYPE.-No. 305663, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; the breast; from goldiei and alaris it differs in 9 ad.; altitude 2200 meters, Bele River, 18 the much darker brown upperparts. km. north of Lake Habbema, Snow Mountains, MEASUREMENTS.-Wing: e 108, 110. Netherland New Guinea; November 24, 1938; RANGE.-Known only from the upper Richard Archbold, A. L. Rand and W. B. Richardson. Fly River. DIAGNOSIs.-In the female differs from REMARKS.-One of the two males is novaeguineae in the more pronounced black much worn and somewhat paler than the margins to the feathers of the crown; in the type, but is still much darker than goldiei olive-brown back feathers being without dis- and alaris. tinct pale central streaks; in the much darker gray sides of the head and breast; in some of the lateral feathers of the rufous throat patch, Eupetes castanonotus uropygialis, and the adjacent gray feathers having terminal new subspecies or subterminal black areas, giving an irregular TY PE.-No. 305662, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; black lateral margin to the rufous throat patch; 9 ad.; altitude 1200 meters, 6 km. southwest in the darker, more olive-brown, instead of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Netherland paler rufous-brown flanks; and in the slightly New Guinea; February 20, 1939; Richard greater amount of clearer white in the under- Archbold, A. L. Rand and W. B. Richardson. parts. Differs from victorianus in the female in DIAGNOSIs.-Differs from all the other races lacking the distinct pale central streaks in the of this species in the female having the chestnut feathers of the back; in the darker flanks; in fore back bordered posteriorly with dark olive- the slightly darker rump; and in slightly darker brown; and the rest of the lower back, rump gray of the sides of the head and breast. and upper tail-coverts blue, not chestnut uni- form with the upper back. The blue stripe WING MEASUREMENTS over the eye and the blue of the underparts are Male Female similar to those in castanonotus; the chestnut novaeguineae (Arfak) 91,92 81,84,86 of the fore back is slightly darker. victorianus 89,90,98 80,84,84,86 MEASUREMENTS.-Wing: 6' 91, 94, 96; dorsalw 83,85,87,87,90 9 91. RANGE.-Only known from the slopes RANGE.-Probably in the Snow Moun- above the Idenburg River, at 1200 meters. tains between 2150 and 2750 meters; REMARKS.-It is interesting that in this specimens from: 9 km. northeast Lake race the female has an approach to the color Habbema; Bele River; and 18 km. south- pattern of the male. The three males west Bernhard Camp. differ from castanonotus from Arfak in REMARKS.-The general color of the up- being slightly paler blue below and in hav- perparts varies considerably from more ing the chestnut fore back slightly paler. olive to more brown; the shade of the rufous The race burgersi, which represents the throat varies considerably from pale to species in the Sepik area to the east, ap- deep rufous both in the present race and in parently is considerably darker than cas- the four females of victorianus. tanonotus (I have no specimen). The female and one of the three males of Ifrita kowaldi brunnea, new subspecies TYPE.-NO. 301950, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; this race have large white tips to the under K[unupil, Weyland Mountains, Netherland tail-coverts. The distribution of this char- New Guinea; October 7, 1931; G. Stein. acter is interesting. It does not appear in DIAGNOSIs.-Differs from kowaldi in the 5 7 e from Arfak (castanonotus), nor brownish-olive, not clear-olive back; the much 9, more rufous-brown outer edges of the remiges; in 4 9, 5 e from the southern Snow and the much more rufous-brown rectrices. Mountains (saturatus); in 5 9, 5 c from MEASUREMENTS.-Wing: e ad. 84, 85, 88, the north- side of east New Guinea (pul- 89; 9 ad. 84, 85, 86. 19401 RESULTS OF THE ARCHBOLD EXPEDITIONS. NO. 233 RANGE.-Weyland Mountains and south kowaldi. Birds from the south slopes of Snow Mountains. the Snow Mountains (1911) are as brown- REMARKS.-Stresemann and Paludan ish as Weyland Mountains birds. Part of (1936, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 221) this may be due to foxing but as they are identified this series as schalowiana on the slightly more brownish than 1903-1936 basis of slightly larger size. Mayr and I southeast New Guinea birds I am includ- have shown (1937, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. ing them in this new race. Hist., p. 113) how slight is the size variation over the range of this species, and the Microeca flavigaster tarara, new material from the 1938-1939 Ex- new subspecies pedition supports the view that schalowiana TYPE.-No. 426791, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; o' ad.; Tarara, Wassi Kussa River, Western cannot be upheld. Division, Territory of Papua, New Guinea; In addition to slight variation in size December 26, 1936; Richard Archbold and from one part of New Guinea to another A. L. Rand. is a in DIAGNOSIS.-Differs from terraereginae in the there slight difference size correlated darker, less citrine upperparts; and slightly with altitude, especially in the female, as paler underparts; and from flavigaster in the the following table shows: yellowish-washed throat and sides of head, including lores and superciliary line; in the WING MEASUREMENTS slightly yellower underparts; and the slightly Adult Adult greener upperparts. Southeast New Guinea Male Female MEASUREMENTS.-Wing: e 74, 74, 75, 75, 2000 meters 83,86 80,81 75, 75, 76, 78; 9 71, 73, 73. 2400 84,85,86 78,81,81,81 RANGE.-South New Guinea; prob- 2800 85 85 3600 86 ably the specimen recorded by Og.-Grant North slope Snow Mountains from the mouth of the Mimika River as 1800 meters 83,83,85 77,78,82 flavigaster (1915, Ibis, Jub.
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