John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 1-29-1943 The aC rroll News- Vol. 23, No. 9 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 23, No. 9" (1943). The Carroll News. 119. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/119 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " THE (ARROLL NEWS New Coadjutor . • • • EDITED BY AND FOR THE STUDENTS OF JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY VOL. XXIn CLEVELAND, OffiO FRIDAY,· JANUARY, 29, 1943 NO. 9 Columbro Terminates Position Freshmen Ele~t Clas s Olficers As News Business Manager On Wednesday, January 20, over With this issue, the Carroll News losses the services of Pat Oo­ seventy-five per-cent of the freshman lumbro, Business Manager. Pat is a second-half senior, and tradi.: class cast ballots in the first '46 elec­ tionally News staff members retire when they enter th~ ~cond tions. The first semester elections were half of their senior year in order to devote full time to their studies. only temporary in as much as the men Pat joined the business staff in his chosen at that time were acting as freshman year, and was appointed to leaders until the frosh became more the position of Assistant Busines Ma­ acquainted and therefore could recog­ nager. In his sophomore year he was nize qualities of leadership for perma­ appointed Business Manager at the nent officers. mid-year staff changes. He has band­ A landslide vote swept Jim Hogue led the position since, sometimes with to the presidency. Hogue ·is a West one assistant, more often alone, but Side boy who resides in Bernet Hall, always with admirable success. which gave him drawing power from Since Pat took over the position of both the day-hop and dorm students. Business Manager, the amount of ad­ Jim Tolle was elected to the office of vertising space sold has more than Vice-president by a wide margin. Bill doubled, and has always shown steady Koster and Bill Brugeman were chosen increase. The duties of the Business as Secretary and Treasurer, respect­ Manager include soliciting copy, ar­ ively. ranging the advertising copy layout, All these men, except Brugeman, billing, and collecting for ads. gain seats in the Carroll Union due to In addition to fulfilling these duties, their elections. They will represent the Pat was elected a lieutenant at his freshman in the Union activities. freshman class elections, and was se­ The Carroll Union took charge of the cretary of the freshman debating club, balloting and counting of votes. Mitch He went to the finals in the freshman Shaker, Dan Vance, Bob Kleis and AI debating tournament. He was vice-pre­ Francesconi were those in charge. sident of the French Club and has been active in class affairs. In his senior year he was accepted for inclusion in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Dr. A nderson Appointed Carroll Pledges . Support To Universities." But these have been only extra­ curricular activities. In addition Pat WPB Regional Director Bishop Hoban, Coadjutor majored in Sociology, always maintain­ H. ing a high scholastic average. He has Dr. Paul ¥tderson, who has been teaching Business Statis­ By papal declaration Bishop Edward Francis Hoban has been worked throughout his four years as tics and Mathematics at Carroll, has just been appointed Cleve­ designated as bishop of Lystra and coadjutor of the Suffr~ land Regional Director, Bureau of Statilstics, War ProrliUdion a guard for the Clevelan<l- Public Li­ See ·~f Cleveland '\ ith full P<Htet of Slh:C~$!:don . Here rith uvtrii brary. Board. Carroll University pledges its earnest support and extends a mOBt Dr. Anderson attended Ohio Univer­ wholehearted welcome. Pat is the last member of the class sity, Akron University, University of Bishop Hoban is a Jesuit graduate of '43 on the Carroll News staff. His 1 UDIOD · c OUDCI·1 Michigan, and the University of Illi­ having attended the historic St. Igna­ performance on the paper has been an nois. During his seven years in college, Fu ll in Is President: tius High School, founded by Father outstandingly successful one. In addi­ he maintained a straight "A" average, Damien, S. J., in Chicago, Illinois. Re­ tion to being Business Manager, he Incomplete and was a member of the Classical of Frosh Speech Club presenting his former alma mater were made a success in school activities, and Club, Vice President of the Philosoph- The officer staff of the second sem­ The freshmen oratorical society held the Very Reverend Nicholas H. Mann, in his school work. Pat has always ical Club, and President of the Bi Mu ester Carroll Union Executive Council its first meeting of the second semester S. J., President of St. Ignatius High been personally liked by all be bas Epsilon. Also, he made special studies will be complete upon the election of Thursday, Jan. 21. Officers were elect­ School, and the Reverend Joseph C. come in contact with. in Mathematics, Statistics, and Eco­ a treasurer at the next meeting, Thurs­ ~d and James Fullin was voted presid­ Bilstein, S. J., Director of St. Ignatius nomics. Dr. Anderson is a member of day, February 4. ent of the club, N. Bucur was elec~ed Alumni, in whose ranks Bishop Hoban The American Mathematical Society, vice-president and Charles Tucker se­ was most illustrious. ICC 1-tOLDS DANCE Present officials are Mitch Shaker, the American Statistical Association, cretary. Fullin has been active as a Two archbishops colored the august President; Al Francesconi, vice-presid- the Institute of Mathematical Statis­ The Inter-Collegiate Club renewed ent and Jim Mayer, secretary. These debator both in speech class and the ceromonies, they were Archbishop John tics, and Mathematical Association of it's activities at the first meeting of men obtained their offices via the sue­ club. Plans were then drawn up where T. McNichols of the Province of Cin­ America. cinnati of which Cleveland is a Sur­ the present semester at Carroll Sun- cession route, therefore leaving one by the society will engage in active During the last war, Dr. Anderson debates with the Big-Four Colleges, ragan See, and Archbishop Samuel A. day, Jan. 24 under the leadership of it's office open. traveled abroad, living in Jugoslavia Notre Dame College and Ursuline Col­ Stritcb of the Province 0f Chicago of newly elected president, Jim Tolle. Besides this office some seats in the from 1913 to 1919. which Rockford is a Suffragan See. Also Union are to be filled. Vacancies will lege. A committee was appointed with Tentative plans have been made to As a contriButor to Annals of Ma­ representing the Chicago province were be filled by men elected by members Paul Dochety as chairman, N. Bucur thematical Statistics, Dr. Anderson has Bishops William D. O'Brien, another hold a dance at Ursuline College on of activities now without representa­ and Robert Farrow assisting him in written articles of interest to those in Ignatius Alumnus, and Bernard J. Sheil either the 19th or 21st of February. tion. scheduling the debates with the other Recordings will be used and arrange­ his field. Although a mathematician, colleges. founder of the C. Y. 0 . A list of Carroll Union members and ments for the affair will be made by Dr. Anderson's interests have not been Edward J . McCormick, president of Adding to the majestic grandeur of the activities that they represent, fol­ the installation was a total of 16 bis­ the secretary of the I.C.C. Pat Brachow limited to his field. He is an ardent the senior oratorical society was pre­ lows: hops, scores of monsignori, Knights ski. fishing fan, and is also interested in sent and explained to the club about Mitch Shaker ....................... ...... ..... LTS of Columbus, priests, nuns, and hun­ travel, and in opera. the coming oratorical contest for the The members decided to have their dreds of prominent civic leaders. Aux­ AI Francesconi .... ..... ... .. .. '44 president Dr. Anderson came to John Carroll President's Medal. This contest is open bowling parties on Friday !lfternoons iliary Bishop James A. McFadden act­ Jim Mayer .. ... .... ....... .. .... '45 president this year from Louisiana State Uni­ not only to Speech club members but at Cedar Center Alleys. ed for the ailing Archbishop Joseph Bob Kleis .. .......... ... ...... ......... .. ........ Band versity, where he taught prior to com­ for the whole student body as well. A motion was carried to send gifts Schrembs who received the Last Sac­ ing here. Anyone wishing to partake in the con­ to the boys in camp but there is more Tom Burlage ... ....... ... Classical Club rements on the eve of the official seat­ money needed. Along these lines, a test may do so if they desire. A date Bill Dwyer . .. ... .. .. .. .. French Club ing. He rallied' soon after. will be set for this affair in the future. chain letter containing all the names Vic Walsh .... ... ............ .. .. '45 secretal)" The 64 year old bishop coadjutor was of members of the club will be sent to Father A. Linz, S. J., who is mod­ Jerry Higgens ........ '44 vice-president Sophs Cancel Dance consecrated in Chicago, December 21, erator of the club gave his approval for five boys formerly in the club now in Dan Vance ........ ...... .. .......... Carroll News 1921, by the late Cardinal George W. It is highly probable that the annual the armed forces. Jim Moran .... .......... '45 vice-president entrance in coming intercollegiate de­ Mundelein, and recently served as bi­ Sophomore Dance will be cancelled this Ursuline will be the site of the next Ed McCormick .
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