CSITA AUTOMATION ISSN 2414-9055 UDC 004.9:622.1:622.271 https://doi.org/10.31721/2414-9055.2016.2.3.4 THE ANALYSIS OF POSSIBILITIES OF MODERN NEURAL NETWORK SIMULATOR SOFTWARE FOR REALIZATION OF LOCAL INTELLECTUAL REGULATORS Kupin A., Sc.D, Professor, Mysko B., PhD student Kryvyi Rih National University Abstract. A research objective is the analysis of possibilities of the software of modern stimulators of neural networks. By application of methods of the system analysis the best packages on the basis of twelve criteria are revealed. The gained results can be applied for implementation of local intellectual regulators. Keywords: neural networks, software simulators, algorithms of learning. Introduction. Now in the world a rather big structures for local intellectual regulators of the type amount of powerful neural network simulators is [9, 10] the methodology [4, 7] was used. On the first worked out [1]. The main differences between them plan the criteria, related to simplicity of the use of consist in an amount of neuron architectures, neural packages, evidence of presentation of topologies and methods of supported studies, information and possibilities of the use of typical limitations in relation to filling of network, presence neuron structures, criteria of optimization and of programmatic interface with widely spoken algorithms of studies of neural networks were put in languages or programming (as MS Visual C++, the forefront. Unlike the work [4], it was appraised Delphi, C++ Builder, C#, etc.), environments for and taken into account the cost of licenses of organization of data exchange and possibility of software of all packages. integration into own software projects. Except universality a neural package must Thus, most known and powerful are such be simple in the use, have intuitively clear interface software projects [2-6]: and provide evidence of presentation of - NeuralWorks Pro II/Plus (Aspen information. On the basis of these requirements Technology, Inc.); such criteria of comparison are set forth: - Neuro Solutions (NeuroDimension, Inc.); - simplicity of creation and studies of neural - MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox network, intuitively clear interface; (MathWorks, Inc.); - simplicity of preparation of educational - STATISTICA Neural Networks (Statsoft, selection; Inc.); - the evidence and plenitude of - Brain-Maker Pro (California Scientific presentation of information in the process of Software, Inc.); creation and studies of neural networks; - NeuroLand (Institute of mathematical - amount of standard neuron paradigms, machines and systems, Ukraine). criteria and algorithms of studies of neural There is also an enormous amount of less networks; known, simplified or specialized packages (i.e. for - possibility of creation of original neuron supercomputers, clusters, GRID-calculations, etc.). structures; For example, Deductor Academic, JavaNNS, Neuro - possibility of the use of original criteria of Office, Neuro Pro, Neuro Shell, NNC, NNW, Sim optimization; Brain, T-System, Nimfa, SNNS, SNC (Software - possibility of the use of original algorithms Neuron Computer), etc. [8]. of studies of neural networks; Materials and Methods. With the aim of - possibility of programmatic expansions of analysis of the marked neural simulators and the neural packages; choice of the most suitable for application in the - cost of licenses, presence of trial version. process of programmatic realization of neural © Computer science, information technology, automation. 2016. Volume 2, issue 3 4 CSITA AUTOMATION ISSN 2414-9055 The estimation of neural packages on the practically any conceivable tuning of package under marked criteria was conducted by a ten-point scale. a task. Except adequate facilities of visualization this Research of authors was also taken into account in neural package is equipped with powerful quality end-point of testing of the above-mentioned neural facilities. packages [1-3]. On the basis of comparison such A neural network is designed as a set of the results are received. neurons connected together. The function of The NeuroSolutions is a universal neural activating a neuron can be selected from five package intended for design of a wide circle of standard functions (piece-linear, function of a sign artificial neural networks. Basic dignity of the and three types of sigmoid) and also set in an marked neural package consists in its flexibility: optional kind by user. except traditional of neural networks paradigms (as The connections between neurons are set full coherent multi-layered neural networks or a optionally on the stage of planning of neural self-organizing map of Kohonen) a neural package network, here they can be simply enough changed contains powerful editor of the visual planning of in the process of work with a neural network. A neural network that allows creating practically any neural package supports all known types of own neuron structures and algorithms of their connections: lines cross and reverse. The neural studies. Especially it should be noted that this neural package of NeuroSolutions also has rather powerful package allows the user to enter its own criteria of facilities for organization of educational selections. studies of neural network, not limiting to only The built-in converters of data support graphic widespread, but far from being optimal criteria of a images in BMP format, ordinary text files with minimum of a mean-square error. The neural numeric or symbol data and also the functions of package of NeuroSolutions is equipped by powerful continuous argument (for example, time), set in an and well carefully thought-out facilities of analytical kind or as a selection of values. visualization (it is possible to control practically all A neural package allows using the wide set the parameters, beginning from a neuron network of learning criteria – discrete and continuous (for structure and ending with a process and result of example, by use of integrating neurons). Besides, it’s studies). The presence of powerful facilities of possible to enter your own criteria. By studies it is visualization destroys a neural package on the level possible to use both a built-in back-propagation of CAD-systems. Thus NeuroSolutions can be algorithm or delta-rules, and your own. A correctly considered a valuable and all-sufficient planning built system of visualization of learning process system and design of neural networks. allows conducting the analysis of weight coefficients The package of NeuroSolutions is intended and their direct changing in the learning process for work in the operating systems and bringing in corresponding adjustments. By Windows'9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7-10. Except means of neural package it is possible to enter noise the correctly organized facilities of co-operating description not only by testing of neural network, with the operating system (OLE2 is supported) a but also by its studies. neural package is also provided with a generator of For acceleration of work the neural package initial code and facilities that allow using the of NeuroSolutions contains the generator of external modules for planning and studies of neural standard architectures (Neural Wizard). By means of network. A package supports the programs, written this generator it is possible to set architecture of by means of the language C++ for the most known neural network quickly, pick up an educational compilers (Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++) selection, criteria and methods of studies. The most and also a program as an executable code (libraries known neural networks paradigms are supported: of DLL). Thus, the package of NeuroSolutions shows multi-layered networks, RBF, net of Kohonen, self- a flexible open system that can be complemented organizing structures and others. and modified, if necessary. There is a built-in macro A cost of base licenses of package of language in the package that allows doing NeuroSolutions according to the data [3] for all © Computer science, information technology, automation. 2016. Volume 2, issue 3 5 CSITA AUTOMATION ISSN 2414-9055 operating systems depends on their level. First level by users. The package has a built-in code generator (Educator) 195$ – mastering of MLP of neural nets. that supports the compiler of Microsoft Visual C++. Second level (Users) 495$ – recognition of static The cost of license of NeuralWorks patterns. Third level (Consultants) 995$ – Professional is from 1995 to 4995 $ depending on a recognition of dynamic patterns and prophecy. A platform (DOS, Windows, NT, Sun, RS6000, SGI). The fourth level (Professional) 1495$ – generation of professional variant (9995 - 14995 $) executed as a Visual Basic code for application in the software. The specialized environment of development allows to fifth level (Developers) 1995$ – includes initial generate the external С++ code and to use libraries on С++. The additional program programming with С++. Thus, here it is possible to (195 - 1495$ depending on a level) generates DLL- develop any new neural networks and it also includes libraries of neural networks created in additional packages for real-time applications NeuroSolution. together with fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms. Results. The final estimation of this package MATLAB + Neural Network Toolbox (NNT). It and other simulators was made by a ten-point scale. allows to rationally combine the possibilities of End-point received taking into account the data [7] powerful mathematical package and simultaneous are presented in tab. 1. work
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