Biographical Catalogue 1918

Biographical Catalogue 1918

n- COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 1918 ?HE NEW ER!$%l~~G COMPAllY LANCASTER, PA. 191s PREFACE Up to and ihcluding the year 1907-08 it was customary to L:." print a list of the graduates of the College and of the Theological 1 Seminary in the annual issues of the University catalogue. In ** the year 1912 there was issued a Statistical Catalogue of the Stu- dents of the Collegiate and Tlieolo~icalBepartme& of Lincoln I University. Of this catalogue the present publication, with the name changed to Biographical Catal,ogue, is a second edition, re- vised and corrected so far as possible to date. I Several new features should be noticed. The students are ar- ranged not alphabetically (escept in the general index at the back), nor by year of matriculation, but in their proper classes, I although in some eases, especially with the first few classes, it has , 1 been impossible, owing to lack of records, to make an accurate classification. The classes have been divided into two parts, those who completed the course and received a degree, and those who did not. In the case of the latter the letter b is printed after their names in the general index at the back. A compact system of 1 abbreviations has been adopted which it is thou& will be self- 1 explanatory. The biographical notes are printed once with each name, viz., where it is mentioned in the depaytment, college or theological seminary, first attended. I 'Thanks are given to the professors, alumni, and students who have helped in the compilation of the present volume. An effort has been made to make everything as accurate as posdble. Cor- I rections and additions should ibe reported at once to the under- I signed. I JOHNB. RENDALL. LINCOLNUNIVERSITY, PA., April 13, 1918. Incorporators of Aslinazm Iqutitute, 1854 REV. JOHN&I. DICKEY,D.D. REV.ALFRED HAMILTON, D.D. REV.ROBERT PEEL DUBOIS REV.JAMES IJATTA REV.JOHN B. SPOTTSWOOD,D.D. R,Ev. JAXESM. CROVELL,D.D. SAMUELJ. DICEEP JOHNM. KELTON WILLIAX!l WILSON Tmstees of Lixcoh&Uwiversity, 1865 to 1916 Elected Resigned or Died 1865 REV. JOHNMILLER DICKEY, D.D. .... 1878 REV.JOI-IN B. SPOTTSWOOD, D.D. ..... 1872 R.Ev. WILLL~R. BINGHBX,D.D. .... 1903 RON.WILLIAM E. DODGE........... 1886 REV.E. P. ROGERS,D.D. ............ 1867 REV.EZRA E. ADAMS,D.D. .......... 1867 REV. THOUASMCCAULEY, D.D. ...... 1903 REV.RICHARD NEWTON, D.D. ........ 1868 REV.E. N. EIRK,D.D. .............. 1867 IMAJ.-GEN. 0. 0. HOWARD.......... 1873 HON.EDWIN D. NORGAN............ 1869 BISHOPM. SIMPSON,D.D. ........... 1869 REV.HOWARD NALCOL~I, D.D. ....... 1872 R.Ev. SANUELC. LOGAN,D.D. ....... 1872 REV.ANDREW BOYD CROSS, D.D. ..... 1890 REV.WILLIAM M. PASTON,D.D. ..... 1867 REV.JOHN CHESTER, D.D. .......... 1872 SAJ~UELJ. DICIIEY................. 1868 JOHNM. KELTON.................. 1869 WILLTANC. SPRUANCE............. 1870 1 9 LINCOLSUSIVERSITT Elected Resigned or Died 1867 REV. FRSK B. HODGE.D.D. ........ 16i2 REV. J . I3 . Sur~.iar................ 1872 R.EV. ISLICN . RENDALL,D.D. ....... 1912 REV. T . J. SHEPHERD............... 1872 1868 R.EV. FRANCISR . B~STERS, D.D. ..... 1874 ALEXANDERJVEIILDIN .............. 1895 WILLIaar .A . I~YG€IAx ............... 1872 1869 R.EV. ALBERTB-IRNES ............... 1871 REV. GEORGES . MOTT,D.D. ......... 1903 R.EV. 31 . C. SUTPI~EN............... 1874 Jiims IV . WEIR ................... 1870 1870 JANESHAWLEY ................... 1874 GEN. E . If . GREGORY............... 1872 1872 R.AVAUD I<. I-I-IwLEY ............... 1585 HENRYB . I~ARVEY................. 1880 R.Ev. SA~IUELDICKEY .............. 1884 CHARLESP . TURNER............... 1873 REV. JOIINL . WITHROW,D.D. ....... 1876 REV. BERIAHB . HOTCHKISS,D.D. .... 1880 I-IEXRYDISSTOS ................... 1878 EPEIRAIJIS.LUNDERS ................ 1873 REV. NITIIAXG. PARKE?D.D. ....... 1904 1873 GEN. J.mas A . BEAVER............. 1911 S-ilarum Saum .................... 1876 THEODORESTRONG ................. 181g J . S. HELFEPTSTEIN................. 1880 1874 G . MOOREITEAD............ 1880 1875 REV. HENRYE . NILES,D.D. ......... 1901 REV. STEPHENW . DANA,D.D. ....... 1911 1876 REV. CHARLESA . DICKEY,D.D. ..... 1886 REV. CALVIN JQ . STEW.IBT,D.D. ..... 1892 R.Ev. Jmzs ROBERTS,D.D. .......... 1886 1879 R.EV. 13~~~x7H . WELLES ............ 1895 R.Ev. BENJAMIN T . JONES,D.D. ...... 1885 1880 HON. JOSEPHALLISON, LL.D ........ 1896 HENRYB . ESSICK................. 1885 ADAMC . ECXPELDT................ 1894 1885 REV. J~EST . LEFWICH. D.D. ..... 1894 REUBENJ . FLICK.................. 1891 'I i 1 I BIOGRAPHICAL,CATALOGUE 3 I Electea Resignea or Died CHARLESE. VAIL .................. 1887 1886 GEORGEE. DODGE.................. 1892 . REV. ELLIOTTE. SWIFT, D.D. ....... 1889 JOHNill. C. DICKEY................ 1909 1887 REV.WILLAIM A. HOLLIDAY,D.D. .... 1888 REV.MELANCHTHON W. JACOBUS,D.D. 1906 1891 REV.JOHN M. GALBREATH,D.D. ..... 1915 1892 REV.GEORGE T. PURVES,D.D. ....... 1899 =n WALTEP,CARTER ................... 1898 1894 REV. ROBERTSAAfl'LE, D.D. ......... 1906 1895 THOXASW. SYNNOTT.............. WILLL~EI. SCOTT................ CHARLESB. ADbi\ISON .............. 1899 H. C. GARA....................... 1911 J. FRANKBLACK .................. JOHNP. AMarIDON ................ 1905 1900 J. EVERTONR.a&fsmr ............... 1903 REV.JOHN R.DAVIES, D.D. ....... ... 1913 WILLIAMH. VAIL, M.D. ............ 1904 R,Ev. F. CORNWELLJENNINGS ....... 1907 REV.HOWARD DUFFIELD, D.D. ....... 1911 SAMUELRALSTON DICKEY ........... 1906 REV.ROBERT WATSON, D.D. ......... JANESL. TWADDELL............... 1914 1907 REV.JOHN B. RENDALL,D.D. ....... 1908 REV.JOHN B. LAIRD,D.D. .......... REV.W. T. L. EIEFFER,D.D. ....... 1913 1909 REV.JOHN C. CALHOUN,D.D. ....... 1910 REV.MlmcoLaf J. MCLEOD,D.D. ..... 1911 REV. CALVIN C. HAYES,D.D. ........ HENRYL. DAVIS................... 1912 REV.WILLIAM L. MCEWAN,D.D. .... 1913 REV.WILLLIM C. ROBINSON,D.D. .... 1914 REV.GEORGE E. TURNER,D.D. ...... ARTHURT. PARKE................. Jv TIIE FACULTY Presidents Elected Resigned or Died 1857 REV.JOHN PYX CARTER ............ 1861 1860 REV.JOHN WPNNE MARTIN, D.D. .... 1865 1865 REV.ISAAC N. RENDALL, D.D. ....... 1906 1906 REV. JOHNB. RENDALL,D.D. ....... Professors Elected Resigned or Died . 1S66 REV.LOREXZO WESTCOTT, D.D. ...... 1871 3Tathematics 1S6S REV.EDTIN R.. BOWER, D.D. ........ 1883 Systematic Theology 1S6S .REV.E. E. ADAUS,D.D. ............ 1573 Belles Lettres 1869 REV.GILBERT T. WOODEIULL,D.D. .... 1898 Greek 1565 SANUELB. HOTVELL,M.D. .......... 1881 Natural Science 1571 R.Ev. Jom B. RENDALL,D.D. ....... Latin 1672 R.Ev, TEOMASv. CITTELL, D.D. .... 1857 Mathematics 1S73 REV. CLEMENTC. DICKEY.......... 1878 EIebrew 1S74 REV. CASPERROBUE GREGORY, D.D. .. 1881 R,hetoric IS53 R,Ev. BENJANIXT. JONES, D.D. ...... 1893 Rhetoric and English Bible R.Ev. ELIAKINT. JEFFERS,D.D. ...... 1890 Systematic Theology 1885 REV.DAVID E. SHAW............... 1893 Hebrew and History R,Ev. SA~JELA. MARTIN, D.D. ...... 1895 Rhetoric 4 BIOGRAPHICALCATALOGUE 5 Elected Resigned or Died 1887 J. CRAIGMILLER, M.D. ............. Natural Science 1890 REV.ROBERT LAIRD STEWART, D.D. ... 1913 ’ Pastoral Theology 1893 REV.J. ASPINWALLHODGE, D.D. ..... 1901 ,English Bible WALTERL. WRIGHT................ Mathematics REV.WILLIAM D. KERSWILL,D.D. ... 1905 Hebrew and EIistory 1895 REV. GEORGEB. CARR,D.D. ......... Rhetoric and €Iomiletics 1899 REV.MALCOLW J. &!CLEOD, D.D. ..... 1900 Greek . REV.JAJIES L. REED ................ 1901 English 1900 REV. SANUELDICKEY .............. 1903 . Greek 1901 REV.JOHN &I. GALBREATH,D.D. ..... 1914 English Bible 1902 REV. DAVIDA. MCWILLIAJIS........ 1904 History and Sociology REV.GEORGE JOHNSON, Ph.D. ........ Theology and Philosophy 1903 REV.WILLIAM HALLOCK JOHNSON, DD. Greek 1905 REV.JAJIES CARTER ................ History aiid Sociology 1906 REV.FRANK €1. R.IDGELY,PhD. ...... 1917 Hebrew 1910 REV. WILLIAMP. FINNEY,D.D. ..... English 1914 REV.W. T. L. KIEFFER,D.D. ........ Pastoral Theology HAROLDE’. GRIM .................. Biology REV. SANTJEL c. HODGE............ English Bible 1917 REV. ROBERTa!. LdBAREE, D.D.. ........... Hebrew STUDENTS 6 1868 . "BAKER, Hmbi\r--'GS AB. Min Presb, Rome, Ga. HEDGES,PETER P--'68 AB. Ifin Presb, Baltimore, 3fd. JOHNS,READING BE.~TY-'~S AB. B, Doylestown, Pa, Ap 9 '40, son of Israel Simon Johns (1807-1854) and Cornelia Evans. Prep, Acad, Doylestown, Pa, and under Izes Henry Edward Spayd, Solebury, Pa; Ashmun Institute, '59-63 ; Prince- ton Theo Sem, '63-66; '6s AB. Ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, '65-66; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 16 '66; ss Siloarn oh, Elizabeth, '66-67; p Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, '67-68; p Talcott St Cong ch, Hartford, Ct, 'GS-73; p 1st -4frican Presb ch, Philadelphia, '73-79; p Nt Zion Cong ch, Cleveland, 0, '79-80; p. Shiloh Presby ch, New Pork City, '$2-65; p ABLE ch, Bristol, Pa, 'SG-S'i; p Reading, '87-68; p Jackson St Cong ch, Nashville and Goodlettsville, Tenn, 'S6-69; p Jackson St miss, '69-90; p Jackson, Miss, '90-92; ev, Am Miss Ass, '68-06; Cong state ev, NC, '06-13; p Hope Cong ch, Am- herst, Mass, '13-; taught school, Princeton, NJ, Jackson, Miss, Dud- ley, NC; chaplain of Conn Legislature; moderator of Presby of Phila- delphia; president of Philadelphia Presby Ministers Meeting. Mar (1) My 2 '65, Mary Ellen Huston (d, Dc 7 '77), Princeton, NJ, 6 children; (2) Oc '79, Maria C Barney, Byberry, Pa, 3 children. ildd, Box 531, Amherst, Mass. JOHNSON,WILLLW DEcrcn--'6S AB. ROBINSON,CLEMENT C-'68 AB. VANHORNE,&!hHLON--'68 AB. Min Cong; US Consul, Liberia. 1869 'WARTER,JOHN F--'G9 AB. "GIPSON,STEPHEN B--'69 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. "ITEDGES,

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