Average Daily Clrenlatton For Moai^ at Aagaat; The High School Youth Kellow- Mrs. Mary .DeUmey of Haw­ Fair aa^ eyolrr toailgfctt Satar- ship, of the South Methodist thorne street has received m notl-. Invite rradiiated Police Board 8,775 day taiF tbilowad by laeraaaiag fleation from the War Department ,hld> eloadlarm late alftaraoM; A bou t Tow n cmir'ch will hold a get-acquainted -<v stating that her eon, Wc. Frank­ Maaatar af ^AadH ‘oonMnoed cool. "" party at the chirr'ch Friday eve­ lin DclMey of the U. S. Marine Cancels Meet Bafaaa a( j ning beginning at 7:30 o clock. A To. Parsonage T )a » Amerlcen Legion Auxiliary Corps wae wounded In setkm.' A KLEIN’S Manehm!U)r--~TA City o f Village Charm- variety program o f games and en­ MCClved an Invitation from letter from Private Delaney jRatea TELEPHONH3256 _ ■ - --- -T-'-— 1—3 :--------- ------------- — -------------- ^ ilobWt E. ColUn#,I^t, No. 131 of tertainment has ijeen planned for 161 CENTER OTREET that lie wae wounded on July 32, Misunderstanding , on ‘ Hattford, to atCehd their inatalis.- the evening and all young people was hospitalized and is back in ac­ Rev. and M r^Theodpre (CtaaeUtath AdverUetag aa raga U> ' MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) P R K ^ t B R E B CEN1 and their friends are welcome. Re- VOI.LXPI.,N0.807 ^:aon Monday evening at eight tion, . Time Causes Afitidn; .^»’<dock at the Aetna Inaurance freshmenU wHl he served. On Sun- E. Palmer to Keep da'y evening at the meeting at 6:00 v'OOE^pany'a building. They daaire to Anderson-Shea Auxiliary and Open House on Oct. L. Manual Not Completed 'tcBow how,many to plan'<w aa Edward Macauley. a teacher In the young people's department, the Post Club w-m have a card PsiHtroopers Search House aoon aa -posaible, and memberago-, party Saturday night at eight The last meeting^ of the Board Parleys Rrach will lead «»> service of worship. Rev! and Mr*. Theodore E. w ahould conUct the prealdMA o'clock at the Zlpser clubhouse. of Police ebn^iaaioners was Three-W ay To both of «iese events the young Palnie.r of Emanuel Lutheran Mta. nwmaa Dannaher ^of^ B ig^ scheduled for,/last night, but people aiP cordially welcome. church, will keep “ open houee” at Mrii. Roy W. Goodale of Niantlc. through is misunderstanding In | Large Portion who underwent an' appendectqjn.V the pareonage on Church atr'eeL time it Was /hot held. PORK ROASTS SPARERlBS Mr. and Mrs. Uidwig W. Han­ Sunday, October 1, and extend a sen Of 27 EIro street have received yesterday at the .Lawrence and The meeting was called for 7:30 I Brive Developihg; Memorial Hospital, New London, general Invitation to the parish- and was ' to have . been devoted | O f Agreement K m AES a letter 'from their son, Technical loners of Emanuel. The first ves­ c h ic k e n s f o w l s t e a k s Sergeant Edward G; Hansen, stat­ is as comfortable as can be ex­ completely to the. police manuel, I OI Belfort Now; pected. i?he was the former Miss per of the season will take place which haa been hanging fire for ing that he is In France, having Sunday afternoon at five o’clock, 4 Dorothy Lyttle of Eldrldge atreet. ^ver a year.. The greater part of Russian Talks Are Con* been transferred from Englaim in charge of Pastor Palmer whose GLASS TOP *Bulk Sauerkraul Hla serial number is A.S.N. t ^ manual was^ drafted by WEl-' | Peace Bids Heard Humphrey;, subject will be "Who Am I?" Ham Allen when* be was chairman ck|ded with ' Series 31103326, Headqiiarters Battery. Private Donald F. and the informal reception will 94 Division Artillery, A.P.O. 94. .............. ..... _ .. Humphrey, and, aa Mr. Allen’s term expires CANNING Fresh Shoulders son of Mrs. Mary E. follow that service from 6:30 on. Hun- O f Sp^ches; Chinese -W’ c-o Ppstmsster, New York, N. Y. who resides at 33* Unilroore drive, Those unable to attend the veapers Monday members wers anxious to | Rumors Indicate Push Near Grange Hall is now on duty with an Ordnance take up the work last night. Fresh Hams Six Months^ wilt be welcome any time during JARS a. •- . Gi’oup to Be Met. t. Supply Company In the South A t -7-30 i>ut three commls-1 a HitlerV Last Rev. Alfred D. Carey of Bea­ the evening. Miss Priscilla, Peabody con. N. Y „ and Song Evangelist Pacific aa an assistant company Mrs. Palmer will be ss.sisted by atoq^rs -were preaent The chair- Sm ed Shoulders Important Satellite, Washington, sept. 29.—(P)-The .\flaai Within 20| tomorrow Night Frank C. Smith of South Portland, clerk. This ordnance unit, which a committee from the Women's i.ian had been notified by Secre­ Wait Seen Miss Priscilla Alden Peabody PINTS' Dumberton Oaks aecurlty con­ 23 iffiGULAR GAMES 25c. Maine, will be the special workers is a part of the Sauth Tacifle Gen- Missionary -Society,- Mrs. Edward tary Rand that he could not be May Be on Verge of Speed'Is Ordered I To 25 les of Fonri ~ one of the largest preaent as\he had been called to ferees announced tod iy they had 7 SPECIAL GAMES in the fail campaign, beginning | eral Depot, one of the M iffitt, Mrs. August Carlsan and was graduated from the Water- 69c Dozen Desertion; Defensive For Autos ; Mail! October 8 at the Church of the sources of supply in the entire Mrs. Carl Thoren. The Mislionary bury Hospital School of Nursing, New York. Commissioner McCann reached “a large measure of SWEEPSTAKES South Pacific, la responsible for understood that the meeting was | Nazarene. Society will arrange for the re­ agreciUent" on plans for a'.jyorld Mark Up of: WEEKLY PRIZE the receiving, etoring, and ehip- at exercises held in Waterbiiry, called for 8 o'clock. Position Is Dark Now. ■' . freshments, and are planning for organization during the Russian V On Plans to Make MONtHLY PRIZE ping of all types of automotive a large gathering. The offering re­ Wednesday evening, September 20. At 7:45 iCwbe decided that the I Enen Longer Period May Three to Five QUARTS Roast and Ch<^ phase of the eonfennee. 'll W AR BOND parts. Everything from bumpers ceived will be for missions. Other She is now on the staff of the polica manual w,aa a matter that Moscow, Sept. 29.— (/P)— to radiators are handled by the Be Required After Ta Be Drawn Sept. 39. members who wdil assist are Mrs. Waterbury Hospital awaiting should be taken ^up' by all of the The Red Army’s three-way The Russian talka, which -hava Patton^ 8 Men Ku' company. Pvt. Humphrey's job is John, A. Olson, Mrs. Hugo Pearson, commissioners ana^ Commissioner | 79c Dozen Stewing Meat last^ six weeks, end failed to set­ call from the U. S. Navy Nursing 'offensive against Hungary- Victory in Europe Germany Harmless I Out 82 Tanks; E i | ^ l ! STOP In the Orderly room of his com­ Miss Norma Johnson and Mrs. Ida Burnham left. \ tle all issues, were concluded yes­ pany and he is responsible for such Soderburg. Corps. A t 8 o'clock Comrnisaioner Me- from Romania and Yugoslavia Before Production. terday with a series d f speeches bp ; Or 10 Villages Takeiii essentials as payrolls, passes, ra­ Can. From Worcester Miss Peabody ie the daughter , Cann arrived, but theXmeetlng had | developed swiftly today while the British; Ameilcan and Soviet tion and other eating commodlUes. Pastor and Mrs. Palmer came to been called off. V delegation cbelrmen. TERMITE o f Mr. and Mrs. W yvilla H. Pea­ rumors of ,.^)eace feelers by Detroit, Sept. 29—<iP)—Heads of Job Specifically Yank Troops Croftsman Manchester August 1 from To Meet Oblaeae Oroub London, Sept. 29.- Past Noble Grands' Night will Worce.ster, Mass. The church held body of 113 Hollister street, and the Budapest government in- the nation's automobile Industry der State Depart- r The American and British dele­ Doughboys of two Americ be observed by Sunset Rebckah a reception for them Sunday aft­ was graduated from Manchester ed Hitler’s last impor- ore agreed that If the war in Eu­ gates were scheduled to meet a /A patrol of British paratroopers of the First Allied' Airborne mvnCt Guidance in Arfnies on the southern DAMAGE Lodge in connection with Its meet­ ernoon., August 6, and last Sun­ High Quality C le a n ^ 01 Aufo Body Shop High school In June. 194L lAK GRILL' satedite may be on the rope ends before next Jan. 1, from Chinese group this afternoon for Arm y searches a ruined house at Oosterbeek, Holland, according Capture Key ing Monday evening in Odd Fel-! day, September 24, Rev. Palmer Heating Systems aqd ''vergo of deserting him. Hungary • to the caption accompanying this British official photo. Coster-, Order Given Crowley. of the Allied front advancfid'l *WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER* six to eight months will be requir­ concluding security talks expect­ Body and Fender Repairing lows hall. The supper which was was officially installed as pastor . Chimneys defensive position waa dark as beek is about three miles west of Arnhem and is on the north bank to within sight of the famoiii. TERMINIX c o m p a n y planned for this occasion will not ALICE OOFRAN ed before a new paasengei ,a ' ed to Tost shout ten days. W cM in K of Emanuel JLiutheran church, at strong ■■■ Ruatlan ‘ forces, pressing A Joint statement issued today oe the Neder Rhine river in the.
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