J 7490 CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD_._SENATE. SEPTEl\IBER 29~ several forks and tributaries. in Idahu with a view to flood con- Also, memorial of Motor Oar Co., of Baltimore, Md:.,, protesting trol ;- to the Committee 'On Flood Control. against the 3 per cent gross. sales tax on the automobi:fe· dealers By Mr. DENT: A bill (H. R. 6350) to aufuorlze the l.ssuance and manufacturers in the war:..re\enue bill; to the Committee on of Reserve Corps and National Army commissions in the lower Ways and Means. grades of· Sta1! Corps and to remove the- fixed age l.imjts requir- Also, petition of William H. Kammer, ·ot Baltimore, Md'., ing the discharge of Reserve Corps offieers ; to the Commfttee on protesting against the trrcrease in tax on alcohol'; to the Com- Military Affairs. mittee: on Ways and Means. By Mr. EMERSON: Resolution (If. Res. 156) asking the Also, memorial ot Carr-Lowry Glass Co., of Baltimore·, Md., President to set aside a day of prayer for the success of American- . favoring the inclusion ot glass ma.nufacturers ln the receivers arms; to the Committee on Milltar~ Affairs. · of preferential coal shipments~ to the· Committee on Agricnltur~ Also, petition of the August 1\laag Co., of Baltimore, Md., favoring the passage of the 1-cent war ta:x: on out-of-town let· PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ters; to the Committee on Ways and 1\feamr. Under clatrse 1 of Rule XXII, pri'v'ate bills and resolutions Arso, petition of the Lftch.fiel'd Manufacturing oo~, of Wate"r· were introduced and severally referred as fo-Hows: loo, Iowa, protestfng -again'St the excess-profits tax on mttmTfac-- By Mr. TINKHA.M. A bill (H. R. 6351}' for- the relief' of the turers of machinery~ to the Committee on Ways and Means. owner of the stenmer Mayjtotner and for the relfef· ot passengers Also~ petition of Swindell Bros., :Baltimore, 1\fd., protesti'ng on board said steamer;- to the Committee-on the .fndictary. against the pr.oposed tax of 5 per cent on perfumery-; to· the Com.. By Mr. RAKER: A bill (H. R. 6352) granting- an increas~ of mitte.e on Ways and Means. · . · pension to Martha F. James; to the Commfttee on ·Pensions. Also; petition of Maryland' Pharmaceutical Association, in- By Mr. NICHOLS of lllichlgan: A bill ~H. R. 6353) for there- dorsing House bill 5531, to increase tile efficiency of the United lief of James. Strachan; to the Committee on Claims. States Army; to the Committee on Milituy Affairs. By Mr. KINKAID: A bill (H. R. 6354) for the relief of Noah Also, petrtion of Alpha: Photo. Engraving Co.) Baltimore;. Md., Oo:x:; t<t the Committee on Military Affairs. opposing the war-revenue bill', House bill 4280; to: the Committee By 1\lr. HOOD: A bill (H. R. 63oo) granting a pensiolll to, on Ways and Means. Lillie I.· Davis; to the Committee on Pensions~ Also, petition of the Progre h-e Fa.r~r, of Birminghnm, By 1\fr. FOSS: A bill (H. Rr 6856) granting a pension to Ala., protesting against the increase in rates on mall matter Robert Leigh Morris; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. through the adoption o:t the zone s-ystem; to the Corumlttee oo BY' l\1r. DARROW: A bill ·(H. R. 6357) granting- a: pension to Ways: and Means. F.rences A. Griffith ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. MASON: Petition o.f 1,000 citizeBS of Monroe County, By 1\.Ir. CURRY of Calitorniu: A bill (H. R. 6358) granting a Dr., favoring the immedlat~ ]i)a:ssage of the Mason bi1t, providing pension to J. F. P. Gentil ~to the Committee on Invalid Pensions:.. that none of the drafted! or conscripted men shalt be sen:t for By 1\lr. BRODBECK : A· bill (H. R. 6359) granting an r.ncrease service outsi<le the territorial llmifs: of' tlie United States~ to the of pen ion to Jordan Johnson; ttr the Committee on Invalid Committee on Military Affairs. Pensions. BY Mr~ 1\IORIN:- Petitiolli of Woman's Borne 1\iisslona:ry So· By l\1r. ALMON: A bill (II. R. 6360) granting a pension to ciety of Emory. Methodist EPfscopal Chlll'ch.,. of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mary Lee Jeter-; to the Committee on InvaUd PellSions. mrging the submission of the Sheppard-Webb- bone-dry amend­ ment unconditionally, and asking' for l~slatlon that wiD pro.. hlbit tbe use of' gram in the ma.nllfactu:re. of liquor;, to the Conr­ PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of Rule xxrr, petitions and pape1·s were laid By Mr. RAKER: Memorial of National Automobile Chamber on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: · of Commerce, Motor and Accessories 1\'.tarmfucturing Associa­ By the SPEAKER (by request): Memorial of the Presbyte­ tion, of' New York, protesting against the proposed a. per cent rian. l\Iinisters• Association of Washington City and 'Vicinity, tar on gPoss sales of automobile industry ; to the Committee protesting against the proposal to give tobacco to the soldiers ; on Ways and 1\Ieans-. • to the Committee on Military Affairs-. .£is&, memorial of Mine Workers' Union, Butte, Mont, favor'"' ~. memorial o.f Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of Mis­ ing Government eontrol ot mines in tliA.t distriet; to the Com· souri, protesting against any further tax a.gainst the motion-· mittee on Mines and Mining. picture business; to the Committee- on Ways and Means. Also, petition of Langley & Michels, San F'ranci-sce, Cal\, in By Mr. ASHBROOK: Papers to- accompany House bill 6333, dors.tng section 1106, revenue bill, also· tn.x on drugs and in· for relief of Hulda.h Bone ~ to the Committee on. Invalid Pen- creased tax &n alcohol; te the Cbiilll:1ittee on Ways· and Means~ sions. , Also, petition of Di::tle Ov~rland Highway A soclatfon, Oolum.­ Also, papers to accompany Jiouse bill 6335, to grant an in­ bus, Ga., indorsing the Chmnbel'lain-Dent bill, Senate bill No-. 1: crease of pension to Jordan Johrulon; to the Committee on to the Committee- on J..\.lilitary Affairs. Invalid Pensions. ·By :Mr. CARY: l\!emorial of A.eroshade Co., of Waukesha, Wis., protesting agai:Q.St the proposed tax on catalogues~ book- SENA. TE. lets, etc.., in the war-revenue b:tH; to th.e Committee on Ways.and Means. SATURDAY, Sept'emoer ~9, 1917. By Mr. GALLIVAN: :Memorial of Lithuanian Alliance of St.. The- Chapiatn, Rev. Fon-est J. Prettyman, D~ D., offered the Casimer, South Boston, Mass., requesting the President of the following prayer: United States to give public assurance that the rights of Almighty God,. we pray for lig.fit upon the pathway of this- new Lithuania shall be championed ana protected at the peace con- day, the light that will illumine every problem that eome before ference following. the war; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. us and that will shine also in our hearts and rn.inds. Give to us Also, petition of War Convention of American Business, At- the knowledge of the glory of God. We pray Thee to guide us !antic City, September 17 to 21, 1917, 1avoring tfie action of the. according-to, Thine: own unerring counsel fn all om: deliberations Governnaent neces ary to keep at par the American dollar in and give us a.. constant consciousne of the Di ine presence and every country in the world ; to the Committee on Banking and leader hip. For Christ's sake. Amen. Currency.. The J.ourna1 of the proceedings of Thut•sda~ la. twas read and By Mr. KIESS of Pennsylvania: Papers to- accompany House app.roved. bill 6173, a bill granting a pension to.· l\Iary E. 1\finc.er; to the prE NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT (S. DOC. NO. US). Committee on Invalid Pensions. Tlie VICE 'PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communiea~ . By Mr. LINTillCUl\1: Petiti.on of W. M. F. Walker, Sl'., and . tlon from the S~eieta6· of the 'I'remmry, transmitting a letter W. M. F. Walker, jt:., of Baltimore, 1\ld., favoring passage of fr h S .~-h~· f th N b ·ttl 1 tal t• daylight-saving bill; to· the 'Committee on Interstate and Fo:r- · om t e ecreu.u.'Y o e · avy su m1. ng supp emen es I• eign Commerce. mates of appropriatfons for tne Navar Establi .hmeut, for the Also, memorial of Keller Sales Co., of Baltimore, Md., protest- service of the fiscal year 1918, amounting to 5,760,000, which,. ing against the 3 per cent gross tax on automobile dealers and with the accompanying papers, was. referred to the Committee manufactur91·s; to the Committee on 'Ways and Means~ · on Appropriations and ordered. to; be printed. .. · Also, petition of August Detlof, of Baltimore, 1\fd., protesting . MEss.aGE EROM THE .HOUSK against war; to th.e Committee on Fot:eign Affairs. · A me~age from the Hol.lSe.of'Representlltive , by G. F. T'ut.'ner; Al. o, petition of Franklin lUotor Co., of Baltimore, M.d., pro- one of its clerks, announced that. the House disagrees to the testing agai.'nst the 3 Per eent gross sales tax in tile war-revenue amendments of the Senate to the bill (B. R. 5949) making appro· bill; to the Committee ·on Ways and Means. priations to suPpfy urgent ·deficiencies in appropriations for the 1917. 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. t7491J fiScal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years~ on ac· in this time of great need of foodstuffs, when other sparsely settled an<l less productive localities are available, and could be secured with mucli count of war expenses, and for other purposes; asks a ·confeTence less damage to the public welfare.
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