European Business in Russia: Position Paper 2014 Меморандум европейского бизнеса в России 2014 Publication name/Наименование издания: AEB Position Paper/Меморан- Released date/Дата выхода в свет: December 1, 2014/1 декабря 2014 года. дум Ассоциации европейского бизнеса Circulation/Тираж: 2,000 copies /2 000 экз. Published by/Учредитель: Non-profit making partnership “Association of Cost/Цена: Distributed free of charge/Бесплатно European Businesses”/Некоммерческое партнерство Publisher’s address/Адрес издателя, редакции: “АССОЦИАЦИЯ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО БИЗНЕСА” Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, 127473, Moscow, Russia/Россия, Chief Editor/Главный редактор: M.E. Konischev/Конищев М.Е. 127473, г. Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д. 16, стр. 3 Publication volume and number/Номер выпуска: 1, 2014 The AEB Position Paper is registered with The Federal Service for The opinions and comments expressed here are those of the authors Supervision of Legislation in Mass Communications and Protection and do not necessarily reflect those of the Non-profit making partnership of Cultural Heritage, Certificate registration ПИ № ФС77-24456/ «Association of European Businesses»/Мнения/комментарии авторов СМИ “Меморандум АССОЦИАЦИИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО БИЗНЕСА” могут не совпадать с мнениями/комментариями учредителя публика- зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору за ции, Некоммерческого партнерства «АССОЦИАЦИЯ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций БИЗНЕСА» и охране культурного наследия. Свидетельство о регистрации ПИ № ФС77-24456 от 23 мая 2006 года. European Business in Europe: Position Paper | 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Letter from Chairman of the Board Обращение Председателя правления and Chief Executive Officer 2 и Генерального директора 138 INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEES ОТРАСЛЕВЫЕ КОМИТЕТЫ Agribusiness Committee 3 Комитет по АПК 139 Airline Committee 7 Авиационный комитет 144 Automobile Manufacturers Committee 9 Комитет автопроизводителей 146 Automotive Components Committee 14 Комитет производителей автокомпонентов 152 Banking Committee 16 Банковский комитет 155 Commercial Vehicle Producers Committee 20 Комитет производителей коммерческого транспорта 160 Construction Equipment Committee 23 Комитет производителей дорожно-строительной Construction Industry and Building Material Suppliers 26 и спецтехники 163 Crop Protection Committee 30 Комитет по строительству и производству Energy Committee 34 строительных материалов 166 Health & Pharmaceuticals Committee 39 Комитет производителей химических средств Home Appliances Manufacturers Committee 43 защиты растений 171 Insurance and Pensions Committee 47 Комитет по энергетике 176 IT and Telecom Committee 51 Комитет по здравоохранению и фармацевтике 182 Machine Building & Engineering Committee 55 Комитет производителей бытовой техники 187 Retail Trade Committee 58 Комитет по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению 191 Tire Producers Committee 62 Комитет по информационным технологиям и телекоммуникациям 196 Комитет по машиностроению и инжинирингу 201 Комитет розничной торговли 204 Комитет производителей шин 209 CROSS-SECTORAL COMMITTEES МЕЖОТРАСЛЕВЫЕ КОМИТЕТЫ Energy Efficiency Committee 64 Комитет по энергоэффективности 211 Finance and Investments Committee 68 Комитет по финансам и инвестициям 216 Human Resources Committee 73 Комитет по трудовым ресурсам 222 Legal Committee 78 Юридический комитет 228 Intellectual Property Committee 82 Комитет по интеллектуальной собственности 232 Migration Committee 86 Комитет по миграционным вопросам 237 Product Conformity Assessment Committee 91 Комитет по оценке соответствия продукции 243 Public Relations and Communications Committee 93 Комитет по коммуникациям и связям с общественностью 246 Real Estate Committee 97 Комитет по недвижимости 250 Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee 100 Комитет по охране труда, здоровья, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee 104 окружающей среды и безопасности 253 Taxation Committee 108 Комитет по малому и среднему бизнесу 257 Transport and Customs Committee 113 Комитет по налогообложению 262 Комитет по транспорту и таможне 267 WORKING GROUPS РАБОЧИЕ ГРУППЫ Hotels and Tourism Working Group 119 Рабочая группа по модернизации и инновациям 273 Working Group on Modernization and Innovation 121 Рабочая группа по гостиничному делу и туризму 277 Tobacco Products Working Group 125 Рабочая группа по производству и обороту табачной продукции 280 REGIONAL COMMITTEES РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЕ КОМИТЕТЫ North-West Regional Committee 128 Северо-западный региональный комитет 284 Southern Regional committee 133 Южный региональный комитет 290 Main statistical and economic ОСНОВНЫЕ эКОНОМИКО-СТАТИСТИЧЕСКИЕ indicators 293 ПОКАзАТЕЛИ 293 1 2014 | European Businesses in Russia: Position Paper Dear readers, The Association of European Businesses (AEB) welcomes you to the 2014 Position Paper. The AEB represents and promotes the interests of European companies conducting business in and with the Rus- sian Federation. It is the largest and strongest foreign business association in Russia, and it brings together over 600 leading European and other international companies. The AEB member companies represent a majority of the foreign investments in Russia. The Position Paper is one of the AEB’s most important publications as it contains expert views of the AEB’s 45 committees, sub-committees and working groups on current trends in different branches and sectors of the Rus- sian economy. In this position paper, you will find each of the AEB’s committees’ detailed report on the current situation in Russia in that particular sector, their views and concerns as well as measures that are to be taken in an effort to find a solution to current challenges. In the pages that follow, based on the information gathered as well as work done by the committees over the past year, we will share with you our insight into each industry and sector. On this note, we would like you all to know that AEB will continue to represent its members’ interests in the Russian Federation in strengthening economic relations. Through the tireless work of our committees, we will continue to highlight and get through any existing stumble blocks and possible setbacks, to ensure the develop- ment of European businesses in an ever more challenging and dynamic Russian market and on the background of a challenging geopolitical environment. Philippe Pegorier Frank Schauff Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer Association of European Association of European Businesses Businesses 2 Agribusiness Committee AGRIBusiness COMMITTEE Chairperson: Dirk Seelig, CLAAS Vostok LLC Committee Coordinator: Julia Kucherova ([email protected]) INTRODUCTION high-performance farming machinery on the basis of the best available technology and with the inclusion of experience from Currently, the Russian agro-industrial sector is undergoing the world’s leading manufacturers. significant transformation brought about by various internal and external factors. Special economic measures introduced in pursuance of Resolution No. 778 of the Government of the LOCALISINg ThE pRODUCTION Russian Federation “On Measures for Implementation of the OF FARmINg mAChINERy IN ThE Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 560 of TERRITORy OF ThE RUSSIAN 6 August 2014 ‘On the Application of Certain Special Economic Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation’” Federation dated 7 August 2014 entailed changes in the pricing envi- ronment of food markets. The prices of meat, sausage, fish, ISSUES cheese, butter and apples are rising. After a lapse of several years, there has been no progress The processing industry is facing an especially challenging in negotiations between the Government and international situation. Russian food production using imported agricultural manufacturers as to what agricultural machinery should be raw materials is only sold at an amount equivalent to 2% of deemed “Made in Russia” and what the parameters should GDP. According to the EBRD data, around 50% of the overall be for production localisation. So far, Russia’s key ministries volume of imported food products have fallen under sanc- have not yet reached an agreement with respect to a lo- tions, which is equal to 15% of the overall volume of products calisation pattern that can satisfy both foreign investors in consumed in Russia. These products, now lacking on the mar- this segment and the Government of the Russian Federation, ket, can only partially be substituted with domestic products, while simultaneously meeting WTO requirements concern- as there is only 4% potential for increasing capacity utilisa- ing the non-discrimination of international importers on the tion. This makes it possible to replace just 15% of the imports Russian market. which have been removed. The only available requirements for the localisation of agri- Meanwhile, the considerable technological backwardness of cultural machinery production currently existing at the na- the Russian agro-industrial complex is evident. In Russia, tional level are set forth in the Resolution of the Government there is one combine harvester per 316 hectare of arable land, of the Russian Federation No. 1432 dated 27 December whereas in the Western countries, this amount is one per 2012. This Resolution stipulates that subsidies in the amount 137–157 hectare. In Russia, there are three tractors per 1,000 of 15% have to be provided to manufacturers who carry out hectare, whereas in the US there are 25, and in Europe there a certain range
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