/- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1971 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT iManrljwter lEatning !l|?raIJi The Junior Choir of North North Manchester Al-Anon Airman Bryan J. Cushing, Laidlaw Speaks Pinehurst March Special on U.S. Choice FRESH Average DaUy Net Press Run About Town son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. United Methodist Church will family gri’oup will meet tonight The Weather Cushing of 58 Hemlock St., re­ rehearse tomorrow at 3:15 p.m. at 8 at the Second Congrega­ To DAR Chapter State of Iowa Lamb Legs and Chops . , . For The Week Ended cently graduated from the U.S. at the church. tional Church phrlsh house. The Clearing tonight with lows 25 A reg^ular business meeting o f. James T. Laidlaw of Cwentry Binndi C, 1011 Air Force air ji^enger special­ Thursday group will meet to­ to 30. Tomorrow fair; highs 40 Uriel tiodge of Masons at the will be guest speaker at the w ith this lamb, serve some really -dellelMU trMHl ist course at Sheppard AFB, Hartford Public High School, morrow at 8:30 at the Path­ to 45 with near zero chance of Masonic Temple in Merrow on finders Club, 102 Norman St. meeting of Orford Pariah UpraUi Satunjay at 7:il0 p.m. will be Tex. He is being assigned to Cla»s of 1936 will ha^e a din­ Shurfine Peas, Shurfine Mint Jelly, mashed Maine or Baked 16,080 rain. ner-dance at its 35th reunion Both groups meet weekly and Chapter, Daughters of the followed by a shovdng of slides McChord AFB,- Wash. Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm on April 24 at the Officer’s Club are epen to friends and rela­ American Revolution, tomorrow Idaho Potatoes with brown gravy . on various subjects, and a soc­ tives living with a drinking at 7 :30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Navy Fireman Joel I. Sweet, at the State Armory. Broad St., ial hour with refreshments. problem. Walter Harrison. 80 Henry St. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hartford with a cocktail hour at P iN B B D B S T (Classified Advertising on Page 20) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Families and friends of Masons He will present slides with a VOL. LXXXX, NO. 136 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1971 Sweet of 42 N. School St., is 6:30 and dinner at 7:30. Mem­ are invited to the slide showing discussion on conservation. home on leave alter completing bers of the class who have not St. Anne’s Mother’s Circle and social hour. Mr. Laidlaw has been a mem­ LAMB LEGS a year’s tour of duty in Vietnam been notified may contact Mrs. will meet tonight at 8 at the ber of the Coventry Conserva­ as an englneman aboard the Anne Hopkins Sobiral, 50 home of Mrs. Gary Boulay of Hie Sunday School staff of tion Commission for several ty t to 8 Iba. hospital ship USS Sanctuary at Brlghtwood Lane, West Hart­ 22 Madison St. Co-hostess for Zion Evangelical Lutheran years. He has also taught ex­ Da Nang. He has been assigned ford. the evening is Mrs. ’Thomas Whole or Butt Half Church will meet tonight at 7:30 tension courses on elementary Testimony Ends to a pre-commlssionlng school Colletti. President Seeks at the church. Emanuel Lutheran Church conservation at Eastern Con- at Newport. R.I. and a special price, too, on your favorite tender Freata Choir will rehearse tonight at necUcut State College in Willi- Temple Chapter, OES, will First Church of Christ, Scien­ 8:30 in Luther Hall of the mantic. The Hockanum River Linear have its annual meeting tonight tist, will have its regular mid­ church. Hostesses for the evening will OIN LAMB CHOPS Ik S IJS Reform of Courts Galley Park coordinating committee at 8 at the Masonic Temple. A In Trial of week tesUmcmy meeting tonight be Mrs. Spencer H. Cary, Mrs. will meet tomorrow at 7:30 potluck will be served at 6:30. ”'We must change the crim i­ at 8 at the chinch, 447 N. Main Trinity Covenant Church Pierre Marteney, Mrs, C. By FRANK COBBOER p.m. at the Municipal Build­ This week . more of those tender tiny Weeh BAY SflAIr nal court system, and provide St. The meeting is open to the Choir will rehearse tonight at Howard Tryon, Mrs. Preston Associated Press Writer FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP)—^The taking of ■testimony ing. All civic organizations in­ LOPS, Freeh Sole and Flounder and Haddock Filleti. Also public. 7:45 at the church. The Mlnnechaug Women’s Plays at Show R. Sage, Mrs. Arthur M. Gustaf- WnJJAMBBURG, V a . (AiP) maiqxrwBr—in terms of in the murder trial of L/t. William Galley Jr., was com­ terested in the park may send Golf Club will meet Tuesday, Fresh -Oysters and Swordfish . - President Nixon uived today court' staffs, PCfccutors, ^ 'd pleted today, at the end of four months of trial. representatives to the meeting. T, j o j son and Mrs. Clyde Richard Jr. ^ defense counsel—to bring about A midweek service of worship Tile Manchester High School April 6, at 10 a.m. at the Min- mrfii h \ Members in need of transpor. reform of the nations courts trlnls and aioneals ” Early next week the attorneys and prayer will be held tonight Class of 1946 reunion committee nechaug Golf Course Club in Milt Flynn Orchestra will be reminded to contact and prisons "to resolve confUct for both sides will give their fl- Henderson, the brigade com- 48235353534823235353482353235323532348235348235348 Nixon called, too, for giving at 7 ;80 at Calvary Church. All Girl Scouts and their par­ will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Glastonbury. Coffee and dou^ featured at the seventh annual Howard' J. Lockward, ' - nal arguments in the case of, the mander.. St. Patrick’s Show Friday at 8 . q;>e^y but fairly, to reverse convicted criminal "con- ents from the southwest service the horns of Burton Carlson of nuts will be served. or Mrs. toe trend toward crime and vlo- 2T-year-old lieutenant, accused Hendersem testified that the p.m. at St. Bridget School Audi- » , . ____. strucUve training whUe In con- Boy Scout Troop 133 will meet unit are invited to a Juliette 130 Scott Dr., South Windsor. The meeting is open to Cary, 18 'Wlnthrop Rd. With a 9-Ib. Hen Turkey selling for only $4.27 and a cnce, to re-lnsUll a ^ c t for J re- of the premeditated murder of top man in Vietnam, Gen. WU- t torium. ________________ tonight at 6:46 at Community Low World Friendship' Cere­ terested women. For more in­ law in on our people.” 102 Vietnamese civilians during 11am C. Westmoreland, com­ mony tomorrow from 6:30 to The orchestra will play music . cj j 12-lb. U.S. Choice Plump Broadbreasted Hen Turkey ceives now—an advanced an infantry assault On March 16, Baptist Church. The Hartford County Amateur formation contact Mrs. Jan In an address prepared for mended the assault troops after 8:30 at the Verplanck School from the "B ig Band” era and r O W f e r d C p i d C t r O I l course o t crim e.” 1968. Radio Association will meet to­ Langmack of 205 Tall Timbers for only $4.50, you can see why we offer these birds toe National Conference on the the My Lai attack. cafeteria. also contemporary arrange* rgi .• He went on: The jury wras dismissed until The Senior Choir of Commu­ morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the R d., Glastonbury. Judiciary here, Nixon also came Henderson said, “We did re­ ments. TTie annual event is J. O IjltatlOll as one of the most for your money buys this week, The time has come to re- 10 a.m. Monday. On Sunday, the ceive a congratulatory message nity Baptist Church will re­ Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, out in oM>OBition to the filming pudiate once and for all the idea hearse tonight at 7 at the Mrs. Rodney Dolln, executive Sunset Ridge, East Hartford. A open to the public, and UckeU Bernard W. Chalecki, director lawyers for both sides will dis­ from Gen. Westmoreland.” The Manchester High School of judicial proceedings or the in- that prisons are warehouses for church. advisor to the Manchester Jun­ picture on sound waves will be may be purchased at the door. Boating Commission /•" cuss the judge’s final instruc­ Q. For this operation at My Class of 1926 reunion committee U.S. Choice Pinehurst troducticn of live television to human rubbish; our correction ior Women’s Club, attended the tions. The judge told the law­ Lai? shown, and there will be a dis­ met last night at the home of Other acts include Miss Dori of Connecticut, will present the the courtroom. system must be changed to A Lenten service will be con­ Ledyard-Gedes Ferry Junior cussion of frequency modula­ Gay, soprano; Bob Cohen, Im- Manchester Power Squadron Honey Broadbreasted yers to be ready to start their A. Hiat’s correct. Mrs. William Bengston in Glas­ And he aj^lauded judges who make them places that wiU cor- ducted tonight at 7 at Trinity Women’s Club Federation Night tion by members of the Pio­ personator; Larry Noiva, ven- with a certificate of apprecia- summations Monday. There was no further elabora­ tonbury. The 45th anniversary Oven-Beady Hen cracked down on courtroom dis- reel and educate.” Covenant Church. The Rev. program last night in Gales neer Valley Repeaters Associa­ trlloquist; the Hugh Enders tlon Friday at its annual meet- The case could go to the six- tion but - such commendations reunion will be held June 26 at nipters—judges “who insist on ’The President noted with ap- Norman E.
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