E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 23, 2011 No. 71 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and certainly it is proof that the best called to order by the Speaker. United States of America, and to the Repub- automobiles in the entire world are, in- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, deed, imported from Detroit. f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f PRAYER f Reverend Conrad Braaten, Lutheran EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THOSE WONDERFUL NEWS FROM DETROIT Church of the Reformation, Wash- AFFECTED BY THE RECENT TOR- ington, D.C., offered the following (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and NADO prayer: was given permission to address the (Mr. CARNAHAN asked and was God of grace, God of glory and truth, House for 1 minute and to revise and given permission to address the House grant us wisdom for the living of these extend her remarks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend days. Grant us discernment for the de- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. his remarks.) liberations we make and courage for Speaker, during the past several years, Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, the decisions we face. the domestic auto industry has under- today I rise to give thanks to all who May the guidance of Your Spirit in gone an incredibly painful economic stepped up to help when St. Louis was this House serve to lead us as a Nation transition. Quite frankly, this industry struck by the Good Friday tornado. in paths of righteousness for Your was on its knees, and many people But now it’s time to help our fellow Name’s sake. Bring to our minds an didn’t think that either General Mo- Missourians in Joplin who last night awareness of Your benevolence upon all tors or Chrysler would survive. These suffered Missouri’s most deadly tor- people, and may our hearts bear the naysayers said it would be best if they nado in 50 years, up to 1 mile wide and imprint of Your compassion for the were just left to, in the case of General 6 miles long, devastating homes, busi- least among us. Motors, go into a chaotic bankruptcy, nesses, schools, and the local hospital. I have reached out to our colleague, You have given to us as individuals and in the case of Chrysler, certainly a BILLY LONG, who represents southwest and as a body the vocation of being a complete liquidation. Missouri. We offer our heartfelt pray- trustee of Your creation and a steward For my great State of Michigan, my ers and condolences to the families of of the common good. beautiful State of Michigan, which has at least 89 dead, many more injured, May we be given a vision for our suffered the worst economic depression and all whose way of life has literally work together as public servants that certainly in my lifetime, if that would have happened, as bad as it has been been demolished. will bless the well-being of our people, As a member of the congressional for us, what would have happened if nurture the establishment of justice, subcommittee with oversight responsi- those companies would have gone and nourish the seeds of peacemaking bility for FEMA, I commend the bankrupt and liquidated would have in our world. prompt action of our first responders This is our earnest prayer. Amen. been unimaginable—the loss of tens of as they conduct urgent search and res- f thousands of more jobs either directly cue operations. The American Red or indirectly through the supply chain THE JOURNAL Cross has set up an emergency shelter. and all the businesses that rely on the For those who would like to help, you The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- spinoff from the domestic auto indus- can visit www.redcross.org. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- try. In the spirit of thanks for the assist- ceedings and announces to the House Mr. Speaker, tomorrow, Chrysler ance given to St. Louis in our time of his approval thereof. Company at the Sterling Heights As- need, it is time to provide a helping Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- sembly Plant—also known as SHAP, hand to our many neighbors who ur- nal stands approved. which is in my district—will be an- gently require our help in southwest f nouncing that they will be paying back Missouri. the Federal Government loans in their f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE entirety 4 years ahead of schedule. This The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- is the same plant, Mr. Speaker, that COMMUNICATION FROM THE woman from Michigan (Mrs. MILLER) just recently put on a third shift, actu- CLERK OF THE HOUSE come forward and lead the House in the ally saving in that plant well over 2,000 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Pledge of Allegiance. jobs. FOXX) laid before the House the fol- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan led the I am very proud of everyone who has lowing communication from the Clerk Pledge of Allegiance as follows: supported the domestic auto industry, of the House of Representatives: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3307 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:27 May 24, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MY7.000 H23MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 23, 2011 OFFICE OF THE CLERK, COMMUNICATION FROM DISTRICT VETERANS’ COMPENSATION COST- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, DIRECTOR AND PRESS SEC- OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT ACT OF Washington, DC, May 17, 2011. RETARY, THE HONORABLE JIM 2011 Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, GERLACH, MEMBER OF CON- The Speaker, House of Representatives, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Washington, DC. GRESS Speaker, I move to suspend the rules DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and pass the bill (H.R. 1407) to increase, mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of fore the House the following commu- effective as of December 1, 2011, the the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- nication from Kori Walter, District Di- rates of compensation for veterans tives, the Clerk received the following mes- rector and Press Secretary, the Honor- with service-connected disabilities and sage from the Secretary of the Senate on May 17, 2011 at 9:45 a.m.: able JIM GERLACH, Member of Congress: the rates of dependency and indemnity That the Senate passed S. 349. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, compensation for the survivors of cer- That the Senate passed S. 655. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tain disabled veterans, and for other That the Senate passed without amend- Washington, DC, May 16, 2011. purposes, as amended. ment H.R. 793. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The Clerk read the title of the bill. Appointments: Speaker, House of Representatives, The text of the bill is as follows: Board of Visitors of the United States Washington, DC. Naval Academy. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you H.R. 1407 Board of Visitors of the United States Mili- formally pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tary Academy. of the House of Representatives that I have resentatives of the United States of America in Board of Visitors of the United States Air been served with a subpoena, issued by the Congress assembled, Force Academy. County of Berks, Pennsylvania Magisterial SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. District Court 23–02–02, for witness testi- Board of Visitors of the United States Mer- This Act may be cited as ‘‘Veterans’ Com- mony. chant Marine Academy. pensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of After consultation with the Office of Gen- Board of Visitors of the United States 2011’’. Coast Guard Academy. eral Counsel, I have determined to comply SEC. 2. INCREASE IN RATES OF DISABILITY COM- United States Senate Caucus on Inter- with the subpoena to the extent that it is consistent with the privileges and rights of PENSATION AND DEPENDENCY AND national Narcotics Control. INDEMNITY COMPENSATION. With best wishes, I am the House. Sincerely, (a) RATE ADJUSTMENT.—Effective on Decem- Sincerely, ber 1, 2011, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs KAREN L. HAAS. KORI WALTER, District Director & Press Secretary. shall increase, in accordance with subsection (c), the dollar amounts in effect on November 30, f f 2011, for the payment of disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation RECESS COMMUNICATION FROM THE under the provisions specified in subsection (b). CLERK OF THE HOUSE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (b) AMOUNTS TO BE INCREASED.—The dollar ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair amounts to be increased pursuant to subsection The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- (a) are the following: declares the House in recess subject to fore the House the following commu- (1) WARTIME DISABILITY COMPENSATION.— the call of the Chair. nication from the Clerk of the House of Each of the dollar amounts under section 1114 Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 9 min- Representatives: of title 38, United States Code. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess (2) ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR DEPEND- OFFICE OF THE CLERK, subject to the call of the Chair.
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