Register League Meet Now Today ·To Vote 2:30 • akxandvhoml(liJn, hlr;4 schoot .Ray Sinelar J~kes Second Place in .Hera.ld-Express Oratorical Contest Ray Sinetar, one of Hamilton's foremost orators, and a member of the Tahitian Class, captured a very convincing second place in the­ third preliminary of the Herafd-Express section of the ninth annual · Tournament of Orators; at Belmont high school last Tuesday. At the conclusion of the tournament, the score sheets of the five · judges indicated that Ray had tied for first place with Jerry Pen­ nington of Venice, and a break· down of the place positions of Vote Registration Held th~ two contestants also dis· closed a tie in the number of For Student Elections firsts, second, and thirds. Pen­ Registration for voting for nington, however, came through Student Body and Girls' and with a slim majority of 10 . Boys' League officers took points in his total percentage place Tuesday through Friday. score, and was awarded first With precincts set up in the place. lunch court, one for each period, More may be· said of Mr. Sin· · registration went according to etar. , . Congressional rooms. 0 n 1 y Placing first in a speech con· those who registered can vote test sponsored by the Native · when the elections ~ake place. Sons of the Golden West, and Tqe hard-working election including competition from four committee, under the direction other schools, Ray won a $10 of student ·body vice-president, prize, plus top honors. He is Sam Wright, had everything to return soon for the next under control. Early in the round. week Sam stated that he hoped On April 26 Ray delivered a · everyone would register in one stirring speech at a contest of the four days allotted for . sponsored by the Elks 'Lodge · registration.· on Central. Avenue. Once again Catharine stage craft class. The set Students interested in running he placed first, winning $25. He man are seen here, putting the finishing . will give the stage electricians an idea of where !or Student Body office an­ stood in the center of the lodge swered· the call for leaders last touches .on the model set they have constructed to put their mikes and how the stage will look, room and spoke to 200 Negroes week. about themselves and the Con· for Hamilton's gigantic spring musical. The and will 'give Joe Smith's sta'e :construction The stiff qualifications which building of this model set and the finishing class an idea of what their finished product stitutlon. A young Negro girl had to be met by candidates to from Poly High placed second. touches on all the props are the jobs of Miss should look like. Hnmnt- Plo;oto ~ :dan-e.,. ••••• be eligible, will be an Important Mrs. Sylvia Gaustad, public factor in getting a successful speaking teacher, who accom· group of officers for the next panled Ray, stated, "I experl· Student Leaders semester. These qualifications enced a trt"<mendous thrill that 'I COME FROM ALABAMA~WITH ·..... '· were decided upon by the elec· evening, under the •·ather un­ Convene at Every American adult in possession ol .hJs faculties must, ~ tion committee and are u fol· usual situation." She continued now, be aware that a certain Stephen,Foster lived in the middle of lows: he (or she) must be able to comment on the wonderful ·Belmont High the last century and that he wrote ·a large number of songs, among to display outstanding leader· ovation received by Ray. ship . and have a record of Many conferences have been th~m such deathless favorites as "Oh! Susanna," "Old Folks at As a result of winning this school services; his scholarship contest, Ray will have his ex· attended lately by Hamilton Home," "Old Black Joe" and "Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair." must be acceptable and his ek· To have escaped the Foster barrage laid down by the screen and penses paid to Bakersfield. If students. The first of these was izenship worthy of holding a he should win there, he will at Belmont high school. At· radio, one would have to be position of responsibility and · compete for one of the sev· both blind and deaf. trust; he mU8t be within the tending this Students' Council California Golden Cake · This semester, Mrs. Mable ea $1000 scholarships given ....ere Sonja Wakefield, Charles grade limit &.Reeified; and he throughout the United States by montague's drama classes, com· must pass the board of review the Negro Elks Lodge. ~;right, Barbara Levinson, Cam­ Is Food Class Favorite bined with ·Mrs. Martha Ab· and have a personal interview. Itrio Guercio, S. B. sponsor, Irv­ Yum~ Yum! The girls in Mrs. bOtt's singers, and Mrs. Jean Last week, Ray also received .lng Osser, and Hyman Bass Leta Emanuelson's advanced Cole's dancers,. are going to a $10 order for books for an · from Hamilton, along with oth· cooking class have been learn· present a musical based on the. essay he wrote concerning the er students from Section 17. ing to make many delicious · lighter side of Foster's life. Jackson-Jefferson Day. He at· Everyone attending had a confections. This may be · the Stephen Foster, who. most of I Orc:h ids to You I tended the program at the Bllt· wonderful experience to meet reason for those extra pounds his life, wavered between ill· . This week the Federalist or- more, and afterwards shared different kids. the girls have been putting on ness and dreary dissipation, had chids go to two students who with· the class the highlight$ The second of these confer· lately. many plays and musicals .writ· worked hard to bring you your ot Senator Douglas' speech; ences whicl) was attended by Some of the things. they have ten about him, that were very weekly paper. Ray, B-12, has brought eon· Donna Gri!fen and Irving Os· made make one's mouth wa· heavy stories . dealing with his The first winner. is an A-12 slderable honor to himsell and ser, was held at Filmore high ter: Old fashioned toffee in dif· years of martyrdom. girl who has to the school. It is unfortunate school. This was the California ferent shapes and colors, pea· "Oh! Susanna," Hamilton's been in the Zan· that he Is to graduate at a sum· nut brittle, chocolate and pea· d a r e t t e s for mer school session, and thus Association of Student Councils coming musical, is . assembled 4three semesters, for all sections of . California. nut fudge, and stuffed 'aates. to catch the days ·when the will miss the various honors Prior to this they experiment· •the Medical Arts bestowed upon graduating stu· This conference started on April happy-go-lucky Foster could be c 1 u b , Election 19 to April 21. The money for ed with cakes and it seems that seen down on the riverfront, dents. the trip was appropriated by the California Golden Cake is ,..~,llllll.!f_commlttee a ad their favorite. (Continued on Page ~ who h a s serve!\ the House. of Representatives. for t h e Senior The theme of the conference Senior Aye Tea. S. B. Cabinet Makes Plans was, "D e m o c rat l c J.. iving •· She is probably Through Student Participation best known for On Student Government In School Government.'' Penny Hoarders at Hami? her work on the football card Many things are now going Making the trip even more '· •. By WAJ.. TER CORYELL . stunts, and is now co-editor of on In the Student Body Cabinet. interesting was the !act that .tht Fed, and editor of the great It has been announced that this the students and the school did . Are you hoarding pennies? effort, trade all those tired old Spartan classbook. You will next week and following week, so many nice things to make Do you hoard pennies in bottles, pennies for brand new dimes. surely agree that Miss X is de· no activities will be put on In Donna and Irving and the rest boxes, banks, pockets, jars, Or, I know where you can get serving of this award. the Aud. because of a large set of the other students comfor· drawers or caves deep in the four pennies for every .three The other winner is a Senior being made for "Oh! Susanna." table. Housing was provided by wlldemess, safe from the grop· you toss in. Aye boy who is very well known Student Body candidates have the parents of Filmore high. ing hands of a greedy world? Wanna lmowlwheref United around the Haml campus. He registered and the dates set for Churches provided room for stu· • If you do, you should be asham­ State. Savings Bonds! You has served on the rally commit· nomination assemblies on May dent meetings. The cafeteria ed of yourself. You should be · have flo walt . a while, but In tee, and was a B-12 hall guard. 15. provided all the food necessary. sent to bed without your supper. ten years when they mature, He is first baseman on the var· Another big project, which is The Chamber of Commerce pro· Of all the lousy, rotten, atro· you will b8 glad you waited. sity baseball-team, and is on the headed by Hyman Bass, S. B. vided maps and tours of the clous, unpatrl ••• .'scuse me, I varsity basketball squad. In the · . In ten short years you may B-12 he attained the honor of president, and Leon Trunk, un· city. The school paper gave all got carried away. · have a family, or your own der-secretary of assemblies, is publicity for the conference.
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