Geology and petrology of Volc5n Ceboruco, Nayarit, Mexico STEPHEN A. NELSON Departirieitt of Geology and Geophysics, University of California. Berkelea. Cnlifornia 94720 'Preserit nddress: Department of Geology, Ticllane University, New Orleans' Louisiana 701 18 Geological Society of Arriericd Bullctiii, Part II, v. 91, p. 2290-2431, 19 figs., 11 tables, Nove$t.r, 1980, Doc. no. M01102 - __ __ - These dacites contain xenoliths 0.f ABSTRACT high-"1, ba,salt that were apparentl'y Volch C(,boruch is a modc:atcly partially rnoltcm'at the time of their sized stratovolcanc located in the ir.clusion, sul:pc-is t.ing that the daci te northwestern ;:art 05 the ?:cxican magma iorred as R result of masma mixing Volcanic Belt. The bulk of the involving Ja1.a p;mice and basaltic magmas volcano consists of relatively The dacitc donic? later collapsed *to form alkali and incompatible element-poor the inner cal.dern, and Ceboruco again hypcrsthene andcsites erupted prior erupted andesi tcs. These postcaldera to the format.ion of two concentric andesites cont.nin both augite and hypersthene and arc enriched .in were' followed in tlic eruptive sequence alkalis antl incompntiblc clement4 by ;tie crupp'ior! 1,000 vr ago of a relative to tho precaldera andesikes. white $rliyo?i>cj t c' pumice, tcrmetl the . fin all.^, bc?twc,c!n 1870 and 1.875, Jala pumice. The eruption apparently rhyodacite 1.ava flows wre' eruptkd caused the> ' f.orma t: on of Ceborrico ' s during (:cboruco's only Iiistdc cuter ca1.dcra. !o!,--si lica dacite act-ivity. <J dome antl lav~flow were then erupted Crystal Fractionation models using anci partially fi lletl ttiis Caldera. ImtIi major and [:race elements' suggest 2290 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 P ----___ . 21 - - - - - that the 1870 dacites and the Jala of the volcanoes in the belt have had pumice 'could have been derived from reported activity in historic times magma with postcaldera andesite compo- (Voosfr and otlic,rs. 1958), inclr~tling .- sition. To determine the o&gin of the Volca'n Ceboruccl, which erupted during Ceboruco andesites, trace-element the years 1870 tb 1875 (Caravantes, partial-melting models tested three 1870; 1,glesias and others, 1877). The possible sources: subducted oceanic belt has rccei.Ced little study by earth crust in the eclogite facies and the scientists, and its pdsition in'the amphibolite facies and mantle peridotite. global tectonic framework is little All models were found unreliable be- understood. Chcmical analyses of rocks . cause of the many assumptions involved. from the belt hnyc been reported by It is concluded that a cornplex process Burri (1930), Williams (1950) ,. Vilcdx involving partial nelting, fractional (1956), Gunn and Xooser (1971), crystalization, magma mixing, and, Negendank (1972), Bloomfield (1975), perhaps, crustal assimilation was and Pichler and Weyl (1976). These responsible for the generation of published studie:, reveal that the pre- the hdesites. Such a model cannot be dominant rock types are basaltic andesite , \ test'ed, however, because there are to andesite, with substantial quantities -.. at present no viable constraints that of olivine basn1-t and lesser quantities \ can be placed on this complex+equence of alkali basalt., dacite, and rhyolite. of events. The western part of the Mexican .Volcanic Belt overlaps onto an older INTRODUCTION Tertiary province of rhyolitic ash- Thc Yerican Volcanic Belt consists flow tuffs (Gastil 3nd others, 1979; of a chain of Yiocene to Holocene Gunn and >!ooser, 1971). Rhyolitic volcanoes that span Mexico from its vol.canism&s continued into rece'n-t Pac'ific coast to its gulf coast. Nine times ill tJie region of Guadalajara, I. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 .- . -- where compositions are peralkaline Ahuacatlin (Fig. 1.). It is built on (Maliood, 1978) (Fig. 1). the northern slopes of the valley of De Cserna (1961, 1965) suggested Ahuacatlsn and covers an area of about 3 that ci thrust-fault relation existed 80 Itm'. It rises to .an elevation of along the Middle America Trench along 2,200 m, or about 1,200 m above the the coast of Mexico, ahd Molnar and present valley floor, and is crowned Sykes (1969) showed that a Benioff by two concentric calderas, the older of zone exists lwncath Mexico, where which measures. 3.7. km in diameter and earthquake.foci are reported to a depth the younger 1.5 km in diameter. of 150 km. Although the zone is not Caravantes (1870), Iglesias and. well defined, the active region ap- others (1877), and OrdoGez (1897) re- -. ?arently ends bcneath, or slightly ported ofl the 1870 eruption of Cebo&. oceanward of, the existing volcanic .l.r'aitz (1920) discussed the possibility front. , Focal mechanism studies re- that Cebo-ruco produced a nu6e ardente ported by the above authors are con- during that eriiption: Barrera (1931) sistent with the postulate that sub- discussed the 1870 eruption and some duction is takinj; place along the geologic featurcs of Ceboruco in his Middle America TrLnch off the investigation of the geology along the southern coast of Mexico. railroad route linking Guadalajara with Volcsn Ceboruco lies in the the Pacific coast. Segerstrom (1950) northwestern part of the Mexican reported on the erosion that has taken Volcanic Belt , where no signjficant place since the 1870 event. Thorpe earthquake activity is currently and Ffancis (1975) have prese'nted a observed (Mol nar and Sykes , 1969). photogeologic map and eight chemical, The volcano IS located at lat 21' 7' analyses of rocks from Ceboruco. 30" N, long 104" 20'61 in a broad basin Volcsn Ceboruco rests in a broad comprising thc, valleys of Jala and valley whose northern margin is marked Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 2295 =.. \G \G \. BAWIA GUADALAJARA Of LAS BAhOfRAS COLIMA 105’W. 104’ 103’ I I Figure 1,. ?lap of western Xcxico showing maj0.r volcanic centers: 1, Volcsn Tequila; 2, Volciin San Pedro; 3, Volcsn Tepetiltic; 4j’Santa Maria del Oro caldera; 5, Vo ca’n Sanganguey; 6, La Laguna del Tesoro caldera. Inset shqws map area and locations of & historically artive volcanoes of Mexico. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 . 2 by an escarpmcnt trending S6Oo15, from several of Ceboruco’ s flank cinder rising about 300 m above the gently cones. slopin; valley floor. The walls of The growth of Cebdruco has altered this escarpment are composed of and blocked the drainage system in the rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs, probably of valley of Ahuacatlsn. Tributaries to TerFiary age. The, escarpment fades to the Rio Ahuacatlsn, such as the Arroyo the east, where similar ash-flow tuffs Jala (Fig. 2) have steep gradients near slope gently down to the valley floor <heir headwaters, changing to nearly and d i s appear.ben e’a t h rkc en t a 11 uv i- um . flat gradients upon reaching the valley. tJ ’ Basaltic rocks are found along the Features suggestive of the steep head- southern valley margins and are oyer- water regions of such‘ tributaries are lain by ash-flow tuffs, which form a present in the cliffs norfh of the volcano. I xountain range termed the Sierra These drainage systems have been cut Guamuchil. parther south, these ash- off by the growth of Ceboruco and now ffow tuffs that compose_ the Sierra give the cliffs a scalloped appearance. Guamuchil Overlie gran.$t ic and The relatively- gentle gradients of ”’ gabbroic rocks that%lhave been dated streams flowing in.the valley of < at 61 and 87 m.y. old, respectively hhuacatlsn have res’uf ted from the growth (Gastil and others, 1976). of the volcano, causing the Rio It thus seems likely that the bedrock Ahuaca t lsn to continually grade itself concealed beneath Ceboruco is also .to the rising level of vglcanic material composed of rhyolitic ash-flow. tuffs expelled into the valley. similar. to those found in both vaLley Projecting the steep gradients of walls. Deeper levels beneath tribu;aries such a$ the Arroyo Jala Ceboruco must he composed in part of beneath the alluvial fill of the valley grani tic material, because xenoli ths suggests that the’valley of Ahuacatlsn of such rock are found in boxbs erupted was at least 500 m dee?er prior to the Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 2295 Figure -21: Geologic map of VolcLn Ceboruco and surrounding area. Figure 2 appears on 'the follow@g frames. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 2296 Figure 2. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 2297 Alluvium 1870 Daclte Caldera fill El Ceboruco Andeslte Andesite El Mo'lcajete Coapan [-I Andesite El Centro Andesite Dome rjCopales Dacite Dos Equis Dacite Dome Marquesado . Ash Flow Cerro Pedregoso Rhyodacite . La Picha,ncha El Cajon Andesite Cerro Pochelero Rhyolite Dome rjDestiladero Rhyodaci te Ceboruquilo Andcsite Pre Caldera II-Andesite Pre Ceboruco ' U Ash flow'tuffs Contacts -- - - dashed where Inferred A Cinder Cones Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/91/11_Part_II/2290/3433969/i0016-7606-91-11-2290.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 commencement of volcanism.
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