BRITISH COLUMBIA TV Reception By Location Full & Low Power Stations and Translators 1 - ALEXIS CREEK 18 - CHERRYVILLE 2 - ANAHIM LAKE 19 - CHETWYND 3 - ASHCROFT 20 - CHILLIWACK 4 - AVOLA 21 - CHRISTINA LAKE 5 - BARRIERE 22 - CLEARWATER 6 - BELLA BELLA 23 - CLINTON 7 - BELLA COOLA 24 - COLUMBIA LAKE 8 - BLUE RIVER 25 - COURTENAY 9 - BOSTON BAR 26 - CRANBROOK 10 - BURNS LAKE 27 - CRAWFORD BAY 11 - BURTON 28 - CRESCENT VALLEY 12 - CACHE CREEK 29 - CRESTON 13 - CAMPBELL RIVER 30 - D'ARCY 14 - CANOE 31 - DAWSON CREEK 15 - CASTLEGAR 32 - DEASE LAKE 16 - CHARLIE LAKE 33 - DONALD STATION 17 - CHASE 34 - DUNCAN 35 - ENDAKO 51 - KAMLOOPS 68 - NAKUSP 85 - POWELL RIVER 102-TERRACE 36 - ENDERBY 52 - KELOWNA 69 - NANAIMO 86 - PRINCE GEORGE 103-TOFINO 37 - FERNIE 53 - KEREMEOS - OLALLA 70 - NELSON 87 - PRINCE RUPERT 104-TOPLEY 38 - FORT FRASER - 54 - KITIMAT 71 - NEW DENVER 88 - PRINCETON 105-TRAIL FRASER LAKE 55 - KITWANGA 72 - 100 MI HOUSE 89 - PRITCHARD 106-TUKTAKAMIN MTN 39 - FORT NELSON 56 - LILLOOET 73 - OOTSA LAKE 90 - QUESNEL 107-TULAMEEN 40 - FORT ST JAMES 57 - LITTLE FORT 74 - OSOYOOS 91 - QUILCHENA 108-TUMBLER RIDGE 41 - FORT ST JOHN 58 - LOGAN LAKE 75 - PARSON 92 - REVELSTOKE 109-UCLUELET 42 - GOLDEN 59 - LUMBY 76 - PASSMORE 93 - SALMON ARM 110-VALEMOUNT 43 - GRAND FORKS 60 - LYTTON 77 - PEACHLAND 94 - SETON PORTAGE 111-VANCOUVER 44 - HAGENSBORG 61 - MABEL LAKE 78 - PEMBERTON 95 - SMITHERS 112-VANDERHOOF 45 - HASLER FLATS 62 - MACKENZIE 79 - PENTICTON 96 - SOOKE 113-VAVENBY 46 - HAZELTON 63 - McBRIDE 80 - PORT ALBERNI 97 - SPENCES BRIDGE 114-VERNON 47 - HIXON 64 - McLURE 81 - PORT HARDY 98 - SQUAMISH 115-VICTORIA 48 - HOPE 65 - MERRITT 82 - PORT McNEILL 99 - SUMMIT LAKE 116-WELLS 49 - HOUSTON 66 - MOBERLY LAKE 83 - PORT RENFREW 100 - TELEGRAPH CREEK 117-WHISTLER 50 - INVERMERE 67 - MOYIE 84 - POUCE COUPE 101 - TELKWA 118-WILLIAMS LAKE 119-WINLAW HD Channels underlined, with bold faced italic print and highlighted in light gray. Updated February 2015 SPANISH Language channels in RED FRENCH Language channels in GREEN Low Power TV and Translator Stations in BLUE with Reduced Size NOTES: CP = Construction Permit App = Application + = proposed new facility Channel Numbers highlighted in yellow are considered fringe or deep fringe, requiring outdoor antenna & preamplifier. Channel Numbers not highlighted can be assumed to be Local or Metro strength; often working with an good indoor antenna. For purposes of a reference standard, and the fact that indoor reception varies dramatically with different construction materials, "fringe" and "deep fringe" signals will be those with a receive level lower than -75 dBm as measured at 30 feet above the ground. Signals lower than -100 dBm under same conditions are extremely weak, unpredictable, and therefore not listed. Mileage given from TV transmitter for protected coverage service under average conditions at least 50% of the time. d Notation after "Miles" indicates that the coverage pattern is directional, and overall numbers are approximate. Actual coverage will depend upon terrain between the transmitter and receive location, as well as any local obstructions. Distant reception can be enhanced with elevated antenna locations, as well as specialized antennas and preamplifiers. Please note that there are a few low powered analog transmitters still on the air. Range is not calculated, but generally only a few miles. Compiled by MIKE KOHL at GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS in Plain, Wisconsin Please E-Mail any corrections to: [email protected] We appreciate any information found by local observation of live signals. (especially if an analog station has finally gone off the air & replaced by digital) NOTES: Digital channel assignments shown. Unless a different replacement digital channel is listed, it should be assumed that channel is operating in analog on same TV channel until digital conversion takes place. SPECIAL NOTE: The British Columbia charts are badly in need of additional input from local observers in B.C. The 2012 shutdown of many CBC transmitters has led to much confusion about what is still on the air in remote locations. Sheer volume in the number of locations, plus the fact that a number of communities now have their own private systems with new channels means that we need all the help that we can get from local viewers to update this information. The long rollout of digital conversion over the next several years will add to the confusion, but the plus side is that added new cable channels are being added to the mix in some communities that do not have conventional wired cable TV systems. Please send any input that you have to [email protected] DIG Range CH Call Network Community (Transmitter) Lat-N Long-W Miles Digital Subchannels ALEXIS CREEK, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CH4317 Know TV Alexis Creek 52 05 00 123 16 07 analog 02 Know TV 8 CHIL-1 CITY Alexis Creek 51 50 10 123 03 05 analog 08 CFJC-CITY 11 CIAC Global Alexis Creek 51 50 10 123 03 05 analog 11 CITM-Global ANAHIM LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CH4565 Know TV Anahim Lake (8 mi-S) 52 21 00 125 19 10 analog 02 Know TV 4 CHIF-1 CITY Anahim Lake (8 mi-S) 52 21 00 125 19 10 analog 04 CFJC-CITY 5 CIAL-1 Global Anahim Lake (8 mi-S) 52 21 00 125 19 10 analog 05 CHAN-Global ASHCROFT, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CHAC-2 Global Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 02 CHAN-Global 4 CH4472 IND Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 04 unknown 5 CJAC-2 CITY Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 05 CFJC-CITY 38 CH4327 Know TV Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 38 Know TV ATLIN, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 10 CH2788 Global Atlin 59 35 40 133 43 09 analog 10 CHAN-Global AVOLA, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CH4588 CTV News Avola 51 46 58 119 19 18 analog 02 CTV News 7 CH2556 Global Avola 51 46 58 119 19 18 analog 07 CHAN-Global 9 CH4329 TBS Avola 51 46 58 119 19 18 analog 09 TBS-Atlanta 11 CH2557 CBC Avola 51 46 58 119 19 18 analog 11 CBUT-CBC 13 CH2685 Know TV Avola 51 46 58 119 19 18 analog 13 Know TV BARRIERE, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CH4336 Know TV McClure 51 05 25 120 13 44 analog 02 Know TV 3 CHMQ CITY McClure 51 05 25 120 13 44 analog 03 CFJC-CITY 5 CHLP Global McClure 51 05 25 120 13 44 analog 05 CHAN-Global 7 CFIB Global Little Fort 51 16 20 120 07 45 analog 07 CHAN-Global 8 CFDQ Global Barriere 51 14 10 120 03 05 analog 08 CHAN-Global 11 CIQR CITY Barriere 51 14 10 120 03 05 analog 11 CFJC-CITY 12 CKIB CITY Little Fort 51 16 20 120 07 45 analog 12 CFJC-CITY 13 CH4370 Know TV Little Fort 51 16 20 120 07 45 analog 13 Know TV 13 CFJC CITY Kamloops (SE of airport) 50 40 09 120 23 52 Dig 4.1 CFJC-CITY (Replaces analog Ch 4) 22 CHKM Global Kamloops (SE of airport) 50 40 15 120 23 50 35-d 6.1 CHKM-Global (Replaces analog Ch 6) BELLA BELLA, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION No usable local TV reception. BELLA COOLA, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION No usable local TV reception. BLUE RIVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 4 CH4556 Family Ch Blue River 52 06 35 119 18 24 analog 04 Family Channel 9 CH2558 Global Blue River 52 06 35 119 18 24 analog 09 CITV-Global 11 CH4318 Know TV Blue River 52 06 35 119 18 24 analog 11 Know TV 12 CH4557 ShawBcSv Blue River 52 06 35 119 18 24 analog 12 unknown 13 CH2531 Global Blue River 52 06 35 119 18 24 analog 13 CHAN-Global BOSTON BAR, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION No usable local TV reception. BURNS LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 5 CH4467 Know TV Ootsa Lake 53 52 15 126 00 35 Dig 5.1 Know TV 7 CH4333 Know TV Burns Lake 54 15 20 125 40 36 Dig 7.1 Know TV 13 CKHS Global Burns Lake 54 15 23 125 40 37 Dig 13.1 CKHS-Global 21 CH4376 Know TV Burns Lake 54 14 23 125 46 34 analog 21 Know TV 32+ CBCY-1 CBC Burns Lake Dig 4.1 CBCY-CBC BURTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 6 CH4712 CBC Burton 49 58 39 117 52 15 analog 06 CBUT-CBC 8 CH2450 Global Burton 49 58 39 117 52 15 analog 08 CHAN-Global 10 CH4713 Know TV Burton 49 58 39 117 52 15 analog 10 Know TV 12 CH4714 Burton 49 58 39 117 52 15 analog 12 unknown CACHE CREEK, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 2 CHAC-2 Global Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 02 CHAN-Global 4 CH4472 IND Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 04 unknown 5 CJAC-2 CITY Ashcroft (1 mi-N) 50 44 30 121 16 30 analog 05 CFJC-CITY 8 CH4473 IND Cache Creek 50 48 20 121 19 00 analog 08 unknown 9 CFJC-4 CITY Clinton 51 05 36 121 39 52 analog 09 CFJC-CITY 10 CJAC-1 CITY Cache Creek 50 48 20 121 19 00 analog 10 CFJC-CITY 12 CHAC-1 Global Cache Creek 50 48 20 121 19 00 analog 12 CHKM-Global 24 CH4328 Know TV Cache Creek 50 48 20 121 19 00 analog 24 Know TV CAMPBELL RIVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 4 CH4373 Know TV Cortes Island 50 05 53 124 57 36 analog 04 Know TV 5 CKVU-1 CITY Courtenay 49 35 37 125 00 36 Dig 5.1 CKVU-CITY 13 CHEK-5 IND Campbell River (20 mi-S) 49 44 54 125 14 58 Dig 13.1 CHEK-IND 25 CHAN-4 Global Courtenay 49 44 55 125 14 53 37-d 11.1 CHAN-Global CANOE, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 4 CFFI-1 Global Malakwa 50 54 22 118 51 03 analog 04 CHBC-Global 4 CFEN-1 CITY Enderby 50 33 45 119 06 10 analog 04 CFJC-CITY 6 CHBC-8 Global Canoe 50 43 45 119 12 35 analog 06 CHBC-Global 9 CHBC-4 Global Salmon Arm 50 41 20 119 23 35 Dig 9.1 CHBC-Global CASTLEGAR, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 5 CKTN-1 Global Castlegar 49 18 50 117 37 30 analog 05 CHAN-Global 8 CKTN Global Trail 49 05 30 117 49 14 Dig 8.1 CKTN-Global CHARLIE LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA AREA TV RECEPTION 5 CJDC CBC Dawson Creek 55 43 44 120 26 42 Dig 5.1 CJDC-CBC 16 CH4260 ShawBcSv Charlie Lake 56 17 00
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