Page Ten THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY Friday, October 2, 1953 Wallace Carroll Is Named Chairman of W.C.H.L.’S SCHEDULE 12:80, 1:30. 2:30, 3:30. 1360 on the Dial POP CONCERT: 12:30, 4:30. FEATURES: “Proudly Visiting Committee on $50,000 Grant Hoars: 6 to 6:30 P.M. We A.M. Hail,” 10:30; Marine Show, 1:05. WEEKDAYS Carroll, executive news 1 1 utilsied more fully. SUNDAY Wallace ! NEWS: Every hour on the of Wiaston-Satem The inquiry will be made by a CONCERT 7:35, 8:35, editor the . hour; North Carolina News, 7:00 MUSIC: Jeora&i-Sentinel, has been named faculty committee at each uni- 9:15, 10:15, 2:30. I A.M., 8:30 A.M., 12:15 P.M.. a visiting committee veraity. assisted by a visiting Today's ekairmar. of RELIGIOUS: * ¦ 6:00 P.M.; Commentary, 12:30 Lesson, [ mJI Lm I grant of ' committee including scholars from 9:05; Community mm a Ford Foundation i P.M Church, 11. the University for a itheT institutions and laymen. to MUSIC: Hymn, 6:01; Easy TOPICAL: Broadway in Re- *neif-survey its training aad At the University here Daniel view, 1:15; of Does It. 6:30-9; Stretch, UN Story, 2:15. programs far the aeien- 0. Price of the department of see Home wtarek 9:05; Mid-Morning Music, 10:05;: stady of human hateriar,’* eiology and anthropology will|'1 #*»e the Hour, 11:15; year! serve as director of the project This Is Musical These Price* Effective Through Saturday, October 3rd granted for the academic Panorama, : and chairman of the local study ] 12:46: Dig These. 1:06- 1*53-64. 3; Henry committee Other members of • Jerome, 3:15; Sym-i grant, announced early in The Proses- ph0ny,.3:30; Evensong, 4:30. A-'n Poge Fancy /»7 the local are the summer was made to the Uni- committee 1 / / sors Harold A. Bierck, history; F. FEATURES: What's Going On UK _ _ versity here, and to four other political science; in Chapel Hill, 8:05 A.M., the Uairenity of N. Cleaveland. i 12:25 REAL iaalimiinni E. Eiiasor., English; J. J. P.M., 5:06 P.M.; Sportsman, 5:10; A Bl*Y Chicago, Harvard, the University Normar. 1 - , sociology and an- Football Forecast, 1*53 BUICK Special of Michigan, and Stanford Uni- Honigmann. 1 5:30 P.M. 4-dr„ fully-equipped, James Ingram, ec-.((Friday); Soup threpoiogy, C. Football Followup, 5:30 Tomato 4 35« versity. 2-tone green, oaomics, and J. W. Tflibaut, psy- P.M. (Monday). The iastatutions will use the 1 practically new Nee Crop jcboiogy. Gordon W. Blackwell, FOOTBALL: Dried Peas *T—t. .».iU available under the Washington and director of the Institute for Re- Leej at Univ. Carolina, grouts to inquire into the status, of North 1951 PONTIAC Hydra- searcch in Social Science, A. K.,j 30). problem!. and desirable de- 11:45 P.M. (Sat., Oct. matic, RAH $1796 needs King, Graduate School, arid Dean - - - - of the behavioral aci- SATURDAY * velopment ( Clifford P. Lyons, College of Arts 1951 MERCURY 2-dr. Paimoiive to suggest ways in DISC JOCKEY: 9:05, premium Blackeyes encaa. and and Sciences, are ex-officio mem- _ 11:05.1 sedan, 35° | resource* can be whitewall tires, which these bersJ James Thompson is serv- new seat covers, rAh 1695 Lang Grain ! ing a- s executive secretary. E 3 Ba?s 22C ! 1951 CHEVROLET 4-dr., Ir. addition to Carroll, the UNC I visiting committee consists of RAH _.. ISM 1950 BUICK Super 2-dr. 1595 Professors John Whiting, Har- 1 j ¦¦ ¦ vard; David Truman, Columbia | 1950 BUICK Special Rice 35° paimoiive 2-dr. 1295 Comet 8 University; Theodore Newcomb, j University of Michigan, and Rob- 1951 FORD Custom "8”, 1950 MERCURY 2-dr., in Williams, Cornel! University. 2-dr., Fordomatic, RAH, white-wali RAH, READ 'EM AND BUY! Bernard Berelson, director of; dean $1395 tires 1295 j the Foni Foundation's bahaviorai 1950 FORD 2-dr. sedan, 1949 PONTIAC 4-dr, - - - 1*52 DODGE Gyromatic, e*. jy*- said the grants clean 4 miles 1495 science- division, 850 RAH 1345 j | 2-dr. 20.690 8 O’clock 84c to the five institutions would be 1950 FORD “6” sedan 795 194? DODGE 4-door, \'il\ FORD 4-dr., heater the time • PILLSBURY MIXES O used to pay for released . B 4 white sidewall 1549 OLDS MOBILE RAH 7*6 j , Qgmqy us faculty members on the com- tires 1*49*1 Hydramatic station 1947 FORD, RAH, white- mittee, the costs of the visiting WH|TE . wagon 895 | wali tires 745 • 4 295: CHEVROLET immittees, secretarial and re- CAKE K B c RAK new seat cov- 1549 CHEVROLET busi- 1947 FORD, RAH, in It search assistance, travel, and oth- ? 35c 4 £9O ers. good tires 13-56 ness coupe 795 good shape 745 ¦pHjMMiH YELLOW CAKE... l* 1 er expense- The five institu- 1547 tions were selected from a number BUICK Super, 2-dr. 795 1546 FORD 2-dr. 595 choc, lALTHIS WEEK FmmmakMtM rime SPE/ of applications that were invited 1546 FORD 2-dr. 595 1941 OLDSMOBILE 1951 KAISEK sß*s c by the Foundatior 1940 DODGE business 2-dr., club sedan 295 |W come SEE! SPICE CAKE —35 2 The scientific study of factor? coupe 250 PLYMOUTH 2-dr., »e l*sb influencing human behavior COLONIAL MOTORS COME SAVE! .. Med clear. 119- AMGEL FOOD 59c 1A extra one of the five area? of concen- PRITCHARD-LITTLE Buick and CMC B " 0 1941- PLYMOUTH con- tration adopted in 1950 by the MOTOR CO. Sa'es A Service BIHCER BREAD _.«£•' 27c extra, extra | vertible. trustees of the foundation. The Your Ford CAR LOT « clear, 11 95 Dealer USED Pm«Delicious Tokay 2 25c • other four are advancement of f | 100 w A II 7 1946 PONTIAC 4-dr.. peace, democratic institutions,, franklin Phone 9-114 701 W. Franklin Ph. 9-484 8. Margaret Holmes—With Snaps i extra, extra clean 995 economic well isemg, and educa Grapes -U 25c 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. tion. club coupe, one owner, clean 795 5 a 2tc Field Peas % s 27e sr 65. MS":U S- No. 1 Red Bliss 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. 860 County 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-dr„ 10 dear. 79^ History—l7.l2-11152 Potatoes -39 7 C Super Suds 4-dr, rAr. -1 1947 DODGK c 1 extra clean 750 Baaacas 2 £ GUARANTEED OK USED -25 X club coupe, c 1947 DODCK Edited by Hugh T. Lefler and new paint job, extra CARS - 750 Buy— Apples Cut Squash dean —Y'our Beat Paul W. Wager 1 -150 -17 c 1547 PONTIAC 2-dr 750 U. 51 r-HEVROLET < lub « it 1547 CHRYSLER 4-Or 695 coupe sl2llO it it it Cashew Nets m 25c iiway 1546 CHEVROLET 4-dr. 1950 UHEVROLKT 2-dr. hedan, r&h, clean 650 deluxe, r&)i 1095 A new illustrated book of 400 pages on 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-dr., 1549 r'UE\ ROLET Fleet very good shape 550 line 2 dr , the history Orange County, 990 of written 19.';7 FORD 100 t,m?, rAh 1919 FORD 4-dr $895 by 1 \ authors who 1937 PLY MOUTH 4 dr , have made a careful ss c, th.r dog rnur.t g'> for t'HEVROLET 4-dr WHITE 1548 BREAD -14 only 95 RAH 795 research of the records and data of the 131 c r HEVROLET 2dr 795 POE MOTOR CO. County and set down a living record 1947 MERCURY 4-dr. 695 = DeSOTO PLYMOUTH of both the living and the dead. PINTO BEANS s 35c USED UAR IJ/r ON MAIN HAZZARD MOTOR CO. STREET, CAKKBORO - Salea A Service 9. g. PAGE Chevrolet V V V m V V - oq. Phone 9-1056 CYPI IP 240 9-491 z c I'h We Buy Sell Trade 501 W. franklin O I IvUr BLENDED 7:1 a35J I » _______________________ 1 A real history that will stand the test of time. " " " " * S.vtog, *rr Big! Yuli Clmh IVOry wOaP 2 ; ,,. 25C win it it it it it Written in language that is like a IvorTFiateTl - - ¦ easy JSSr^JS? a narrative reading —for RIB —GUARANTEED I.ATK MODKI. ISEI) CARS—- the shelf of your library, for your Octagon sy 4 19c -1953 DODGE V-8 Diplomat, loaded leisure moments, for the perusal of qq* posterity. Cashmere Bouquet -3 & 22c with accessories, nice discount — Du K \ Heavy Western Beef it it it it it lf»r, coupe, beautiful -- - 1 PI YMOUTH Cranbrook Hub a •- ear at *<3S»5 Cashmere Bouquet r ¦ —— 10c T-BONE STEAK 99* cloth, H-avy 1951 DODOE ('orooet 4-dr., one owner 1395 Round in "-stern Beef-Mone In (.old ICOO N buy Mtamped 3 pfaohcs 1950 Statesman, aedan, a real at 995 fmte -- NASH 4-dr. »EL , n ’3ie and 895 PLATE STEW -19 c B'a, 950 1949 FORD 2-dr. (two) GRFFM OINKT PFAS 17 °* IQw “Super Right" Freehlv 1948 PONTIAC Hub coupe, bydrainatir 895 SOOO I'apcr Bound A ¦- 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetline, 2-dr., an unuaual bar- rirlets rrand cor). ? & GROUND BEEF u 39c gain foe 2 1917 DODOE Hub coupe ™5 This book is now in press. It will RABISCO R6*EV BRARAUB g 31c 1946 CHEVROLET 2-dr. aedan 393 FRANKFURTERS -SC 47c 1946 FORD 8, 2-dr., clean, white-wall tireo 395 be ready for distribution Septem- 1946 MERCURY, 4-dr., clean 490 Ja*a Parker - ber 15. This edition is limited. SPECIAL! Os Tha Waak CHICKEN - u.
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