Arts and Humanities Faculty Course Catalogue 2020/2021 / LES FACULTÉS DE L’UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LILLE / Contents Art, Architecture, Music & Cinema page 2 Arabic 20 Business & Economics 21 Chinese 37 Communication, Culture, Media Studies (including Journalism) 38 Computer Science 58 Education 62 English 63 French 77 Geography 87 German 94 History 98 Italian 119 Latin 120 Law 120 Mathematics & Finance 122 Political Science 125 Psychology 139 Russian 147 Sociology & Anthropology 148 Spanish 151 Tourism 156 1 - Jacqueline Nacache, Le film hollywoodien classique, Art, Architecture, Nathan Université, 1995. Music & Cinema MCA1/1c: 19th CENTURY ART HISTORY Fall Semester IMPORTANT: ALL OUR ART COURSES ARE Lectures: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 TAUGHT IN FRENCH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED OBJECTIVE: Review the movements, trends, and artists that marked 19th century art history. H1/10a: HISTORY OF MODERN AND COURSE PROGRAM: CONTEMPORARY ART This course provides a broad overview of art history, Fall Semester from the late 18th century to the turning point of the 20th century. It aims at establishing fundamental milestones Classes: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 as well as presenting the major questions that evolved through this period structured by the development of OBJECTIVE: art. - Be able to place a work of art in its historical, cultural, religious, intellectual context BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Acquire a visual culture : be able to identify a style, Philippe Dagen et Françoise Hamon (dir.), Histoire de an artistic personality, a movement l'art, Époque contemporaine : XIXe-XXIe siècles, Paris, - Acquire a critical sense : histories about culture, Flammarion, 2011 ; civilisations, schools of thoughts and practices Françoise Cachin et al., L'Art du XIXe siècle, 1850-1905, - Acquire an analysis and commentary methodology : Paris, Citadelles et Maznod, 1990 ; observe, understand and analyse a work of art Marie-Claude Chaudonneret, L’État et les artistes : de la Restauration à la monarchie de juillet, 1815-1833, COURSE PROGRAM : Paris, Flammarion, 1999 ; th - From Prehistory to the end of the 19 century : Léon Rosenthal, Du romantisme au réalisme : essai sur techniques and materials of art (painting, sculpture, l'évolution de la peinture en France de 1830 à 1848, engraving, architecture), styles and movements. Paris, H. Laurens, 1914 ; - Mordern and contemporary art : disruptions and Pierre Vaisse, La Troisième République et les peintres, ruptures. Paris, Flammarion, 1995 ; - Thematical topics : body, portrait, movement, light, William Vaughan, L'Art du XIXe siècle, 1780-1850, space, etc. Paris, Citadelles et Maznod, 1989 MCA1/1b: HISTORY OF CLASSICAL CINEMA MCA1/2a: FILM ANALYSIS Fall Semester Fall Semester Lectures: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 Lectures: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE: To discover and recognize the great movements and To know the language of film sequence description. To schools of classical cinema, to understand their create a thesis statement for a descriptive approach and structures and breaking points. To know the rules of the from there, to learn how to build an argument around a film genre as well as its most important authors and sequence. works. COURSE PROGRAM: COURSE PROGRAM: This course will provide students with the basics of film This course analyses the history of European and description. It will first teach students how to describe American classical cinema from 1895 to the beginning film sequences based on a specific theme (including of the 1960’s through the study of its main genres. camera moves, off-camera, shot scales, diegetic and non-diegetic sound etc.). Then, students will learn to BIBLIOGRAPHY: choose judiciously and combine elements of description - David Bordwell, Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson, in order to show the sociological impact of a film, the The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode philosophical questions it raises or how it might belong of Production to 1960, Routledge, 1985; to a specific artistic trend. - Jean-Loup Bourget, Hollywood, a norme et la marge, Armand Colin, 2005; BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Michel Cieutat, les Grands thèmes du cinéma -AUMONT, Jacques, L’interprétation des films, Malakoff, américain, Cerf, 7ème Art, 1988. Armand Colin, 2017 - Lotte Eisner, L'Écran démoniaque, Losfeld, 1965 ; -CHION, Michel, Le Son, Paris, Armand Colin, 2006 - Siegfried Kracauer, De Caligari à Hitler, L'Age -JULLIER, Laurent, Analyse un film : de l’émotion à d'homme, 1973 ; l’interprétation, Paris, Flammarion, 2012 - Jean Louis Leutrat, Le Cinéma en perspective : Une -MARTIN, Jessie, Vertige de la description : l’analyse de histoire, Nathan Université, collection 128, 1992 ; films en question, Lyon Udine, Aleas Forum, 2011 2 -VANOYE, François, Récit écrit récit filmique, Paris, 27-75 Armand Colin, 2005 - Firth, S, « La musique Live ça compte », in Réseaux, n°141-142, UMLV/Lavoisier, 2007 - Hein Fabien, « Faire l’ethnographie de l’expérience MCA1/2b: ANALYSIS OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC rock, pour ne pas aller plus vite que la musique ! », in L’expérience musicale sous le regard des sciences Fall Semester sociales, actes des Journées d'études des 13 et 14 octobre 2005. http://centre-norbert- Lectures: 18 hours ECTS credits: 2 elias.ehess.fr/index.php?337 - Green Anne-Marie, « Les usages sociaux du walkman OBJECTIVE: dans le quotidien urbain » Ou le « temps musical » To trace the genesis of what came to be known as comme élément de transformation de l'espace social, “contemporary music” first in the United States, then Sociétés, 2004/3 no 85, p. 101-111. in Britain and the rest of Europe. http://www.cairn.info/revue-societes-2004-3-page- To distinguish the different styles and their musical 101.htm characteristics, situating them into their social and - Jaujou N., Comment faire notre Musique du monde ? political context. Du classement de disques aux catégorisations de la musique, Cahiers d’études africaines 2002/4, 168, p. COURSE PROGRAM: 853-873. History of Anglo-Saxon popular music from the of the 1950’s to the end of the 1960’s. BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Nick Tosches, Héros oubliés du rock and roll : Les années sauvages du rock avant Elvis, Paris, MCA1/3a: SCRIPTWRITING Allia, 2000 Fall Semester - Nick Tosches, sCountry: les racines tordues du rock and roll, Paris, Allia, 2000 Lectures: 18 hours ECTS credits: 2 - Nick Cohn, A Wop Bop A Loo Bop A Lop Bam Boom, Paris, Allia, 1999 OBJECTIVE: - Greil Marcus, Mystery Train : images de l'Amérique à To learn how to tell a story with a visual and movie travers le rock and roll, Paris, Allia, 2001 perspective. - Sébastien Danchin, Elvis Presley ou la revanche du Sud, Paris, Fayard, 2004 COURSE PROGRAM: - Chuck Berry, Mon autobiographie, Paris, Michel Lafon, Get to know the steps of scriptwriting. Writing of a script 1988 in small groups - Johnny Cash, Patrick Carr, Cash : l'autobiographie, Paris, Le Castor Astral, 2005 BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Barney Hoskins, Waiting For the Sun : Une histoire de Bibliography will be given in class la musique à Los Angeles, Paris, Allia, 2004 - Jacques Vassal : Folksong : Racines et branches de la MCA1/3b: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF musique folk des États-Unis, Paris, Albin Michel-Rock & CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY Folk, 1977 Fall Semester - Bob Dylan, Chroniques, Volume 1, Paris, Fayard, 2005 Classes: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 OBJECTIVE: MCA1/2c: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC New knowledge and skills, esthetic reflection on images, Fall Semester personal photographical production. Lectures: 24 hours ECTS credits: 2 COURSE PROGRAM: From its first appearance, photography has always been OBJECTIVE: controversial. It is at once a machine of vision, a To be able to observe, describe and analyze musical technique, an industry and maybe an art. Through the practices from a sociological standpoint, mobilizing the analysis of images and artistic writings, this course will references of the sociology of culture. present the stakes, uses and attitudes towards contemporary photography. COURSE PROGRAM: To explore the conceptual and methodological tools. BIBLIOGRAPHY : Conduct a survey on a musical object or terrain - A. Rouillé, La photographie, Gallimard, Paris, 2005. B. Rolland, La chambre claire, Gallimard, Paris, 1980 BIBLIOGRAPHY : D. Baqué, Photographie plasticienne, l’extrême contemporain, éditions du regard, Paris, 2004. - Maisonneuve Sophie. L’avènement d’une écoute W. Benjamin, Petite histoire de la photographie et musicale nouvelle au XXe siècle. In: Communications, L’œuvre d’art à l’ère de sa reproductibilité technique, in 81, 2007. Corps et techniques [Numéro dirigé par volume 3 des Œuvres, Paris, éditions Gallimard, 2000. Georges Vigarello] pp. 47-59; M-J. Mondzain, L'image peut-elle tuer ?, Paris, éditions http://www.persee.fr/doc/comm_05888018_2007_nu Bayard, 2002. m_81_1_2457 M. Frizot, Histoires de voir (3 tomes), Photopoche, CNP, - Hennion, A, Maisonneuve, S, Gomart, E., Figures de Paris, 1989. l’amateur, La Documentation française, Paris, 2000, pp. 3 Students will also have a practical reflection on the MCA1/3c: HISTORY OF MODERN & subject by engaging in a free personal production CONTEMPORARY DANCE throughout the semester Fall Semester BIBLIOGRAPHY: Lectures: 18 hours ECTS credits: 2 - Paul Ardenne, L'image du corps, figure de l'humain dans l'art du XXe siècle, Paris, Seuil, 2001. OBJECTIVE: - Jean Clair, L'âme au corps, arts et sciences, 1793 - Reach a better understanding of the challenges, 1993, catalogue d'exposition, Paris, Galerie nationale questions, and forms of modern and --especially-- du Grand Palais, Gallimard, 1993. contemporary dance. - William Ewing, Daniel Girardin, Le siècle du corps, Paris, La Martinière, 1999. COURSE PROGRAM: - L'art au corps, le corps exposé de Man Ray à nos This course provides an overview of the history of jours, catalogue d'exposition, Musée de Marseille, modern and contemporary dance. As a first step, we will Réunion des musées nationaux, 1996. endeavor to understand the reasons why a rejection of - Hors Limites : l'art et la vie, 1952-1994, catalogue classical ballet arose in the early 20th century, and the d'exposition, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1994. reasons why it took the form we currently know (to put - Féminin masculin, Le sexe de l'art, catalogue it bluntly: expressionist dance).
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