':JV-' !NET PRESS RUN \ THE w e a t h e r AVERAGE DAILY CIRCDLATIOIl Forecast by T. 8. Weather Bareaa, OF THE EVENING HERALD Ifew Raven for the month of December, 1026, M t Fair. colde;r ton i^ t. Cold wave 4 , 9 5 7 Satmdgit„— - ' , » Library___--------------------------------- - VOL. XLI., NO. 89. Classified Advertising on Page 8 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 14,1927. XEIGEPIEENi, PRICE THREE CENTS <&■ SEES HARTFORD BIGGEST QUEER DEATH CITY IN CONN. IN 1050 DIVORCE A PLOT OpiMsed on Nicaragua New Haven, Conn., Jan. 14.— A population survey including SEEIK TO R A a Y the year 1950 will be presented OF DRUMMER the state legislature in the re­ TOGETMONEY, port of the Commission on State Institutes next week, indicating M Y S m YET the state will then have a popu­ SAYSJHAPLIN m LATINS TO nCH T THE U. S. lation of 2,028,100 as compared with 1,380,600 in 1920. <$> The survey predicts popula­ tions for various cities in 1950 And He Hasn’t Half of Six­ No Autopsy Performed Here as follows: Hartford 248,000; New Haven 240,000, Bridge­ DEIBERATEY Demands Forces Be Taken As Doctors Believe Heart port 223,000; Waterbury 143,- teen Millions, Let Alone 000; New Britain 94,000; Stam­ ford 79,000; Norwalk and New BLOCKED STAIR From Soil of Nicara^a Disease Killed Long Isl­ London 40,000 each, Norwich Sixteen, Film Star Asserts 32,500. STEAL SAFE NEXT DOOR <S> and Man. In New York. TO A POLICE BARRACKS IN n y i PANIC Little Belief That Central Portsmouth, R. I., Jan. 14.— Tlie mystey of how Robert Mc­ CHENEY EMPLOYEES New York, Jan. 14.— Charlie Despite the fact that Chase’s American States Will Re­ Chaplin, the king of film comedy, general store is next door to the / Grath of Long Island, died In a rail­ Montreal Coroner Finds state police barracks, burglars road accident at Andover Wednes­ arrived in New York hn the Twen­ during the night drove up in a spond; Borah Proposal day night although he escaped DINE 5 0 YEAR MEN tieth Century limited today and told Theatre Manager Shut truck and took out an 800- without a scratch while his automo- reporters that he would fight his pound safe containing $1,000 niobile was totally demolished, will wife’s suit for a divorce “ to the as well as three rifles and a For New Election in Nica­ Way of Escape, Causing shotgun. always remain a mystery. In the Get Together Club Host; bitter end.” He said the action opinion of those concerned in the brought by LIta Grey Chaplin in ragua and Arbitration case, it is another mystery how the Los Angeles was instigated by his Death of Children. Long Island man’s body carried no Frank Cheney, Jr., Speak­ wife’s family. marks. As one person said .this With Mexico Coldly Re­ “ I’m going to fight this thing MEX NEWSPAPER morning, “ I can’t fathom it. Why, Montreal, Jan. 14.— Michel Ar- out,” he asserted. “ I’m going to the car was smashed so badly you e r-O ffice rs Elected. rle, house manager of the Laurier ceived at Washingtor, could almost put the pieces in your fight for the custody of my two chil­ vest pocket and yet there was but dren.” • Palace theatre where seventy-eight BARES ATROCITIES children lost their lives in a dis­ one tiny mark the size of a pinhead Cheney Brothers’ male employees Chaplin resented the bringing of Heflin Accuses K. of C. of on his body from which blood had astrous fire panic. Is under arrest gathered last night in historic the name of Edna Purviance, noted trickled.” screen actress, into his domestic dif­ charged with having blocked the No Autopsy. Cheney hall to honor the men who Fomenting Trouble. ficulties. stairway which provided the only Accuses Goyernment of ‘ Medical Examiner William R. have worked 50 years or more for . “ Certainly, she’s on my payroll,” means of exit for the frightened Tinker informed The Herald today the local silk firm. The Get Togeth­ Chaplin said. “ She’s on the payroll Senator Borah of Idaho (left), yesterday severely criticised the that there would be no autopsy. He for $250. a week but that was the Central American policy of Secretary of State Kellogg (right), in Nica­ youngsters. Summary Executions In Mexico City, Jan. 14.— Immedi­ consulted with Coroner Calhoun in er club monjfhly dinner was served stipulation in her original contract. ragua. The photograph was taken the day before when Mr. Kellogg Arrie, together with Ameen La- ate withdrawal of the American Hartford yesterday afternoon and to eleven of 50-year service man appeared before the Senate committee on Foreign Relations of which “ There was absolutely no reason wand, owner of the theatre, and Barbarous Fashion. Forces from Nicaragua, under threat they reached the conclusion that and 180 members of the club were for dragging Miss Purviance’s name Borah is chairman. Camil Bazzy, an employee, was McGrath had been suffering from present to pay their respects to the into this.” charged with “ criminal responsi­ of an appeal to the Spanish-Ameri- heart trouble and had had another senior employees. Not So Depressed bility” by a coroner’s Jury. .The Mexico City, Jan. 14.— The Mexi­ can nations for military aid to "re­ attack just as he drove his automo­ Frank Cheney, Jr., chairman of men were immediately arrested pel.the Yankee invasion,” has been bile onto the railroad crossing. Chaplin did not seem as depress­ can government today continued its the board of directors of Cheney ed as reports from the west indicat­ "GORILLA” BANDIT BIG EXPENDITURES and held without bail for arraign­ relentless pursuit of rebel forces, demanded by Dr. Juan Sacasa. They believe that the shock of see­ Brothers, and a 45-year service em­ ment later. ing the oncoming steam train ap­ ed he was in Chicago yesterday. He leader of the Nicaraguan rebels, in ployee, addressed the gathering fol­ smiled as he dropped off the train Cut Off Escape undeterred by an editorial attack in proaching at full speed and then lowing the dinner. Mr. Cheney’s The evidence, according to the the newspaper Excelsior, charging a note to United States Secretary the terrific crash and his being to face a horde of re^iorters and a talk was informal. He simply con­ MAKES GET AWAY FOR INSANE, P U N Jury verdict, showed that Arrie that a “ reign of terror” exists and of State Frank B. Kellogg, accord­ hurled to the bank, was sufiBcient battery of cameras. He posed amia­ ing to a dispatch from Guatemala gratulated the honored guests and bly for pictures. had deliberately blocked the stair­ that both military and civil author­ to bring death. hoped that it would be necessary ities are putting Mexicans to death received here. No InJuries. A large crowd gathered near the way to which the children ran in for Cheney Brothers to obtain some panic at the cry of “ fire,” and pre­ without proper trial. The Guatemala dispatch states They decided that death could train, having learned of Chaplin’s Acrobatic Youth Who Did that it is based on information re­ 60-year service , pins. arrival. Chaplin tried to make his istitntions Board to Advise vented them from escaping to the The government, according to not have been caused by inJuries, Animal Election. street. the Excelsior, has denied its re­ ceived from the Sacasa headquar­ e.xternal or internal, from the way to a waiting automobile but he The annual election of the offi­ sponsibility for an alleged atrocity ters. I train, as there were no such indica­ was blocked by the reporters who SO Rohheries in Provi­ The verdict mentioned the spe­ cers of the Get Together club was New Asylum and Large cific death of Edouard St. Pierre, in Leon, where five young boys are Sent to IT. S. 1 tions revealed In the post-mortem shot questions at him. The dispatch states that the note held at last night’s meeting. Sidney In reply to one question Chaplin who was found to have died of alleged to have been summarily ex­ examination of the man’s body. ecuted in “ barbarous’’ fashion, one which has already been forwarded, Medical Examiner Tinker said it Elliott was elected president, suc­ denied he is worth sixteen million dence Breaks Jail. “ compression of the thorax suffer­ ceeding Thomas McGill. The other Expansions. of the lads having his tongue cut has caused a considerable sensation could not have Lcen foul play and dollars or anything like that ed during a panic,” but stated it among Central Americans who are therefore formed the conclusion officers named last night are: vice- amount. also applied to the 77 other deaths. out when he prayed. presidents, Charles Staye, William Whole Executions. following the course of the tri-cor- that death was ;.ccidentally caused “Why,” he declared, “I’m not Providence. Jan. 14.— “ The Go­ During the inquest employees McKinney: secretary, Herbert Mc­ New Haven, Jan. 14.— Acting Excelsior’s editorial attack de­ nered controversy between the by heart disease and the shock of worth one-half of six million dol­ of the movie house testified that Cann; assistant secretary, J. A. Ir­ rilla” had baffled police and detec­ clares that “ respect for human life United States, MeJeico and Nicara­ the train wreck. It is understood lars.” tive forces of three states today in with approval of Governor John H. they had never been instructed not gua. that it would be a dlfiicult problem vine; treasurer, Ray Bldwell; as­ Trumbull and Seth Low Pierre- to sell tickets to unaccompanied has disappeared completely in this sistant treasurer, Herbert Leggett; Chaplin characterized his wife’s their frantic efforts to '♦anture him.
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