© J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, INC. The Nativity, Workshop of Botticelli, Metropolitan Museum of Art This Week at St. Joe’s Mass Intentions Calendar of Events Saturday, May 13 Sunday, May 14 Our Lady of Fatima Mother’s Day 8:30 — In loving memory of Rufino and Victoria Abio 7:30 pm - AA Group—Hall/Kitchen Mabanta (by the Pacursa Family) Monday, May 15 For the soul of Ruben Juarez † (by Minerva Solano) 6:00 pm - (Spanish) Confirmation Practice - 5:00 — Rose Mary Carnihan Church 6:30 — (Polish) Special intentions 7:00 pm - Disciples of Emaus (Women) - House Sunday, May 14 8:00 pm - (Hispanic) Cross School—Rm 5 Fifth Sunday of Easter Tuesday, May 16 7:00 — Madonna Clark (by Maureen Clark) 5:00 pm - (Polish) Dance—Rm 9 8:00 — For our president and the officers of our 5:30 pm - Mensajeros de la Paz Youth Choir— government for their guidance, protection and security 9:30 — Pray for the souls of Maria Nguyen and Peter Rm 2 Tran † (by the Family) 5:30 pm - (English) Confirmation Practice - 11:00 — Leszka Bryndy—7th Death anniversary Church 12:30 — (Spanish) Special intentions 6:00 pm - (Polish) Music Practice—Rm 7 5:15 — (Polish) Special intentions 6:00 pm - (Spanish) Youth Ministry—Rm 8 Monday, May 15 6:00 pm - Alegria Mexicana Dance—Rm 11 St. Isidore the Farmer 6:00 pm - Angeles de Dios Choir—Rm 6 8:30 — Antonio Cabaneros—Death anniversary † (by the 7:00 pm - (English) Choir—Rm 10 Family) 7:00 pm - (Polish) Holy Hour—Church In loving memory of Florida Mabanta Cabaneros † (by the 7:00 pm - Disciples of Emmaus (Men)—Rm 12 Pacursa Family) 7:30 pm - Crochet Group—Rm 2 Tuesday, May 16 Wednesday, May 17 8:30 — Ewa—Care of the loving God (by Janina) 5:30 pm - (English/Spanish) Confession for In memory of Maria Hoang † (by Di Dang Family) Confirmandi - Church Special intention for Michelangelo Gondolfi (by his 7:00 pm - Disciples of Emaus (Women) - Rm 12 parents) 7:00 pm - Church Decorating- Church/Hall Wednesday, May 17 8:30 — In loving memory of Paul Park, Mary Park, and Thursday, May 18 Liz Park † (by the Family) 5:00 pm - (Polish) School—Rm 4 & 6 In memory of Maria Tran † (by Di Dang Family) 5:30 pm - Mensajeros de la Paz Youth Choir— Thursday, May 18 Rm 3 St. John I 6:00 pm - Alegria Mexicana Dance—Rm 11 8:30 — Catherine Cross † (by Thuy Nguyen) 7:00 pm - (Polish) Choir—Rm 10 In memory of Teresa Ngo † (by Di Dang Family) 7:00 pm - (Spanish) Confirmation—Church/ Friday, May 19 Hall 8:30 — For the souls of Paul and Jane Riordan, Bob and 8:00 pm - Guadalupano—Rm 5 & 7 Joan Riordan, Pete and Mary McDavid † (by the 8:00 pm - Divine Mercy—Rm 9 & 12 Riordan Family) Friday, May 19 Saturday, May 20 4:45 pm - (Polish) School—End of the Year St. Bernardine of Siena Mass—Church 8:30 — Martine Vilsrin—Memorial Mass † (by Ettiene) 7:00 pm - (Spanish) Holy Hour- Chapel For all the souls in purgatory † (by the Di Dang Family) 7:00 pm - (English) Confirmation—Church In memory of Tere and Lino Villarreal † (by Emily Saturday, May 20 Villarreal) 8:00 am - (Polish) School—School/Hall 5:00 — Roberto Gomez—Memorial birthday † 6:30 — (Polish) Special intentions 9:00 am - (Spanish) Baptisms - Church Sunday, May 21 10:30 am - (Spanish) Youth Ministry—House Sixth Sunday of Easter 11:15 am - (Polish) School—End of the Year 7:00 — In loving memory of Antonio Cardenas † (by the Mass—Church Family) 1:30 pm - (Spanish) Baptisms—Church 8:00 — In memory of John Todd † (by Virginia E. 7:00 pm - Bodas de Cana—Hall Thompson) 7:00 pm - Pre-Marriage Class—Rm 9 9:30 — Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings received (by Sunday, May 21 Marie Magdalene) 10:00 am - Pan Para Jesus - Hall/Kitchen 11:00 — (Polish) Special intentions 2:30 pm - (English) Baptisms - Church 12:30 — (Spanish) Special intentions 4:00 pm - (Polish) Baptisms - Church 5:15 — (Polish) Special intentions 7:30 pm - AA Group—Hall/Kitchen Pastor’s Corner 10 Years Fatima T he Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared six times to three children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, between May 13 and October 13, 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during the recent persecutions by the government. Our Lady came with a message from God to every man, woman, and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed. She told us that war is a punishment for sin; that God would punish the world for its sins in our time by means of war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father, the Pope, unless we listened to and obeyed the commands of God. The message is an anguished appeal of our Heavenly Mother, Who sees us in great danger and Who comes to offer Her help and advice. Her message is also a prophesy, a clear indication of what was about to transpire in the 20th century, and what is still going to happen infallibly in the near future, depending on our response to Her requests. In all Her appearances at Fatima, the Blessed Mother repeatedly emphasized the necessity of praying the Rosary daily, of wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel and of performing acts of reparation and sacrifice. She also asked that the Faithful practice a new devotion of reparation on the first Saturday of five consecutive months ("The Five First Saturdays") As a great sign of the whole message truly coming from God, a marvelous miracle was worked in the sky above Fatima before 70,000 witnesses on October 13, 1917, the time, date and place that Lucy and the other two children had prophesized in the name of Our Lady of Fatima. The children were told by Our Lady that God would perform a miracle so that people would believe in the apparitions. The date the children was October 13, 1917, in Fatima. On that date, 70,000 people came to see the phenomenon. The miracle occurred with the sun. All could stare perfectly at the sun without blinking, or even hurting their eyes. While all were watching the sun, it rotated, got large and small, got close to the people, and got far away from them. The sun "danced ". Every single person who was there testified to seeing the sun dance, even non-believers who immediately dropped onto their knees and begged for forgiveness. Our Lady of Fatima continues to work miracles today through Fatima water which is sent from Fatima, Portugal around the world. This Fatima water sprang up in Fatima at the spot the Bishop told people to dig, very near where Our Lady appeared at the Cova de Iria (the Cove of Peace) in Fatima. The water is known to cure people with sickness and poor health. Still, other people are cured when they go on pilgrimage to Fatima, which is about 90 miles north of Lisbon, Portugal. Today is also Mother’s Day! It is said that the heart that is closest to God’s heart is that of a mother. Only God knows the untold sacrifices, pain, labor, and love of mothers! Thank you, dear mothers! Happy Mother’s Day! Z Biurka Ojca Jerzego 100 - lecie Objawień Matki Bożej Fatimskiej W chwili objawień Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Łucja de Jesus, Franciszek i Hiacynta Marto mieli po dziesięć, dziewięć i siedem lat. Cała trójka mieszkała w Aljustrel, w miejscu należącym do parafii fatimskiej. Objawienia miały miejsce na małym skrawku ziemi należącym do rodziców Łucji, nazywanym Cova da Iria, i znajdującym się dwa i pół kilometra od Fatimy na drodze do Leirii. Matka Boża ukazała się im na krzewie zwanym ilex, będącym karłowatą odmianą dębu, mierzącym nieco ponad metr wysokości. Franciszek widział Maryję, lecz Jej nie słyszał. Hiacynta Ją widziała i słyszała. Łucja natomiast widziała, słyszała i rozmawiała z Nią. Objawienia miały miejsce około południa. Tak wyglądało pierwsze z sześciu objawień: 13 maja 1917 roku W momencie, gdy uwaga trójki wizjonerów została przyciągnięta przez podwójny blask, podobny do błyskawic, bawili się w Cova da Iria. Później zobaczyli oni Matkę Boską na zielonym dębie. Była to, zgodnie z opisem siostry Łucji, Pani ubrana na biało, bardziej błyszcząca niż słońce, promieniejąca światłem czystszym i intensywniejszym od kryształowego pucharu z wodą, prześwietlonego promieniami słonecznymi. Jej nieopisanie piękna twarz nie była ani smutna, ani radosna, lecz poważna i malował się na niej wyraz łagodnego napomnienia. Miała dłonie złączone jakby w geście modlitwy, które opierały się na piersiach i które były zwrócone ku górze. Z jej prawej dłoni opadał różaniec. Jej szaty wydawały się całe utkane ze światła. Jej tunika była biała, tak jak i płaszcz ze złotym rąbkiem, który okrywał głowę Maryi, opadając aż do jej stóp. Wizjonerzy byli tak blisko Matki Bożej – w odległości około półtora metra – że znajdowali się w poświacie, która Ją otaczała lub którą roztaczała wokół. Rozmowa ich potoczyła się następująco: MATKA BOŻA: Nie bójcie się, nie zrobię wam nic złego. ŁUCJA: Skąd Pani jest? MATKA BOŻA: Jestem z nieba (i wzniosła rękę wskazując na niebo). ŁUCJA: A czego Pani ode mnie chce? MATKA BOŻA: Przyszłam was prosić, abyście przychodzili tu przez sześć kolejnych miesięcy, trzynastego dnia, o tej samej godzinie. Potem powiem wam, kim jestem i czego chcę. Następnie powrócę tu jeszcze siódmy raz.
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