t .:'i.l-a- r DAILY EVENING EDITION K umber oople printed o( resMrdar DM? Edition. 2,948 i JW PPer In a momwnr aM audited IT the Audit Bureau of Circulation. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEE-?- , ' ': -- - $$S&r CUT OFFICIAL PAPER VUU81 " ,'. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,' SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919. NO. 9753 AILANIIC FLIGHFIPLFTFD: RACING CARS TURN, DRIVERS KILLED IN INDIANAPOLIS RACE NC-- 4 SWEEPS INlu PLYMOUTH CARNIVAL PLAYERS TUESDAY TELLS ULKMANY IS ASTOUNDED-UnQhm- OCC HARBOR FROM TO GIVE CONCERT FERU, SPAIN, IN PIONEER PARK AT 3 TOMORROW STATEPROGRAM TODAY'S CLASSIC 8-HO- 'AFTER FINAL UR FLIGHT BY CARL D. GROAT aemblance of The I Ut'nlted Press Staff Correspondent) whole people are compelled to aub- - I A to- Hf.KI.IX, May 31. aermany'a fin- - own sentence, free oonoert will be given AFTER-WA- scribe to their death morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock by R R al counter proposals to the peace KiiKirext Fool of Millions'. ON lie tJroaler Alamo Hhows SI treaty reiterate the assertion that the) Self determination is proposed for SPEEDWAY will not Alsace-Lorrain- e ACHEIVEMENT LAUDED, LONDON PRESS iHetw band at Pioneer I'nrk. ie llelegates accept terms the although the ntimbcrs an well af ppu-la- r cannot fulfill, it was revealed mans admit their readiness to ahan-- DEPLORES SIGN miiNle will make up the pro'. today. A summary wired from Ver- - don the province of Posen which they OF JEALOUSY SHOWN gram, whloh will laNt one Reconstruction in UrCQOn!111" how tnat th counters "con- - do not attempt to deny Is colonised ffr - ' W -i f(rc-runn- IHb rnllnwino' rutin's.- n s l s n Greatest Automobile Facers iumr. Tle band concert i a er lam " ' ' " Im.ci iiiaia k.v j Kitv rvim. urn iiio.ii jr aiRv iu BY ly Alii-n- ,clesa,e r RIVAL NATION IN QUESTIONING of the oiieiilntc of the u PnrhmanHc irfinn fif Vntorc astounded at the Franc h with coal from! KIiowh ou Monday with a tents of the treaty and convinced they the Saar basin until French mine, are of Europe and America oe ye ROUTE, week' benefit wrfrmancw for n I cannot nuruiea. Tne treaty Is be- - restored. Plebiscites are asked for SHIPS; MEDALS FOR FLYERS sir nnn nnn DOnOJ Oermanya the Itound-I'- p band. On 4J,UUU,UUU ISSUeyo"d strength. It would Bchleswig. Austria and Bohemia. in Great Event lne uermans 10 slavery, strip- - .Agreement l made to provide benzol Ping them of all resources, yet com- - and other products. Pool of German pelling PLVMOlTIf. 8 - Oomplrt Imr the pnt flight over I lie Atlantic heavy reparations. It re- - 'shipping is suggested. Cermany to the N. 11 into llw harbor at Plymouth at 3 is o k tlii ariernnoii. LAST $1500 FOR 4TH tlGHT OUT OF NINE moves Oerman territory without any share in the use of ships. - TWO f Tins iilane left Hpaln. on the last lap slmrtry DIE IN FLAMES u after 8 this rooniiiur. MEASURES FINANCIAL WT wau-- for Uw triumphant Vankco Moaplano wan maintained AS MACHINE UPSETS " --"- riadird to vantage points when word ,,, WlBt K1BRELL NEW MKhiod. wan given Cn-wt- f SOLICITED MONDAY 0. S. SERVICE MEN TO GET It a rousing wol,,m. of tlie N.-- and .VC-- 3 wore on hand to greet tlielr cutonulm. Lieutenant Governor Am Smllln, and amart they rr De Palma Loses Lead arrived aboard llw itnrlii-tf- looking like men Twice Rejected, in returning from a pleaaure jaunt Inst rail of sallora of Uio air wlm expert, Xo visits to local merchants were endment HIGHWAY ENGINEER 5 CENTS PAY -- IRAKI $50,000 Liberty wed a narrow from death I n Irvine to fly tlw Atlantic made by the Fourth of July finance on Ballot. w imm committee yesterday or today, owinft Honor Aviator. to the holiday and the final day of WASHINGTON. May A Geary Klmbrell, county highway II. flash the month falling on Saturday. Thus engineer, Soldiers honorably discharged from to the navy department announced the DRIVE TO of announced his resignation far $3500 the deslrel $5000 has j service since November 11, ia.18, are NC--'i yjl CJ. Klcctlun Facts. today to take effect at once in order time of the arrival at Ply been raised. pay 5 i Us pe n m . that he may accept position to receive travel at the rate f THE FAVORITES, mouth was p. m. apparently The remaining $1500 will be solicit Po o between b a. a as l it 8 p. inignway engineer cents per mile to actual bona fide tiritish summer time, which would ed beginning Mjunday com and m. Tuesday. with the Feder&l START ON MONDAY and the 8765 vot- bureau of public roads. He will re home or residence, or place of original Rene Thomas; .... Ballot be :2S Washington Im There are registered j time. mittee anxious that those who know po- muster into the service, at the option Bab .... Read's success great, ers in the county. a port at San Francisco on the new - Paul lot Kallot aroused the they are on the lint to aid them. If 'pllion 10 expects of the soldier, according to word re- - Louis Wagner ... Rallott eat enthujsairm among officials possible, hy There are nine measures to June and to be and bringing their subscript be voted on. to important road work in celved today at the Red Cross home Albert Ouyot .... Kallot' members of congress. Aw sorts of necessity of a call. service Soliciting for f 4&00 for the "on wthut th Pendleton has 13 polling jCalifomia. office. Andre Bolllot . f 'eugot plans are being laid for properly hon- z nan uef n The war department been au- - '. will be rx Monday mor-Mif- f at V ' lar. nu a amine reiuwi places. The new position comes as a marked has Jules Goux ... Feugot oring the men who made the record i met quotas by o'clock and continue until the coun- and estimated the If you have moved since you promotion to Mr. Kimbrell and he felt inorized to make settlement or all amashlng journey. Among Is t every In 1 j these ty' quota ha been raiwd, committee have been met in last you. will to be a. that its Immediate acceptance was claims for the cent difference Ralph DePalma .Packard a recommendation of Representative Pendle stance. noted have place of ton U expected to roine half of this sworn i n u n less you c hanged paramount to his future prospects, from discharge to place Lou la Chevrolet . Frontenae Dritten that Read and his men ba The committee was notified today entry into the military service, also given amount and 22 precinct captain, with registration. a Just what his assignment will be is Italph Mufford . Frontenae w a congressional medal of hon- of a letter from th Oregon Aircraft inot decided, as onlv the claims for additional allowance to or a special one necessary. their aide, will trt their campaign his wnrri frnm Rddle ODonnell Dusenberg' If Monday. TransportHton Co, of Portland, which on bureau was the offer and direc- - jact"' "Ae home or residence at Wilbur DeAlene Dusenberg Various suggestions have made Association, The time for voting the been Nearly every county In Oregon will wrote the Commercial 000.OOU bending bill Is "on to report, received in a letter."""" wncn uin imna Sari Cooper , - . ; Stuts for disposition of NC-- one saying fly- at hand and home the The he en lira trod raining that they have planes for on Im'atilla WedneMay and In a wire yesterday. tt,de or.1!'e,"d'n? Cliff . Special most favored now is to next week in funds Tuesday the people of - Durant Chevrolet have the for the extennlon of work of ing exhibitions and would like to gel county, with state.! A resident of Pendleton for 20 years 'roJn f,da;" of, (,h Eddie Hearne. .Durant Special plane "taken down" and shipped back the the In any voters all over the con- - Young Men's OhrlMiun imton In touch with local committee wlll be given an opportunity to ap- - KJmbrell was city engineer for 14 "f Howard Wilcox ...... .Feugot to the United Btates to preclude the Af looking . his original the mate. $37.L'00 In for celebration features. It prove vMra hnvinv lantmrv i ;tained ser'ic record, T-eugot possibility Ita The ask4 to b or disapprove of Oregon s re-- ned.t AnnliMitinnM RhonM Art Kilns ..... of loss or destruction, expended In is possible that the committee will in. 10 rf'a nn ume to county placed placing three district ennstructinn rTogram. As such a oevo18 amaA Koeco Sarles . Oldfield Special and have it In the Smithson- vestigute the aviators' proposition. nronvo u ii a hiaThwav work. Ha wai with follows: Zone Finance Officer, Lemon ian for posterity under aecretarieM and having county I O'HO UKIIUL Hill CVIIIIIIUIIU the RiiUrJin U'onhlnotnn r, Ira Vail ... Hudson Institute to view." serrttturtes In each moret"B'' Plans Not Known. district, whoss than ordinary attention. The local Ked Cross will have on work wll Uw organise among 1 no purpose hiirhwav enaineer and served two tn-- navy department la to work WINNIPEG POLICE urimary in colling the. of , The without young men i-- .- . ... .w- - eight rears ha- was denutv nmntr- nand blank forms application which 1 v .T . v . mvt .o . ram official news of next move. the of the various enm FORCE DISCHARGED; 1'"' t"- -' .nulling Z ' sir. Head's HiW4e-irH- as deputy ur-J- th.
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