Brazilian Journal of Biology https://doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.231550 ISSN 1519-6984 (Print) Notes and Comments ISSN 1678-4375 (Online) Interaction of the nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia on eggs of Spartocera dentiventris (Berg) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) under laboratory conditions C. M. Ferraza , F. E. F. Soaresb* , C. C. Sennaa , L. P. C. Silvac , J. V. Araújod , T. F. Moreirae , F. C. Monteiroc and F. R. Bragaa aUniversidade Vila Velha – UVV, Laboratório de Parasitologia Experimental e Controle Biológico, Vila Velha, ES, Brasil bUniversidade Federal de Lavras – UFLA, Departamento de Química, Lavras, MG, Brasil cUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES, Laboratório de Ultraestrutura Celular Carlos Alberto Redins, Vitória, ES, Brasil dUniversidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV, Departamento de Veterinária, Viçosa, MG, Brasil eUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinária, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil *e-mail: [email protected] Received: November 28, 2019 – Accepted: July 3, 2020 – Distributed: November 30, 2021 (With 2 figures) The Spartocera dentiventris (Berg) (Hemiptera: (VC4) comes from Brazilian soil and has been maintained Coreidae), commonly known as “tobacco stink bug” in the Veterinary Parasitology laboratory of the Federal (Nicotiana tabacum) is responsible for causing great University of Viçosa (Braga et al., 2013). damage in tobacco farming, but has also been found The fungus was placed in Petri dishes with 9 cm in in other agricultural crops in Brazil and other parts of diameter containing 2% chitin agar medium (2% WQ). the world (Caldas et al., 2000; Jesus et al., 2002). The After 10 days of growth, the plates were washed with 5 ml culture of tobacco has great economic importance, due of distilled water. With the aid of a glass slide, scraping of to its high commercial value and the ability to employ a the agar surface was carried out to remove fungal structures great number of people (Maliszewski, 2019). However, (conidia e/ou clamidosporos). Subsequently, the solutions the exacerbated use of pesticides in tobacco crops is a fact were poured into a sterile becker and the mean concertation that requires attention, mainly due to the direct risk for the was calculated after five evaluations. A concentration of health of peaple involved in tobacco farming, as well as to 500 fungal structures/100 μL was obtained, according to the environment and to preserve the large entomological Braga et al. (2013) modified. In this assay, two groups were biodiversity present in tobacco farming (Silva et al., 2005). formed: treated group (G1) and control group (G2). In G1, In this sense, methods of biological control of pest insects 500 fungal structures/100 μL of the fungus solution were is warranted (Flores-Villegas et al., 2019). poured over egg in the Petri dishes. In G2 (control) eggs Pochonia chlamydosporia is a nematophagous fungus were treated only 100 μL of distilled water. Both groups that can alternatively parasitize eggs, belonging to the were composed of six Petri dishes (6 cm in diameter) and Clavicipitaceae family (Ascomycota: Pezizomycotina: incubated at 25±1 °C and 80±10% relative humidity, in the Sordariomycetes: Hypocreales) (Mendoza de Gives and dark, during 30 days. Throughout the experimental period, Braga, 2018). Recent studies have demonstrated the possible all plaques from both groups G1 and G2 were visualized. entomopathogenic activity of this fungal species, due to After this period, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) its production of extracellular enzymes of the chitinase was performed. type and, with regard to this new aspects, its possible For SEM, S. dentiventris eggs from group G1 were uses have been studied (Braga et al., 2013; Senna et al., washed 3 times in PBS buffer at room temperature and 2018). However, there are no reports in the literature then fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate that mention the interaction of P. chlamydosporia on the buffer and fixed in osmium tetroxide (1% of OsO4). The hemiptera S. dentiventris, which can be an important step material was dehydrated with ethanol baths in increasing in the control of this insect pest and contribute directly to concentrations and after dehydration, the samples were reducing the abuse of pesticides in tobacco culture. Thus, mounted on metal supports, coated with gold and observed the aim of the present study was to evaluate the interaction using a JEOL JSM 6390LV scanning electron microscope of the nematophagous fungus P. chlamydosporia (VC4) (JEOL, Ltd ., Akishima, Tokyo, Japan) with an amplification on eggs of S. dentiventris (Berg) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) of 200-5,000×. under laboratory conditions. In the G1 group there was no hatching of the eggs, Spartocera dentiventris eggs were obtained from but hatching was observed in the control group G2. In fertilized females kept in the laboratory and stored in Figure 1A-D, the mycelial interaction and growth of an oven at 28 °C and 60% humidity, according to the P. chlamydosporia (VC4) was observed. The colonization methodology proposed by Flores-Villegas et al. (2019). of S. dentiventris eggs by P. chlamydosporia was confirmed The nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia by SEM (Figure 2A-F). This fact was confirmed by the 1122 1122/1124 Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1122-1124 Action of Pochonia chlamydosporia on eggs of Spartocera dentiventris Figure 1. Colonization of eggs of Spartocera dentiventris by fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Figure 2. Presence of fungal structures of Pochonia chlamydosporia (white arrow): chlamydospores (A), germination (B), interaction (C), apressorium (D), colonization (E) and hyphae (F) on Spartocera dentiventris eggs (black arrow). presence of P. chlamydosporia chlamydospores seen in demonstrate that this fungus has 77 chitin-modifying SEM (Figure 2A). enzymes (Lopez-Moya et al., 2017). P. chlamydosporia is not an entomopathogenic fungus, In the present work, a “possible” entomopathogenic activity but the interaction and colonization of S. dentiventris of P. chlamydosporia on S. dendiventris eggs was observed. eggs was observed in the present study. The literature However, it is important to emphasize that cultivation in a has mentioned that entomopathogenic fungi have been rich medium on chitin, provided the conditions for chitinases used in laboratory and field experiments to control production (Esteves et al., 2009; Braga et al., 2013; Soares et al., arthropods (Flores-Villegas et al., 2019). P. chlamydosporia 2015; Senna et al., 2018). However, there is a scarcity of belongs to the same clade as the entomopathogenic fungi reports regarding the possible entomopathogenic activity Metarhizium spp. and comparative genome analyzes of nematophagous fungi. This work is the first report of the Braz. J. 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Perspectives in sustainable nematode Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais management through Pochonia chlamydosporia: applications (FAPEMIG) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do for root and Rhizosphere health. Cham: Springer, pp. 197-207. Estado do Espírito Santo are acknowledged. The authors http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59224-4_10. would like to thank Ricardo Souza, Flávia Laviola and MALISZEWSKI, E., 2019 [viewed 27 June 2020]. A importância Francielle Veloso for their help. social do tabaco [online]. Agrolink. Available from: https://www. agrolink.com.br References MENDOZA DE GIVES, P. and BRAGA, F.R., 2018. Pochonia chlamydosporia: a promising biotechnological tool against parasitic BRAGA, F.B., ARAÚJO, J.V., SOARES, F.E.F., ARAUJO, J.M., nematodes and geohelminths. In: R.H. MANZANILLA-LÓPEZ TAVELA, A.O., CARVALHO, L.M., MELLO, I.N.K., PAULA, and L.V. LOPEZ-LLORCA, eds. Perspectives in sustainable A.T., LELIS, R. and QUEIROZ, J.H., 2013. 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