Basic Tables for Constituency Areas: Hong Kong Island (852) 2716 8025 (852) 2716 0231 [email protected] Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : 2001 Population Census Office Census and Statistics Department Address : 7/F, Kai Tak Multi-storey Carpark Building, 2 Concorde Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. Tel. No. : (852) 2716 8025 Fax. No. : (852) 2716 0231 E-mail : [email protected] Website of the Census and Statistics Department http://www.info.gov.hk/censtatd/ 序言 Foreword 政府統計處於二零零一年三月進行了一 A population census was conducted by the Census 次人口普查。本報告按各區議會分區的 and Statistics Department in March 2001. This 選區劃分,載錄二零零一年人口普查的 report presents the results of the 2001 Population 結果。 Census in respect of Constituency Areas in individual District Council district. 報告載列各選區的統計數字,分為兩部 This report contains statistics on each Constituency 分。第一部分「簡要統計」提供各選區 Area and is organized into two parts. The first part 的主要人口及住戶統計數字;而第二部 “Summary Statistics” provides key statistics on the 分的「基本統計表」則載錄各選區的詳 population and households in each Constituency Area. 細人口及住戶特徵資料。報告共分三 Detailed population and household characteristics of 冊,分別刊載香港島、九龍和新界的資 each Constituency Area are presented in the second 料。本冊只刊載有關香港島的資料。 part “Basic Tables”. The report consists of three separate volumes covering Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories respectively. This volume relates to Hong Kong Island only. 本處亦已出版一套地圖集,名為《區議 To show the geographical boundaries of each of the 會分區及選區統計表的附件─區域分界 District Council districts and Constituency Areas, a 地圖》,以方便讀者查閱各區議會分區 map pack entitled “Boundary Maps Complementary 及選區的範圍。 to Tables for District Council Districts and Constituency Areas” was published separately for reference. 其餘載錄人口普查結果的分區報告書, Other reports on the geographical breakdown of the 名為《有關各區議會分區的基本統計 Census results, entitled “Basic Tables for District 表》及《有關各規劃統計小區的基本統 Council Districts” and “Basic Tables for Tertiary 計表》,亦已出版。至於二零零一年人 Planning Units”, are also published. Further detailed 口普查結果的詳細分析和詮釋,將會刊 analysis and interpretation of the results of the 2001 載於今年稍後出版的刊物內。二零零一 Population Census will be available in the 年人口普查的刊物名稱已詳列於本報告 publications being released later this year. A list of 的最後部分。 the 2001 Population Census publications is given at the end of this report. 政府統計處處長 何永 Frederick W. H. HO Commissioner for Census and Statistics 二零零二年一月 January 2002 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables vii 中西區各選區 Constituency Areas in Central and vii Western District 灣仔區各選區 Constituency Areas in Wan Chai District viii 東區各選區 Constituency Areas in Eastern District ix 南區各選區 Constituency Areas in Southern District xi 緒言 Introduction 1 簡要統計 Summary Statistics 7 全港 The Whole Territory 8 中西區各選區 Constituency Areas in Central and 10 Western District 灣仔區各選區 Constituency Areas in Wan Chai District 14 東區各選區 Constituency Areas in Eastern District 18 南區各選區 Constituency Areas in Southern District 26 基本統計表 Basic Tables 31 全港 The Whole Territory 32 陸上全區 All Land Areas 34 香港島 Hong Kong Island 36 選區 Constituency Areas 38 水上 Marine 198 中文詞彙釋義 Definition of Terms in Chinese 201 英文詞彙釋義 Definition of Terms in English 211 二零零一年人口普查 – 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 v 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 香港二零零一年人口普查刊物 Publications of the Hong Kong 223 2001 Population Census 郵購表格 Order Form A1 vi 2001 Population Census – Basic Tables for Constituency Areas: Hong Kong Island 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables 中西區各選區 Constituency Areas in Central & Western District 選區代號 頁數 Code of Constituency Page 中環 Chung Wan A01 38 半山東 Mid Levels East A02 40 衛城 Castle Road A03 42 山頂 Peak A04 44 大學 University A05 46 堅摩 Kennedy Town & Mount Davis A06 48 觀龍 Kwun Lung A07 50 西環 Sai Wan A08 52 寶翠 Belcher A09 54 石塘咀 Shek Tong Tsui A10 56 西營盤 Sai Ying Pun A11 58 上環 Sheung Wan A12 60 東華 Tung Wah A13 62 正街 Centre Street A14 64 水街 Water Street A15 66 二零零一年人口普查 – 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 vii 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables 灣仔區各選區 Constituency Areas in Wan Chai District 選區代號 頁數 Code of Constituency Page 軒尼詩 Hennessy B01 68 愛群 Oi Kwan B02 70 鵝頸 Canal Road B03 72 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay B04 74 大坑 Tai Hang B05 76 渣甸山 Jardine's Lookout B06 78 樂活 Broadwood B07 80 跑馬地 Happy Valley B08 82 司徒拔道 Stubbs Road B09 84 修頓 Southorn B10 86 大佛口 Tai Fat Hau B11 88 viii 2001 Population Census – Basic Tables for Constituency Areas: Hong Kong Island 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables 東區各選區 Constituency Areas in Eastern District 選區代號 頁數 Code of Constituency Page 太古城西 Tai Koo Shing West C01 90 太古城東 Tai Koo Shing East C02 92 鯉景灣 Lei King Wan C03 94 筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan C04 96 阿公岩 A Kung Ngam C05 98 杏花 Heng Fa Chuen C06 100 翠灣 Tsui Wan C07 102 欣怡 Yan Yee C08 104 小西灣 Siu Sai Wan C09 106 富景 Fullview C10 108 環翠 Wan Tsui C11 110 翡翠 Fei Tsui C12 112 柏架山 Mount Parker C13 114 寶馬山 Braemar Hill C14 116 天后 Tin Hau C15 118 炮台山 Fortress Hill C16 120 維園 Victoria Park C17 122 城市花園 City Garden C18 124 和富 Provident C19 126 堡壘 Fort Street C20 128 北角 North Point Estate C21 130 錦屏 Kam Ping C22 132 丹拿 Tanner C23 134 健康村 Healthy Village C24 136 魚涌 Quarry Bay C25 138 南豐 Nam Fung C26 140 康怡 Kornhill C27 142 康山 Kornhill Garden C28 144 興東 Hing Tung C29 146 西灣河 Sai Wan Ho C30 148 下耀東 Lower Yiu Tung C31 150 二零零一年人口普查 – 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 ix 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables 東區各選區(續) Constituency Areas in Eastern District (Cont'd.) 選區代號 頁數 Code of Constituency Page 上耀東 Upper Yiu Tung C32 152 興民 Hing Man C33 154 樂康 Lok Hong C34 156 翠德 Tsui Tak C35 158 漁灣 Yue Wan C36 160 曉翠 Hiu Tsui C37 162 x 2001 Population Census – Basic Tables for Constituency Areas: Hong Kong Island 基本統計表一覽 List of Basic Tables 南區各選區 Constituency Areas in Southern District 選區代號 頁數 Code of Constituency Page 香港仔 Aberdeen D01 164 鴨 洲 Ap Lei Chau Estate D02 166 鴨 洲北 Ap Lei Chau North D03 168 利東一 Lei Tung I D04 170 利東二 Lei Tung II D05 172 海怡東 South Horizons East D06 174 海怡西 South Horizons West D07 176 華貴 Wah Kwai D08 178 華富一 Wah Fu I D09 180 華富二 Wah Fu II D10 182 薄扶林 Pokfulam D11 184 置富 Chi Fu D12 186 田灣 Tin Wan D13 188 香漁 Heung Yue D14 190 海灣 Bays Area D15 192 黃竹坑 Wong Chuk Hang D16 194 赤柱及石澳 Stanley & Shek O D17 196 二零零一年人口普查 – 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 xi 緒言 Introduction 背景 Background 根據慣例,自一九六一年起,香港每十 It is established practice from 1961 for Hong Kong to 年進行一次人口普查,並在兩次人口普 conduct a population census once every ten years and 查中間,進行一次中期人口統計。依此 a by-census in the middle of the intercensal period. 慣例,香港於二零零一年三月進行了一 Following this practice, the 2001 Population Census 次人口普查。本報告按香港島各選區劃 was conducted in March 2001. This report presents 分,載錄二零零一年人口普查的結果。 the results of the 2001 Population Census in respect of the Constituency Areas on Hong Kong Island. 二零零一年人口普查於二零零一年三月 The 2001 Population Census was conducted in the 十五日至二十七日的十三天期間進行。 thirteen-day period from 15 to 27 March 2001. It 這次人口普查包括向七分六住戶搜集基 comprised a simple enumeration on six-sevenths of 本資料如年齡及性別的簡單點算,及向 households to provide basic information like age and 其餘七分一住戶的成員搜集多方面人口 sex of household members and a detailed enquiry to 及社會經濟特徵的詳細訪問。因此本報 the remaining one-seventh on a broad range of 告內有關人口、住戶及屋宇單位的總數 demographic and socio-economic characteristics of 是由全面點算(1) 所得,而有關人口及住 household members. As a result, there is a full count 戶的詳細特徵資料,則經由抽樣統計調 of the population, households and quarters (refer to as 查估算所得。 complete enumeration (1)) whilst detailed characteristics of the population and households are provided by estimates derived from the sample enquiry. 普查搜集所得的資料,對政府在規劃和 The information collected in population censuses/by- 制訂政策至為重要。小區人口資料是政 censuses is vital to government planning and policy 府制訂地區發展和服務計劃的基礎;而 formulation. Data on small areas form the basis of 詳細人口分組資料例如獨居老人、單親 district development and service planning 家庭等,更可幫助政府策劃特定的福利 programmes of the government, while comprehensive 政策和社會服務計劃。而最重要的是, information on population sub-groups, such as the 人口普查和中期人口統計的結果,是人 elderly and single parent families, facilitates the 口數據系統中編製人口估計及推算的基 planning of welfare policy and social service 準資料。 programmes. Most important of all, results of the censuses/by-censuses are the benchmark data for the compilation of population estimates and projections in the Population Data System. (1) 全面點算是指根據二零零一年人口普查所得的常住居民總數及利用不記名旅客出入境數據經統計方法處理所得的流動居民數字。有關 常住居民及流動居民的詳情,請參閱「統計範圍」部分。 (1) The complete enumeration refers to a full count of Usual Residents in the 2001 Population Census and the number of Mobile Residents obtained through statistical processing of anonymized passenger movement data (i.e. arrival and departure records of individual persons). Please refer to the section “Population Coverage” for details on Usual Residents and Mobile Residents. 二零零一年人口普查 – 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 1 緒言 Introduction 編製人口數字的方法相當繁複,所需的 The system for compiling population figures is 資料來源亦很廣泛。其中,人口普查及 complex and requires data from a wide variety of 中期人口統計的結果,更是整個編製過 sources. The results of population censuses/by- 程的根基。這些基準資料,加上透過其 censuses form the corner stone of the system. These 他行政系統(例如出生、死亡及出入境 benchmark data are taken together with statistical data 記錄)及抽樣統計調查(特別是持續性 generated from administrative systems (such as births, 的綜合住戶統計調查)所得資料,編製 deaths and passenger movement records) and sample 而成的統計數據,連結成一個人口統計 surveys (in particular the continuous General 數據資料庫,數據可用於編製人口數字 Household Survey) to form a population statistical 及其他眾多用途。 database which serves a multitude of purposes, including the compilation of population figures. 統計範圍 Population Coverage 二零零一年人口普查採用「居住人口」 The 2001 Population Census covers the Hong Kong 方法,以涵蓋所有居港人口。政府統計 Resident Population under the “resident population” 處自二零零零年八月開始,採用了「居 approach. The “resident population” approach has 住人口」方法,來編製香港的人口估 been adopted to compile the population estimates of 計。作出這個改動的原因,是「居住人 Hong Kong since August 2000. Such change is 口」概念在統計理論而言,較適用於計 effected in view of the greater relevance of the 算一個地方的人口。而這個做法尤為配 “resident population” concept from a statistical theory 合近年在改變中的香港人口居住和流動 standpoint in measuring the population size of a place.
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