inn 1..umg4 10:30-11 A. M.-;-New York Times Youth Forum: "Fifty-one Na- NEWS BROADCASTS tions, Will They Makea Lasting Peace?" Dorothy Gordon, ModeratorWQXR. Every hour on the hour 1141:30 A. M.Mayor O'Dwyer,Commissioner Wallender, at from 8 A. M. through 11 P. M. NEW YORK TIMES news Tablet Decoration Ceremonies forDeceased Police Members bulle-' WNYC. tins over 1:554Baseball: Yankees vs. BostonWINS; WMVA-570 ers vs. PhilliesWHN; 2:30-4:45Giants 2:254:45Dodg- vs. BravesWMCA. Morning 3-4Eastman School Symphony;Howard Hanson, Conductor- 00 -WABC 8:55-WOE, WJZ WEAF. 00-WHN 9: 00-WABC 3:30-3:45"Our Air Defenses"; Lt. Gen. 6:30-WOR, WMCA WMCA, WQXR WABC. George E. Stratemeyex 00-WEAF. WOE 9: 30-WMCA, WABC, WNEW WNYC. 4:304:45Racing: Peter Pan Handicap, WQXR 10:00-WOE, WABC, 7:15-WMCA, WABC. BelmontWOR, WJZ, WHN WMCA, WQXR 7:30-WEAF 10:30-WMCA, WNEW, WQXR 5-5:30President Truman, Addressing JointSession of Congress WNEW on the Strike SituationWEAF, WOR, WJZ, 7:45-WJZ, WABC 10:45-WEAF WOE WABC, WMCA, 8:00-WEAF, 11:00-WOE, WQXR, WNYC, WLIB, WWRL. WABC. WABC, WMCA WMCA, WNYC 6:15-6:45American Portrait: "John Brown"WABC. WNYC, WQXR WQXR 8:30-WEAF, WJZ 11:30-WMCA, 7-7:30"Our Foreign Policy in China", YMCA, WNEW John Carter Vincent, WNEW 8:45-WNYC, WIIN Representatives Walter H. Judd and HughDeLacyWEAF. 11:45-WLIB 7-7:30Academy Award: Victor McLaglen in"The Informer" WLIB WABC. Afternoon 8-8:30"Life of Riley," With William BendixWEAF. 3:45.WL.1B WMCA, WQXR 3:00-WMCA, 8-8:30Dick Haymes Show: Helen Forest,OthersWABC. 12:30-WOR, WJZ, WQXR WNEW 8:05-10Symphony Hall: Verdi's Requiem MassWQXR. 3:30-WMCA, .2:45-WHN WNEW 8:30-9Truth or Consequences, With Ralph 1: 00-WMCA, 4:00-WOE, EdwardsWEAF. WAWA 8:30-9Saturday Review: Willie Howard, GuestWOR. WQXR WQXR 8:30-8:55"Mayor of the Town"; Lionel BarrymoreWABC. 25-WABC 4:30-WNEW 1:30-WHN, WNEW 55-WLIB 8:4540City Center Opera: "La Traviata"WNYC. 1:45-WEAF 5:00-WMCA, 9-9:45Hit Parade: Joan Edwards; WarnowOrchestraWABC. 00 -WMCA, WQXR 9:30-10Drama: "Jonathan Trimble, Esq.," With Donald WNYC, WQXR 30-WEAF WOR. Crisp 2: 30-WOE, WNEW Evening WOE, 10:00-WMCA, 9:3040:30Boston Pops; Arthur Fiedler, ConductorWJZ. 6:00-WEAF, 9:45-10:15Hollace Shaw, Soprano; Bill Perry, Tenor;Haen- WJZ.WABC,_ schen OrchestraWABC. WMCA, WQXR 10:30-WMCA, 6: 25-WQXR WEN. WNEW [040:55Pop Concert, Carnegie HallWNYC. 6:30-WOE, WJZ. 10:45-WHN 11: 00-WEAF, WJZ, 11:05-12An Hour of the SymphonyWQXR. WNEW WNYC WOE, 8:45-WABC, WABC, WMCA, WHN, Where there is no listing for a station the preceding 6:55-WABC 7:00-WMCA, 'WHN, WEVD, WQXR 7 program 1s on the air. WQXR 11:15-WEAF, WOE WABC 11:30-WHEW. '7:15-WJZ, WJZ. '7:30-WOE, WNEW WMCA, WQXR WOE MORNING 8: 00-WOR, W5ICA 12: 00-WEAF, 12: 30-WEAF, WQXR WNEW 8:30-WNEW 12:55-WEAF, WHN 5:00-WABCNews: Variety Musicale WNYCNews; City Guide 8:55-WABC. 1:00-WJZ, WABC, 5:30-WEAFVariety, MUslc WMCA WHNNews Reports 9:00-WMCA WABCRevellie Sweetheart 1:50-WHN WLIBNews Reports 9:30-WNENV 5:45-WOR, WJZFarm News 2: 00 -WOR 8: 55-WOKPrescott Robinson, News 9:45-WNYC 6:00-WEAFModern Farmer WJZNews Reports WJZGaien Drake WHEWVanity Music WABCThis Is New York: Bill 9:00-WEAFJack FURY, Songs BY SHORT WAVE Leonard Time-Megacycles WORVera Holley, Songs Eastern Standard WHNRadlo Newsreel WJZVariety Show WNEWMilitary Music WABCNews Reports LONDON 4:45 P. M.-18.08 6:30-WORNews; Recordings WMCAN. Y. Times News 9:00 A. M.- 5:45 M.- 6:45 P. M.-15.31 WABCArthur Godfrey; Talk WHNGloom DodgersVariety P. WMCANews; Music WNYCMasterwork Hour 7:45 P. M.-10:30 1'. 51.-11.68 WNEWNews; Songs of Faith WLIBNews; Home Talks PARIS 45-WOK--Morning Watch WQXRNews; Bandstand Music P. M.- 3:30 P. M.- 9.56 WNEWMorning Meditation 2:30 9: 03-WMCARecorded Music P. 9.62 7:00-WEAFNews; Bill Herson Show 9:15-WABCThe Garden Gate 9:00 P. M.-10:45 M.- WOKNews; Musical Clock WMCAReligion and Life MOSCOW P. WJZNews Reports WNEWGrs Interviewed 6:30 P. M.- 7:30 51.-11.78 WABCNews: Arthur Godfrey WQXRVoice of the Army MELBOURNE WHNRecorded Music 9: 30-WEAFThis Business of Living 8:45 A. M.-9.54 WNYCNews; Sunrise Lymphony WOKMarried for Life 8:00 A. M.- P. 9.54 WNEwvariety WABCThis Is New YorkBill 11:00 1'. M.-11:45 M.- WLIBNews; Wake Up Time BERNE WQXRNews Reports Leonard P. 7.40 WMCANews; Music 9:00 P. M.- 9:30 51.- 05-WQXRHeadlines and Harmonies WHEWNews; Recorded Music 7:15-WJZGood Morning, It's Knight WLIBRecorded Music Good- WMCANews; Recorded Music WQXRMusical Masterpieces 11:00-WEAF-Teentimers: Benny Eddie (Rochester - 7:30-WEAFNews: Charles F. McCarthy9:45-WRAPYour City; Dr. Newton T. man Orchestra; WNEWNews; Variety Speaker Saki. Speaker Anderson, Prescott Robinson WQXRNews; Breakfast Symphony WHEWCalling All Girls WOE-News: 7:45-WEAFVariety Program 10:00-WEAFVariety From Detroit WJZ-Teenagers WJZNews Reports WOKHenry Gladstone, News WABC-News; Warren Sweeney Y. Newt WABCNews, Harry Clark WJZGalen Drake WMCA-N. Times WMCAClassified Page and Com- WABCGive and Take, With John WNYC-Mayor O'Dwyer WLIBMorning Overture at Decora- - Reed King missioner Wallander, 7:50-WJZAllen Prescott tion of Tablets for Deceased 8:00-WEAFWorld News Round-Up WMCAN. Y. Times News WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom Police Department Members, WOKPrescott Robinson, News Building WNYCTalk on Saving Headquarters WJZThe Fitzgeralds Music WLIBNews; Talks; Music WLIB-News; WABCNews Round-Up WQXR-News: Opera Arias WMCANew York Times News WQXRNews; Gilbert and Sullivan Box WNYCNews; Recorded Music 10: 03-WAICAMuslc Box 11:03-WMCA-Mus1c 11: Pretend-Tales: Water WNEWNews: Music 10: 15-WOKMusic 05-WABC-Let's WLIBNews; Wake-Up Time WJZClub Time of Life WQXRNews; Breakfast Symphony WNYCMartnes Program 11: 15-WOE-One Man's Destiny 8:03-WMCAClassified Page 10:30-WEAFArchle Andrews WJZ-Bible Message 8:15-WEAFChar1es F. McCarthy WOKRainbow House; Bob Emery WHN-Gloom Dodgers (To 12) WORDorothy and Dick WJZTeen Town 11: 30-WEAF-Horne Is What You Make It of Lost WABCPhil Cook. Variety WABCMary Lee Taylor, Talk WOE-Land the WNYCHelp Wanted: Music WNYCMusical Comedy Music WJZ-Betty Moore 8:30-WEAFVariety; Jinx Falkenburg, WHNKiddie Show WABC-Billie Burke Show Music Tex McCrary;Interviews WHEWNews; Recorded Music WMCA-News; News WJZAllen and Jean WQXRNew York Times Youth WNYC-BBC Music WABCMissus Goes A-Shopping Forum; Fifty-one Nations, Will WHEW-News; Recorded WMCANews; Unity Viewpoint They Make a Lasting Peace? WQXR-String Music From a Diary WNEWNews; Music Dorothy Gordon, Moderator 11:45-WJZ-Notes 8:45-WABCMargaret Arden Talk 10:45-WNYCPolice Safety Program WNYC-Health Talk .L .L v...., L..11,4 2:00-WEAFClyde Kittell, News 1:45-WEAFElmer Peterson, News WNEWNews; Music WORHouse of Mystery WNYCChange of Mood WLIBArt Ross Show WJZChester Bowles. Speaking WHNCarlton Fredericks 3:45-WABCAFL Interviews From Washington WLIBJazz Music WNYCNews WABCTheatre of Today 2:00-WEAFCloutler Orchestra; Thomas4:00-WEAFDoctors at HomeDrama WMCAN. Y. Times News Hayward, Tenor; Quentin WORBetter Half Matinee WNYCMidday Symphony Reynolds, Talk WJZEllington Orchestra WHNWorld at Noon WORJuvenile Jury Show, Jack WMCANew York Times News WNEWDenver Darling, Variety Barry, M. C. WABCMartin BlockRecords WLIBNews; Talks WJZChicago Serenade WNYCString Music WQXRNews; Luncheon Music WABCOf Men and Books:John WLIBNews, Art Ross Show 2:03-WMCAPopular Music Mason Brown WQXRNews 2:15-WEAFConsumer Time: Sir John WMCANew York Times News 4:03-WMCABaseball, Cont. Orr, Guest wNYCNews; Windy Music WQXRSymphonic Matinee WJZVladimir Brenner, Pianist WIINNews; Sports 4:30-WEAFEasy MoneySketch 2:30-WEAFSmilln Ed McConnell WLIBNews; Old Timers; Songs WOR, WJZ, WABCPeter Pan WORHenry Gladstone, News WQXRNews; Pop Concert Handicap Race, Belmont Track 2:03-WMCARay Smith, Songs WMCANews; Music WJZNews; American Farmer 2:15-WEAFRadio Reporter WNYCP. A. L. Program WABCStars Over Hollywood: WABCAdventures in Science 4:45-WORBarry Orchestra Richard Denning, Guest 2:25-WHNBaseball: Dodgers vs. WJZEllington Orchestra WMCADon Goddard, News; Music Phillies (To 4:45) WABCThe Chicagoans WNEWNews; Beauty Talk 2:30-WEAFThe BaxtersDrama WIINSports Extra 2:45-WORThe Answer Man WORRecorded Music 5:00-WEAF, WOR, WJZ, WABC, WMCA, 2:55-WHNNews; Music WJZHill Toppers WQXR, WNYC, WLIBPresident 1:00-WEAFFarm and Home Hour WABCTreasury Band Stand Truman, Addressing Joint Session WORLopez Orchestra WMCABaseballGla tits vs. Braves of Congress on the Strike Situation WJZTa Live in PeaceDrama WNEWNews; Recorded Music WMCANew York Times News WABCGrand Central StationPlay WQXRMusic of Our Time WHNRacing: Robert Q. Lewis WMCAN. Y. Times News 2:45-WEAFPlay: Rachel and Her Chil- WNEWHigh School Hour WNYCMissing Persons Alarms dren;Nelson Olmstead.Narrator WLIBNews; Candlelight Music WNEWNew Voices WJZMelodies to Remember 5:30-WEAFEdward Tomlinson: The WLIBNews; Veterans Report 3:00-WEAFEastman School Symphony; American World WQXRNews; Midday Symphony Dr. Howard Hanson, Conductor WORMan on the Street 1:03-WMCAThis Is Our Town:Lilian WJZPlano Playhouse WMCANews Reports Okun and Guest WABCAssignment Home, Drama: WNYCMary Hartley Wells, 1:15-WMCAHealth Talk Biggest Crime Soprano WNYCModern Music Masters WMCANew York Times News WHNSports; Music WNEWI'll Take Romance WLIBNews; NYU Playhouse WNEWNews; Recorded Music 1: 30-WEAFVeterans' Adviser;Lieut.- WQXRNews; Reguest Music WQXRMusical Milestone Comdr. Ty Krum and Guest 3:03-WMCABaseball, Cont. 5:45-WEAFTin Pan Alley; Henry wortopry House 3:30-WORIt's UP to Youth Nemo, Guest WJZMusical Showcase WJZSamuel H. Friedman: Why WORLanny and Ginger WABCCountry Fair Not Try Socialism? WMCARuth Neville, Songs WMCANews; Music WABCLt.
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