I f I : # # . ii. V • ■ . ■'.- ‘iV'Wr. ■ • » ' < j fAh%'S&mS (f/:. • CmCUIiAl^CMI! STATBMBNT. ’>11 r ■ -;. ^ i ' -'.a .' ■ ’ ■ : ■ ■ • / « ■ ’ . 4 The average dally drcnlation of 'Rie Evening Herald for Q QkAA month of August was.. v y v*I*T .Partly cloadjr • Wedneaday; contlaiiod'aocBi^*7 TarUUe win^ ■ \ ••■;'• . ■ ■ ‘ ‘ i:- ■ -"• *■*■■ '. • t.i' , . lyr^-Sfe -■1’ J VOL. XLL, NO. 291. Classified Advertising oij Page'^.8. I9 E R 11, t 923. PRICE fife iik'' PARKING RULES ON V £oolid:ge Aboard MayAotcer **j'a M STi# Will ^.1 P5v, V KINDLINESS OF THE PAST BE CHANGED SOON Elsie Cheney, Killed by Her DISHER TRIED TO Selectmen Decided Ld$t -<8> - i Husband Yesterday Morn­ , , . f ^ Nis^t to Hare Automo­ 1 1 U. S. Ambassador Senj^: POISON HIS WIFE * r NO EXCITEMENT ing in Scituate, Mass., biles Park Head On to g ,v < List of D e a d ^ R e fo g ^ ^ *-\ Was Daughter of Man AT THE PRIMARIES; ^ s t o n American’ Carries Cnrlh-Last Meietiog of V * Tell Thrilling Stories o| Who Was Adopted as " '•j INTEREST LACKING Story to That E ffe c t - Present Board Win Take / - Attacks by Banfts D v; Child by a Member of the Couple Were Married Place Sept 17. ing the Confusion r'S Up to Noon Less Than 500 Manchester Family. Here Dec. 29,1919, der Now Restored At the meeting of the Board of Voters Had Passed Through Selectmen last night, by-laws were It is, of course, naturally under­ According to The Boston Ameri­ adopted regulating the traffic and Stricken Cities. 1%, stood here In Manchester that the Machines— Polls Are can, Mrs. Elsie Cheney DIsher, who parking rules on Main street from neither of the unfortunate princi­ was murdered at /her home In the Center to Chartei; Oak street. pals in the so-called Cheney murder Open Dntd Nine o’clock Washington, Sept. 11.— At U 1ST" Egypt, Mass., her husband, who It was decided that all autorno- and suicide tragedy in the tJart of then killed himself, was poisoned 50 Americans were killed in »#■ Scituate, Mass., known as Egypt, is blles must be- parked by driving . IlSs earthquake and fire at Toklo.^ ten days ago by a i^Ink which ftesideiit and'Mrs.'L - (By Padfle 4 Atlantic) This Eyening. blood allied to the Manchester right into the curb fit an angle .of ayrnge on the Residential yacht Mayflower down the Potohiac spite previous reports of no Mrs. Disher declared hVl been pre- Eifer, visit'rirt T^ount iiTv ■ family. The tragic story has simpljr 30 degrees; This law will not go ing white f P»?h and Indian Head. Photo shows our First CitizLsn sport- ties ambn'g American^ residefit pared by her husband. Into effect until after the street has une'arthed a secret of unadvertlsed Up to one o’clock today less the Japanese capital, accordt^^^ Records in Manchester show that been properly marked so that auto kindliness and unsuspected sympa­ Miss Elsie Cheney, daughter'of the than 600 voters had taken the an official dispatch to the State thy of practical action In the past drivers can easily tell just how to partment today from Cyrus late R. O. Cheney and Sophie BIs- park. Heretofore the parking of trouble to go to the town hall to the United States Ambaesado&jl^ that merit their (iue need of credit. sell Cheney, Was married to Helly cars has been b r backing hi at an. cast their ballot for their favorite Elsie Cheney bore that respected Peter Disher, of, Indianapolis, Ind.. angle of 46 degrees. It is believed BOARD IS PROBING candidates for town ofiicers.. It The dispatch which carrfed * 'V ‘irA name merely by legal right, a con-1 on December 29, 1919. According with the. new system that many was ^pected that the rush would names of all the Amerlean''! sequence of the' legal adoption of certificates each were di- more cars can be parked and with thus far Identified was relag(i less trouble. begin to come about four o’jilock ler .a.h.r by a member of thajpY, “ 'tk , S E ' DBTROYKR WRkKS when the voters at the silk mills Erie R^ Dickover, Uplted^ The Selectmen voted last night' Consul at Kobe. ; - performing tb. oere- to hold a meeting on the 17th, at finish their work for the day. From could please herself and after the mony could not be learned. The which time alterations to t^ie imild- that time until nine o’clock the {^The dead: World war married an aviation marriage was performed this Miss Doris Babbitt. ing lines on Center street '^ om election officials will doubtless be lieutenant in the army service. HIley town, at the home of the bride. KnoX street to Newman etteet whl LONDON, commissar for tyar Twenty-tkree Dead and 13 Mrs. Joseph Cocha P. Disher by name, 38 years old. be taken ni». • • . , m kept busy. Mrs. Brunnell. ’/ " She brought into being a reiy » r t^ to l|ave been There was little or no eXcite­ Mr. P. L. BUIott. , - beautiful estate and hopie called By^ws wete adopted last bight prohibiting -joking on the ^ iiorth‘ isps|iieh from Berlin Injure i$: latest R ^ rf ment at the polls all day. Tbe Mr. Firth. “ ^ ookw ood” in Scituate. It vcost BIRCH STREET side o f BliseH steeet frona ‘'7j " ' |Tc teea r^eiyed in different candidates were dpliilg Miss Jean Orttfas.-. , 100,000 and its green-tiled root their level best to get-the voters Mrs. L. R. green and white stripeA to Hie pollSj imt there Is sn <a^ Itos.Jinlw. ^ Ik U^|t o)f etitbcmlMm I f c K e w bf^ r NEWS FROM SURROIIN K TOWNS Snapshots. ilAS aWNSTlGHIEN NUHBERTWO ;: Portrait of a Man GettlrTgrllp thnJ (Coat, fftim Page 1.) ABOUT tllG ^ Thfl .Repabllean caneu wag ihlG Vi i^ o ft immediately after striking Satvrdajr .eveBBur »nd ^ fbllowihl;" ^ ^ DUHOND SERFB the rocks, are missing, and believed nomlnatlona wer« made;.A.rtluir 1. TAUOTTmiE COLUMBIA to have met death. One is missing 'Vinton for-, gcloctmaa;. iHenty ‘ I. from the Pelphy. Barnes, grand jnror; Egther, E. The rnnhy friends of Mrs. Prank- Ernest Coljios, son of Mip. War­ New ypjrk— ^In line with the gen­ Thirteen tre patidhts at the Cot­ Vinton, ^ colleotorr Walter .M. - lln Welle of Avery street will be ren Collins of this town and Miss eral ladinatlen^to tender the ele­ tage hospital here, more or less Haven, >mditor; Clarence Fiske a n d : glad to know that she Is Improving Mildred Harroun of Wllllmantlc vated eyebrow to pest-aeaaon *<bnck seriously injured. C. Irving Loomis, eensUbleg; Fred rapidly at the Manchester hospital were united in tnarrlage oh Sept. haating" by major league ball The bijnred. W .. Chase, school eommtttiM. where she has been confined with lst_at the home of the bride’s pa­ John MeQraw and Miller Huggins Among the injured are: 'The Democratic caucus was held an attack of typhoid fever. rents, Mr. and Mm. J. L. Harroun players, it is now Intimated that Harry Krause, Delphy, St, Paul, on Friday evenlhg and the follow­ Miss Flora Crooks ie spending a of 381 North street, Wllllmantle. will sanction no furtlu|r excursions Minn., shock. ing nominatl<^8 made: Charles R. week's vacation on a trip which The ceremony was performed by of teis nature by the yoang man of John Becker, of the Young, St, Hall WES' nominated to saeceod ' will include Niagara Falls, a water the Rev. Harry McCready. The their employ. Fatnre axpiMltlons, Paul, Minn. himself on the town school commit' CARIES ON POLITE CON-1 FINDS SETmife IT UP pu r su e s BRlFiGS.lT BACK 10 trip up the St. Lawrence river, bride was given away by her father veissATioN wrm host- is uoing to r e * dnrin» whieh the alert and wary John King, Delphy, Mnlga, Ala., tee but resigned. Mr. Hall bks serv­ through the Thousand Islands; PLATE ; HE STARTEO baek is stalaad to the box office shock. who is the principal of the Nat ESS WHILE starting TO GOIRC ALL HIS ed the greater part pt thirty-seven thence to Montreal and other points m FROM WIIHQUt HAUli^G and mada eaptlva. mnat be carried M. G. Scherer, Young, Missouri, chaug Grammar school, and was «ET OP LAST>T BBITE years in this capacity, acting aa of interest nearby, returning by attended by Miss MadeUne Holmes ATTENTION ■ MADE AhN HEADWAY on, now and forever heaeefortb, shock. ' chairman most of the time. Mr. the way of Boston. of this town as maid of honor, wltboat the aid of eithar Giant or Gilbert Bauschman, Delphy, Cy­ Hall resigns on account of poor Miss Anna Herre of New Britain while the groom was attended by Tank. K la ssld- press Hills, N. T., contusions and health. - spent the week-end as guest of Mr. Randall Rorter a * best man. The It mnat ba^ that the worthy Mr. abrasions on both legs. Mrs. Elsa Koehler, daughter ' of and Mrs. Thomas Kington of this bride’s gown was white Canton MeOraw baa soannad the official W. C. McGehy, Delphy, Astoria; Mr. Hall was nominated to take her -place. crepe, while the maid of honor batting averagea and likes not what Liong Island, blinded by oil; contu­ father’s place on this committeo. Mr. and Mrs. Summer B. Smith wore blue Canton crepe with lace be aeaa. Caaay Stengel was one of sions of body. Holden Brown for assessor, H. B. spent the week-end at Westerly, overdress and silver trimmings.
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