State Ministry of The United Nations Women’s Affairs Country Team - Iraq November 2010 Violence Against Women in Iraq Factsheet Emotional violence includes insults, threats What is violence against In spite of legal barriers to early marriage, one and public humiliation, and many men seek women? in ten young women aged between 12 and 30 to control the wife’s social life and access to believe that it is best for a girl to marry before medical care. Violence against women is defined in the she reaches the age of 18. 1993 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women as: Forced marriages are entirely illegal,13 but a Early marriage third of young women believe that a girl must Early marriage still occurs, but is decreasing. “…any act of gender-based violence that marry her relative if it is her guardian’s wish.14 4% of young women aged between 15 and results in, or is likely to result in, physical, 19 were married before they turned 15, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to compared to 11% among those aged 15-49.5 women, including threats of such acts, coercion Violence against women and girls is a or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether Marriage before the age of 15 is illegal in Iraq, Experience andDahuk acceptance of violation of human rights, causing physical, occurring in public or in private life.” sexual and psychological suffering. Violence and marriage between the ages of 15 and 18 domestic violence among women against women limits their ability to realise requires special authorization from a judge.6 aged 15-49 their legal, social, political and economic Female genital mutilation Millennium Erbil rights and participate in Iraq’s development. Reports have indicated that female genital NineDwaahuk Kirkuk Eradicating violence against women is a Development Goal mutilation affects large numbers of women Sulaymaniyah crucial part of Iraq’s efforts to promote gender 3: Promote Gender and girls in northern Iraq, though the exact equality and empower women in all spheres Equality and Empower Women extent is unclear.8 There is an ongoing of life (Millennium Development Goal Three) campaign among civil society organizations SEarlbaihl al-Din Ninewa and will provide impetus to Iraq’s efforts to There are 94 girls aged 6-11 enrolled in and the Kurdistan Regional Government to Kirkuk SulaymDaiynaiylah achieve all of the Millennium Development primary school for every 100 boys, up from 80 outlaw the practice.9 Baghdad Goals. in 1990. Wassit Kerbala Babil Anbar Although women’s political representation 2015 TARGET: 100 Women’s awareness of Salah al-Din has increased and the Government of Iraq their rights Qadissiya Women make up just 7% of those employed Baghdad Diyala has committed to achieving MDG 3, this has in paid work in non-agricultural sectors, down Evidence shows that many Thi-QarMissan not yet translated into a broader recognition Wassit from 11% in 1990. Iraqi women and girls are Kerbala Babil of gender equality across Iraqi society and not fully aware of their Anbar Najaf government bodies. 2015 TARGET: 50% rights. 59% of women Qadissiya Basrah aged 15-49 believe that it Muthanna Women occupy 27% of seats in Iraq’s Council Thi-QarMissan Domestic violence of Ministers, up from 13% in 1990. is acceptable for a man to % of women (15 - 49 yrs) who Violence against women in the home is a beat his wife under certain Najaf 2015 TARGET: 50% 10 accept physical domestic violence major problem that prevents women’s full circumstances. This figure Basrah participation in society. One in five women is higher in rural areas Muthanna (21%) in Iraq aged 15-49 has suffered physical (70%) and among women violence at the hands of the husband.1 14% Trafficking with no formal education % o%f woofmweonm(e1n5 -(1459-y4r9s)ywrsh)owho experience physical domestic violence of women who suffered physical violence (71%).11Women aged accept physical domestic violence Anecdotal evidence suggests that many 8.0% - 15.0% were pregnant at the time.2 33% have suffered women are being kidnapped and sold into between 15 and 24 are as 15.1% - 21.9% emotional violence,3 and 83% have been prostitution. Victims are trafficked internally likely to tolerate abuse as 12 subjected to controlling behaviour by the and to neighbouring countries including Syria older generations. % of wome2n2.0(1%5- -284.9%yrs) who 4 experience physical domestic violence husbands. and the Gulf states.7 29.0% - 35.8% 8.0% - 15.0% 35.9% - 42.8% 15.1% - 21.9% 22.0% - 28.9% 29.0% - 35.8% 35.9% - 42.8% Violence Against Women in Iraq Factsheet Proportion of women aged 15- framework for prosecuting perpetrators and Iraq’s international government’s capacity to develop national 49 who believe that domestic supporting victims means that mediation plans and programmes to combat violence between the victim and her family is often obligations against women; the ability of government ciolence is acceptable preferred to prosecution of the perpetrator. Iraq has ratified, signed or acceded to the institutions and civil society organisations to (ByProportion educationof women level aged and 15-49 area) that believe that domestic following international instruments related to deal with survivors; and increase knowledge violence is acceptable by education level and area Women’s rights activists and shelters have the rights of women and girls: among community leaders, teachers, students been threatened and attacked by armed 100% and local communities on gender equality. groups and family members of those they Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) UNDP is providing technical support to the 80% seek to protect.15 International Covenant on Economic, Social Directorate for Tracing Violence against 60% and Cultural Rights (1969, ratified 1971) Women and the Family Protection Unit. 40% Eradicating violence against women International Covenant on Civil and Political 20% Rights (1969, ratified 1971) Endnotes Young Iraqi women and men cited family 1. WHO/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Health Iraq Family Health 0% upbringing (40%), religion (37%) and the International Convention on the Elimination Survey 2006-2007 None Primary Secondary and law (35%) as major factors that would help of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 2. Ibid above 16 (1981, acceded 1986) 3. Ibid Urban Rural prevent violence against women. Little 4. Ibid confidence was expressed in the power of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989, Access to care and justice media (6%) or schools (3%). 5. Ibid acceded 1994); Amendment to Article 43(2) 6. Iraqi Penal Code 1959, Number 188, Articles 7 and 8 The capacities of the state authorities to Men and boys play an important role in (1985, accepted 2001) 7. Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, Prostitution prevent, protect and prosecute are limited. and Trafficking of Women and Girls in Iraq, (2010), cited in eradicating violence against women. 57% Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Medical and police authorities lack adequate UNAMI Human Rights Office, Human Rights Report: 1 July-31 of young Iraqi men believe that, in general, against Women (1993) December 2009 (2010) training on caring for and protecting violence should not be used to solve 8. Asuda, Diakonia, Survey of Female Genital Mutilation in survivors of violence, leaving women problems.17 63% believe that a woman is Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Sulaymaniyah Governorate(2009); Wadi, Female Genital vulnerable to stigmatization and reprisals no less than a man,18 rising to 75% among Rights of the Child on the involvement of Mutilation in Iraqi Kurdistan (2010) from family members for reporting their case. those with a university education. However, children in armed conflict (2000, acceded 9. UNAMI Human Rights Office, Human Rights Report 1 July- 68% believe it is acceptable to kill a girl for 2008) 31 December 2008 Few shelters are available to provide a 10. UNICEF/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Health Multiple Indicator haven for victims. The lack of a strong legal profaining a family’s honour and 50% believe Cluster Survey 2006 wife beating is acceptable.19 support of UNICEF, the GoI is developing policies and assessments on gender-based 11. Ibid 12. Ibid Uncharted suffering: the violence and violence against children, with UN and Government of Iraq 13. Iraq Personal Status Code 1959, Number 188, Article 9 particular sensitivity towards the needs of information gap on violence response 14. UNFPA/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Youth and Sport Iraq against women girls. In the Kurdistan Regional Government, National Youth Survey 2009 Through several entities, the United Nations the government is working closely with civil 15. Amnesty International, Iraq: Civilians Under Fire (2010) Efforts to respond to violence against women is helping Iraq to combat and end violence society to establish a shelter for victims of 16. UNFPA/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Youth and Sport Iraq are hampered by the lack of data on the against women in the country. trafficking and forced prostitution. National Youth Survey 2009 extent and nature of the violence. Survivors 17. Ibid are reluctant to report their cases due to The Government of Iraq (GoI) is taking UNIFEM, UNHCR, WHO and UNAMI Human 18. UNFPA/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Youth and Sport Iraq poor handling by medical, police and judicial steps to address violence against women Rights Office are cooperating under the National Youth Survey 2009 authorities. When women do come forward, including drafting a Domestic Violence Bill, leadership of UNFPA to develop Iraq’s 19. UNFPA/COSIT/KRSO/Ministry of Youth and Sport Iraq National Youth Survey 2009 their cases are not recorded systematically. establishing an inter-ministerial to address capacity to combat violence against women. issues of violence against women.
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