ED _078 483- . TITLE Film Program' NOtes from the Current Holdings of the Anthology Film Archives; Outlines of 41 Films. .INSTITUTION AnthorOgy Film Archives, New York, N.Y. PUB DATE (731 151p. AVAILABLE FROM Library, Anthology Film Archives, 425 LafayetteSt., New York, N.Y..10003 (Single Copy of individual program notes free upon request) EDRS PRICE MF-80.65 HC Not Available froni EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Educdtion; Audio Virtual Communication; *Film Libraries; FilmProduction;- FilmProduction Specialists; *Films; *Film Study; Foreign Language Films; Mass Media; Media Research; *Prograii Descriptions; 'Program Guides; Programs; Repetitive Film Showings; Single- Concept Films; Sound Films; Visual 'Literacy IDENTIFIERS Anthology Film ArchiveS; *Film Program Notes ABSTRACT This collection of film program notes includes mixed commentary onsome ofthe films held in theAnthology FilmArchives (a film andbooklibrary in New. York City)..,Some of the filmsare described by synopsisofthe episodes and othersbxtranslation into English of the foreign language subtitles. However eacji film noted is identifiedby full cast,crew, and directorcredjits.The films notedare: OLD AND NEW, IVAN THE TERRIBLE, ALEXANDER NEVSKY, OCTOBER, STRIKE, ARSENAL, AEROGRAD, ZVENIGORA, IVAN, LA BELLE ET LABETE, ORPHEUS, THE BLOOD OF A POET, NOTHING BUT HOURS, WS OLVIDADOS, WAGE DeOR,UNE FEMME DOUCE, AU HASARD BALTHAZAR, PICKPOCKET, MOUCHE1TE,UN CONDANNE A MORT Si/EST ECHAPPE..., KINOGLAZ, ENTHUZIASM,_ THREESONGS OF LENIN, ODINNADZATIJ (THE ELEVENTH YEAR); ZERO FOR CONDUCT, LIATALANTE, THE FLOWERS OF ST..FRANCIS, THE PASSION OF JOANOF ARC, GERTRUD, VAMPYR, ORDET, MICHAEL,PRASTANKAN, DAY OF WRATH, UNE SIMPLE HISTOIRE, LE PRINTEMPS, ETOILE DE MER, LA REGLE DU JEU, -CHICHIARIKI (THERE WAS A FATHER), UMARETA WA MITA KEREDO WAS BORN, BUT and EARTH._ (CH) FILMED FROM-BEST AVAILABLE COPY- - U.S. DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL tsstrnas EDUCATION- THis DocumENT HAS RE& Pao OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN AT IND IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE TITLE _PAGE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL, INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY MI PROGRAM -NOTES-- -FRONT _THE CURRENT :HOLDINGSOF THE ANTHOLOGY FILWARCHLVES NEWYORK 'CITY__ Outlines of 41filmsfrom the film library Of the Anthology Film Archives by the staff of the Anthology Film Archives Scenario: Serge1-14.- Eiseiwitein arid.' Grigori Alexandrov Direction: Sergei N., Eisenstein- and- Grigori Alexandrov -Assistants: MaximStrauch,- Mikhail_ Gomorov-,- PhotograPhy: ---- Eduard -Tisse,- With-- 173401M:1r-- PoPoy*and :Vladimir __Nilsen Art Directicni:-Vassili -Kovrigin,--with Viussili Rakhals Sets: = = Cast: Marfa .-Lapkine.-(the peasant =woman), Ways Buzenkov (director of- the dairy), _Kostya, Stractor driver ),, Chuarev (the butcher ),--Neginkov (the teacher- Tud.in (the Koxisomol irepr_esentative), Sukhareva, N. -Pilev, N.Gomorov,:: Efindd.n,_ Khurtin, Nudjin -(peasants_)*-- ProduCtion: = American distribution: Audio4randon- - *******4H1******IHHI*****IHI***414141114****************41441H1****IIIHHHHHHH1*** _ThiSE is --the- -story= -of= ithOuseuids- of Ruitsial a-pee:smelts-whose -lives were changed -after the revolution -by-the-ccilledtive -anctiby---tmechanizitticni, II. It __it -dann-.-- Ina Squalid--but, a- -family -of peasants-gets up.-= The s----father----18::dead--,----a-nd,-=-,- according to-t.nclent the -sons= -divide- -up _all=1=the' De__Operty-----and all=are poorer- _ :thaw- before A-_-poor :-peassint--wonian, -14tirfa _Iapkina,-;goes --to--beg- help from the _rich:farm:owner, but she =_refused. -= -Discouraged, she returns`_ to She --_has no*-hOrse,-- only a Tea to _pull 'the_ plow.. Thencow= falls_- into a fit-land Cannot_ be -used arwmort. =Marfa, rebe lling-'against:her =, lifiestops work,; end-urges iber =fellows, to =join with= her;--to-_=ilipecive_ --:=- A_-visiting-- _agriciatural-- officer -(the Komsomol-epresentative ) addresses- a-group --of-T =peasants= -to _persuade: them- to-combine in;a, peasants -are :suspicious- of--the outsider,----andl=at -*first_ itr-is_,,only-'-Narfa- Lapkina--who_--agrees with him. But --then:she-- petrel:tides _a. few -=Others,--and the ncooperative,:. Kolchote "Pathof- -:Discovery,"is- bOrr- i. There is =a religious-Procession.The= people= are preying forrain, for-there ixa great drOught and the animals and crops aredaring.=Clouds come, the = people prostrate themselves = inthe dust, but the sun comes out again and there =isTno rain. The first -purchase of :new cooperatilie=is--a cream -- separator.The_peasant s"-watch -;the :first__ trial, skeptical, but: then, ass:,_the-__cream poUr_s_,-out, -they_becomejoyful-. - Some of the member's' of=the cooperative -break open the group's oath box_and.Marfa, discoveringthem, gets beaten up while attempting to prevent= therobbery. But the agricultural officer comes inand persuades them to return n-the money, which they have beensaving to buy a bull for breeding= purposes. VIII. Marfa has a-- dream about a giant -bull andthe-fertility of the earth which - is tocome. -- Then3-in-reality0 Marta visits-i-the -demonatratiOn farm(sovchoze)-:of -her _Vrovinct,--- where_ her dream-_ finds -a- realequivalent ._ -There._she purchases the_ -bull, -Pomka.-1- -_ The farmers, *existed by factory:wOrkers,are building t h e:colleCtiVeIs- dairy.Some-peasants _still -object tO.the 'new 'Mechanized- methods' _-- of=-farming: Thepeasantscelebrate the wedding of the bull and adorningthem with= flowers and ribbons. the=cow, = It_ is enniser,1-- and the =peasants are =They -race_ each other,- but then-they see-a;inowingmachine which_eall They =try- to buy a tractor, -,bUt- their_ _application, involved `last- it is= decided;_to send-r-Marta--==to -the---,city--to__-=try- to -;get- thetractor_.-_ In Murfa's absence, the rich farmers(Kulaks), jealous of the cooperative id- power, break into thebarn during the-night and = poison the bull. Marfa, arrives at the_- tractor- factory and,aided bythe factory workers, blusters= the office workersinto giving the-'collective = credit for the tractor. On--the- --fermi:- -the-7pealantsl:t_ry -inzvain_to_ save the a= dying revealing.their--_-old-_--r-inlperstitions. -Marfa, happy, returns,_-only to_ be told_=that -the----bUll is dead._ But, as she -- lies on 'the- grOund grief, =_ one Of the bull's-i-Lcarves = Comes to her,-- and she,-laught.--=" There =1s a =-_big-celebratiOn:, forthe arrival= of the ne_w: _tractor, and-All -is-;,great----j or,- until_ the tractor- breaksdown.- -:But the-Mechanic--who-delivered' it can-=- fix it, and __he; and Maria al-tie -All thepeasant carte-- togethers; and:_the-tractor -punt-them with ease . _ The collective=:groWs;]=and---dozene--oftractOrs pour out _of- _the' factory.-- _ XVII. A lone figure in goggles and= leather jacket drives a tractor.A couple on a baircart -meet,the tractor on the road.At first they dO tot,recognize' the driver; ,but it is Yelsarfa Lapkina.-- Martarecalls her past, her struggles.The young man embraces- Marfa. ***1144HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH14*******IHHHHHH1414HHHHHHHHHI******414HHHHHHHHHH14114H1* The following is a translation of the titles as they appear in the film, divided according to episode. I. 1. It is necessary to modernize and mechanize our ancient agrarlah system.- 2. =The heritage of the old social order:many- ignorant, backward peasants: 3. Still today. there are manibackward places in our laixl: When __brothers separate:-_ They diVide:_their,:farms- In belt-. 7. The ecori-omy--i_-15--shattere -8. 9.__- _- And they-rbecoinet-pOorer?stilil: One-r Marta L Akins._ InVentOry.-- 15.: CoW.- .1. one. -16. Outside 18. The--peasants-1:-_spring.--- 19. -=Sone -haVe'begun_--t-o'=_plow. _ What"- misery to be Without horse: _21._ I have to -_borrami_:_one..- 22. Theyi_Wonit loan_her= once: 23, :Summer_ -- -Still-, without- a horse: 25.- _ None:- 27,:Despair.: 28.- 29. to-zo_on-!4- 30.like - impossible to live this Ways 32 . We 'lust- .unites-_ _ -33.,A=woman: 34, -Uriite_1? 35. Quotation :from -Lenin to the effect- thatthe collectivization '-andj-progress. of local, agrarian areas is -moreimportant than -=the fUnctions_-:of._ many-,-governmental--idepartmentO 36. Let's- organize -a kolchoze I- 7 3r.;1Your-- contribution- wouldn! t-a-mount -_:tO- much! _we-are practically dovinto -tomradeev -peals-apt-0, =andhumeri; 0.-:Give -:_up f_the---old-ways . -- -__a kolchozel 42. I -proclaim- the doOperaciie-- farm founded! '43. And :thus -thel-,kolchozeT "-Path' of-DisCOvery" was born. 44. In :spite --of-, even.- _'advanCethe-- peasants still cling ancient:- eUstomi. 45.A stray' 464 cloud--_ passes_ Afraud?: 49', A,_fraud?: TheY,_ are: skeptical. 51. Is Atireally_' possible mike butter :that :way? 52,. -.- will it bring-i prosperity? _,* 53. __Afrgitad 511. _or :prosper-ity. -55 Will it-Work? 56. 57. It_workst - - -:htlinbera-of --renters _increases 59: is forbidden = to_Itake -money_---froM-the -fUndl 60. _ _=Money -gOet, tO'llatite 1 the =stud? _ What-about -,better-equipment ? Now-=you= may think this 48,_ only a Nothing_'Of-=theIt 66.- --1The_i-cooperative-,farm_ gets, its first stud. 67. TheY :titans,- it Fomdsa. 68. Fomkal- 69. Free." the-- factorie s,-= during-_ the ir-vacations, theworkers come_ to 7Q. -with- the 71. The z-kOlchoze -1t-imilding-__ its dairy. komsoMoi and ,the,==community _council areat the _head operation. a tractor. 74. 3. One -hat7to--cUltivatef-the_-toll'-with 7 As --11 team We--- shall cultivate thesoil !_ 75. It -'s high- time: 76. The ,:old:_ories oppose... What' ido---we _-=need a tractor -for? 78 &a machine 79. With these- hands-1:5_ 80. Slowly they are getting used to working together. 81.- They clean the, grain ,rfor planting . 82. They. are preparing for the wedding. 83. Theregoes 84. _thebride ; 85. There goes "the_= bride 86. The bride r 87. The bride I 88. The bride 89. The = groom: XI.' 90.- One -Summer_ day takes care: of manywinter days; 91. Zaroir _ -- 92.-demonstrating_ the-strength of hishands._ 93-. _94." catch- up;with_-you; 95.--He -did:- , 96.---. The -machine _.,1)eats us -both:. The machine, vies -fi.itter Mowe'--hay- 'raked it --_ --100.--===and-stacks = it, tool 101`._Give-us: e_ machine _ 102.: 'have-_ a- -Machirie_l_ XII.
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