VOLUME 38 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, J934 NUMBER IS Wangeman — Psarsall ted. Motion carried. MINISTERIAL ASS'N Moved by Alderman Mayville, sup­ Office Moved HOLD ENJOYABLE ported by Alderman'Kenny, that the """SSgft-S - jHomeGardens Miss Margaret Pearsall, daughter bond of J.ohn LaLonde as principal, WE HAVE SMELT" ReduCeCoStS MEET HERE of Mrs. Nellie Pearsall Thomas of with Al Freiberg and Clyde Hipp as To Petoskey East Lansing, and Mr. Alfred J. sureties, be approved and accepted. Wangeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Motion carried. During preparatiens-forthe 5melt,^np-H yc-^j,,.. -y. Anr, VABI. The monthly meeting of the Little Frank Wangeman, East Jordan, were Bills were presented for payment RE-EMPLOYMENT WORK TO BE Jamboree a great many invitationsTFRESH^EGETABLES ADD VARI" TravSrse i Bay Ministerial Association married . at Boyne City March 24, as follows:— CENTERED THERE were extended to outside people, ETY TO YOUR MEALS met Friday in East-Jordan at the 1934. .Mr. Wangeman, a graduate of A, J. Hite, Exp. on meters _•] $2.10 among them the noted author, Rex Presbyterian Church; The local lad­ the local high school and of the En­ City Treasurer, street labor 66.76 Beach, who was born near Atwood. ies served a chicken dinner for the gineering division of Michigan State City Treasurer, Election board 20.00 The National Re-employment office, Home vegetable gardens not only 24 members who were present. College, has for the past few months O. J. Smith, Salary & expense 36.00 ...Include. d withth, .e. invitatio. .. n .,_.,wa, s ,,a ; cut down the amount of money which located in the Brown building at The program was an unusually in­ been associated with the' engineering G. E. Boswell, salary & expense 52.85 "••Charlevoix ,has been abandoned by whimsical explanation of the 'Why' _eed be s nt forfa(i'd but the vege. department of Charlevoix County Ole Olson, salary & expense __ 84.20 orders ot Clarence E. Weiss, state teresting one. Signor Mario Capeili, Minnie Webster, asst. Clerk _._ 11.67 otthBeukere Jamboree, which rea, frod ams followthe pesn of Dr. t_bles groVnlmve a/freshness and ah premier Italian-American tenor of CWA. Mi's. Wangeman returned to director, and will be combined -into appeal that is not present in most Lansing where she will continue her City Treasurer, Aldermen & Mayor a district composed of Emmet, Che­ "The "Silver •Horde," having been New York City was present and thril­ Salaries ____;_: 350.00 tickled all the way from a delicate green stuffs which are purchased, ac­ led the ministers with several vocal studies at Michigan State, Mr. and boygan, Charlevoix, and Otsego coun­ cording to the department of horti­ Mrs. Wangeman will be at home to Strehl's Garage, labor & parts oh pink to a deep Alaskan red, by the selections. The Signor has sung in truck : ___ '__ ;_ 20.28 ties. Headquarters for the district culture at Michigan State College. Grand Opera and' in over 500 chur­ their friends at the Pine Lake Golf ._ will be at_409',4 Lake Street, Petos­ stupendous publicity given them in Club after May 1st. E. J. Lbr. Co., repairs on steam- - Rex Beach's master narrative, have The quality of home grown foods ches in this country. A part of his i. er ______ _' ,___ 2.70 key, with Edward C. Scheider as man­ is helped by the fact that each pro­ ager. decided to immortalize their historio- musical training was by one of the iHersey Mfg. Co., Frost bottom office js''apher by making his birthplace a duct can be harvested immediately be­ teachers of Caruso. cases : ; 12.96 Records at the Charlevoix fore it is to be used and at the time Rev. W. S. C. Pellowe, Pastor of Kidder — Peebbles •Northern Auto Co., gasoline— 4.69 will be transferred to the new head­ rational shrine, whereat future gen­ Leslie Miles, labor & battery rent­ erations may worship. the vegetable' is at the proper stage of the Jefferson Ave., Methodist Church, quarters and all business transacted ripeness to provide the most tasteful Saginaw, and author of the book Miss Margaret V. Kidder, daugh­ als _ ______ :_ 24.35 from that point. The Charleoix coun- Howevei, discovering that East mea Healey Tire Co., Gasoline _-__ 12.27 Jordan is a he-man town, wherein i >: Dieticians compute that a fam- "John Wesley, Master in Religion," ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kidder of E. J. Co-op. Assn., mdse. & gas­ " "'ty-re"-"Fni[iluyment-cornmittee,-eompos- gave the address of the afternoon. Echo Twp, became the bride of Her­ sportsmen ^fli--OirtTnrnrm^~tfte-w^^ oline _„_ :_ 24.90 ed of Arthur Bergeon, Charlevoix, al ein Poohlnr of Fllswni-th, son of Mrs, 0 Alex Heller, Boyne City, "Samuel H. mourning ladies of the D.A.R., and; vegetable¥anaTruTtr&ach year. Mr. w. Oliver, a teacher V.. J. Fire Dept, P^thT flr? 19 "" Rogers, East Jordan and J. M. Fo 1' „ themselves, a gamy and sporty j Most families will, not care to pro- sion School in the Panama Zone, was I Elizabeth Peebles, Thursday, March LeRoy Sherman, labor & mdse. 21.75 ter, Chrlevoix, chairman, will contin­ : ..d of a fish, they chose a. very uni-! duce the entire quantity of these present and spoke briefly of his work. 29th, at Bellaire, Mich. They will Joe Nemecek, Jan. at fire hall 5.00 ue to function so that the manager que and.fitting.wav to suit their pur-| foods needed and, in some cases, Ministers were present from Petos­ make their home in Ellsworth. Harry Simmons, Jan. at fire hall 7.50 pose. iground is not available to grow the key, Gaylqrd, Charlevoix, Boyne City, Mich. Pub. Ser. Co., street of the district will be able to secure lights __^__, __L_J 160.00 direction and information regarding Reincarnating themselves into a jfoodsWHowever, .size is not the deter- CentrarLake, Bellaire, Mancelona and East Jordan. Merle Thompson, labor at fire the placement of men . on Public form suitable to their new environ-. mining factor in the productive pow- COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS hall ___• 1.25 '' The May meeting will be held in Works projects to be done in Charle­ ment, under the name of "Smelt" j er of a garden. The gardener who de- Walter Woodcock, labor at fire voix county, and to provide a county they make an annual pilgrimage to. I velopes his ground to the best ad- Boyne City. j- Regular annual meeting of the committee interested in the employ­ the locality of Rex's birthplace | vantage will reap a greater harvest It is possible that Signor Mario j Common Council of the City of East hall _'__ -^ 1.25 ment of Charlevoix county men. (which remains standing). j than the man who does not take time Capeili may resort in Northern Michi­ j Joi-dan held at the council rooms, Abe Carson, labor at fire hall 1.00 gan this summer. If he does an effort | Thursday evening, April 5, 1934: Std< Oil Co., gasoline -_ .__ 3.37 The personnel of the Charlevoix The culmination of their gambols | to plan his work, Kahler & Friend, gasoline .95 is a joy-ride up the Jordan River j A half acre of ground is' needed to will be made to have him give a con­ i Meeting was called to order by the County office, consisting of J. Warne cert in East Jordan. I May or. Present: Mayor MilStein ami L. Kemp, labor 1.50 Davis, manager, and Miss Ethel Sta- about the middle of March each year, I g_ow the 3,000 pounds of vegetables j Aldermen Strehl; Bussler, Kenny, Peter Hegerberg, labor•__'! 10.88 ley, clerk, have been released. for the transcendental edification of that five persons will consume in a Rogers, and Maddock. Absent: None. Jack Hitchcock, labor i__ 2.13 " the thousands of fishermen who come j year. Part of this quantity would j Minutes of the last meeting were Wright Carr, labor \ -____ 1.75 In the future persons desiring to MARRIAGE AND MONEY register for employment will do so yearly to witness the event. j have to be canned as it would be im- |read and.approved. Sherman Conway, labor 2.25 The magnificent, spectacle of this j possible to consume that amount in "First Love," a thrilling romance ! The following resolution was offerV Joe NemeCek, labor 2.00 with the new district office at Petos- Gus Anderson, labor 2.00 key. The transfer for headquarters j^^ieTe'TheSilver Horde', i tumbling and racing;the gardening season. It is possible of marriage and money, by Loree B. jed by Alderman Maddock, who moved r' goal, . makes one!to make selections from 25 different j its adoption; seconded by Alderman Frank Woodcock, labor 2.00 to Petoskey does not alter m any way Elking, starts in The American Week­ I Bussler: Verge Healey, labor ; 2.25 . the fact that help for Public Works think of the injunction of Solomon, | vegetables which will grow success- ly with next Sunday's Detroit Times. Harry Saxton, labor • ___• 1.75 somewhere among his proverbs, tell-; fully .in Michigan and this long list j - ffhe„.City Council of the City of projects done in Charlevoix County It concerns a problem few married \East Jordan; having-metrfp-r the p».fi- Gordon Prause, labor : 2.25 are to be furnished from residents of ing people to go to the ants and see; increases the families appetite for couples solve. pose of determining the result of thfe Del Hale, labor ,4.63 this county who reside within travel­ their ways/only we say, "Come to the food from the garden.
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