EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW May 8-14, 1979 New Solidarity International Press Service $10 [THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Editor-in-chief: Fernando Quijano Editor: Paul Arnest Associate Editor: Kathy Stevens Production Manager: Patricia Van Zwaren Contributing Editors: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Criton Zoakos, Christopher White, Costas Kalimtgis, Nancy Spannaus NEW YORK BUREAU: Nora Hamerman, bureau chief Africa: Douglas QeGroot Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Mnitary Strategy: Paul Goldstein Economics: David Goldman Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Zoakos Labor: L. Wolfe and M. Moriarty Latin America: Dennis Small Law: Felice Gelman Middle East: Robert Dreyfuss Science and Technology: Morris Levitt Soviet Sector: Rachel Berthoff United States: Konstantin George and Stephen Pepper United Nations: Leif Johnson INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza Bonn: George Gregory im Brotherhood: Brussels: Christine Juarez Chicago: Mitchell Hirsch London's shocktroops for the Copenhagen: Vincent Robson Mexico City: Robyn Quijano New Dark Ages Milan: Muriel Mirak . Paris: Catherine Kantor The turbulence and bloodshed of the "revolutionary Rome: Marco Fanini Islainic" Khomeini regime threatens to spill. across· Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy Iran's borders into Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Washington D.C.: Laura Chasen and Ron Kokinda Afghanistan. But, the spread of sectarian warfare across Wiesbaden (European Economics): the Middle East is no "sociological phenomenon." This Mark Tritsch process is carefully guided by British intelligence, its , Zionist collaborators, and its academic fellow travelers, like Princeton University Professor Bernard Lewis. Executive Intelligence Review is published by New Solidarity The principal tool in this project for a new Dark International Press Service Age is the Muslim Brotherhood, the fanatic cult that 304 W. 58th Street controls not only the Khomeini regime, but the New York City, N.Y. 10019 murderous Pakistan junta of ,Zia ul-Haq and major Copyright (C) 1979 New Solidarity antigovernment elements in Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi International Press Service Arabia. Our COUNTERINTELLIGENCE report tells the exclusive story of the Muslim Brotherhood and its puppet, Iranian strongman Ibrahim Yazdi. Their aim: Subscription by mail for the U.S.: a percent depopulation of the Islamic world and the 3 months - $125,6 months - $225, 50 1 year - $400 capture of a generation of the Middle East's potential scientists and leaders by feudalist insanity. Page 14 ISSN 0146-9614 © 1979 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE IN THIS ISSUE REVIEW THIS WEEK The making of The European election agenda ... ... ... .... ...... ........... .... John Connally 5 John Connally's race for the pres­ idency may not be as Texan in inspi­ ration as a candidate would like to ECONOMICS put foward. In a series of interviews Furor over Euromarket controls deepens. .. ...... ...... ....� made available to theExecutive Intel­ 7 Banking ........ ... ..... ..... Agriculture . ..... ... ... ... ligence Review and published in our 8 10 Corporate Strategy.... Gold . .... ....... ..... ... ..... U.S. REPORT, a view of the candi­ 9 12 date emerges that has not been por­ Trade ....... ........ .... ... ... 10 Domestic Credit .. ........ 12 trayed by the American press. The question answet;ed there is: What is Mr. Connally's relation to the New York Council on Foreign Relations, COUNTERINTELLIGENCE and some are wondering if Mr. Con­ Muslim Brotherhood .... ... .. ... ..... .... ... .. ...... ... .... ..... ... .. nally isn't Alexander Haig's White­ 13 horse? Page 35 London's shock troops for the New Dark Ages Iranian strongman Yazdi: a British creation. ...... ........ 26 Sen. Kennedy's health care plan: shut it down INTERNATIONAL Senator Edward Kennedy's much­ Giscard, Brezhnev sign pact for peace . ... ... ..... ....... ... 28 touted plan to nationalize health care The French-Soviet joint communique ... .. ....... .... .. .. ... ... in the United States is billed as a 29 What the press is saying about the accords . ..... ......... cost-containment measure to cheap­ 31 ly provide health care to all Ameri­ cans. Our SPECIAL REPORT this week conclusively shows that behind ASlA the noisy debate over cost contain­ ment versus inflation and over Vietnam and China talk while preparing for new war 33 whether the federal government or . .. The Vietnamese peace proposal ...... .. ... ... .. 34 the private sector can more effective­ ly cut costs there is a much bigger story: Kennedy's plan, if implement­ ed, will strip U.S. medicine of its U.S. REPORT world-renowned high-technology ef­ fectiveness in com bating disease. The making of John Connally ..... .... ........ ..... ........ .... .. 35 Page 48 Presidential candidate woos Zionists at New York event © 1979 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Vol. VI No. 1 May 8-May 14, 1979 ECONOMIC SURVEY World steel in crisis ........... Part II: the cartel World steel industry in crisis ................................... : 40 U.S. Part 1/: the U.S. steel cartel· The V.S. steel industry is in col­ Trigger Price Mechanism: a case study .......... ............47 lapse. Rationalized, diversified out of steel and into "more profitable" ventures, the industry can't compete with the superior technology of Jap­ SPECIAL REPORT anese steel-except by imposing in­ flationary surcharges on Japanese Sen. Kennedy's health care plan: shut it down . ....... ... 48 steel imports. In our ECONOMIC The national health insurance plan . .. ... ........... ....... 50 SVR VEY this week, we continue our Behind the rising cost of health .................................. 56 report on the crisis in the world steel The road to nationalized health care ......................... 58 industry,. focusing on the V.S. and the industry "giant" V.S. Steel-a company not run by industrialists, but by financiers, many of whom ENERGY gained their executive status by climbing the ladder within the Scot­ Mexico, France map world en rgy meet . .. .. � .. ... .... ... 60 tish Rite of Freemasons. Plus: we Lopez Portillo's principle is expanded production zero in on the Trigger Price Mecha­ to meet world needs nism as a case study in Keynesian economics-the outlook that has a lot to do with the collapse of V.S. steel production. Page 40 COLUMNS labor Periscope .................................. :...................... 37 Furor over· Euromarket Congressional Calendar . ... .... .. .... .. ... ..... .... .. ... 38 controls deepens Facts Behind Terrorism .. ........... ................................ 62 The American System ...... ........................................... 63 Last week Executive Intelligence Review World Trade Review ..................................................64 blew the secret plans of the V.S. Federal Reserve to seek reserve requirements on the international Euromoney markets at an upcoming central bankers' confab at the Bank for International Settlements in Ba­ sle. This week's ECONOMICS re­ port brings you the update on the furor touched offby our expose, in­ cluding hints by one central bank that it will veto the Fed proposal if it comes up. Plus, our reply to London economist C. Gordon Tether's tout­ ed article on gold and the EMS in the March 1979 issue of Gold Newsletter. Page 7 EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW The U.S. can get in on the boom which the new European Monetary System will create. But where are the opportunities and how do you get in on them? Read the Executive Intelligence Review and see the facts that your newspaper, stock broker, or economic analyst doesn't know or doesn't tell you. Find out about the battle between the International Monetary Fund and the European Monetary.system. THE EIR GIVES YOU THE FACTS Subscribe Now! r----------------------------- I would like to subscribe to the Don't miss another opportunity! Executive Intelligence Review for Special 3 month introductory o 3 months 0 6 months 0 1 year half-price subscription offer- $65 Please charge to my o Mastercharge No. _____________ • (regularly $125) _________ o Interbank No. _____ o VISA No. ______________ 6 months 1 year Signature Expiration Date__ _ $225 $400 o I enclose $ __check or money order. Central America, West Indies, Venezuela, and Colombia: Name _________________ _ 3mo.-$135 6 mo.-$245 1 yr.-$450 Address _________________ Western Europe, South America, Mediterranean, and North Africa: ________ 3mo.-$140 6 mo.-$255 1 yr.-$470 City _________ All other countries: State _______________Zip __ 3 mo.-$145 6 mo.-$265 1 yr.-$490 M"k,' ,Iwck, p"y"hll' 10 Campaigner Publications, Inc. diqribulIllg tlgPllh for N('w '-,olidMitv Intf'rn.ltiol1.l1 PH'''''' �{'rvin>J .lIld Ill.til to 9 • I () qU.llity tor Ih<, ....pPl idl 3 month <,Uh-.l rlptioll oitpr, your ordl'r rnu... t Clll1p"iglH'1 Public.Hioll' G.p.a. Box 1 20, N('w York, N.Y. 10001 30,1979. I", II" I'iVl'd hy April '>I)('cldl oif('! good ill 1I.'>., ClIlddd, ( Il'dil ,."d hold!'" c., II. loll frr'!' 800-621-580'1. 24 h" . .I ddy-7 d"y' .I w!'!'k . •lIld MC'xico only. III Illilloi, ,.ill 800-<J72-5BS8. The European election agenda Following French President Valery tary Fund, and defeating the City of ous is the fact that neither Schmidt Giscard d'Estaing's dramatically London's aim to hurl the globe into nor Giscard can count on their own successful Moscow summit with So­ a new Dark
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