.Grading might change; DUSC hears proposal By TOBIAS NAEGELE so on. A proposal to change the Mogavero explained that current grading system and a the letter had not yet been continued discussion of the sent to the Senate, but said he North Central Campus keg stressed in his presentation to ban highlighted the meeting DUSC that student support is of the Delaware essential to the success of the Undergraduate Student Con­ proposal. ' gress (DUSC) Monday after­ "I'd look pretty bad if I noon, according to President didn't have the support of the Bruce Rogers. student body," he said, ad- Professor Donald . ding that he asked that DUSC Mogavero of the communica­ also send a letter to the tions department read from a Senate's undergraduate letter addressed to the Facul­ studies committee as ty Senate committee on evidence of at least tenative undergraduate studies . student support. stating his concern with the The benefits of the system "ability of the current are obvious, Mogavero said. grading system (A, B, C, D, In what he termed as a "na­ etc.) to accurately reflect the tional trend," grades are performance levels common receiving greater considera­ Review Photo by Bill Wood in the classroom." tion, i!nd professors are NUCLEAR WEAPON Fenton said the 35 people isolated from a lot of in­ "The range provided by the becoming more stockpiling and deploy­ who participated in the formation," Fenton said. A, B, C system is simply too discriminating in their ment was protested during demonstration were divid­ "They don't have to take wide to allow for accurate grading. a demonstration on the ed into two groups, the their parent's views on assessment," he read. "The "While many universities Mall by the Safe Energy · "Russians" and lhe these issues. We do have situation in which a student have long ago adopted Coalition on Veterans Day, "Americans," who were energy problems in this scores just below the B level, systems that are more Nov.ll. led by a person with a wodd ~we don't think but must get a C is one we are discriminating," he wrote, Safe Energy Coalition Ronald Reagan mask. "We nuclear power is the all familiar with.'' "ours becomes more ob­ Treasurer Anne Fenton threw cardboard MX answer." For that reason, Mogavero solete. We feel that our cur­ said the purpose of the missiles back and forth said, he is in favor of im­ rent system lacks the ac­ demonstration was "to and when one dropped, we The coalition, which has plementing grading system curacy to assess the variation make people think. We all died." about 25 student members that includes plusses and in performance levels attain­ believe that in the next war The group's primary and 70 members in the minuses, thus augmenting ed by our students and as a there will be no veterans goal, Fenton said, is to community, meets every the possible grade choices result does not provide the because nuclear weapons educate students and the first and third Tuesday in and increasing "both the ac­ student with an equitable will be used. We wanted community in the areas of the United Campus curacy and the quality of distribution of rewards and people to think, whether it nuclear power and Ministry Center on Or­ grading." (Continued to page 8} was good thoughts or bad." weaponry. "Students are chardRoad. While Mogavero has not yet come up with a specific pro­ posal as to how the new grading system would be con­ Vitalo diSmissed after handing in resignation verted to the numerical scale, . By DEBBIE FRANKEL warned that if they didn't answer the orders may be charged with misde- he said in a later interview Newark Building Inspector Angelo questions, they would face dismissal." meanors." that he favored the use of an Vitalo was fired Wednesday because he Carmen Crisconi, a Newark During the hearing, Vitalo's lawyer, "equidistant" scale. For ex­ refused to answer questions posed to~ developer, was the key witness in a Vincent Ramunno, said that his client ample, he explained, an A­ at a public hearing Tuesday night, sa1d federal investigation of the City Building "did public service for the city of would translate to 3.67, a B+ City Manager Peter Marshall. Department. Earlier this fall, Crisconi Newark, for 18 years... and until the would translate to a 3.33 and The hearing was called to clear up city told federal investigators that he had federal investigation, his integrity was council's questions on the grand jury in- made payoffs to Vitalo and Edwards. never questioned." vestigation which looked into the prac- Crisconi was charged with perjury for Ramunno said that Vitalo resigned tices of the city building department. his inconsistent testimony, but was ac- . because he lost confidence in Marshall. on Vitalo was suspended with pay on Oct. quitted by U.S. District Court Judge "Since it is obvious that the city coun- 8, Marshall said in a phone intervi~w Walter Stapleton. The federal investiga- cil will not replace Marshall, my client Wednesday, "because of a conversatiOn tion is still continuing since the grand submits his resignation," Ramunno the he had with me, in which he expressed jury has kept the records open. said. "But this resignation was caused things that were inconsistent with what The hearing on Tuesday had been call- by Vitalo's lack of confidence in his inside he had said before." ed to answer the council's specific ques- superiors, not because of the grand jury Marshall, who was responsible for the tions about alleged violations of the investigation." dismissal, ~id Vitalo's ref~l to building code during the restoration of According to Marshall, Vitalo resign­ 'Reaganomics' questioned. answer questions that were "legitimate- the Grainery Station at 100 Elkton Road. ed because he didn't want to answer the ly posed by th~ city solicito~ at a ~ect~on The hearing was also designed to pro- council's questions. last two Conservatism lecture 403 (of the c1ty charte!-") mvestigative vide the council with additional informa- "He wrote that letter and sa1d he was Series speakers examine financial council" prompted his firing. tion on the Carmen Crisconi grand jury resigning because of his lack of con- plan ....................... .. 3,4 Vitalo, had offered a l.etter of resigna- trial. fidence in me," Marshall said. "But I tion to the council at the hearing, then Attended by about 100 Newark don't think his resignation had anything refused to testify claiming the Fifth residents, the public hearing was con- to do with his lack of confidence in me." Amendment. ducted under Section 403 of the city An additional reason for Vitalo's fir- Down memory lane "That was the same thing he did at the charter. Section 403 says, in part, that ing, Marshall said, was that he Crisconi trial and the grand jury in- "the council may make an investigation disagreed· with the tone and content of UD alumni remember .... .. .....9 vestigation," Marshall said. "The two into the affairs of the city and the con- Vitalo's letter of resignation presented 'people (Vitalo and Assistant Building duct of any city official or agency... Any Tuesday night, and with statements Director Bobby Lee Edwards) were person who refuses to answer such (Continued to pog. 31 Page 2 • THE REVIEW • November 13, 1981 4 Advertise 80 violations found in rowhouses By DAN PIPER Building Director Angelo I comment about the . city's Vitalo was suspended on Oct. I Eighty housing code viola­ notice. 8 following a grand jury in­ • tions were found in six City officials inspected the vestigation of the city Academy Street rowhouses rowhouses and other rental building department. • by city inspectors during last properties in October as part month's rental housing in­ of a proposed city-wide en­ Smith said the inspections spections. forcement of the housing code had been postponed "at least University education pro­ and overcrowding violations, until we get our house in fessor Anthony Scarangello, but had to curtail the inspec­ order." o· off ••= who owns the houses, was tions "due to a shortage of i. 1 0'o ~f~u~~~!ants notified of the violations Nov. staff," according to Acting The notice Scarangello Chamelons Jl 5 and given 30 days to show a Director of Building Dennis received from the city • hermit crabs . • "genuine effort" to make Smith. building department stated, •. ~.r Super Special-Baby Ferrets $32.95 • repairs before he would be Smith has been director of "a recent inspection of your • Offer Expires- Nov. 31, 1981• •e fined. both the building and elec­ rental properties on Academy Scarangello declined to trical departments since city Street realized several viola­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tions ... " "Some of the viola­ tions require immediate at­ tention ... " The notification includes lists of the violations and stated that the properties would be "reinspected after 30 days to check on the pro­ gress of repairs. Inspectors. found several major violations in the siX rowhouses. Four of the buildings do not have fire escapes on the third floor, two have "unsafe" hot water heaters and two more have "inadequate and/or unsafe heat sources in the dining · room," according to the notice. Many of the houses have exposed wires in light fixtures and outlets. In three houses the flue from the heater is not sealed, in one house the floor joists (the timbers on which the floor is laid.) have cracked, and several o'f the hou~s nave stairs leading to the base­ ment that lack railings. Some of the minor viola­ tions include windows without ·screens; rubbish in the base­ ment; a leaking water closet; holes in walls; a leaking roof and windows that will riot open.
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