.,. MUNICIPAL STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLAN . MASTER PLAN ELJ!MENT BOROUGH OF MIDDLESEX . MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW·JERSEY Adopted: March 30, 2005 Final Draft dated: March 18, 2005 PREPARED FOR BOROUGH OF MIDDLESEX PLANNING BOARD . PREPAREDBY: ROBERT~4--~~ W. BUCCO, JR., P.E., C.M.E. KEITH W. HENDERSON, P.E., P.P. BOROUGH OF MIDDLESEX ENG/NEE SENIOR VICE P~SIDENT Licensed Professional Engineer No. GE 38132 Licensed Professional Engineer No. GE 30804 Licensed Professional Planner No. LI 03S76 1!M .::... SSC•CI.~ TE5 11 Tindall Road 181 Westfield Avenue Middletown, NJ 07748 Clark, NJ 07066 (732) 671-6400 (732) 388-2~26 March2005 The original oflhis document has been sigJted and sealed in accordllllcc with N.J.S.A. 45:l4A•I et. seq. llenglprojects\MDBOI00080\Cnlculntfons & ReportslDRAFT Middlesex MSWMP mnrlmpl.doc ' .• MEMBERS OF THE 2005 PLANNING BOARD David Briggs, Chairperson Anthony Parente, Vice-Chairman Sean Kaplan Andrew Galicia Charles Knehr Sheila Fuhrmann Albert Lowande Mike Hompesch, Council Representative Joseph Waide, Secretary Lilli&Q. Dooley, 1st Alternate Brian Platten, 2nd Alternate Samuel Inglese, Esq., Board Attorney T&M Asso~iates, Board Engineer John Chadwick, IV, P.P., Board Planner Daniel Coppola, Zoning Officer/Constructi<?n Official Donna Murray, Planning/Zoning Board, Clerk RESOLUTION ADOPTING MUNICIPAL STORMWATER ..MANACil iMENT AS A PART OF THE MASTER PLAN AND RECOMN.CENDING ITS ADOPTION BY THE MA YORAND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF MID.DLESEX. WHEREAS, pursuant to THE PUBLICATION OF THE United States ' Environmental Protection Agency Phase 11 rules adopted in J?ecember 1999, the.Ne"".; Jersey Departme~t ofEnvkonmental protection in compliance with the aforesaid publicaiion adopted N.J.A.C. 7:14A-25 which requires all New Jersey Municipalities ~o · adopt a Storm Water Management Plan; (Plan); and W~EREAS, pursuant thereto the Planning Board reviewed the Plan at ~ public meeting h~ld on March 3Q 2005 at which no members ofth~_Public appeare~; ~d WHEREAS, after review of the Plan this board has-decided to approve the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Municipal Stonn Water Management Plan, prepared by T&M Associates, dated February 2005, is herewith approved, subject to the approval of ¢,e Middlesex County Planning Board .. BE'. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution and the Plan be referred to the M~yor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex for review, adoption.' and submission to the· Middlesex County Planning Board. <j;;qc~ David Briggs, Ch TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................ ..... .... .. ................................... .................................... ... , ................ ... ·•·········•··•· ......................... 1 .Goals and Ob'J·ecti'ves .. -..................................................................... ................ ............... ..... ..................................... 2 STORMWATER Dlscusslo,,,... , ······························ ....................................................... .. .. ......... ................................ 4 H..,.,vdro/o,cric o· C:vcle'J .... ... .. .. .. .................... ... ............. ..............· .................................. ........... .................................... 4 Jjr:mtpac•s ,, o·l'Sto~ . rm"'•ater"' ........ .. ... ... ......... ...................................................................· ............. .............. •.... •· ••· ...... ••· .. 5 BACKGROUND ...................................................... ............................................ '!'•···· .. •. .................................... , ...... 7 Demoo··,~a,nh1·c.'S -:r and Land u~1 '"e ............... ... .... .. .... .. ....· .. ... .. ........... .. ..... ....... .... ........................... .. ... ........................................ 7 Waterways .............................................................................................................................................. 10 17,,,,Fater QuaJ1·ty ·······.....................· ................ ................................. .. ............................ ................ •• ....... ... •· ... •· ..... ·... 13 . ,,.UFQter Quantz•ty .. .......................................................................................................... •.. .............. ••• .. ••••••••• .... •......... 15 G,, ..oundwater Rechar·o.eo· ........ .... .... ................. .... .... .. ..........· ....... ...... ..... ........... ..._ ..................................... ....... ..................................... 15 DESIGN AND PERFORM. ANCE STANDARDS .................................................................. ................. :........................ 19 ........................................... 21 PLAN CONSISTENCY. ................................................... ................................................. .......... ' 11 Re•oional0• s.·•o~mwater' , , JYJIana'o.ement O' Plans .... ... .... • •• •••• ...... , ... , ....... • .............. •••• • • •••• •• • ..... .. • ........................................ 21 11 .J.1,.,.otal .lYllax1·mum Da1·/rv'J' Loads .................. .. ....... ......... ........................... .. .... , ................... .. .. ............................................ 21 . Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) ............................................................................_. ....... 21 Sol·1 Conse ,... vw •11 tz·on ........... ......... .. ........ ..... ............... .. ........................ .................... ............. ........ ........................................... 21 ST-ORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ...................................................................................................... 22 Non-Structural Strategies .. .................................................................................................................... 23 11 I.Jic,tructu"'"i IW Sto"m"'aterI, ff' ,, .Jt'.llanagement ........... .....................· ...... ....................... .. ... .. .... ,, ......... ..... ••••• ............................................ 26 LAND Ust:J..,, BUILD-OUT ANALYSIS ......................................................................... ............................ :............... 31 MITIGATION PLAN ....................................................................................................................................... 35 Mitigation Project Criteria ............................................. .. .. ................................................................... 35 1 Develormer JV..ti"'1·1,·gat,·on Plan R,,qu,·~1 ,1..ements ........................ ... .. ............................. .......... ... ................................ 35 RECOMMENDATIONS .................. .' ............................................................................................................... 37 REFERENCES ................................................. :. ............................................................................................ 39 r .\ I LIST OF TABLES r TABLE 1 : HISTORICAL POPULATION TRENDS 1930 - 2000 ......................................................................... 7 TABLE 2: GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................... : ............................ 9 I TABLE 3: 2004 BOROUGH OF MIDDLESEX VICINITY INTEGRATED WATER BODIES .................................. 14 TABLE 4: TSS REMC>V AL RATES FOR B~s ...........................................~ ...... -............................................ 30 LIST OF FIGURES FIOURE 1: THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE ........................................................................................................... 4 FIOURE 2: TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ..................................................................................................................... 8 FIGURE 3: ZONING MAP ......................................................................................................................_....... 11 FIGURE4: WATERWAYS ........................................... •··-······················ ................................................. ;..... 12 FIGURE 5: GR01:JNDWA TER RECHARGE AREA ...................................................... :..................................... 17 FIGURE 6: WELLHEAD. PROTECTION AREAS ............. ............ ........... ............................................................ 18 FIGURE 7: EXISTING LAND USE .................................................................................................................. 32 FIGURE 8: HYDROLOGICUNITS (HUC-14S) ...................................... ,........................................................ 33 FIGURE 9: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ·······················"·"·······"·······"··········· .. ··· ................................ 34 Municipal Stocmwatcr Management Plan Borough of Middle$cx, County of Middlesex -riM March 2005 ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION As a r~sult of the publication of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Phase II rules in December 1999, the New Jersey Department of Environmental -Protection (NJDEP) promulgated new storm.water regulations to address non-point source pollution entering surface and ground waters of the State of New Jersey. Under these regulations, municipalities where issued a New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) Permi~ that established various statewide basic requirements. One of these requirements is the development and adoption
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