SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2018 A super swan song By Paul Halloran FOR THE ITEM LYNN — In what was a tting farewell to someone who has been a champion of the arts, retiring school superintendent Dr. Catherine C. Latham was honored with a musical tribute by Lynn Public Schools students Friday night at Lynn English. There were performances by the fth- grade choirs of Harrington, Sisson and Shoemaker elementary schools, led by music teachers Cynthia Altsman, Lisa PHOTO | BOB ROCHE Moriarty and Julie Carroll; the all-city Dr. Catherine C. Latham with Jorge Ibanez and the Lynn English High School Concert Choir at a musical tribute to honor the outgoing superintendent on Friday. LATHAM, A2 SENIOR MOMENTS Hats off to Weather can’t slow It’s all uphill Lynn eld graduates Peabody celebration for Saugus ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK PHOTO | PAULA MULLER Marc Alperen throws his hands up in the air ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE Lynn eld High graduates toss their caps as he hears his name and walks down the Marilyn Cau eld, Saugus High School Band in the air following the conclusion of their track to get his diploma at Peabody Veter- president, tears up while playing the last commencement ceremony on Friday. ans Memorial High School on Friday. song she will ever play with the band. By Steve Krause By Lindsey Ryan By Bridget Turcotte ITEM STAFF ITEM STAFF ITEM STAFF LYNNFIELD — Lynn eld High School awarded PEABODY — The 2018 Peabody Veterans Memo- SAUGUS — For Saugus High School’s Class of diplomas to 157 graduates Friday night in an hour- rial High School graduates are resilient. A little rain 2018, it’s about the climb. long ceremony on the football eld outside the school. and mugginess wasn’t going to stop them from cel- “People say that high school is the best four years School Superintendent Jane Tremblay, addressing ebrating their successes during Friday’s commence- of your life,” said Salutatorian Rachel Virgin. “But the graduates and their families and friends, noted ment ceremony. now that I have lived those four years myself, I can that she began her tenure the same year (2014) the The stands at Coley Lee Field were packed with safely say those people, whoever they may be, are current class entered its freshman year. cheering family members waiting to catch a glimpse mistaken.” “Class of 2018,” she said, “it looks like we did OK.” of their walking across the stage to reach their di- That’s not to say that they’re terrible, or even bad, The graduates heard from three of their classmates ploma. said Virgin, who wants to be an English teacher. during the ceremony, which began under humid and Senior class co-presidents Tabbitha Bono and Ann “The problem with saying these past four years showery skies but ended with a fresh breeze blowing Manning delivered the welcoming address through were the greatest years that life has to offer is a lit- over the eld. a bout of unwelcome wet weather to the more than tle sad, isn’t it?” said Virgin. “Our lives have only LYNNFIELD, A8 PEABODY, A8 SAUGUS, A2 Walls fundraising INSIDE Downtown Lynn Lynn School board soars Beyond takes aim at garage sues city security measures. A2 Revere expectations New owners scoop to stay open up NECCO. A2 By Thomas Grillo ists from Lynn and around the By Thomas Grillo operate had been discontinued. ITEM STAFF world to leave their imprint on Opinion ITEM STAFF Auto repair facilities are not an downtown buildings. It created Shribman: Robert F. allowed use in the downtown and LYNN — Beyond Walls, the art an economic boom when more Kennedy and the great LYNN — The owner of an auto does not t the city’s vision for a and lighting project that put a than 5,000 visitors ocked to unknowns. A4 repair shop on Willow Street rejuvenated arts district. spotlight on the city’s downtown Lynn and spent money in local has led suit against the city for James Lamanna, the city’s at- last year, has nearly doubled its restaurants and businesses. Sports shutting his business down. torney, said several members of fundraising goal. Last month, 1,405 people con- St. Mary’s softball In the four-page complaint, the ZBA had driven by the site “We had 60 days to raise tributed $93,487 through Patro- starts strong but Josue Amaya, owner of Josue and not seen any activity there $50,000, but ended up raising nicity, a Michigan crowdfunding can’t finish. B1 Auto Body Shop and Mechanic for 20 years. nearly $94,000,” said Al Wilson, platform that connects nonprof- Inc., alleges the Zoning Board of “That suggests the business founder and executive director its with sponsors, to the cause. Peabody’s Gustin Appeals (ZBA) erred last month has not been operating,” he said. of Beyond Walls, the nonpro t Among the donors who put earns second straight when they denied his company But Amaya’s attorney, Sam which brought art to downtown them over the top include Land NEC MVP. B1 a permit to add auto body work Vitali, argues it’s been an auto buildings. “It’s a culmination of of A Thousand Hills Coffee Co, to the repair shop services they repair since the 1920s. He said lots of people giving to the cause.” Brothers Deli, and John’s Roast Third time’s a charm offer. his client was simply seeking ap- Last year, Wilson raised Beef & Seafood, he said. for St. Mary’s, Fenwick But the panel argued the shop proval to add auto body work to $80,000 from 1,388 donors and boys lacrosse. B1 hasn’t repaired cars for more made it possible to bring 23 art- BEYOND WALLS, A2 than two years, so the license to GARAGE, A2 LOOK! .......................................A7 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 OPINION ...................................A4 HIGH 78° VOL. 140, ISSUE 148 GRADUATION ............................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 LOW 54° SPORTS ................................ B1-3 REAL ESTATE .............................B8 PAGE A7 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2018 Lynn school board takes aim at security measures By Gayla Cawley school shooting threats, cedures, and have some through an unlocked door have known about it right same week students ITEM STAFF like the one at Lynn En- professional development, after the incident. Lamar away.” learned of the threat at glish, happen all too often. Latham said. Craig Harris, a parent of Holey said these kinds Lynn English, and a stu- LYNN — In the wake of On Thursday morning, she But she said “what we a Lynn English student, of threats are terroristic dent was sent home after a school shooting threat at said four separate simi- did at Lynn English is the recorded himself as he — the prime weapon of having a panic attack, Lynn English High School, lar incidents occurred in protocol that we always walked into the school terror is fear and whoever Sanchez said. The incident administration officials Sudbury, Northborough, follow.” and expressed his frus- made the threat, when it was really scary, she said, will conduct a review and Southborough and Ando- “I think a full review of trations with Strangie. He got out, won. update of school security getting emotional when ver. the protocol makes a lot posted the video on Face- “This has happened be- she said she was thinking protocols. “Because of the event of sense, and we’ll all look book, where it was wide- fore in the Lynn Public Police, parents and stu- that she just wanted to be at English High, more forward to and appreciate ly shared among parents Schools and has not been able to graduate. dents were not notified schools and districts are the results of that,” said and others. disseminated in the past “The point is we were not of the threat until three reporting now and in Jared Nicholson, a mem- Latham said the door because we did not believe told and we were supposed weeks after it was found the vast majority of cas- ber of the School Commit- Harris used was broken those threats were credi- by school officials. es, schools are not closed tee. and has been fixed. ble and we did not want to to be told and the police of- Parents were notified of and a police presence is Lynn Police Officer Oren School Committee vice- create fear,” he said. ficers were not told,” San- the threat via a robocall provided, which is exact- Wright, the school safety chair Donna Coppola said Wright said students chez said. “I think it’s im- by Lynn English princi- ly what we did,” Latham and emergency planning there wasn’t enough done would be less inclined to portant to focus on the fact pal Thomas Strangie last said. “What happens with- liaison, said he believes to reassure the parents. share information with that everybody wants the Tuesday, which explained out fail in every situation the incident at Lynn En- Lorraine Gately, a mem- police than school officials. students to be safe. What that three weeks prior, is that we investigate glish was dealt with as ber of the School Commit- Once he gets involved, he happened, happened — he someone had written on thoroughly. We never, ever best it could be expected, tee, said she was not upset said, students’ miranda didn’t tell parents until the bathroom wall about a would endanger anyone in citing a police presence at about how the situation rights would kick in. three weeks after. Let’s school shooting that could our schools.” the school last Friday, the was handled, but the de- Bridgett Sanchez, a stu- move on from that.
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