APRIL CARDINAL HAYES' CRIME STUDY A Review of Edwin J. Cooley's "Probation and Delinquency" Investigation THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY-A LENTEN PASTORAL By Most Rev. Edward D. Howard, D.D. CATHOLIC FEATURES OF RADIO BROADCASTING By Carl Ochs "THE PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL LIFE" By Rev. John A. Ryan, .D. MAY DAY-CHILD HEALTH DAY By Mary E. Spencer REVIEW OF 69TH CO 'RESS By William F. Montavon Additional Features Two Former Members of N. C. W. C. Administrative Committee Claimed by Death-Forecast of the 54th Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Social Work-Regional Industrial Con­ ferencefor Middle Atlantic States Held at Harrisburg, March 21-22, 1927-Two Comments on the Holy Father's Address to the Lenten Preachers-Cleveland Catholic Women Hold Precon­ vention Meeting-Report of Lourdes Meeting of International Federation of Catholic Women's Leagues-Santa Barbara Council, N. C. C. W., Reviews Two Fruitful Years-The Austrian Social Action Union-Work of the Catholic Reading Guild of London-N. C. c. M. Executive Secretary's Page-What Catholic Women Are Doing At Home-Around the Conference Table CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION SERIES: XLV.-Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; and XLVI.-D'Youville ColJege, Buffalo, N. Y. REVERENT OBSERVANCE OF GOOD FRIDAY MOVEMENT-An Editorial Published Monthly by the NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE 1312 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D. C. 2 N. C. W. C"; BULLETIN AprilJ 1927 By A Word With Our Readers The Editor Reverent Observance of Good Friday HE NATIONAL COUNCILS OF CATHOLIC MEN AND OF CATHOLIC \VOJ\fEN are urging, both through their T own units and through their affiliated individual and organiza­ tion memberships, wider acceptance on the part of the general public of the movement inaugurated several years ago for a more reverent N. C. W. C. observance of Good Friday. I T HAS been found, wherever the movement has been prop- BULLETIN erly launched and directed, that Protestants eagerly join with Catholics in promoting the movement and in campaigning among commercial concerns for a cessation of business, a closing of the­ aters and movie houses, and a general attendance upon church ser­ Published Monthly by the vices between the hours of noon and three o'clock on Good Friday. NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE I N A number of states, it is provided by statute that all public schools be closed on Good Friday. In many communities local Entered as second·class matter October 6, 1921, at the post office at Washington, D. C., ordinances provide for the suspension of public business during the under the Act of March 3, 1879. Accepted for three-hour period. More and more, through appeals to local cham­ mailing at special rate of postage provided for hers of commerce, merchants' and manufacturers' associations, em­ in section n63. Act of October 3, 1917, author· ployers' organizations, etc., working men and women-Catholics and ized October 27, 1921. Subscription Price: One dollar per year in advance; outside the non-Catholics alike-are being permitted to absent themselves. from United States, $1.25 per year. their employment without loss of pay in order to be present at church. In many cases, the privilege is extended for the entire day. N. C. W. C. Administrative Commfttee T AST year, in Detroit, the Diocesan Holy Name Union dis­ MOST ' REV. EDWARD J. HANNA, D.D. L tributed over 35,000 window cards reading "We close from 12 Archbishop of San Francisco to 3 on Good Friday" with the result that the whole city's business Chairtnan came to a standstill during that time. In Indianapolis, a joint ap­ MOST REv. AUSTIN DOWLING, D.D. peal, signed by Bishop Chartrand and the Protestant Episcopal and Archbishop of St. Paul :\1ethodist Bishops, was sent out with beneficial results. In San t-rancisco, where Archbishop Hanna is honorary president of the "Reverent Chairmatl Department of Education Observance of Good Friday Movement," practically every store in the down­ RT. REv. P. J. MULDOON, D.D. town section and 90 per cent of the business houses in the outer and suburban sections, closed down last year, and more than 500,000 Catholics joined in the Bishop of Rockford ceremonies of the Sacred Passion held in the churches and chapels of the city. Chairman Departme.nt of Social Action Fnrther, the non-Catholics of San Francisco were advised of the hours of services in the Catholic Churches and invited to be present. In Chicago, the RT. REV. JOSEPH SCHREMBS, D.D. Ecclesiastical Merchants' Guild, composed of Catholic publishers, church goods Bishop of Cleveland manufacturers and dealers, with representation in eight western states, have Chairma1l Department of Lay oeen influential in promoting the Good Friday observance movement, each Orga1l.izations member, not only pledging himself to close his own place of business Good Friday noon, but also trying to persuade as many other houses as possible to RT. REV. EDMUND F. GIBBONS, D.D. cio the same thing. In a number of other cities, there have been brought about Bishop of Albany similarly edifying results through the initiative of Catholic prelates, priests and lay leaders. Thus general public interest in the reverent observance of Chairma1l Legal Department Good ~riday has bee~ qu.ickened and a more widespread recognition of the RT. REv. PHILIP R. McDEVITT, D.D. so.1 emmty of the d~y IS bemg reported each year. It is to be hoped that 1927 wlll register the hIghest mar~ of public respect yet recorded for the Church's Bishop of Harrisburg solemn observance of the anmversary of the Crucifixion of Our Lord. Chairman Department of Pu,blicity, Press N ADDITION, let our people inform themselves of the sacred liturgy of the and Literat·ure I Church and the solemn office adapted to excite in the hearts of the faithful RT. REV. THOMAS F. LILLIS, D.D. those various sentiments of love ~nd grati.tude. ?f compassion. f?r the sufferings Bishop of Kansas City of Christ, of sorrow and detestatlOn for sm. which every ChnstIan ought to feel during this holy time. REv. JOHN J. BURKE, C.S.P. ANOTHER suggestion. \Vhy not giv~ to interested ':lon-Catholics pam~h~ets n such as those published by the Paul1st Press, AmerIca. The Sunday Y'lsltor General Secretary Press, and others, explaining the liturgy for Holy .Week? The opportun~ty of reading "The Passion" and of witnessing the subltme ofi!ce and ceremOl1les of Good Friday may result, in more than one instance, III a convert for the Church. CHARLES A. McMAHON, Editor ROPER participation in the great mysteries ~h~c.h. the Church commemo­ Office of Publication Prates during Holy Week holds out great posslblhtles f<;>r al~ 0.£ us. We 1312 Massachusetts Avenue have the opportunity, not only to increase the love of Chnst wlthtn our own hearts, but to ext€nd His kingdom in the hea~ts of oth~r~, who, through' a want Washington, D. C. of instruction, have not yet sensed the meamng of. t~IS week of sorrows" or yet realized the great things that God has wrought mIt. April, 1927 N. C. W. C. BULLETIN 3 AROUND THE CONFERENCE TABLE "Come now, that we may ta.ke counsel together. "-2 Esdras, Chapter VI: 7. THE. REV. THOMAS J. TOOLEN, MOST NOTABLE accomplishment director of the Home and Foreign HE PROGRAM of the 17th Annual A has just been registered in the TConvention of the Catholic Press Mission Society for the Propagation of the Association of the United States and Diocese of Springfield, Ill., where the Dia- Faith in the Archdiocese Canada, to be held at the Hotel De Soto, mond Jubilee Cathedral New of Baltimore, has been Savannah, Ga., on May 19, 20 and 21, Bishop Campaign exceeded its Bishop of appointed by the Holy 1927, has been issued. The ..subJects to Griffin'S goal of $750,000 by ap- be discussed by the two sections of the Mobile Father sixth Bishop of convention are as follows: Achievement proximately a quarter of Mobile, Ala., succeeding MAGAZINE SECTION (May 19)­ a million dollars. This the late Right Rev. Edward P. Allen, who Subject: "The Standard .of a Catholic most substantial over-subscription is an died last October. Magazine." Paper by Mary Synon; dis­ unmistakable tribute to the dignified and News of his elevation came to Bishop­ cussion by Michael Williams, editor of efficient campaign leadership of Bishop "The Commonweal," and Rev. Faustin elect Toolen on his forty-first birthday and Hack, C.F.M., managing editor, "Fran­ Griffin, whose three years of unremitting was received with great rejoicing in the ciscan Herald." Subject: "The Fiction labor have resulted, not only in an un­ Baltimore Arch'diocese, especially in St. in Catholic Magazines." Paper by Claude precedented expansion of the Church plant Bernard's Parish, where he labored for 18 J. Pernin, S.J., associate editor, "Exten­ in this midwestern diocese, but in a re­ sion Magazine"; discussion by Miss Ag­ years, and in St. Edward's Parish, where nes P. Martin, associate editor, "Good markable stimulation of religious and spir­ he resides with his brother, Rev. William Counsel Magazine," and Rev. Benedict itual endeavor in every phase of Catholic A. Toolen, who is pastor there. Father Brown, O.S.B., editor, "The Grail!' Sub­ life. Toolen was appointed director of the ject: "The Ethics of Circulation Build­ In his statement of appreciation, pub­ Propagation of the Faith in March, 1925, ing." Paper by Very Rev. Lewis J. O'Hern, C.S.P., editor, "The Mission­ lished in The Western Catholic, the and has made an exceptional record in the ary"; discussion by John J.
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