Index Where individual streets, buildings and other subjects have more than one page reference, substantive references are in bold type. Symbols in the left-hand margin indicate individuals and firms known to have worked on the fabric of the area, including authors of unexecuted designs: aarchitects, surveyors and designers bbuilders, contractors and allied tradesmen ccraftsmen, artists and decorators eengineers (civil, structural, etc.) ssuppliers of building materials, plant and fittings aA&Q Partnership 155, 158, 171, 186, 188 Albion Road 108, 113, 288–9 Abbey National Building Society 202 Albion Sugar Company 111, 114 ABC 276 Albion Terrace 289, Ill. 292 Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus 16, 145–6, 177–8 Albion Wharf 61, 114 Academy (Old Royal Military) see Royal Arsenal, Building Albury Street, Deptford 42 40 Aldershot 338, 431 Academy Place 33, 444 Alexander II, Tsar 179 aAckroyd, S. W. 28, 113, 214, 217 Alexandria, Egypt 141 Acorn Street 289 Alfred, King 2 Adair, Col. Robert A. Shafto (Lord Waveney) 334 aAllen, R. M. 228 bsAdam, William (Adam & Co.) 149–50, 335 Allen, Thomas 39 Adam’s Cottages 288 aAllford Hall Monaghan Morris 72 Adams, Maurice B. 46 aAllies and Morrison Architects 84, 187–8, 234 Adams Hydraulics 284 Allison, Sir Richard 78 Addiscombe College 425, 428 almshouses 49–50, 315, Ill. 28 Adelaide Place 435, 440 cAltenburger, Ekkehard 68 Adeyemi, Dr Tayo 78 Alton Estate, Roehampton 315, 323, 408 aAdie, Button and Partners 388–9 Amalgamated Society of Engineers 15, 213, 226 Admiral p.h. 385 ambulance garage and stations 64, 114, 267 Admiralty Building 114 AMEC 234 Admiralty House, Whitehall 98, 425 Amicable Benefit Society 10 Admiralty Works Department 101 ammunition making see armaments manufacturing and Admiralty 22, 29, 42, 190, 242, 288, 365–9, 386, 396, 440; Royal Arsenal and Woolwich Dockyard 90, 93, 96, 98, 101, 107, 109–13 Amos, Edward 253 Adye, Sir John Miller 430, 434 Anchor Cottage 375 Agamemnon 111 Anchor p.h. 282 AEI 125 aAnderson, James H. 274 Aelfrthryth 2 Anderson, John 185–7 Afghan War (Second) 362 eAnderson, Sir John 159, 164–7, 170, 173–4 agriculture 9, 68 Anderson, Sir William 177 air-raid shelters 125, 183, 268, 440–2 aAndrews Sherlock & Partners 407 aAitchison: George senior 55; George junior 55, 437 Andrews, W. S. 409 Akers-Douglas Committee 432 Anglesea Arms p.h. 396, 398–9, Ill. 414 Alan Baxter and Associates 184 Anglesea Avenue 398 Albany Homes 117 Anglesea House, Plumstead 438 Albert Dock 62 Anglesea Lane 280 Albert Rooms, Eleanor Road 205 Anglesea Mews 398 Albert Terrace 240 Anglesea Road 393, 396–7, 398, 406, 408 Albert, Prince 240 Anglesey, 1st Marquess 334, 399 Albion Cottages 377 bAnglian Building Products 322–3 Albion Hall 286 bAnglo Holt Construction 217 Albion House 323 Anglo-Dutch Wars 5, 38, 90, 130, 134 Albion p.h. 289, 325, Ill. 291 Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. 124 482 INDEX INDEX aAnkur Architects 397 Ashmore Road (formerly Middle Road) 434 Barnett, Isaac 251 sBennett, John 145 Ann Street, later Rush Grove 368 bAshton, Isaac 147 aBarnett, John 23, 256 aBennett (T. P.) & Son 73 Ann Street, now Pett Street, q.v. ASRA Greater London Housing Association 408 Barnett, Canon Samuel 25 bBennett Construction 84 Annington Homes Ltd 417 Assembly 185, Ill. 149 aBarr, Ewen 212 Bent, Rev. John Oxenham 304 Anson, Rev. Adelbert 46, 291, 301, 304 Associated British Cinemas 276 Barrack Construction Department 36, 386 Bentham, Samuel 96, 98–9, 105 Antelope Road 102, 116–17 Associated Electrical Industries Group AEI) 125 Barrack Court 414 Beresford, Viscount 162, 225, 381 bApollo London Ltd 317 Astley’s Theatre, Lambeth 80 Barrack Field 21, 342–3, 352, 358, 360, 419–20, 431, Beresford Arms p.h. 79 bAppleby (John) and Sons 272 aAtkinson: Robert & Partners 339; William 162, 416 440–2, Ill. 350 Beresford Dining Rooms 230 Arabin, Mr 7 Atomic Energy Authority (UK) 175, 442 Barrack Tavern, Woolwich Common 421, 434–5; see also Beresford Gate 21, 27, 79, 162–3, 183, 185, 225–7, aArchigram 275 Atomic Weapons Research Establishment 442, Ill. 463 King’s Arms p.h. Ills 153–7, 216 aArchitectural Research Partnership 387 sAttersoll (W.) and Co. 149 barracks 33–6, 108, 136, 145–7 (Woolwich Warren), Beresford Square 15, 25, 28, 49, 79, 163, 197–200, 225–30, aArchitype Ltd 28, 33, 304, 324, 413 auctioneers and estate agents 29, 69, 73, 193, 200, 203, 205, 190, 247–50 (Grand Depot), 327–32, 336–43 (Royal 234, 237, Ills 184, 216–22; High Pavement 224, 228, aArdin & Brookes & Partners 241 251 Artillery), 347 (Connaught), 362 (Green Hill), 368–72 Ill. 221; market 82, 226–7; Nos 1–5 228; Nos 6–9 207; Arif Bey 250 Augusta, Princess 354 (Marine or Cambridge), 384, 414, 422, 425, 440 Nos 10–14 229; Nos 15–18 225, 230 armaments manufacturing 9, 27, 57, 164–7, 176–7, 183–4, Aurangzeb 343 Barracks and Hospital Improvement Commission 36, 338, Beresford Street 5, 39, 67, 79–84, 187, 226, 228, Ills 47, 68, 272; ammunition 129, 134–5, 140, 144, 159, 161, 167–8; aAustin-Smith/Salmon/Lord Partnership 33, 444; Austin- 347 184 guns 41, 129, 137–40, 171–7; gun-carriages 9, 129, 155, Smith: Lord 161, 170, 185, 446 Barratt (W.) and Co. 202 Beresford Terrace 380–1, 383, Ills 397, 398 175; torpedoes 142, 177 Australia 112, 177, 179 aBarrett, W. 232 Berkeley Homes 9, 18, 22, 83–4, 135, 143, 155, 158, 171, Armed Science 334, 343, Ill. 337 Autostacker 21, 83–4, 199, Ill. 73 aBarton Willmore Planning Partnership 187, 203 175, 178, 180–1, 183, 185–8 Armouries, The see Royal Arsenal, Building 10 Auto-Stackers Ltd 83–4 Basevi, George 79 Bermondsey 114 aeArmstrong, Col. John 135–6, 145 Avebury, Lord 258 aBassett Smith, Charles Aubrey and William 437 cBernasconi, Francis 331, 423, 425 sArmstrong, William George 173–4, 176, 178 aAveston, A. W. 184 Bata 207 aBernays, Edwin Arthur 107, 109, 111, 367 aArmstrong (Edward) and MacManus (Frederick) 203, 235, baths and wash-houses 23–4, 27, 55, 254, 256–7, 294, 336, Bernstein, Sidney 74, 76 278 bBabcock Support Services 341 338, 344–6 Bertodano Lopez, Baldomero Hyacinth de 393 Armstrong Gun Factory see Royal Arsenal, Building 25 sBaber, James 354 Bathurst, Frances 7 Berwick-upon-Tweed 136, 145 Armstrong Road 186 Back Lane (now Belford Grove, q.v.) 295, 301, 305, 368 Bathway 250, 256, 258 bBessant and Brown Ltd 387 Armstrong Street 178 Back Lane (now Dairy Lane) 373 batteries, gun and mortar 110, 130, 134, 350, 360, 429, 440 Bessemer, Henry 173, 176 Armstrong-Jones, Antony 47 back-to-back houses 29, 33, 51, 72, 126, 220, 439 Battersea 157 aBethell, Frank 28, 214–15 Army and Navy beerhouse 384 Bagley, Matthew 136 bBattley, R. G. 207 Bethell, William 214 Army Medical Centre 362 bBagnold, Col. Arthur Henry 182, 431 Baudouin II, Count of Flanders 2 Bethlehem Baptist Chapel 294 Army Medical Reserve Store 359 aBailey: George 322; T. J. 28, 127, 305 Bayly, Alfred 203 Bethnal Green 316 Army Museums Trust 196 aBaily, Charles 170 Bayswater 246 Betjeman, Sir John 83, 229 Army Ordnance Corps 362 (South African War aBaily Garner 392 eBazalgette: Edward 62; Sir Joseph 62 Beverley, William 207 Memorial), 372 aBaker, Henry 297 Beasley (Charles) Ltd 229 Bevin, Ernest 311 Army Ordnance Department 112, 153 Baker, Rev. Hugh Ryves 298–9, 301, 304 aeBeatson, Col. Roger Stewart 27, 108–9, 146, 154, 159, Bexley 58; Hospital 438 Army Primary Healthcare Service 362 Baker, John 385 166–7, 170, 369, 371 Bexleyheath 240 Army Sanitary Commission 411 abBaker (George) & Son 105 Beaver Housing Society 389, 392 Bharatpur or Bhurtpore gun 343, Ill. 352 Army Service Corps 347, 411 Balency system 322 Beazley, Charles 69 eBidder, George Parker 21, 60 Army Supply Corps 113 bBalfour Beatty Building 241 aBeazley, Samuel 21, 232, 307 Biddulph, Gen. Sir Robert 389 Arnan Development Co. 231 Ball, Mark 286 aeBeckman, Sir Martin 135 Biddulph House 389 Arnold (G. E.) & Co. 114 bBall and Gammon 119 aBeddington, Nadine 201 Bill Walden House 324 sArrol (Sir William) and Co. 63 Bank Tavern beerhouse 69 Beethoven 7 aBingham, Derek 407 aArrow, James 96, 98 banks 200–3, 205, 221, 229, 237, 241, 275, 277 Belcher, John 264 Bingham, Joseph 229 Arsenal Football Club see Woolwich Arsenal Football Club Baptist chapel, Parson’s Hill 79 Belfast City Hall 259, 264 Binks, Joseph David 251 Arsenal see Royal Arsenal Baptist Housing Association 407 Belford, Gen. William 145, 342 Binnie, Alexander 66 Arsenal Station see Woolwich Arsenal Station Baptist Tabernacle 79, 81, 84, 413, Ill. 71 Belford Grove 295, 305, 368, 387 sBinns, Thomas 344 Arsenal Way 175, 179 Barclays Bank 221, 240 cBell, John 335, 343 sBird (Frederick) & Co. 347 Arsenale, Venice 148 Bardsley, Rev. Cuthbert 47 Bell Inn 51 Birmingham 83, 323 Arthur, Prince (Duke of Connaught and Strathearn) 240, Barefoot, William 25, 231 Bell Water Gate 5, 37–8, 41, 49, 51, 56, 59, 64, 67, 87, Biro, Tibor 283 264, 347, 383, 431 Barker, John 51, 144, 190, 228, Ills 8, 176 Ills 42–4 Birts, Thomas Pacey 205, 234 Artillery College 372 Barlow, John 57 Bellarmine ware 41 Birts & Son 205, 234, 243 Artillery Hotel 373 Barlow, Prof. Peter 367, 374, 426 Belle Vue, Woolwich Common 435 Bishop of London’s Fund 298 Artillery House, Connaught Mews 346 eBarlow, Peter William 21, 232, 307, 367 Bellevue House, Woodhill 305, 377–8, Ill. 393 Bishop: F. 228; G. 203; George 264 Artillery Place 19, 36, 332, 341, 361, 367, 386–7 Barnard, Samuel 80 Belmont Laundry 438 Black Eagle p.h. 282–3 Artizans and General Properties Ltd 82 Barnard Close (formerly Eleanor Road and part Castile Belmont Place 437–8, Ill.
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