Czernowitz*–*Cernăuţi*/*Černivci* Czernowitz/Cernăuţi. From*the*train* sta8on,*the*tram* took*you*up*to* Ringplatz*/*Piaţa* Unirii.* Synagogengasse*–*Strada*Wilson*was*one* Synagogengasse)*)Strada)Wilson)*)Vulycja)Henri)Barbusse´a.) of*the*oldest*streets,*almost*en8rely*Jewish.* (West)section) Inhabitants/owners)in)1936)and)1940.)Street)numbers)from)1911. At a fre in 1863 all buildings except the Great Synagoge Regular: Inhabitants in 1936. 1936:*400*names*men8oned,*among*them* Street numbers in 1911- probably also 1940, were burnt down and replaced by new buildings. Bold: Owners at nationalization in 1940. and today (in parenthesis) (J) Persons mentioned as Jewish in 1940. 5 (1) Lloyd Sabaudo travekl agency, Kuer & Racler m. : merchant. 66*tailors*and*54*merchants.* wine store. Osias Kunitza, architect; Blime Kuzman, tailoress; Chaie Panzer, m.; Leib Schapira, artist. 7 (3) David Alt, tailor; Samuel Buchalter, carpenter; Samuel Ciubate, editor; Regina Launer, clerk; Simnon Leibovici, clerk; Leisner Mirocinic, tailor; Moisei Rjavenschi, salesman; David Scheer, grocer; Iacov 9 (5) Here*lived*Wolf*Men/ Weissmann, musician. 1 Iacob Brender, m. 9 (5) 3 Meier Hochmann, tinsmith. del,*Mordko*Schiber* 11 (7) Eugenie Baltinester, house-owner; Gerson Löbel, stud.; Abraham Löbl, grocer; Schendel Reis, 13 (9) Berta (m.) & Susana (modist) Colb; Vilhelm tailoress; Feige Reisch, tailoress. Felder, engineer; Bianca Hausknecht, stud.; Francis (rabbi),*Haim*Feld/ Preisner, mechanic; Ignati Ruf, tailor. 2 (2) Carol Brunwasser, barber; Carl Catz, tailor; Moritz 15 (9) Menase Cramer, tailor; Iosef Scherer, hairdresser; Czeikel, clerk; Maier Laster, baker; Leib Stein, stud. Simon Schwarz, shoemaker; Friedrich Svart, shopkeeper. man,*Aba*Krell*and* Springbrunnengasse 1: Sloime Alter, m.; Isac Eckstein, 17 (11) Elias Leib Eckhaus, cabman; Ethiel Gurman, landlord; Abraham Eiferman, m.; Chaim (m.), David (m.), stud.; Moses leib Kupferschmidt, mechanic; Leizer Martin (lawyer) & Moritz (m.) Einhorn; Noe Fischler, Walter, belt maker; Pincas Weissmann, hairdresser. Friedrich*Schwab.* salesman; Aron Ganulin, m.; Feiwel Goldberg, soap- wort; Chaina Goldenberg, nurse; Carl Ivanier, tailor; 19 (13) Dora Feuer, merchant (J); Natan Feuer, m.; Iosif Towstein, cantor. Israel Holder, m.; Abraham Schleimer, teacher; Moses 4 (4) Moses Landmann, clerk. Sigris, painter. 6 (6) Safra Ivriah Hebrew School. Paul Celan studied 21 (15-17) Wall text: “Isak Eisikowicz Pictor de frme; there. Aron Moise Davidivici, tailor; Salomon Halpern, Fondat 1910”, Isac Eisikowicz, painter; tailor; Haim Katz, m.; Frieda Meilich, tailoress; Israel 23 (17) Sigmund Grill, baker; Clara Sendel & Pepi Hamel, Mück, clerk; Selig Ruf, shoemaker; Avram Hersch both tailoresses; Elias Luttinger, teacher; Herman Suker, carpenter; Max Wolf, baker. Schätzberg, confectioner. 25 (19) Isac Volf Geiger; shop clerk; Clara Goldner, tailoress; Iosef Grawier, tailor Selig Schvartberg, tailor. 8 (8) Viktor Sperber, merchant (J); Hersch Balsam, 27 (21) Ioan Ciutac, shop clerk; Mendel Gottfrid, tailor; Here*lived*the*sign* shopkeeper; Samuel Ebechardt, m.; Moritz Eisenkraft, Matilde Levciuc, clerk; Maier Souhn, architect; Israel m.; Samuel Feller, m.; Benzion Fischgold, tailor; Iosif Töpper, watchmaker. (m.), Lulius (locksmith) & Simon (m.) Gaber; Mendel 29 (23) Itzig Binder, shopkeeper; Feibisch Goldhirsch, painter*Isak* Ianchilovici, shop clerk; Moses Kirmayer, salesman; clerk; Simon Picher, hairdresser; Herman Picker, shoe- Fisel Miniakowsky-Bary, barber; Sloime Hersch Naiberg- maker; Berl Nissen Schnapp, tailor; Hersch Teitler, er, carpenter; Sima Schäfer, butcher; Norbert Scher, butcher. locksmith; Aron Schieber, salesman, Salomon Schwefel, 31 (23) Chewra-Tehilim synagogue, Constantin Costine- Eisikowicz*both*in* m.; Carl (tailor) & Sindel (barber) Stern; Susana Teller, scu, sub-leutenant; Emmerich Kiss, m.; Lein Kreisel, teacher; Haniu Hersch Thau, butcher. baker. 1914*and*1936.** 10 (10) Viktor Sperber, merchant (J; Today there is 33 (25); Building demolished around 2000; Leiser Fren- no building. Han Cacicluj, shoemaker; Nazarie del, butcher; Simon Fuchs, shoemaker; Isac Gasner, Dmetriuc, butcher; Mihai Dumitrasciuc, baker; Burech shoemaker; Samuel Hüttler, tailor; Mordco Kreiter, m.; Mehlman, tailor; Gheorghe Nesciuc, baker; Hane Raspel, Marcus Lindenbaum, m.; Pincas Mitelman, carpenter; tailoress; Abraham Todres, m.; Armin Zeilig, butcher. Neger f. Spieler, tailor; Ferdinand Schaul, barber; Maier (Locksmith) & Moses (tinsmith) Schüll; Calman Seiler, 12 (10) Today there is a new building. Osias Bendit, locksmith; Oiser Svart, Jewish teacher; Foga Svarz, teach- butcher; Abraham Fischer, shopkeeper; Fisel Frei- er; Constantin Tarko, locksmith; Moses warmbrand, berg; furrier; Chaim Geller, painter; Ester Raspel, tinsmith; Ernst Windisch, electrotechnician. tailoress; Cili Schweiger, modist. 35 (29) Former Jewish Hospital, built in 1852. Constantin Popescu, colonel. 14-14a (12), Moischla Heschler, merchant (J); Wolf 37 (27) Stefania Paly, tailoress; Copel Sternberg, baker. Rosenzwich, merchant (J); Toader Bohateret, fre- man; Ghiarson Fang, shopkeeper; Carol Goldstein, 39 (27) Alter Wasser, tailor. Safra*Uvriah*Hebrew* tram conductor; Mosco Golub, shoemaker; Iosef Greif, 41 (31) The Great Synagogue from 1853; Srul Bauman, shop clerk; Marcus Hechler, butcher; Moses Hener, shoe- car-penter; Isak becker, shoemaker; Artur Birnbaum, con- maker; Abraham Herrman, barber; Efroim Löbel- fectioner; Srul Blattstein, m.; Abraham Chanes, teacher; Malamet, hairdresser; Israel Mühlstein, locksmith; David Cheit, miller; Abraham Drozdic, m.; Herman Drumer, school.*Paul*Celan* Wolf David Rosenzweig, shoemaker. clerk; Max Englard, tailor; Moses Essner, m.; Baruch Gal- periu, clerk; Abram Grinberg, teacher; Ghiladli Gurman, 16 (14) Ida Goldenberg, merchant (J); Bernhard 18 (16) Isac Aspitz, m.; cantor; Herman Hammermann, locksmith; Heinric Hiber, Fischmann,. baker; Pinkas Fleischer, butcher; Mesulem Rapaport, baker; Leon Klein, shoemaker; Benzion Koifmann, m.; Sure studied*here.*Here* Isac Glaubach, tinsmith; Iosif Glückstern, clerk; shop clerk. Kronenfeld, teacher; Artur Laub, electro-installer; Haim Mendel Abraham Halpern, distiller; Chaim Leib Lerner, carpenter; Menase Schapira, teacher; Abraham (m.) Laczer, clerk; Gherson Maneler, locksmith; Eisig & Michael (temple teacher) Szapuszuyk; Sächner, cabman; Moritz Sandler, barber; Iulius Hersch Tirulnic, m.; Majer Wartschi, m.; Ghers Zilberman, lived*Salomon* Schreiber, “drogist”; Smil Leib Schuster, m.; bookkeeper. Oiser Skilnik, m.; Mariem Walzer, tailoress. 43- 45 (33) Older buildings replaced by an newer one. Halpern,*Haim*Katz,* Former Jewish retirement homes. Old sign on the wall, difcult to read at the photo. 43: Baruch Schaul, clerk. Selig*Ruff,*Max*Wolf* 45: Volf Feuerberg, tailor; Iacob Gottlieb, Jewish teacher; David Samuel Hochstät, m.; David (salesman), Isac (stud.) 47 (35) Kupe Gross (J), house belonging to a bank; Max Moses Leib (carpenter) & Vilhelm (locksmith) Katz; Avram South North Dermer, grocer; Natan Gingold, m.; Moses Herling, m.; Länder, carpenter; Beris Langer, hairdresser; Marton and*others.* Iacob Holdenberg, waiter; Carol Moravschi, clerk; Iosif Rubinstein, tailor; Herman Ruf-Kremnitz, cabman; Nowotin, butcher; Iosif Sanbdler, m.; David Wiegler, tailor. Saie Stern, tailor; Ioana Mendel Wolf, tailor. Synagogengasse*–*the*Old* Main*Synagogue,*the* Chewra/Tehilim*synagogue,* Machsike*Sabath*charity* ortganisa8on,*Jewish* hospital.*Pink*house:* Constan8n*Cos8nescu,* Emmerich*Kiss,*Leon*Kreisel.* 1914:*Rachel*Sikofand,*grocer.* 1936:*Iuda*Goldenberg.** Alter*Markt*–*Theodor*Herzl/Platz* Prayer*house*of*Sadagora*rabbi* Metropolitan*residence* Greek*OrthodoX*Cathedral* OrtodoX*Paraskiva*church* Old*Moldovan* Greek/Catholic*Peter/* Nicolae*church* Paul*church* Lutheran*church* Jewish*Temple* Romanian* Roman*Catholic* Roman*Catholic* Armenian*church,*designed* Nicolae*church* Holy*Cross*church* Jesus*church* by*Josef*Hlavka* Jewish*”Maccabi”*sport*field.* Polish*house*with*cinema** ”Modern”.** Romanian*house*from*1937* Jewish*house.* Pis8ner’s*grave.* German*house.* Garden*café*of*German*house.** The*Na8onal*Houses*were*well*known*–*and*in*fact*open*to*all* Ukrainian*(Ruthenian)*house.* ethnic*groups.*There*were*plays,*cinemas,*music,*mee8ngs**and* Site*of*Yiddish*congress*1908.* other*performances.* Strada*Regina*Maria* Former*Enzenberg*Hauptstraße* Czernowitz* in*1911** It*was*a*main*shopping*street* Enzenberg Hauptstrasse - Strada Regele Ferdinand - Holovna vulycja (part), northern part. Inhabitants at the Soviet nationalisation in 1940. Street numbers without parenthesis are from before World War II. Present street numbers are in parenthesis. (J) indicates that the person was regis- trered as a Jew in 1940. (51 Izabela Fabust. Zalermayer (J) (?)) 41 (new building, other address) Kiselger, fabricant (J) Here was a one-storey building with small shops. 52 (1) Israel Falik, vendor (J) 39 (2) Schultz Schato, bank bookkeeper (J) Isidor Schwarz, bank bookkeeper (J) 39 (4) Ziklertaube (J) 37 (6) Olach Rosenbaum, vendor (J) 50 (3) Simon Peswer, vendor (J) 48 (5) Eigmund Lew, fabricant (J) 35 (8) Anna Moses. Schemel, house owner (J) Noa Lehr, fabricant (J) 46 (7) Eigmund Lew, fabricant (J) Noa Lehr, fabricant (J) 33 (10) I. Blum. Jak. Jankel, house owner (J); 44 (9) Mike Eberhardt, vendor (J) Travel agency “Colombus” 42 (11) Hersch Preser, vendor (J), Salomon Wieselberg, antiquarian (mentioned by 31 Guba Bilkik, Hormuzakigasse 15(12); Hedwig Brenner). 40 (13)
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