
&,& and its peopl*,,, , ./ ; _ ta* ROA (,9tc lr r. ,,10., En:icj l; of) -/ 3 7 e 9.3 2 I oO o 'i.Ruisal aoh $.t ( \ \ .i, t 1't', \i :olo \i, r. ,'./ -,--,--..--,.=,f /.i--,L,- I l*i'i,o'2.iftffifl^ '\,2111,.' I ""'.,.., i',,t/"-/ l-/ """""', '1; ',id'$ .9_". A['ITYA JAO' f,HI eql tuaql qll.4{ lr{8norq pu? .II"H JOJrsrA er{l suolf aq 's,(zp auo8l.q Jo sarrorrreur,(ddzq ^toqaIllos pool{JJg tlrnq oq^\ se.{!EqsurlJ, l"ql alueJaler larnb uleuef 11ecar .,(eu .(aqr reqt 'spuau; pue eqt .,(eqr sE^4. U 'uoltleJJe e sdeq:ad pue 'ssaualorxeJ flJolsrq ssarleler rr3ql qll { sarlrrueJ Ierol of (ay1er1 leo;8 qtu* aldoad 1eco1 ts8uoue ue slolua 1p1s rloa aq] (e1pl aqt punorrns ]Eql parequeuro.r grls .(purz; e 'Lrnluac 1-rodsue-rl uJaporu s.,(epo1 qlII{ ualf, sar,ralsdur,(uruur eql ol sJemsue a{uos qluaotauru aqt Jo JIeq lsrg eql uI 'pua s.\{oqurrr Ieor e 'p1;om eql uro{ pu€ erns"ald eprao,rd III.4\ {ooq (a1p,t pyacesd aqt uo treJJa 1se8w1 ,(z,lle pporrL e se,tr.(11eo-r 1r 'ede:spue1 srqr pedoq sr 1r 'l-rolsrq stl pue (a1p,1 aql p€q .{grueg e.{rcqsurlr3 aq} Jo InJrlneeq Lq papuno"rrng :aqts8ol /og eqt Jo o^ol aurnua8 " aler{ Sunuoc eqt tqnop tnoqtl.4{ q8noqa 3ur1-rorrr pue 8urar1 dltunuruoc oq.^4. sJolrsr^ pu€ sJa>ll€.u esoql Joc 'satuq .(1-ree L-rel uro:g drlsnput uteru Lrlunoc Sur,trrql € qll4r 'aleq 's,0z6l aql o1 setull u"IpreMpT aqt Sureq re]lrzl aqt '8urur:e3 pue tuoraJJrp draa se.lt aJII '.poo,{trrf q8no:ql puu e8e uer-rotcrrl ,(1e,to1 '8ur,(r:enb pepnllul saIlIAIlf€ raqlo Jelzl puu 'aayru-reg Jo sJIoAJeseJ ]uq] o1 '.(rnluao Jer{}ouE ol >lJ€q 'uorsu€ru u"rJo]rr4 B pu" ',(e,trye-r aqt eloJaq 's.{ep auo8Lq asoqt uI {ool oJ da11en /og enbsa:ntcrd reprrtodun8 .(ra,r. e sr pu€ 'se,4\ l€r{,trJo ,ftorslH e 'IIItu ]urcd e 's1,ro.tl 'e;ne lznads l-re,t ilps E sE,lt araql '.Jal€l pu€ .(rnluac E rllpr aceld anbrun 'eurslrer{) eql Jo eulos IIElar pue eroJaq ereq (ager1 V pue sarnlcrd asaql tsel ,{1.rea reqr /o3 raddn u,4,!.o se,r t€q,&t.Jo sa8ed IEJnl"u sll sursler IIIIS q8no:qt uzr aM'.(tntuar slql uI ]€q} 3 aII3q ,{tou plno^{ otlla lde,uspur,n (q papuno::ns {l"q {ool 'srooru I{au roqloue qceordde e,&r str- 'slpq aql ulqlp{ serre}sLu 'sseuJloruJr pa88n.r u,.r4,o I- '3r3rl1 oqM aql ureel o] ra8ea 'sp;emuo srr lq patcetord ',{a11en t,(og eq. l pa^rl puu 'surnJ asaq] Jo surBr-ro aql ,ttou>l a,u.1r 8u4se;4ul eJour qlntu uaryo sI nunlsxp aq! u! paofi-Ltg qu.a a8wlot snuaptnl pun ,fuq ,El ft12?a suaorowod ffqH {o 1r 'aprsfutunoc uado aq] Jo uropaa{ aqr 8ur.(o[ua pue Suqp.tt allr1\\ 'slselsnqlua yo {ur:e Suwror8 u {q spualaem te {Ileleedsa psLofua sr pue '.re1ndod aroul qcnur s-reed luefeJ JeAo ourofeq seq 'erllq aJnsral eJorrr eAeLI a,\{ ]eql ,uou 'trulsrq {r?ad eqt ur 3uq1erl,4 'surm .{ldturs lnq 'satuoq InJrtn€eq .ra8uol ou ale qllqil eas o.4,r. reqt saceld pue 'a:o3aq euo8 pue pe^rl e^€q otl.^{ aldoad aq1 'fuo1srq lszd .rno 1aS.roy llrseo oot llu uEJ JMT 'Golouq:et go e8e urJpollr s'qt ,rl uo!,?/nporlul prosperity ancl security for the faithful cat. The Cat and Fiddle was some distance beirind, aucl clr.tlitrg people of the valley in providing built near the end of the 18th the ninter of 1892 it lvas imp, ,r:ihi. employment. centtlry b;, Mr. J Ryle of to open the front dooq or 3n\ r rf 1l whose rvindolvs seven weeks. No one in those lovely early days, Macclesfield, a rich b:rnker for ice-bouncl were the\. could have possibly foreseen that it son became the Bishop of completely would all come to an end, with the Liverpooi. Mr. RyIe or'vnecl the Irr lact. rr'hert the tIoot rvas oper]rii moors at that on rvl-rich the inn constmction of Fernilee resen'oir time it r,,r'as only r,vith the aicl of an a\e after 1930. rvas built. When out shooting on the and pick. h.r the winter of 1880 a moors, a friend of Mr. Ryles u,ell knor'vn'packman' (traveller-). For visitors travelling by caq there suggested the newly erected inn are two main routes into the Goyt was lost in a snowstornl near the should be called "Kit Cat" after the "Cat arrd Fiddlc". 'I}amping alorrg Valley. The most popular one n-hich once famons "Kit Cat CIub" of reaches car the with his bag of srnallwares oler his all the parks in which he was a mernber. Or he valley is the A5004, the Lorrg Hill shoulcler, he became snorvblind and addecl, "as the place is high enough road between Buxton and !\rhaley altrost insensible. Still he marchecl for a cou' to.jump over the moon, Bridse. on thinking he rvas walking in a rvhy not call it the Cat :rnd Fiddle?" straight line, nhen in reality he u,as second the The main route into going in a circle. H:l,ing becorne valley is via the Cat and Fiddle road, perf-ectlv blincl, fiozen and the A537 between Macclesfield and speechless, he nas disccivered by a Buxton. Nowadays, owners of motor shcpht'r'd a[ter being t\^('nl\ six vehicles must leave cars etc in their hours on foot, rvith his circular the car parks provided. here. trzrck troclden qriite harcl. He 'rvas This is becanse of the very necessary taken to the "Cat ancl Fidclle", ancl ol]e wav s).stem now emploved due though he recovered, it was long to the very narrou,' roacl, u,inding its after before he rcgairred the use of \^a) throrrgh the rnorrntainorrs I'ris arms. The inn has alrvays been zr hillside, into the valley. rvelcome refirge, as I am sure many The Cat anci Fiddle inn is a lesend modern day rvalkers r,l''ill testifv. On itself, standins a{ 1,690 feet abovc calm Spring and Summer davs. 'The Cat tmd Fiddl.e Inn, the second highest in sea level one the wildest there is a woncierful panorarna to in of En,gland at 1,690 ;t'eet. The Ttuetnttn .farnill remote parts of the Pe:,rk l)istrict, stand'near lhe doonttny set: up hele. One of the ivilrlest the second highest pr-rblic hor.rse in views in England, ser,eral connties Ensland. In the winter time thc \{eather up can bc seen stretching onto the clim horizon. It is saicl that tire \\'elsh There has always been a difference here can be very severe indeed. and mounftrins ancl Snorvdon can be of opinion as to the origins of the over the years there have becn seen on clear days. Cat and Fiddle name, but the truth st'rt'ral tcrrible reporls. is, no one really knows. One is that About the year 1879 a terrible wind From these l'reights is found the it came from La Chatte Fidele, an carried the roof of the inn source of the Rir,cr Goyt, near old inn in Devon in memory of a completely away onto the moor Whetstone Riclge, which many THE G,OY'I \'ALLEY Af,T'IVA JAO' SHJ '049I punorE 1€ duEdtuol I€Aourar 'I68I pue plo Jarpo aerql lsesl lE aJe,{r aJaql sprollfrd er{t Jo uets 3r{t 'pro}lfrd 1pg1 srea,( aqt uee.4\teq 'ool eraq ,(a1pn /o3 sql Jo uels orlt sprenol wruoqJ ,(q paryom 1s-rrg d:olsrq Surag rq8uleaq.^4. pu€ uoseru euols pl?oJ plo aq] u,{\op elrur B lsoru[v Surleurcseg e seq 'peo; aqt eprs € s€,r\ 's-rea.( Jo areqJ &ua-nu ueql eroru 'puo.(eq pue alrsoddo aq] uo l:"runb q8nolost,(o3 roJ 'Uel uol3urqcre141 qleqr?zrlg 068I reue uerplrr{f e rJ -roq qll^^ uur reu€ asnoH ssotr ot ulrl aql '896I uI l aqt tdal ueluenra q}aqezrlg 'parp ruor; rrmop Sur.totu urer11 uqof puz JIoArsSer poo,rl.ilg erD roJ pepoou qdasof pueqsnq req reqry 's:ea,{ go 'ssotrX te spr€M aqt 'srze.( aqt se,tr .(s11e.r. aqt ueq,&\ ereq tlrnqer t{og requnu poo8 r roJ uur eql p€q oq,\4, JeAo serlrurq .(q perdncco se,&r pue 'a8pug u,(o3 go tapr?q aq] IeJeAas .(11ue3 u€uren{ eq} pue talce;zqc ged era,4r surr€J o,4l1 rettl aq; 'Surppnq ;o eruo sB^,!.'a8ppq anbsa:ntcrd e Surqleuros eq ot pr€s s€,4{ 'a8pr-rg -ra8ue6 aqr Lq ;o aptll srql esrorl{red aq} {rud IEad ^reu oq.41. 'llrr3lto3 seuroqJ 'IggI {uoJJ ol eurol e.4,r. os Jo alru E JauB pardnoeo Mou sr rureC sso1,{ .sllog lnoq" 'IE8I uI {r"q ure A uaps-retr41 uqof ueq,u xaou Suruedaap '3dog re.r.ry Jo atrs aqJ 'tured sso141 n(og pue 'puel sJrfs erp Jo s,\aarl aurl€r ,{1sao1 alrnb qlr,r,r II?H ssolN 'uarplrqf ue^es raq qtl^\ Jo 'peo-r .8urpuru. .\\oJreu ar{J'aqrJJsep I?BI uI a:aqr 8ur.tr1 sem oq,er. 'uol ,ua; e Suru,tro 'aurrl srql l€ sJeurJeJ o] tlnrgJrp sr tl teqt drauacs -8urqc:e;,n qleqezrlf raIP perul?u osle eJeM ruor{.lt Jo arxos 'poued uro4 sprolpulzl q)ns qlliv\ u,r\ou{ sr lr sE pua ,e8pr:g 'ur-rzg uolSurr{rrel{ s? ol poJJaJaJ slql uur aql ]e arrqs.(q.req, srqt ruo"r; uo 3uqp11 osl€ 'asnol{ ssotr{ 's8ur11e,up alqelou IeJeAes aJan oJaqJ 'ederspuel puupoour '0r,8I lnoqe urorg s8urplnq pue pul?l a.rreqsrurr3 {"alq sql uo eraq q}ruru.r\ pepeeu D sum als '61 pa?n 'uDudtul anluow aqt tq8noq qrnur B Surprao:d 'qrd leoc geurs Isnrres ueq.r uro4 sr l€ql (q papuno-uns eJe,tl.
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