The New Boston October 2001 $4.00 Tea Party O'L() ~ Cli o"'d 00 ~ o Cli "'"u...:r ............ ~1iiiiiIIiiiiiii1iiiiilliiiiiii1llllllliiiiiii ...:rg ~ ~ "'"~ ~ o::J '-- "Liberty is generally born in stormy weather." -,Tocqueville --' October 2001 Inside Liberty Volume 15, Number 10 4 Letters Touche! 7 Reflections We demonstrate the impossibility of evolution, offer advice for $4.99 a minute, note that the sun never sets on the FBI, finger the idiots among us, praise murder at work, and uncover the vast libertarian conspiracy. Features 23 The People vs. The State of Oregon Oregon voters amended their constitution to stop the state from stealing their land. But the state's powerful elite took the case to court. William E. Merritt details this sordid tale of corruption, bribery, and abuse of power. 28 Injustice Compounded Edward Feser shows that today's arguments for reparations look a lot like "the mirage of social justice" exposed by F.A. Hayek a generation ago. 30 An Encounter With Harry up close and personal, Harry Browne's vision of the future of the Libertarian Party isn't a pretty sight. R. W. Bradford reports on a recent encounter. 35 Learning From the 2000 Defeat What helped, what hurt, and what just didn't matter when it comes to the Browne 2000 campaign vote totals? Michael New analyzes the data. 38 Bay State Tea Party Fomenting a tax revolt just got easier. Carla Howell invites you to participate. 42 The Economic Causes of the Civil War Was the Civil War less a battle over slavery and more a battle over dollars? Donald W. Miller Jr. explores America's most destructive war. 45 The DEA Trials Sure, it felt good then, but now you're clean, sober, and wanted for war crimes. Bart Kosko weaves a tale of life after prohibition. Reviews 49 Country Squire in the War Room Clark Stooksbury takes a look at a man totally unsuited for leading a nation at war. 52 The Crimes of Henry Kissinger The best way to judge a man is to see who he wants to put on trial for war crimes. Stephen Berry explains. 55 Practical Libertarianism There's a time for pragmatism in politics. Brian Glazer takes a look at the Cato Institute's latest blueprint for practical reform. 56 Atlas Plugged Timothy Sandefur checks out a new introduction to the works of Ayn Rand, without reading a word. 58 Notes on Contributors The people behind the words. 62 Terra Incognita Why not just stay indoors today? [~=========L=e=====t statists of all sorts is that they believe t=er=====s===============-] just the opposite, that the rules for indi­ viduals are a subset of those for Will the Real Barbara Walters repeatedly for (allegedly) putting her government. Please Shut Up? royal role ahead of her role as a wife, EdwinJ. Pole My heartfelt thanks for printing mother, and grandmother, but when she Hillsboro, Ore. Timothy Sandefur's piece on that great didn't do this, the news-ghouls were all Civil Morality American TV news-show matchup, John over her for not being in London. The James R. Edwards claims (Letters, Stossel vs. Babs the Fossil (Reflections, press screamed that the royals should be September), that"sexual morality [is] August). As a fan of his work, I grit my "with their people," as though Scotland every bit as essential to civilized society teeth at the end of each of Stossel's seg­ was once again a separate country, instead of being just as much a part of as honesty, civility, limited government, ments, mentally preparing myself for the United Kingdom as Buckingham and private property." the oncoming spike in my blood pres­ Palace itself. I've never thought much of Honesty's importance to civilized sure as Barbara Walters shakes her head the British press, and their uncritical . society is incorporated into laws against and burbles out some argument that Diana-worship cemented my dislike for fraud. Civility is the basis for laws was already addressed in the segment them. Their behavior would have made against assault. Limited government is itself, then rolls her eyes and cuts to the Founding Fathers seriously recon­ the basis for the Bill of Rights. Private commercial before Stossel can respond. I sider the whole free-press thing. The property is defended by laws against am thankful that she was not somehow way they covered Diana made the way theft. involved in his "Tampering with the American press sucked up to the Thus by use of analogy the argu­ Nature" special that aired recently. I Kennedys look moderate and reason­ ment presented gives sexual morality a fully expected that at the end, after an able - if Diana had been caught in an public component. Such an analogy intelligent and refreshing look at envi­ orgy at the Hellfire Club, they'd have could then be used as a basis to put sod­ ronmentalism, Walters would pop on spun it to make it look like a harmless omy, birth control, homosexuality, pros­ screen to tell us how not recycling our charity function for raising money for titution, and any other consensual used toilet paper makes baby seals cry. orphaned, land-mine victims. practice that Comstocks don't like on a Throttle her, choke her with Maria Eric Oppen par with fraud, assault, government vio­ Shriver's hair extensions, anything, just Iowa Falls, Iowa lations of the Bill of Rights, and theft. please make her shut up! Charles Kluepfel Martha Stallman The Case for a Double Standard' Bloomfield, N.J. Houston, Tex. While I cannot disagree with Timothy Sandefur (Reflections, The Libertarian Disgrace The Passing of a Media Gold September), I think he misses a critical Thank you for your hard work in the Mine point. Of course I would forcibly effort to uncover the scandal within the Kudos to Stephen Cox for his review restrain a friend from committing sui­ Libertarian Party ("Browne 2000: Where of Shadows ofa Princess (August). He hit cide if, in my judgment, he was acting the Money Went," September). I know the nail on the head with his comments irrationally or out of impulse. I would this has been hard for you. Harry about Saint Diana and her posturing. also be personally responsible for.my Browne was an editor of Liberty and One thing he missed, though, was the actions and my friend would be entitled Harry and R. W. Bradford were per­ cold-blooded, deliberate way the news to compensation for my actions if he sonal friends. I am sure that this story barons of Britain whipped up the mob desired it. Government is a special case. provided more than its share of sadness. against the royal family after Diana's Government is not liable and is not held However, the truth must come out. death, when it was still widely believed accountable. The principles under which Now the party can begin to solve that the paparazzi were responsible for governmentoperates are different than this problem which has festered its cor­ the accident. This particular aspect of those for an individual. Government ruption within party circles for many the whole death-of-Diana thing stuck in actions cannot be evaluated in the same years. No longer is ~t just speculation my throat then, and I've seen no reason way. that something bad was happening to change my opinion since. Love them The issues and morality of individ­ within the Libertarian Party - we now or hate them, the royals deserved to be ual and government action, while not know it is true. Along the way all of us left alone at that time, if only because entirely separate and distinct, are differ­ relearned the lesson of Acton: that they had two children on their hands ent and must be evaluated that way. The power does corrupt! who had just lost a mother they loved. rules of government are a subset of While Chairman Lark and the rest of Queen Elizabeth has been criticized those for individuals. The problem with the LNC would like this scandal to go Liberty (ISSN 0894-1408) is a libertarian and dassicalliberal review ?f thought, culture, and politics, pub­ away, the silence of the arrogant perpe­ lished monthly by the Liberty Foundation, 1018 Water Stree~,. SUite 2~1., Port. Townsend, WA 98368. trators can only mean that there is more Periodicals Postage Paid at Port Townsend, WA 98368, and at additional malhng offices. to it. Mr. Lark and the LNC have a duty POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Liberty, P.O. Box 1181, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Subscriptions are $29.50 for twelve issues. Foreign subscriptions are $34.50 for twelve issues. Manuscripts to pursue this matter, even if it means are welcome, but will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). A court action, if for no other reason than writer's introduction is available: send a request and an SASE. to protect those not involved. Browne, Opinions expressed in Liberty are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Liberty Foundation. Copyright © 2001 Liberty Foundation. All rights reserved. Willis, and their colleagues have deceived us. Their current silence may Personal Responsibility Sets Us Free ichael Cloud Libertarian for u.s. Senate • Massachusetts "Personal Responsibility is the Michael Cloud is a vote for small government. Where would he begin? Price of Liberty," said Michael Cloud in his Nationally Televised End Drug Prohibition and the C-SPAN speech. War on Drugs. End Gun Prohibition and the War on Guns. End Social Why Personal Responsibility? Security and the Bankrupting of Seniors.
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