THE CITY RECORD VOL. LXXIV NUMBER 22344 NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 155 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 8724 of the New York City Charter Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commis- sion for the following positions: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Suruvisoa PATROLMAN, POLICE DEPARTMENT WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR SURFACE LINE OPERATOR 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan, N. Y. 7. WO rth 2-1800 Detailed information regarding applications for above positions may be found Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. on page 5631. Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months, Daily issue, 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina- Entered u Second-Clan Matter, Post Office at New York, N. Y. tions: Master and Special Electrician; Master Plumber; Master Rigger; Motion OTHER CITY RECORD PUBLICATIONS Picture Operator; Portable Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable Order must be accompanied by currency money order, or check drawn to the order of "Supervisor of Tars CITY RzcoID." Checks for $3 or more must be certified. Engineer (steam) ; Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten too capacity) ; Refriger- ating Machine Operator (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger • Stationary Engi- By Mail >YMsil neer, First, Second and Third Grades; Stationary Fireman; Structural Welder; Assessed Valuation of Real Estate New York City Charter and Ad- (106 Sections) Prices Vary. ministrative Code, Amendments Oil Burning Equipment Installation. Building Laws (4 Voles.), Each $1.50 $1.60 to- Canvass of Votes 1.00 1.10 Cumulative to July 1, 1941 $1.00 $1.10 Election Law Decisions, Digest 2.50 2.60 Annual Supplements- License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Applia- Electrical Code .7S .65 1941.1942; 1942-1943 each . 50 .60 tioa Bureau of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 96 Duane Street, Mw Exempt Properties List of 3.00 3.10 Registration of Voters, Lath, A.D .25 .30 hatta% N. Y. 7. Fire Department, §pccificatiotu for Rules and Regulations of New York Tank Trucks, Etc. .35 .40 City Agencies- New York City Charter .50 .59 Cumulative to Nov. 30 1941 2.00 2.10 New York City Charter Index .25 .30 Annual Supplements. Erick 1.00 1.10 repaired, 8; basins relieved, 49; manholes Appointed-Temporary Oilers at $8.72 a TABLE OF CONTENTS cleaned, 94; manholes flushed, 312; man- day : Milton R. Ericson and Anthony J. holes repaired, 3. Siebert, Nov. 30; Howard K. Horsford Laboring Force Employed-Ward Fore- and Luciano E. Garita, Dec. 1; Edwin G. Assessors, Board of-Notice to Pre- New York City Housing Authority- men, 6 ; Foremen, 25 ; Mechanics, 11; La- Hernandez and Dominick W. Petty, Dec. sent Claims for Damages 5629 Notice to Bidders 5630 borers, 165; trucks, 65; basin cleaning ma- 2. Theodore W. Kulesza and Arthur J. Board Meetings 5628 Proposals 5630 chines, 11; sewer cleaning machines, 3. Speth, Dec. 4; Vincent F. Burke, William Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Issued-Sewer connections, 50, H. Bickerton and Gilbert D. Evelyn, Dec. Bronx, President Borough of The- Permits Buildings, Etc. 5634 $250; private sewers and drains, 2, $1,050; 10; Louis Proudhomme, Dec. 9. Proposals 5629 Official Directory 5627 sewer repairs, 4. Died-Roger W. Farrell, Civil Engineer- Brooklyn, President Borough of- Parks, Department of-Proposals 5629 Topographical Bureau ing Draftsman, Nov. 20. Proposals 5632 Police Department-Owners Wanted Work Done by Office Force-Drafting Promoted-Edward A. Farley, Clerk, to Changes in Departments, Etc. 5627 for Unclaimed Property 5628 and computing final maps and alteration $3,110 per annum, Nov. 1. Clerks to $2,990 City Planning Commission - Notices Public Works, Department of- maps; determining detail grades for City per annum, Nov. 1: Harry E. Ronan and of Public Hearings 5630 Proposals 5630 Departments and private surveyors ; reduc- Joseph L. Rizzo. To Foreman Dockbuilder Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 5630 at $15.80 a day, Dec. 10: William Comptroller, Office of the-Interest on tion of level notes; preparation of profiles J. Noonan Purchase, Department of- preparatory to the making of the final map; and Harry C. Neidlinger. Samuel J. Block, City Bonds and Stock 5629 Acceptable Brands Lists 5630 certifying the established grade for Build- Clerk, to $2,340 per annum, and Charles Education, Board of-Proposals 5629 Proposals 5630 ing Department applications ; examination L6opatin, Clerk, to $2,280 per annum, Dec. Estimate, Board of-Notices of Pub- Queens, President Borough of- of property maps; preparing surveys and 1. lic Hearings-Franchise Matters. 5632 Notice to Bidders 5629 plans for the Corporation Counsel in court Retired-Joseph A. Boylan, Clerk, Oct. 1, Estimate, Board of-Bureau of Real Proposals 5629 cases against the City and testifying in Reassigned-Walter E. Fouuy, Painter Estate-Corporation Sales of Build- Report for Week Ended November court in reference to same; issuing house at $14 a day, Nov. 25. Elmer Haslett, Di- ings and Appurtenances Thereto on 30, 1946 5627 numbers; supplying information relative to rector of Airports at $8,350 per annum, City Real Estate 5630 Regulations Relating to Contracts 5634 the legal status of streets and miscellaneous Dec. 4. Herbert Kolb, Machinist at $3,200 Finance, Department of-Confirmation Sanitation, Department of-Proposals 5629 information of various kinds on City Plan; per annum, Nov. 25. James A. Gribben, of Assessments-Notices to Prop- Supreme Court, First Department- title searches County Clerk's Office, Queens, Clerk at $2,990 per annum, and John L. erty Owners 5629 Notice to File Claims 5633 investigations for the Corporation Counsel Kelly, Clerk at $2,580 per annum, Dec. 1. Supreme Court, Second Department- and reports in connection with the trial of Services Ceased - Temporary Marine Higher Education, Board of-Proposals 5629 Application to Condemn 5633 claims and condemnation proceedings ; de- Stokers at $2,750 per annum, Nov. 29: Hospitals, Department of-Proposals. 5629 Filing Bill of Costs 5634 signing, surveying, computing and drafting Thomas V. Rizzo, Auturo M. Ruiz, Tim- Marine and Aviation, Department of- Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to street arterial highways, parkways, grade othy Hayes and George E. Vinet. Bernard Sale of Privilege 5631 File Objections 5634 crossing eliminations and postwar projects; P. Quinn, Temporary Housepainter at $14 Mayor, Office of the-Notice of Transportation, Board of- necessary clerical and stenographic work. a day, Nov. 18. Louis Proudhomme, Tem- Hearing on Local Laws 5627 Notices of Public Hearings 5629 Damage Maps : Idlewild Airport. Postwar porary Oiler at $8.72 a day, Dec. 9. Municipal Civil Service Commission- Proposals 5629 Projects: 11th ave., Rockaway blvd.; Reinstated-Laurence De Francesco, La- Notice to Applicants 5627 Proposals-Notice to Bidders 5630 Springfield blvd. ; Parsons and Kissena borer at $1,980 per annum, Nov. 25. Har- Notices of Examinations 5631 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 5629 blvds. ; Broad Channel area. old D. Cain, Machinist at $3,200 per an- Notices of License Examinations 5631 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Work Done by Field Force-Monument- num, Dec. 16. Tentative Key Answers 5632 Department of-Proposals 5632 ing : Blackstump ; Midtown hway. Levelling: Salaries Fixed-Airport Assistants at $2,- College Point ; Jackson Heights. Damage 160 per annum, Nov. 16: James F. McMur- Survey: Jamaica. Postwar Projects: Ja- ray and Warren C. J. Grantz. Louis Sass, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR maica. Clerk at $4,610 per annum, and Francis B. ---S Force Employed-Engineer in Charge, 1; Driscoll, Clerk at $2,580 per annum, Nov. Hearing on Local Laws Civil Engineers, 14; Assistant Civil Engi- 1. Milton T. Bishop, Dockmaster at $4,350 neers, 60; Map Letterers, 4; Engineering per annum, Dec. 1. Assistant Civil Engi- PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Illustrative Designer, 1; Civil Engineering neers (Structural), Dec. 1: Albert Bauer that Local Laws numbered and titled as hereinafter specified have been passed by the Draftsmen, 4; Junior Civil Engineers, 21; and Philip Lee. Marine Stokers at $2,850 Council, and that a PUBLIC HEARING on such Local Laws will be held at the Clerks, 4 ; Stenographers, 3 ; Typist, 1; per annum, Dec. 1: Thomas J. Healy, MAYOR'S OFFICE, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF Printer, 1; Photostat Operator, 1; Auto Thomas J. Hynes, Bernard Obertz, Joseph MANHATTAN,NEW YORK CITY, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 3,1947, at 1 P. M., viz.: Engineman, 1; Laborers, 11, J. Regan and James Sullivan, Cornelius A. Int. No. 166, Pr. No, 189-A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the JAMES A. BURKE, President. Joeckel, Assistant Gardener at $2,060 per city of New York in relation to the location of house traps and fresh air inlets in annum, Dec. 1. connection with airtight and vented sumps and receiving tanks. Transferred-John F. Lucas, Oiler at Int. No. 168, Pr. Nos. 191-210-A Local Law to amend the administrative code of Changes in Department, Lie. $8.72 a day, from Department of Public the city of New York to require furring of exterior masonry walls of dwellings when Works and title changed to Marine Oiler plaster or other non-impervious materials are applied. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND at $2,750 per annum. Dec. 1. AVIATION Dated, City Hall, New York, December 24,1946. Appointed-Marine Oilers at $2,750 per d27,j2 WILLIAM O'DWYER, Mayor. annum : Eugene H. McDevitt, Nov. 21; OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Louis P. Brandmeier, Thomas V. Rizzo and M. Ruiz, Nov. 30. Temporary Airport Uile i etherwlse stated City Ofeea are opei install pipe drain, 1. Total, 126. Corpora- From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily; County Offices, President, Borough of Queens Assistants at $2,160 per annum, Nov.
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