--- - 43rd Homer Generally Fair IOWA - GeneraDy fair. not .10 ~rs Hammerin' Hank HIt. AIIotber warm In northwest portion today: 4-Ba&'Cer tomorrow local mowers and .IOme- what cooler. r Story on p&I"e ~ I threaten_ pt out for , I o a i n , N 6 ID • p a p r ~d hYsteria c ranted ""II = VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 274 fn:ns. StY_ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1938 e to light. = checked to trial: "They it to 50 up the Noted Speed Flier, Companion Justice DepartDlent, Brooklyn College Latest (IRed' Aids Plunge to Earth in Flaming I· WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 (AP)- number of legal and expert assist- a stack of documents relatin, to \Earl A. M.rtin and Martin Meyer wherever it ,aina a toot-hold," portion wu much IlIaber amon, Plane After Striking Wires .. The hou e committee on un-Amer- ants and Investigators as the com- radical acllvity in California and described what they aUeged were Fenlon laid. the ImtituUon'. 550 inatructon and lean activi.ties accused lhe justice mittee may from time to time deem elsewhere. "communi tic" activities at Brook- "Belore thi, activity of com- t achen not memben ot the fac- department tonight of refusing to necessary." It included. she said, evidence lyn college which included constant muni m, before flve year. alO. the EAST AURORA, N. Y., Aug. 23 (AP) - Commander ,Ive requested assistance to Its in- Before recessing the hearings that David Sapo~s, an economist of agitation, lhe dl semlnatlon of lit- spirit within the teachin& body car- ulty proper. Frank Hawks and a socialite companion were killed tonight Ilulry and appealed to President here, the committee held a brief the national labor relations board, erature and opposition to the ea- ried no trace of luspicion, wall a "AI tor the .tudenta," he con­ in a flaming plane crash less than a year after Hawks gave Roosevelt to direct the depart- session today at which three pro- had sponsored a radical play pre- tablishment of a unit of the Re- friendly, confldinll spIrit throUllh- tinued, "no one Merna to know up the speed flying which made him famous and took up ment's cooperation. lessors of Brooklyn college, Brook- sen ted in Washington by the serve Officers Training Corps out. Not iO now. The commun- how many are communi.Ia. I have "safety and comfort" flying. In a letter signed by Chairman lyn, N. Y., an Institution supported Brookwood labor college, and that there. Isls have ~n listened to, and, as Dies (D-Tex), the committee cal- by the City of New York, testified Heywood Broun, newspaper col- "Communism has split both stu- aaid, they pride themaelve on the heard &everal dileerning prOlellOTl His companion, J. Hazard Campbell, East Aur'ora social­ led to the president's attention that that communistic agitation was rife umnist, wrote regularly for the dents and teachers, has lIenerated cha"," that have ensued." place the number as nol more than Ite, was fatally injured when the tiny Gwinn aircar they the house resolution authorizing among both faculty and students Mid-West Dally Record, which she a spirit of sUlplcion all about, and He ,aid that of ~ faculty mem- 10 per cent." were flying smashed into II higb tension wire and fell to the the Investigation requested the ex- there. said was a communlst publication. has made authority to luffer keen- bers lome ei&ht to 12 ,upported the He laid the enrollment of the earth in flames. ecutive departments to detail "such In addition, Miss Kerr presented Professors Edward 1. Fenlon, ly, whlch, indeed, is the loal communilt cause, and that the pro- colleae was about 11,000. Horrified farmers in the area pulled the two men from ----------------------------------------------------- their burning craft but Hawks died a few hours later in & Buffalo hospital. The aircar burned to a. mass of twisted World Atvaits Outcome of Horthy's Nazi Visit wreckage. Iowa City's 1st Heat VictiDl A fire extinguisher in the plane exploded adding to the danger to those seeking to aid the two men. ------~---- .-------------------------------------------- • • • • • • • •• "Hawks and hi companion were tak ing off from the Polo field on Richard Reed Roolevelt Hitl Inter-Party Intervention the E. H. Rogers estate," J . M. Gwinn, president of the G win n A.s Destroying U. S. Party Principles Aircar corporation, said. Killed by Heat "Hawks was demonstrating the By WILLIAM B. AJlDEBY craft to CampbeU," he conUnued. Farm Inspection Trip HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aua. 231 portera hil deleat "Wind condition were against (AP) - President Roosevelt as- from lIItervention by republicana Proves Fatal To .erted loday tbat intervention by In the democratic primary. EAST ARORA, N. Y., Au,. 23 76·Year.Old Man member. ot one party in the pri- (AP) - A few econd before mary election of another destroy, Mr. Roosevelt, talldn, with re­ Commander Fronk nawkIJ cra hed Seventy-81X-year-oI4 Richard a fundamental principle of the porten In hi, Hyde Park home, to hi death In an airplane accl­ Reed yesterday afternoon became American party iy&tem. said in re,ponse to questions that ilent tonl,M a rrll'nd pre en led Iowa City's tirst heat victim ot Thepresid nt discUi ed parti- It was a question of simple poll­ him with & four leal clover and a the year as he died on the way cularly the Idaho situation where tical morality that members ot wish for .... Dod luck." to rus farm Ilx mile. louth of Sen. Jamea P. Pope, the admlnis- an opposition party should not Iowa City. trlltion candidate, recently was participate In another party's prl­ them. They had to take ott tile A) thouglt his family tried to defeated for renomination In the mary. lon& way of the field and appar­ dissuade l1im, Mr. Reed ltarted democratic primary by D. Worth Repeatedly, the president em- ently they were up In the air be­ walldni to l1is farm a little alter Clark. phasized that he had no reference fore they saw the wires and it 2 p.m. to inspect a faulty drain­ Pope, who ha been consider- to Individual candldatea in varl­ was too lat to avoid them." age pipe. He livea in an Iowa in, an independent rece for re- OUi tates. Instead, ne nid, he The stubby biplane wlth Its City hotel. election, conferred with the was discus ina principl" of party three landin, wheels and similar­ A neigl1bor found him about pl'esident Sunday. He told re- ,overnment. Ity to an automobile in operation two hours after he died, }yinll was designed for sotety and sim­ beside the road with a handker- plicity in operation. NaJi naval review: AdmInl IIorthy. rtpt u4 Fuehrer mtler chief clutched tlihtly In hi, hand. For the past year. Hawks, 41, Villt of ,A.dII:Ilral Hor."u of Hun. Hls body wa. taken to the Riley had not engaged ext nsively In "'3 funeral ho11)t!. flying, having devoted most of his lrary, regIlD' 01 the ~t Hun· Coun COI'6i Ge ,e Calla- time- the ica-presldency of the ganan throne, to Ktel. Germany, h t hi d th d tor Important conv.raau.olll with an repal ~d s ea was Uf Gwinn AU'car company, a position J'uebrer Adolf Hitler. draw. the eitlter to !'Ieat or to a compliea- to which he was aPPOinted last attention of the worl!!. '!'tte Nazi tion Of heat and heart trouble. 300 Iron Foundry Sept. 28. pre.. balled Horthy'•• tate Villt I There will be no inquest, the STOP ME He was the son of Charles Mol).­ W orkel'8 Cause Two aa preaaamg naw neighborly coroner said. If You've Heard This roe and Ida Mae Hawks. He was friendship. Pomp an<l clrcum- Survivors are his wife; two Halts in Factory graduatf'd Irom Long Beach, cal., stance .urroundlng the \1alt, lUeh IOns, Tom and George of Iowa One, Pal high school and turned to aviation a. an lrnpreaive Nasi naval ,how, City; six daughters, Kathryn of ill 1916. wa. an indication of Hitler'. de- Iowa City, Mary of Chicaao, Mrs. NEWTON, la., Au,. 23 (AP) - NEWARK, N. J., Aua. 23 (AP) Hawks entered lbe United Slates .Ire to bring adjacent Hungary Mar,lIxet Nash of Iowa City, Mrs. Clo unlon oUicial$ toniaht said -William Reilly went tor a walk air service In 1917, during the more completely into the Nul Agnes Hilde of Crookltone, Minn., they "knew nothing of the inci- last nillht, sat on a park bench and World war and served as instruc­ Iphere. Hungary'. tavOI' iI alIo Mrs. Alyce Ambro,e of Chicago BOught by the Little Entente I dent" In which 300 Iron foundry dozed. HAWKS tor until March, 1919. He ranked and Mrs. Florence Mullirlderle He awoke at 8:30 a.m., today to • • • <fI .. as lieutenant commander in the which ••elul to check the incr.. - of St. P.ul, Minn., and five worker. in the Marta, Washing . find a th lef had stolen not only a navy reserve air force. Ing 01 Inftuence Germany on can- grandchildren. Machlna plant stopped work $145 hearin, device he carried, bu t He once entertained hopes of be­ tnl iluro~an a1falr.. Horthy" t vlalt .. thought by lOme to be the Funeral arrangements will be twice oday. hts trousers, shoes and socks. Speed Demon ing the first flier to make a non­ prelUde to extended NaziAcation made this morning. The workers, who finally stop hop to Paris, but when Charles 01 Hungary which occuple. a Itra· stopped work at noon and re- Former Mar halltown A.
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